Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : SCRBDR4B.ZIP
Filename : GAMEBRD.ALT

Output of file : GAMEBRD.ALT contained in archive : SCRBDR4B.ZIP
Scrabble(TM) Door v3.0 (C) Copyright 1989,1990 Christopher Hall (1:301/2)
³^3³__³__³*2³__³__³__³^3³__³__³__³*2³__³__³^3³³ Players Name Score ³
³__³^2³__³__³__³*3³__³__³__³*3³__³__³__³^2³__³³ ³
³__³__³^2³__³__³__³*2³__³*2³__³__³__³^2³__³__³³ 1 ³
³__³__³__³^2³__³__³__³*2³__³__³__³^2³__³__³__³³ 2 ³
³__³__³__³__³^2³__³__³__³__³__³^2³__³__³__³__³³ 3 ³
³__³*3³__³__³__³*3³__³__³__³*3³__³__³__³*3³__³³ 4 ³
³__³__³*2³__³__³__³*2³__³*2³__³__³__³*2³__³__³³ Game Number : ³
³^3³__³__³*2³__³__³__³++³__³__³__³*2³__³__³^3³³ Current Player: ³
³__³__³*2³__³__³__³*2³__³*2³__³__³__³*2³__³__³³ ³
³__³*3³__³__³__³*3³__³__³__³*3³__³__³__³*3³__³³ ³
³__³__³__³__³^2³__³__³__³__³__³^2³__³__³__³__³³ Tiles Remaining: ³
³__³__³__³^2³__³__³__³*2³__³__³__³^2³__³__³__³³ ³
³__³__³^2³__³__³__³*2³__³*2³__³__³__³^2³__³__³³ Current Tiles In Hand: ³
³__³^2³__³__³__³*3³__³__³__³*3³__³__³__³^2³__³³ ³
³^3³__³__³*2³__³__³__³^3³__³__³__³*2³__³__³^3³³ ³
^3 - Triple Word *3 - Triple Letter

lay oncede iscard tart/Pass
^2 - Double Word *2 - Double Letter nDo ast elp uit
Points: B=3 C=3 D=2 F=4 G=2 H=4 J=8 K=5 M=3 P=3 Q=10 V=4 W=4 X=8 Y=4 Z=10 ?=0

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : SCRBDR4B.ZIP
Filename : GAMEBRD.ALT

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: