Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : TONSMOD.ZIP
Filename : KIDD003.MOD

Output of file : KIDD003.MOD contained in archive : TONSMOD.ZIP
KIDD003.MOD - Mulitiple Feedback
Kidd #13 @8318
Sun Jul 19 18:05:14 1992

MOD Name - KIDD003
Author - Kidd
Date - 7/18/92
Version - WWIV v4.21

Explanation - I run a board with another SysOp, and many CoSysOps. I
often here people say they want to send feeback to me. But
the way WWIV is set up. It automatically E-Mails #1. Well
this MOD fixs that. It changes the feedback to ask to the
user which SysOp or Co he would like to send feedback to.
This also changes the routine in request chat.

Disclaimer - I'm not responsible. Use it as your own risk!


Legend -

== existing code
++ add code
-- delete code


Step One - Backup source code. If you really need to. Your choice.

Step Two - Load up BBS.C and search for -> case 'F' <-
Follow the directions on the left margin!. . .

== case 'F':
++ nl();
++ pl("2What's the problem now6!!!?");
== strcpy(irt,"Feedback");
== irt_name[0]=0;
++ nl();
++ prt(2,"1<2B1>2 - Bart\r\n");
++ prt(2,"1<2K1>2 - K6idd\r\n");
++ prt(2,"1<2Q1>2 - Quit\r\n");
++ nl();
++ prt(2,"Who would you like to leave feedback to 1<2B,K,Q1>2? ");
++ ch=onek("BKQ");
++ switch(ch) {
++ case 'B':
++ imail(1,0);
++ break;
++ case 'K':
++ imail(2,0);
++ break;
++ case 'Q':
++ break;
++ }
== break;

/*I have this set up for the case letter to be the first letter of the
SysOps name. IE. "B for Bart, K for Kidd". You can change it to any
letter or number you'd like. Say your CoSysOp is user number 48. And
you want to add him to the list. You make a case for him and in place
of x Ä> imail(x,0) <Ä. put their user number*/

Step Three - Save BBS.C.

Step Four - Load up BBSUTL.C and search for Ä> void reqchat() <Ä and
follow the directions on the left margin!. . .

== void reqchat()
== {
== int ok;
== char s[81];
++ unsigned char ch;

Step Five - In BBSUTL.C search for Ä> strcpy(irt,"Tried chatting."); <Ä
and follow the directions on the left margin!. . .

== strcpy(irt,"Tried chatting.");
== irt_name[0]=0;
++ nl();
++ prt(2,"1<2B1>2 - Bart\r\n");
++ prt(2,"1<2K1>2 - K6idd\r\n");
++ prt(2,"1<2Q1>2 - Quit\r\n");
++ nl();
++ prt(2,"What would you like to do 1<2B,K,Q1>2? ");
++ ch=onek("BKQ");
++ switch(ch) {
++ case 'B':
++ imail(1,0);
++ break;
++ case 'K':
++ imail(2,0);
++ break;
++ case 'Q':
++ break;
++ }
== }

/*I have this set up for the case letter to be the first letter of the
SysOps name. IE. "B for Bart, K for Kidd". You can change it to any
letter or number you'd like. Say your CoSysOp is user number 48. And
you want to add him to the list. You make a case for him and in place
of x Ä> imail(x,0) <Ä. put their user number*/

Step Six - Save BBSUTL.C and compile!


This is a product from the Trixter BBS brought to you by the Kidd! If you
find anything wrong, or anything that could be written better just post on
the net!

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : TONSMOD.ZIP
Filename : KIDD003.MOD

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: