Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : TGRG122.ZIP
Filename : TG2RG.DOC

Output of file : TG2RG.DOC contained in archive : TGRG122.ZIP
ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ - NorthWind SoftWare Presents -
ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ TG 2.7 -> RG 1.0 Converter
ÃÄÄÄÄÄ ³ Converts Telegard 2.7 to Renegade 1.0
³NorthWind SoftWare³ v1.21
³ ÄÄÄÄÄ´ For Use With Telegard 2.7
ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ (C) 1992 NorthWind Software



The author(s) of this software is in no way responsible for damages caused
by this program. If something does happen to your system, please notify us
immediately. Netmail can be sent to us at the addresses listed at the
end of this document. This program has undergone testing, and while it works
on my system with no problems, I can't make any promises about yours!

The FREEware concept:

TG -> RG is released into the public domain with only one "price".
We ask that you let us know what you think of our program and that you
help distribute it as far as you can! (cheap at half the price, eh?).
Also, if you see a need for a particular utility for Renegade, get ahold
of one of us! We're always on the prowl for a good project .
We can be reached either through netmail, or through any of several forums
in the ITCNET.


Telegard is a registered trademark of software copyrighted by Martin

Renegade is software owned by Cott Lang. Thanks to Cott for letting Josh
use his source code to build from, without it, this program would have been
a real chore! Thanks for all the support Cott!

Overview of TG -> RG:

TG -> RG will convert all of your Telegard BBS files over to a format that
Renegade BBS can use, thereby making it easy on all of your Users (and on
the SysOp as well, of course!). So simple it pretty much runs itself,
but there are a couple of things you need to know about it. TG -> RG takes
the grief out of having to re-enter all of your Users, File base information,
etc. by hand (or making your Users log on as "new" once again).

This archive consists of two files:

TG2RG.DOC This text file you are reading
TG2RG.EXE The executable program

Operation of TG -> RG:

1. TG -> RG must be able to locate the Renegade RENEGADE.DAT file. So
either your BBS directory must be on the path, or TG -> RG must reside
in the same directory as the RENEGADE.DAT file.

2. Before running TG -> RG, you must have a copy of Renegade installed;
TG -> RG does not turn your Telegard BBS into a Renegade BBS, it simply
converts the BBS files into a Renegade format in their own directories.

3. Run TG -> RG - the program will prompt you to confirm conversion of each

Telegard File before it makes any conversion.

4. Continue to enjoy your BBS, now using Renegade software!


1. Before running TG -> RG *BACK UP* your Telegard BBS and your Renegade BBS
files in case of any accidental corruption. This shouldn't happen,
but it's nice to have in case it does!

2. As TG -> RG runs, it will move converted files from the Telegard BBS
directory to your Renegade BBS directory. This way none of your
Telegard BBS files risks being overwritten by this program.

3. You will need a separate program called MCICONV.EXE to convert all the
MCI strings to the new Renegade format. Until you have ran this, all of
your MCI codes will be jumbled and make no sense.

Technical Support:

If you have any problems, or comments as to the usage or production of
this program, feel free to call our BBS's:

Chief Programmer Chief Programmer
Josh Lippy Dave Elmer
The Data Control Center The Darkside
(301)831-1014 (703)951-0347
1:109/[email protected] 1:2602/[email protected]
85:865/[email protected] 85:887/[email protected]

Support/Test Site
Robert Hinshaw
Far Point Enclave
1:291/[email protected]
85:847/[email protected]

Thanks for trying our program and we hope you enjoy it!

Other NorthWind products you will shortly be able to use with Renegade:

Callog! The Quick Caller/SysOp Log for FEM's!
CheckUL! Remove deleted user names from "U/L'd by" lines in File Areas
FPComp! File point compensator for SDN files
HangUp! Nail those Users that drop carrier on your BBS
MassMail! Send Mass E-Mail to Users based on ACS strings
PCRFix Corrects minor bug in the Telegard Post/Call Ratio
TGFDLog! View Users called & k-bytes Transferred from FD History log
UReward! Reward the Uploaders of your most popular files!

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : TGRG122.ZIP
Filename : TG2RG.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: