Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : TONSMOD.ZIP
Filename : HMJ001C.MOD

Output of file : HMJ001C.MOD contained in archive : TONSMOD.ZIP
Hackmaster 'J' #1 @6101
Sat Aug 15 08:31:43 1992
2[7bMESSAGE STATUS2]0p No Reply Neccessary0
³ Mod Name: Super Color Mod V1.3 Mod Author: Hackmaster 'J' 1@6101 ³
³ ³
³ Difficulty: Easy Date : 15AUG92 ³
³ ³
³ WWIV Version: 4.21A Filename : SCMV13.MOD (or .ZIP) ³
³ ³
³ Description: To add the basic colors to WWIV without disturbing the 0-7 ³
³ colors. What it does is add CTRL-P B-P for the extra color in³
³ addition to the normal CTRL-P 0-7. ³
07SEP91: SCM Mod V1.2 Revised code for WWIV 4.20 to take into account
extra parameters in the makeansi function
16AUG91: Super Color Mod V1.1 release to the public
15AUG92: rRevised code slighly and release new copy for WWIV 4.21A

Disclaimer: This may not be the best code I claim to be no master of C but
it works on my machine. Any suggestions are appreciated I can
be reached at 1@6101 WWIVnet
---- Hackmaster 'J'

On with the mod....

Legend = is an orginal line
+ is an added or changed line

Make the following changes in COM.C
Modify void outchr as follows...

=void outchr(char c)
=/* This function outputs one character to the screen, and if output to the
= * com port is enabled, the character is output there too. ANSI graphics
= * are also trapped here, and the ansi function is called to execute the
= * ANSI codes
= */
= int i, i1;
= if (change_color) {
= change_color = 0;
= if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '7'))
= ansic(c - '0');
if ((c >= 'b') && (c <= 'p')) /* MOD SCM add this line */
ansic((c - 'a')+10); /* MOD SCM add this line */
= return;
= }
= if (c == 3) {
Futhur down still in COM.C replace void ansic with this one....

/* MOD SCM */
void ansic(int n)
char c;

if ((n>=0) && (n<8)) {
c = ((thisuser.sysstatus & sysstatus_color) ? thisuser.colors[n] :
if (c == curatr)
makeansi((thisuser.sysstatus & sysstatus_color) ? thisuser.colors[0] :
thisuser.bwcolors[0],endofline, 0);
if ((n>9) && (n<26)) {
n = n - 10;
c = ((thisuser.sysstatus & sysstatus_color) ? n : n );
if (c == curatr)
makeansi((thisuser.sysstatus & sysstatus_color) ? n : n,endofline, 0);
Make the following changes in BBSUTL.C
Modify function void inli as follows

=void inli(char *s, char *rollover, int maxlen, int crend)
= case 16: /* Ctrl-P */
= if (cp = ch=getkey();
= if ((ch>='0') && (ch<='7')) {
= s[cp++]=3;
= s[cp++]=ch;
= ansic(ch-'0');
= }
if ((ch>='b') && (ch<='p')) { /* MOD SCM add this line */
s[cp++]=3; /* MOD SCM add this line */
s[cp++]=ch; /* MOD SCM add this line */
ansic((ch-'a')+10); /* MOD SCM add this line */
} /* MOD SCM add this line */
= }
= break;
= case 9: /* Tab */
Make the following changes in MSGBASE.C
add this funtion void scm before funtion void inmsg

void scm()
pl("0Ctrl-P 000 Ctrl-P 110 Ctrl-P 220 Ctrl-P 330 Ctrl-P 440 Ctrl-P 550 Ctrl-P 660 Ctrl-P 77");
pl("0Ctrl-P bb0 Ctrl-P cc0 Ctrl-P dd0 Ctrl-P ee0 Ctrl-P ff0 Ctrl-P gg0 Ctrl-P hh0 Ctrl-P ii");
pl("0Ctrl-P jj0 Ctrl-P kk0 Ctrl-P ll0 Ctrl-P mm0 Ctrl-P nn0 Ctrl-P oo0 Ctrl-P pp0");

Make the following changes to function void inmsg

=void inmsg(messagerec *m1, char *title, int *anony, int needtitle, char *aux, int fsed)
= if (!fsed) {
= sprintf(s,"Enter message now, max %u lines.",maxli);
= pl(s);
+ pl("Enter '/HELP' for help, or type p'k/CLp'h for becxdteefngdheid jckollmonrh list.");
= strcpy(s,"[---=----=----=----=----=----=----=----]----=----=----=----=----=----=----=----]");
= if (stricmp(s,"/HELP")==0) {
= savel=0;
= printmenu(2);
= }
+ if (stricmp(s,"/CL")==0) {
+ savel=0;
+ scm();
+ }
= if (stricmp(s,"/LI")==0) {

Thats it. You should now have all the available colors by press CTRL-P b-p as
well as still having the original WWIV colors 0-7. Remember before you
compile type MAKE FCNS to add the extra function void scm to FCNS.H.

PS This Mod works great with WWIVEdit V2.3 just put in the line for extra
colors in the definition file b-p,B-P
---- Hackmaster 'J' 1@6101 WWIVnet

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : TONSMOD.ZIP
Filename : HMJ001C.MOD

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: