Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : TONSMOD.ZIP
Filename : BRUCE01.MOD

Output of file : BRUCE01.MOD contained in archive : TONSMOD.ZIP
Bruce Guthrie #28 @2900
Tue Jan 08 16:57:50 1991

* User Name in Sub Title Scan *

BRUCE01.MOD Version 3

by Bruce Guthrie #28 @2900

Maxie's Toy BBS - Modesto, California - (209) 526-5899

For WWIV v4.11 / 4.12


You know how the "email waiting" list normally just shows the names
that the email is from? Well, a mod came across the net, by Jeff Garzik, that
added the title of the email to that display:

You have mail from:

1. Billy Richards #81 "Sure thing, so you are going to be th"
2. Sharon Frey #162 "Ha!"
3. Philip Latenser #210 "Docs..."
4. User 1 @4550 "net"

I then changed that mod a bit, mostly so it would work with the color
title mod, and then moved it to the sub title scan. Previously, when scanning
the messages in a sub, it would only show the titles. Now it also shows the
name of the person who wrote the message:

( 99) User 9 @3300 "I have watched this conversation on p"
[100] Bruce Guthrie #28 "They do..."
* (101) User 46 @2901 "So"
* (102) User 99 @3300 "Hazel"
* (103) >UNKNOWN< "Here's an interesting thought......"
* (104) Hazel #93 "As I've said"

Pretty simple mod. All in MSGBASE1.C, in "void scan".

Step One: (Add three variables)

. void scan(int msgnum, int optype, int *nextsub)
. {
. char s[81],s1[81],s2[81],*b,*ss1;
. int i,i1,i2,done,quit,abort,next,val,realexpress;
. slrec ss;
. long l,len;
. postrec p,p1;
+ userrec u; /* Add this */
+ unsigned short author_num,author_sys; /* Add these */

Step Two: (Replace the entire case)

+ case 1: /* List Titles */
+ i=0;
+ abort=0;
+ if (msgnum>=nummsgs)
+ abort=1;
+ ansic(0);
+ while ((!abort) && (!hangup) && (++i<=10)) {
+ ++msgnum;
+ author_num=msgs[msgnum].owneruser;
+ author_sys=msgs[msgnum].ownersys;
+ sprintf(s1,"%c %c%3d%c ",
+ ((msgs[msgnum].qscan>thisuser.qscnptr[curlsub]) ? '*':' '),
+ (((author_sys==0) && (author_num==usernum)) ? '[':'('),
+ msgnum,
+ (((author_sys==0) && (author_num==usernum)) ? ']':')'));
+ outstr(s1);
+ if ((msgs[msgnum].anony & anony_sender) &&
+ ((ss.ability & ability_read_post_anony)==0))
+ sprintf(s,">UNKNOWN<");
+ else
+ if (author_sys==0) {
+ read_user(author_num,&u);
+ sprintf(s,"%s",nam(&u,author_num));
+ } else
+ sprintf(s,"User %u @%u",author_num,author_sys);
+ outstr(s);
+ i1=41-strlen(s)-strlen(s1);
+ for (i2=1; i2 + outstr(" ");
* sprintf(s,"\3%c\"%s\3%c\"",'0',msgs[msgnum].title,'0');
* if (strlen(s)>42) {
* if (s[39]==3)
* s[39]=32;
* s[40]=3;
* s[41]=48;
* s[42]=34;
* s[43]=0;
* }
+ pla(s,&abort);
+ if (msgnum>=nummsgs)
+ abort=1;
+ }
+ optype=0;
+ break;

Note: The lines marked with "*" only apply if you're using the Color Title
mod. If you aren't, use the following lines instead:

* sprintf(s,"\"%s\"",msgs[msgnum].title);
* if (strlen(s)>39) {
* s[39]=34;
* s[40]=0;
* }


2=3*2=3 Maxie's Toy 2=3*2=3 Modesto, CA 2=3*2=0

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : TONSMOD.ZIP
Filename : BRUCE01.MOD

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: