Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : SOCV100.ZIP

Output of file : SOCRATES.DOC contained in archive : SOCV100.ZIP

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SOCRATES (tm) v1.00

(C) Copyright 1990 Mikronetics
All Rights Reserved

Documentation by Robert D. Swift

Socrates BBS (v1.00) License and Distribution


The SOCRATES program and all support programs described in
this document and included in the SOCRATES system
distribution files are copyrighted and all rights are
reserved by Mikronetics and Michael A. Jacobs.

THIS IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE! If you paid a "public domain"
vendor for this program, you paid for the service of copying
the program, and not for the program itself. Rest assured
that nothing ever gets to the originators of this product
from such a sale. You may evaluate this product, but if you
make use of it, you must register your copy.

We offer several inducements to you for registering. First
of all, you receive the most up-to-date copy of the program
that we have -- and we do update the product on a regular
basis. You also receive support for SOCRATES -- which can
be quite valuable at times. And finally, we have a few
utilities not included in the evaluation package. Make no
mistake, however - this is a fully functional version of
SOCRATES and not "crippled" in any way.


SOCRATES is a trademark of Mikronetics.

Many product names found throughout this manual are
trademarks of various companies. These include:

BinkleyTerm Bit Bucket Software
DSZ Omen Technologies
Fido & FidoNet Tom Jennings and Fido Software
IBM International Business Machines
MS-DOS Microsoft Corp.
Plato Nippon Electric Company (NEC)
X.00 Raymond L. Gwinn


The author makes no warranties, expressed or implied, as to
the quality or performance of these programs. The author
will not be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental
or consequential damages resulting from the use of these
programs. Your use of these programs constitute your
agreement to this disclaimer and your release of the author
from any form of liability or litigation.

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Socrates BBS (v1.00) License and Distribution


This is "user-supported" software. You are hereby granted a
license to distribute this copy of SOCRATES and its
documentation, subject to the following conditions:

1. SOCRATES may be distributed freely without charge
in evaluation form only.

2. SOCRATES may not be sold, licensed, or a fee
charged for its use. If a fee is charged in
connection with SOCRATES, it must cover the cost
of copying or dissemination only. Such charges
must be clearly identified as such by the
originating party. Under no circumstances may the
purchaser be given the impression that they are
buying SOCRATES itself.

3. SOCRATES must be presented as a complete unit,
including this documentation. Neither SOCRATES
nor its documentation may be amended or altered in
any way.

4. By granting you the right to distribute the
evaluation form of SOCRATES, you do not become the
owner of SOCRATES in any form.

Any other use, distribution or representation of SOCRATES is
expressly forbidden without the written consent of Michael
A. Jacobs.


Registering SOCRATES allows you to use the product after the
trial period. Registered SOCRATES users get the current
copy of SOCRATES on disk and priority when calling the
SOCRATES Software support BBS (we guarantee no support to
unregistered users). Most importantly, registered users
know they are helping to make sure that high-quality
software like SOCRATES continues to be sold in this low-cost

SOCRATES registration costs $40 US. Payment may be in the
form of check or money order in US currency. Payment should
be made out to:

2114 Weatherton Dr.
Wilmington, DE 19810
United States of America

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Socrates BBS (v1.00) Contents









1.1 Program Description 1
1.2 Why Socrates? 2
1.3 Acknowledgements 3
1.4 System Requirements 4
1.5 SOCRATES Files 4


2.1 The SOCRATES Directory 6
2.2 Conditions, Signals and States 6
2.3 The Initialization File 7
2.4 Message Areas and Directories 9
2.5 File Areas and Directories 10
2.6 SOCRATES Program File 12
2.7 Bulletins And Display Files 13


3.1 Overview 14
3.2 Menus 14
3.3 Responses 16
3.4 Commands 18
3.5 File Lists 22
3.6 Shells and Parameters 23
3.7 Putting It All Together 24


4.1 Command Line Parameters 26
4.2 User's Special Keys 26
4.3 Running Stand-Alone 27
4.4 Running With A Front End 28
4.5 Re-Entering SOCRATES 30

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Socrates BBS (v1.00) Contents


5.1 SysOp Commands 31
5.2 User File Maintenance 32
5.3 Message Area Maintenance 33
5.4 Socrates Type Message Linking 35

APPENDIX 1 - Use of Delimiters 36

APPENDIX 2 - Evaluating Conditions 37

APPENDIX 3 - Initialization File Settings 40

APPENDIX 4 - BBS Program Commands 61

APPENDIX 5 - Shell Parameters

APPENDIX 6 - TimeBanks & Multipliers 119

APPENDIX 7 - FidoNet 121

APPENDIX 8 - Registration Form 122


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Socrates BBS (v1.00) Introduction


1.1 Program Description

The SOCRATES BBS package has been designed to provide the
ultimate in flexibility. It can be better described as a
BBS "construction set" because all of the menus, user
responses and system activities are defined by the SysOp.
In a sense, the SysOp is actually a "system programmer" and
SOCRATES executes the "programmed" configuration.

In addition to the usual programmable menu choices found in
other systems, SOCRATES even allows you to choose the format
of the message bases used. These can be either sequential
message bases such as used in most FidoNet style BBS
programs, or you can choose to use SOCRATES' own message
base format. The SOCRATES message base groups messages in
an area by subject, thus allowing you to quickly access all
messages related to a particular topic.

SOCRATES is fully FidoNet compatible when used with a front-
end mailer such as BinkleyTerm. In addition, the message
areas can be set up Fido style so that existing message
utilities can be used.

Ease of operation, flexibility and compatibility are the
major strengths of SOCRATES. If this is what you are
looking for in a BBS, look no further... SOCRATES is here!

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Socrates BBS (v1.00) Introduction

1.2 Why Socrates?

I have never been one to easily fit into molds. Although
many BBS systems out there are 'configurable', one could
never make any real changes. Change the text in the menus,
alter the messages, sure, but it was still the same thing.

So, being a habitual programmer, I started work on my own
BBS program. As all good programmers should do, I broke the
problem down into its components. At first, I was just
going be yet-another-custom-BBS, but it occurred to me,
there must be many other malcontents out there as well, but
who don't have the time to write their own BBS program. And
thus became my vision of a meta-BBS system, where all the
BBS functions would be there, and it could be up to the
Sysop to decided how he/she/it wants to put it together.
Individuality, what a concept!

So now you're saying, 'Ok, that answers "Why Socrates?," but
why "Socrates?"'.

At the University of Delaware, (where I learn the underlying
principal of this arcane art) there was this obscure
mainframe system called 'Plato' (ah ha! a clue...). On it,
there was a message system called 'notesfiles' which worked
in a subject based system: each subject had a base note and
a list of associated responses. I liked this system much
better then the way Fido and the gang dealt with it. Even
when using links, after reading a subject, you still had to
wade through the notes again when you move on. But on
Plato, if you weren't interested in a subject, just go on to
the next one.

So, I borrowed this idea and wrote myself a message reader.
At the time, though, I wasn't very well studied up on
Ancient Greece, and chose to called it Socrates, thinking it
was Plato who taught Socrates. As it happened, I was wrong;
Socrates taught Plato who taught Aristotle (who taught
Alexander the Great who conquered Greece, Asia Minor, and
Persia and was eventually declared ZC of Zone 2.) But
Aristotle was 9-letters long, and Socrates was the magical
8-letters long, and .SOC made a good extension for my system
files, so Socrates it was.

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Socrates BBS (v1.00) Introduction

1.3 Acknowledgements

I'd like to thank the academy, my family, the director, the
producer, my good friend Jack Nicholson...

The most thanks to goes to Bob Swift, the man who took the
crap I wrote as documentation and turned it into this lovely
work of art.

I also appreciate the efforts of my beta-testers who, I'm
assuming from their lack of responsiveness, found absolutely
no bugs...

... and Mike Epler who told me what he wanted for files
functions when I had no concept.

And of course, Thomas Jefferson.

Michael A. Jacobs


Mike J (FidoNet 1:150/199)

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Socrates BBS (v1.00) Introduction

1.4 System Requirements

SOCRATES will run on an IBM PCjr, PC, XT, AT, PS/2, or true
compatible with one hard drive and one floppy drive, or two
floppy drives, and with at least 200k of free memory. For a
few functions, such as the DOS Shell, more memory may be
required. SOCRATES will also require that a FOSSIL program
be loaded and, of course, a modem.

To get full use of SOCRATES your modem must meet certain
standards as well. The Carrier Detect signal should not be
forced high (on) by the modem, so that SOCRATES can tell
when you are on-line. This is usually controlled by the
setting of a dip switch on the modem, or a modem command.
The DTR (Data Terminal Ready) signal should not be ignored
by the modem.

1.5 SOCRATES Files

SOCRATES requires that the following files be located within
the system PATH:

RELOGIN.EXE - Re-enter Socrates after exit
SOC-MSG.EXE - Maintains message areas
SOC-SCAN.EXE - Maintains Socrates message areas
SOC-USER.EXE - Maintains user file
SOCRATES.EXE - The SOCRATES program itself

In addition, the following files are used when setting up or
modifying the BBS configuration and must be in the system

CR-AREAS.EXE - Compile message area index
CR-FILES.EXE - Compile file area index
CR-INITS.EXE - Compile initialization file
CR-SOC.EXE - Compile configuration file

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Socrates BBS (v1.00) Introduction

SOCRATES requires the following files to be in the current
directory when the program is started. These files are
created using the compile programs listed above:

AREAS.SOC - Message area index
COMM.SOC - Command list
COMMINDX.SOC - Command list index
FILES.SOC - File area index
FLST.SOC - Files list
FLSTINDX.SOC - Files list index
FMULT.SOC - Download limits
INITS.SOC - Initialization data
MENU.SOC - BBS menus
MENUINDX.SOC - BBS menus index
QUOTETRK.SOC - Quotes file pointer (if req'd)
RESP.SOC - User responses
RESPINDX.SOC - User responses index
TLIMS.SOC - Time limits

The following files contain the user data for the BBS and
must be in the current directory when SOCRATES is started.
If these files are missing, they will be created when a user
logs onto the system or when SOC-USER is run:

USERS1.SOC - User data
USERS2.SOC - User data

The SOCRATES archive contains the following files:

CR-AREAS.EXE - Compile message area index
CR-FILES.EXE - Compile file area index
CR-INITS.EXE - Compile initialization file
CR-SOC.EXE - Compile configuration file
READ_ME.1ST - Last minute release notes
RELOGIN.EXE - Re-enter Socrates after exit
SOC-AREA.TXT - Sample message area file
SOC-FILE.TXT - Sample files area file
SOC-INIT.TXT - Sample initialization file
SOC-MSG.EXE - Maintains message areas
SOC-PROG.TXT - Sample program definition file
SOC-SCAN.EXE - Maintains Socrates message areas
SOC-USER.EXE - Maintains user file
SOCRATES.DOC - This documentation file
SOCRATES.EXE - The SOCRATES program itself
SOCRATES.REG - Registration form
SOCRATES.REV - Revisions list
SAMPLE.ZIP - Various example files

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Socrates BBS (v1.00) Installing Socrates


2.1 The SOCRATES Directory

As with installing any new program on your system you have
to start at the beginning. That is, "Where do I put it?"
Although the Socrates programs can be placed anywhere in
your path, it is strongly recommended that you create a
separate sub-directory for the BBS. Throughout this
document, we will use the example of the files installed in
the C:\SOCRATES sub-directory.

Okay, you have a directory. Now, what goes into this
directory? First, copy all the files from the distribution
disk (or archive) into the directory. This will provide you
with much of what you need but there are still a few things
that have to be done before you have a fully functional,
working system. You will have to create sub-directories for
the file and message areas that you want to keep, as well as
customizing and compiling the configuration and program
files. Sound complicated? It really isn't if you take your
time and work through it one step at a time.

2.2 Conditions, Signals and States

You're probably thinking to yourself, "what do they mean by
conditions, signals and states?" Simply put, these provide
the flexibility and programming power of the SOCRATES
bulletin board system.

Signals are like "keys" assigned to a user. The command
files can check if a user has a certain signal enabled and
perform differently depending on whether they do or don't.
This is useful for setting conditions independent of a
user's privilege level. There are 256 signals available,
numbered from 0 to 255.

States are similar to signals except that they are set by
the system while a caller is on-line and are reset when the
caller logs off. These are useful for setting conditions
depending on what has happened while the user is on line,
such as only allowing one time through a bulletin or only
paging the SysOp once. There are 256 states available,
numbered from 0 to 255.

Conditions are constants, variables or formulae that
evaluate to either a logical true or false state. These can
then be applied to some of the lines in the initialization
file and most of the lines in the program file to alter the
way the SOCRATES engine deals with these command lines.

See APPENDIX 2 for a complete list of the constants and
variables used in defining conditions.

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Socrates BBS (v1.00) Installing Socrates

2.3 The Initialization File

This is the file that tells the SOCRATES engine a little
about your system and how to communicate with your modem.
This file is a straight text file and can have any valid
file name. There is no default name but a commonly used
name is SOC-INIT.TXT (pronounced sock-in-it).

The initialization file commands include the following

Modem Settings
PORT comm port
BAUD default baud rate
MODEMINIT initialization string
MODEMHANGUP hang-up string

Logon Settings
NAMEPROMPT user name prompt string
DATAPROMPT user data prompt string
PASSWORDATTEMPTS maximum password attempts
LOGONTIME maximum time to log on
PRIVATESYSTEM no new users allowed
FORGOTPASSWORDCOMM wrong password commands
FORGOTPASSWORDMENU wrong password menu

New User Settings
NEWUSERPRIV privilege level
NEWUSERHELP help level
NEWUSERCOMM1 commands before password
NEWUSERCOMM2 commands after password
NEWUSERSIGNALS initial signals
NEWUSERMENU first menu displayed

Menu and Display Screen Settings
WELCOMEFLST welcome file displayed
INTROCOMM commands after logon
FIRSTMENU first menu displayed

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Socrates BBS (v1.00) Installing Socrates

Time Limit Settings
TIMELIMIT time limits multiplier
SESSIONTIMELIMIT default time limit for
DAILYTIMELIMIT default time limit for
EXCEEDEDDAILYTLIMCOMM commands after max time
ONLINEUPLOADREFUND on-line refund multiplier
refund multiplier
refund multiplier
DAILYTIMEBANKROLLOVER daily pending to active
timebank transfer

FidoNet Settings
ZONE zone number
NET net number
NODE node number
POINT point number

Message Area Settings
CLEARBEFOREMESSAGE clear screen before msg
CUTATSEENBY don't show SEEN-BY lines
READPRIVATE allow reading private msg
WRITEPRIVATE allow writing private msg
FORCEPRIVATE force msg to be private
FIDONET identify netmail area
ALLOWQUOTING allow user to quote

File Area Settings
FILESLISTFILE name of file list file
FILESMULT files limits multiplier
SESSIONBYTESTHRESHOLD max session d/l bytes
DAILYBYTESTHRESHOLD max daily d/l bytes
TOTALBYTESTHRESHOLD max total d/l bytes
SESSIONFILESTHRESHOLD max session d/l files
DAILYFILESTHRESHOLD max daily d/l files
TOTALFILESTHRESHOLD max total d/l files
SESSIONBYTESRATIO max session d/l:u/l ratio
DAILYBYTESRATIO max daily d/l:u/l ratio
TOTALBYTESRATIO max total d/l:u/l ratio
SESSIONFILESRATIO max session d/l:u/l ratio
DAILYFILESRATIO max daily d/l:u/l ratio
TOTALFILESRATIO max total d/l:u/l ratio

Miscellaneous Settings
LOGFILE system log filename
INACTIVITYTIMELIMIT inactivity before logoff
STARTCHATMSG string at start of chat
ENDCHATMSG string at end of chat

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Socrates BBS (v1.00) Installing Socrates

See APPENDIX 3 for a complete description of the command
settings and their use.

Note that all blank lines are ignored as well as anything
following a semi-colon (;) in a non-blank line. This will
allow you to insert comments in your control files.

Once the initialization file is complete, it will have to be
compiled before SOCRATES can use it. This is done by
executing the CR-INITS.EXE program which will read the
initialization file and produce the compiled files
The CR-INITS.EXE program is executed as follows:


Note that you will have to re-compile the initialization
file each time after a change is made before the change will
take effect.

2.4 Message Areas and Directories

Now that you have the initialization file completed, the
next step is to set up your message areas. First, you
should decide what areas you wish to have on your system and
whether these areas will be used as Fido areas or SOCRATES
areas. You will then need to create a sub-directory for
each area.

For our example, we will set up a general message area for
all users, a private message area for higher priority users,
and a Fido NetMail area. We would create the sub-


Now that we have our directories, we have to tell SOCRATES
about them. This is done in the areas definition file which
is an ordinary text file. There is no default file name for
this file but a commonly used name is SOC-AREA.TXT.

This file is quite straightforward because each line defines
a message area and only contains two entries, path to
message area and message area type, separated by spaces.

The path to the message area need not end in a trailing

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Socrates BBS (v1.00) Installing Socrates

The message area type entry must be either Fido or Socrates.
Remember that the Socrates areas differ from the Fido areas
in that they are subject-oriented and special index files
are maintained in the sub-directory. If the area type entry
is missing, SOCRATES will assume that the area is a Fido

Each message area listed in the definition file is assigned
a number by SOCRATES, sequentially beginning with 1. This
message area number is the number used for the "a="
comparisons when setting conditions.

Note that all blank lines are ignored as well as anything
following a semi-colon (;) in a non-blank line. This will
allow you to insert comments in your control files.

Once the message area definition file is complete, it will
have to be compiled before SOCRATES can use it. This is
done by executing the CR-AREAS.EXE program which will read
the definition file and produce the compiled file AREAS.SOC
which SOCRATES will use. The CR-AREAS.EXE program is
executed as follows:


Note that you will have to re-compile the message area
definition file each time after a change is made before the
change will take effect.

2.5 File Areas and Directories

If you plan to have any areas for uploading or downloading
on your system, you will have to set these up as file areas.
First, you should decide what areas you wish to have on your
system and then you will then need to create a sub-directory
for each area.

For our example, we will set up a public file area for all
users, a private file area for higher priority users, and a
Fido Network files area. We would create the sub-


Now that we have our directories, we have to tell SOCRATES
about them. This is done in the areas definition file which
is an ordinary text file. There is no default file name for
this file but a commonly used name is SOC-FILE.TXT.

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Socrates BBS (v1.00) Installing Socrates

This file is quite straightforward because each line defines
a file area and only contains two entries, path to download
area and path to upload area, separated by spaces.

The paths to the areas need not end in trailing backslashes.

If the upload path entry is missing, SOCRATES will assume
that the upload path is the same as the download path.

Each file area listed in the definition file is assigned a
number by SOCRATES, sequentially beginning with 1. This
message area number is the number used for the "FA="
comparisons when setting conditions.

Note that all blank lines are ignored as well as anything
following a semi-colon (;) in a non-blank line. This will
allow you to insert comments in your control files.

Once the file area definition file is complete, it will have
to be compiled before SOCRATES can use it. This is done by
executing the CR-FILES.EXE program which will read the
definition file and produce the compiled file FILES.SOC
which SOCRATES will use. The CR-FILES.EXE program is
executed as follows:


Note that you will have to re-compile the file area
definition file each time after a change is made before the
change will take effect.

Now that you have your file area control file compiled, you
have one more thing to do before your system's file areas
are ready. That is to build a files list file in each of
the specified download areas. The name of this file list
file is defined by the FILESLISTFILE entry in your
initialization file.

The files list file is a text file listing the files
available for download in that area. Each file is listed on
a separate line, followed by a description which will be
displayed to the user when they ask for a list of the files.

If the first character on a line is a space or an asterisk,
then the line is displayed as is. If the first character is
an at-sign (@), then the remainder of the file is not
displayed. Otherwise, all characters up to the first space
are considered a filename and the download directory is
searched for that file. If the file is found, SOCRATES will
display the filename, the file size and the remainder of the
line. If the file is not found, SOCRATES will display the
filename, a brief message that the file is unavailable and
the remainder of the line.

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Socrates BBS (v1.00) Installing Socrates

2.6 SOCRATES Program File

This is the file where you get to let SOCRATES know the
design of your BBS and how it should operate. The program
file contains the code for all of the BBS menus, the valid
user responses and the actions that SOCRATES should take as
a result of the various responses.

In short, this is where you get to program your BBS.

The SOCRATES program file is an ordinary text file. There
is no default file name for this file but a commonly used
name is SOC-PROG.TXT.

There are four types of modules in the SOCRATES program
file. These modules are menu, response, command and
filelist. Some of the modules have "special codes"
associated with them as well as a set of commands.

See APPENDIX 4 for a complete description of the program
commands and their use. In addition, a sample program file
is included to demonstrate some of the features of the

Note that all blank lines are ignored as well as anything
following a semi-colon (;) in a non-blank line. This will
allow you to insert comments in your control files.

Once the program file is complete, it will have to be
compiled before SOCRATES can use it. This is done by
executing the CR-SOC.EXE program which will read the program
file and produce the compiled files MENUINDX.SOC, MENU.SOC,
and FLST.SOC which SOCRATES will use. The CR-SOC.EXE
program is executed as follows:


Note that you will have to re-compile the program file each
time after a change is made before the change will take

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Socrates BBS (v1.00) Installing Socrates

2.7 Bulletins And Display Files

The other files used by SOCRATES are files which are
displayed to the user. These files can be either ASCII or
ANSI (or just about anything else) and SOCRATES can be
programmed to send the appropriate type of file depending on
the terminal type defined by the user (or by screen width,
et cetera).

These files can be defined by the initialization, such as
welcome files, or they can be defined in the program file.
Some examples of display files defined in the program file
are help screens or bulletins.

These files need not be compiled for SOCRATES to use them.

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Socrates BBS (v1.00) Socrates Program File


3.1 Overview

As stated earlier, the SOCRATES program file is where you
can design the way that the SOCRATES engine will execute
your BBS. This file is comprised of a number of modules,
each module defining part of the system. Each module may be
a menu, response list, command list or file list, and is
identified by the type and an assigned name. The lines that
follow a module label form the module itself until the end
of the file or the occurrence of the next module label.

Each of the module types is described below. A complete
list of the program commands can be found in APPENDIX 4.

3.2 Menus

The menu module begins with a line like:


  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : SOCV100.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: