Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : TONSMOD.ZIP
Filename : HISTORY.DOC

Output of file : HISTORY.DOC contained in archive : TONSMOD.ZIP
USERSTAT history..

After seeing the mod written by Doug Fields, I decided something
similar would be nice to have for all those people that don't
feel comfortable messing with the "guts" of their BBS... So,
this is for you:

The first creation had no version number, much like most of the
things I do. It was to be a quick hack but quickly turned into a
real project.. Therefore...

1.0b - Beta. Tested on my system. Had problems with people
that had no transfer history. It ended up putting them in the
"worst" column. Not good.

1.1b - Beta. Cleaned up the code a bit. Found out what my
mysterious "bottom nine" bug was..Added filter to ignore people
with no transfer activity. Not perfect, but all I can do right
now. Busy, busy, busy.. Computer network errors galore.

1.2b - Beta. 1.1 actually never ran live. Too ugly. Cleaned
up text. hopefully it'll print out over the modem now. (Heaven
forbid) Next? Print Values.. Highlight top user.. Etc. Etc.

1.0 - Release Version. First version distributed. Now prints
values, appears to be bug free. (Yeah. Right)..

1.1 - OUCH.. Major bugs discovered. A) The download K was not
calculated correctly, causing very incorrect results to print.
B) used AND's instead of OR's to determine wheter or not to
continue processing, works fine if you ask for all three
reports, but not if you only ask for one or two.. STUPID. Well,
that's all for stupid bugs. Sorry if you downloaded the earlier program.

1.2 - Added Full color ANSI menus... *.ANS as well as *.TXT's the /A option...

1.3 - Another new / option! /N... Allows the sysop to specify
the number of users to print! Instead of just the top ten, the
user can print the top x, from 1 to 99!... A word of warning.
The program will yell if the /N value is set to over half over
the number of "active" users. ie, those with download activity,
etc. etc. However, the program now will ignore users with no
transfer activity in the Up/Download Report, and the Formula
Report, but will count them in the Post/Logon report. And a
minor 'beauty' change was made on the formula report. The
formula is written incorrectly, one of the x signs should be a +...
Anyways, that's that for this version.

1.4 - Ok. This one never got distributed. I added the "Table"
option ala The Cure (the user, he suggested it). I also cleaned
up the source code a bit more...

2.0 - Straightened out the "Table" a bit.. (Made the columns
line up, and took care of negative ratio's throwing off the
columns) NOTE: the non-ANSI files are now labeled .MSG to
conform with WWIV..You'll have to redo your GFILES... (Remove
old, and Add new...)..

Anyways, I don't plan on making any more revisions..I've
distributed the source code, so you can do what you want with
it.. Just be nice, and give me credit ok? Take it easy, and
I'll catch ya on the net.. BTW, I'm working on getting a "Unix"
gateway into WWIV.. That way we'll be able to send messages into
uunet... Catch ya later.

JGG 1@16

You can contact me at my BBS:

Fred's Floating Bar and Grill
(213) 479-7043 300/1200/2400/19.2k Baud (Telebit)
Mac Software, Mucho Messages
Home of MacWWIV v4.0

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : TONSMOD.ZIP
Filename : HISTORY.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: