Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : TCHSS301.ZIP
Filename : TCHHELP

Output of file : TCHHELP contained in archive : TCHSS301.ZIP
Turbo CHESS Door Help

The Pieces: The pieces are represented by letters.

K - King If you selected graphics mode, then the White player
Q - Queen is represented by white pieces and the Black player is
R - Rook represented by black pieces. If you did not select
K - Knight graphics, the player whose turn it is to move is
B - Bishop represented by capital letters, the waiting player is
P - Pawn represented by lower case letters.

If you are playing a game, the display will always show your side on the
bottom of the screen. If you view a game in which you are not involved,
the side whose turn it is to move will be displayed at the bottom of the

To Move: Enter the Letter/Number coordinates of the piece to move and the
Letter/Number coordinates of the cell to which you wish to move. An example:

... ... This represents a small segment of the board. Suppose
4 ... ... you wished to move the king pawn forward two squares,
... ... ... the pawn is presently at E2, you wish to move the pawn
3 ... .N. P ... to E4. The move command would be E2E4.
... ...
2 P .P. P .B. P Suppose you wanted to move the king one space to the
... ... ... right. The king is presently at E1, you wish to move
1 .Q. K ... .R. the king to F1 so the command would be E1F1.
Assuming neither the king nor the rook has moved, then
you could castle. The king is presently at E1, castling would move the king
to G1. The command would be E1G1. The program will realize that you desire
to castle and will move the rook to F1.

En passant is also supported. Simple indicate the proper move for your pawn
and the program will realize that an en passant capture is occurring.

Messages from the program:

There is no piece at (location).
Explanation - The starting location in your move command does not
contain a piece.

That is an opponent's piece at (location).
Explanation - The start location in your move command contains an
opponent's piece.

The piece at (location1) can not move to (location2).
Explanation - The piece at location1 cannot move to location2.

Moving the piece at (location1) to (location2) would cause you to be in
Explanation - The piece at location1 could move to location2 but to do
so would leave you in check which is illegal.

It is illegal to castle while in check.
Explanation - You have requested a castle but are in check. You can not
castle while in check.

Messages from program (cont:)

It is illegal to castle over check.
Explanation - The opponent is capable of attacking the square the king
moves over during castling. It is illegal to castle
through that square.

Make moves in the form of E2E4.
Explanation - You have entered a move the program does not understand.
Make moves in the from/to form.

Options while moving:

You may enter a move as previously discussed.
Q - You may type Q to leave the game without making a move, nothing will
be changed.
H - You may type H for this help menu.
B - You may type B to redisplay the board.
R - You may type R to resign the current game.
M - You may type M to list the moves made in this game. This option will
list up to the last 100 moves.

Options when viewing a game in which you cannot move:

Q or Enter - You may type Q (or Enter) to return to the main menu.
B - You may type B to redisplay the board.
M - You may type M to list the moves made in this game. This option will
list up to the last 100 moves.

If you have made a move and your opponent has not yet moved, you have
the additional option of:

U - You may type U to undo your last move (including resignation).

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : TCHSS301.ZIP
Filename : TCHHELP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: