Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : TQM100.ZIP
Filename : TQM.CFG

Output of file : TQM.CFG contained in archive : TQM100.ZIP
; TQM.CFG - Configuration file for the TQM mail door. ;
; ;
; by Tom Collins (yea, HIM again...) ;
; The MSFA BBS ;
; FidoNet 1:261/1047 ;
; (301) 536-1935 (BBS) ;
; ;
; Some tips: ;
; ;
; 1. Don't use TABs. ;
; 2. Make sure the keywords start at the beginning of the line. ;
; 3. Feel free to use blank lines (they're ignored) as well as ;
; comment lines (beginning with a semicolon). ;
; ;

; SysOp's secret logon passwords
; This is the name that the SysOp uses when
; logging on locally.
SysOpPW=Secret Name

; SysOp security level
; Security level required to see all the files and
; read all of the messages.

; BBS Name
; Just as it should appear in the user's QWK packet
SystemName=Your RBBS-PC

; BBS Location
; Entered as City, State
BBSCity=My City, State

; BBS Phone Number
; Entered as AAA-PPP-SSSS

; BBS ID Code
; This is the base filename that'll be used when creating
; QWK and REP packets, and is 8 characters max.

; FMS Directory Name
; TQM only works with fixed-length FMS directories, never
; with "old-style" directories. It can handle FMS directories
; of unlimited length, and can deal with TOP and NOSORTed
; directories. It can also "chain" to another FMS directory.
; Enter the full path and filename to your FMS directory. If
; you're using "chained" directories, use the name of the
; first directory in the chain here.
; If you're using old-style directories, blank this field, and
; the newfiles scan won't be invoked.

; Bulletin prefix
; This is the drive, directory and base name of your bulletins
; files. Note: include the base name, not just the path.

; Number of bulletins/BULL.FCK name
; If you're using numbered bulletins only, enter a number here,
; and TQM will look for new ones. If you're using a bulletin
; control file to tell RBBS your bulletin names, enter a
; drive, path and filename for that file here. TQM will
; process it just like RBBS.

; News file
; If this file is new to a user, it'll be added to the QWK packet
; in its entirety.

; Welcome file
; This is your main system welcome screen.

; Exit file
; This is your main system logout screen. If you use an EPILOG.DEF
; for logout, create a text file without the questions and enter it
; here.

; Log File
; Enter a path and filename to a TQM log file. TQM will write out
; all kinds of detailed log info here. If you blank this entry,
; TQM won't log anything.
; To make the file node-specific, embed the SmartText command {ND
; (node number) in the filename.

; Protocol definition file
; Enter the name and path to your RBBS PROTO.DEF file here. TQM
; will use it just like RBBS does, with the following exceptions:
; 1. TQM definitely won't execute any questionnaires, and ignores
; that field.
; 2. TQM won't run any macros before the transfer.
; 3. Unlike RBBS, TQM doesn't care whether a protocol requires
; 8-bit, and 7-bit protocols are treated just like 8-bit ones.
; 4. TQM assumes that all protocols are on a different line,
; and will probably just jam together the names of protocols
; that aren't on a separate line. ("separate line" refers to
; when RBBS displays the names of the protocols - all on one
; line, separated by commas, or with each protocol on a
; different line)
; 5. TQM doesn't automatically add "None" to the protocol list -
; you have to specifically include a "don't transfer" entry
; in your PROTO.DEF.
; 6. TQM supports Walter Ames' CBAUD merge, and will correctly
; pass the connect baud rate to a protocol.
; 7. Protocols that are "doored" to by RBBS will be "shelled"
; to by TQM.
; 8. TQM doesn't verify the filename of the protocols, so if it's
; listed, TQM assumes it can be executed (see note 1 below).
; Obviously, TQM is a bit less-forgiving than RBBS in reading the
; PROTO.DEF file. If any of the above restrictions are a heartache
; for anyone, let me know and I'll see what I can do. As it stands,
; the current code should be adequate for 95% of the BBSes.
; Notes:
; 1. TQM supports (in theory, at least!) bidirectional protocols,
; like BiModem. Here's how to set them up: add an entry to
; your PROTO.DEF for BiModem, but in the download template,
; instead of using [FILE] for the filename to send, use [SFILE],
; and tell BiModem you'd like it to receive [RFILE]. After the
; download is complete, if TQM finds a reply in its work
; directory, it simply imports the contents of that file.
; Remember, if you do this though, you'll have to create a TQM-
; specific PROTO.DEF, as RBBS won't be able to use this modified
; 2. There's an additional replacable parameter, called [NOTTQM]
; that may be handy in your protocol strings. It's removed
; by TQM when it executes a protocol, which lets protocols
; which are invoked by batch files do testing to see who
; invoked 'em. If RBBS invoked 'em, there'll be a parameter
; called [NOTTQM], if TQM invoked 'em, that parameter will be
; absent.

; Work directory
; Drive and directory where TQM would put it's files before
; creating the QWK archive. A subdirectory off of this
; directory will actually be used, based on the node number.
; For each node, YOU have to create a directory off of the work
; directory. For example, to run TQM in a two node system, with
; a work directory of C:\TQMWORK, you have to create C:\TQMWORK\1
; and C:\TQMWORK\2. A single node would just require that you
; create C:\TQMWORK\1
; Don't add a backslash to this directory.

; RBBS directory
; This entry tells TQM where RBBS is kept... specifically, where
; the protocols write their XFER-x.DEF file to, and where the
; DORINFOx.DEF and DRSTx.DEF files will be.
; Note: In some RBBS installations, the XFER-x.DEF and DORINFOx.DEF
; files are written to the RBBS directory, but DRSTx.DEF is
; put in a node-specific directory. If this is the case on
; your system, have your TQM batch file copy DRSTx.DEF to
; your RBBS directory.
; Don't add a backslash to this directory.

; File locking
; Enter "None", "DV" or "Share" here to tell TQM what type of
; record locking TQM will do.
; Note: If you enter "Share" here, and haven't run SHARE.EXE,
; TQM will lock up really tight.

; SmartText
; TQM will interpret a subset of RBBS' SmartText commands when
; displaying menus, help and other text files to the user. In
; addition, TQM will replace these same SmartText commands
; in the bulletins, welcome, news and exit files before passing
; 'em on to the user. The following are supported:
; {C0 through {C4 - Colors
; {FN and {LN - User's first and last name
; {SL - Security level
; {DT and {TM - Date and time
; {FS and {LS - SysOp's first and last name
; {ND - Node number
; {NS and {PB - Nonstop and page break
; {CS - Clear screen (reset line counter)
; {TR - Time remaining
; {VY and {VN - Overlay on and off
; So... what doesn't work?
; {TE, {TL, {RP, {RR, {DD, {BD, {DB, {UB, {DL, {UL,
; {FI, {TY, {TN, {BN and {CT
; In addition, there are several TQM-only SmartText commands:
; {C5 - Turns on graphic emphasis.
; {BI - The string "On " or "Off" depending on when bulletins
; are included in the output file.
; {NI - Same as {BI, but for the NEWS file.
; {FI - Same as {BI, but for new files.
; {LD - The user's last-on date (used to compute whether the
; bulletin and news files are new) as MM-DD-YY
; {FD - Date the user last listed a directory (used to find new
; files) as MM-DD-YY
; {PL - Currently selected protocol letter.
; {OF - Output format ("QWK " or "Text" )
; {AT - Archiver type ("ARC", "ZIP" ,"LZH" or "ARJ")
; If a SmartText command is supported, it's replaced. If it's
; not supported, it'll just be stripped from the file.
; If anyone would like to see any of the nonsupported commands
; added, let me know.
; At any rate, to interpret SmartText colors, you have to tell
; TQM which one's you've set up. In the below cases, use the
; string "ESC" (without the quotes, but in upper case) to represent
; the escape character (some editors can't deal with actual escape
; characters in ASCII files.) Also, specify the RBBS "turn on
; emphasis" color here.

; Command Prompt
; TQM lets you configure a lot of things. Here's one that'll
; appeal to the "artists" out there. Enter the prompt that
; TQM will display to go with the main menu here. You can
; embed SmartText in this prompt, or have it look just like your
; RBBS prompt.
;TQMPrompt=Enter a TQM Command
TQMPrompt={C1TQM {C2Command {C4{C0

; Allow Logoff in Door
; This tells TQM whether or not to let users log off within
; the door using the G)oodbye or !) DL and Log Off commands.
; Logging off within the door causes RBBS to recycle more
; slowly after returning from the door, and so may not be
; desirable for some systems.
; This option, if not specified, defaults to "Yes".
; If you set this to "No", be sure and remove the options from
; the menus and command prompt.

; Archiver commands
; This specifies a "template" for creating and extracting the
; QWK archives for the user. The format is:
; Archiver=String,Create,Extract
; There must be three fields per line, separated by commas. The
; strings are:
; Archiver - Must be ARC, ZIP, LZH or ARJ
; String - Prompt string for this type of archiver. Displayed
; to the user when prompted to select an archiver.
; Create - "Template" for creating an archive. This is a string,
; very similar to the download and upload templates used
; in your PROTO.DEF file, that tells TQM how to create
; a certain type of archive. You can (and usually have
; to!) embed control words in the string to specify the
; replaceable parameters. TQM supports the same control
; words that RBBS uses in the protocol strings, i.e.
; [FILE], [BAUD], [PARITY], [PORT], [PORT#] and [PROTO],
; with the following difference: [FILE] refers to the
; full name and path of the QWK or REP file to be
; created or extracted. In addition, TQM supports one
; additional control word, [WDIR], which is replaced by
; the name of the work directory where the files to be
; archived from, or extracted to. [WDIR] doesn't
; contain a trailing backslash.
; Extract - Same as "Create," but for extracting files.
; Some notes:
; 1. To remove an archiver from the list, just delete that line
; from this file.
; 2. There's no good reason to change the defaults, unless you
; need to specify a path to the archivers.
; 3. When a REP packet is uploaded, TQM figures out whether it's
; an ARC, ZIP, LZH or ARJ archive and calls the appropriate
; unarchiver.
LZH={C0L)HARC (LHA v2.11) ,LHA m -m [FILE] [WDIR]\*.* ,LHA e [FILE] [WDIR]\
ARJ={C0J) ARJ (ARJ v2.20) ,ARJ m -e [FILE] [WDIR]\*.* ,ARJ e [FILE] [WDIR]\

; The conferences
; These are the conferences that the user's will be able to
; take a shot at. The format is:
; #,Messages,Users,Read Sec,Write Sec,Join Sec
; There must be a conference zero, and this must be your MAIN
; message base and logon user file. If this isn't true, TQM
; will heave its guts.
; If a user is above the read security, he'll be able to see the
; conference and download messages. If he's above the write
; security, he'll be able to upload into those conferences. If
; he's above the join security, he'll be added to the conference
; if he selects it for download.
; Up to 256 conferences can be defined (0 through 255), and you
; can leave "gaps" in the numbering. It's NOT recommended that
; you periodically renumber these, though, unless you enjoy
; giving your users fits.
; # Messages Users Read Write Join
; --- --------------------- --------------------- ---- ----- ----
Conf= 0, C:\RBBS\mainM.DEF, C:\RBBS\mainU.DEF, 5, 5, 5
Conf= 23, C:\RBBS\sigM.DEF, C:\RBBS\sigU.DEF, 5, 5, 5
Conf= 45, C:\RBBS\sysopM.DEF, C:\RBBS\sysopU.DEF, 10, 10, 10
Conf=109, C:\RBBS\adultM.DEF, C:\RBBS\adultU.DEF, 5, 5, 10

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : TQM100.ZIP
Filename : TQM.CFG

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: