Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : RVR20C-2.ZIP
rOverBoard BBS Software - Version 2.0a
Copyright (C) 1991 FreeLance Programming
All rights reserved
This document contains answers to some commonly asked questions regarding
the rOverBoard BBS software.
Q: Why won't rOverBoard answer the phone?
A: Be sure you have specified S0=1 in the modem init string for the node(s)
that you are using. Unlike some BBS software, rOver allows the modem to
answer the phone, and only gets involved once a connection has been made.
If the modem init string looks ok, be sure that you are actually starting
the appropriate node when you start rOver. rOver's default startup state
is to enable ONLY node #0 (the local node). You must use the /1 (or /2,
/3, /4) switch(s) when starting rOver to activate the appropriate node(s).
Q: Why does rOverBoard answer the phone, then display "23" on the screen,
and then hang up?
The "23" (23 is used only as an example!) is a numeric result code that
your modem sends to indicate to rOver that a connection at a specific
baud rate has taken place. If rOver receives a result code that it does
not understand, it will simply reset the modem. You must make sure that
all the valid connect codes for your particular modem are included in the
connect code table on the F9:Modem Init screen for the appropriate node.
This is only an issue with modems that support speeds above 2400 baud -
all Hayes compatible modems use the same set of result codes for connects
at 300, 1200, and 2400 baud, and these are already set up in the connect
code table.
Q: rOver answers the phone and says "Press ENTER to synchronize our modems",
but the user says all they see is garbage. What is happening?
A: When a connection is made, rOver resets the baud rate of the serial port,
according to what you have set in the UART field for that connect code
(on the F9:Modem Setup screen). When the modems are connected at a set
rate, and the serial port is at a different rate, the caller will often
see what appears to be garbage. However, some high speed modems actually
WANT the serial port at a higher speed than the actual connect speed. The
correct serial port speed for each connect code depends entirely on your
Q: I have a 2400 baud modem, but rOver will only connect at 300 baud. Why?
A: When you start rOver, you use the /1 switch to tell rOver to start node
#1 (or the /2, /3, and/or /4 switch(es)). One of the parameters on this
switch is the speed at which to initialize your modem. For example, for
a 2400 baud modem on node #1, you should use /13. If you do not specify
an initialization speed, it will default to 300 - and a modem that has
been initialized at 300 baud will probably only connect at 300 baud -
even if it is actually a 9600 baud modem!
Q: My users can see the DOORs menu, but when they try to access it, rOver
says "Doors are not available on this node". What is missing?
A: On the F9:Modem Setup screen for each node, there is a field called
"Port #". The main purpose of this field is to provide a COMx: port
number that door programs can use if they do not understand explicit
Port address/IRQ values. However, if this field is set to 0, then doors
are not permitted on that node. In general, node #1 is usually com1:,
and node #2 is com2:. Beyond that there are problems, since DOS doesn't
_REALLY_ support more than two serial ports.
Q: I want to have multiple bulletins, but rOver simply displays my
BULLETIN.SCR file, and does display a BULLETs menu, even though I have
created several BULLETxx.SCR files. What is wrong?
A: On the F8:Misc. Maintenance screen, there is a field called "# bulletins".
If this field is 0, then the BULLETIN.SCR file is treated just like any
other screen. When this field is non-zero, then BULLETIN.SCR acts as a
menu of available bulletin choices, and rOver allows the user to select
up to "# bulletins" of sub-bulletins (as BULLETx.SCR).
Q: When I try to run a door, rOver says "Door # must be 1 - 0". I have a
DOORWAY.BAT file set up to run several doors. Why doesn't it work?
A: On the F8:Misc. Maintenance screen, there is a field called "# doors".
This field controls how many door programs are available to be executed.
If this field is 0, the DOORs menu is still accessible (deliberately so,
to allow access to Drop-to-DOS), but no doors are selectable. Set this
field to the maximum number of door programs that you have configured.
(Do NOT include the Drop-to-DOS or Zip-Viewing doors in this total.)
Q: I am using DOORWAY.EXE as my drop-to-DOS shell, but everytime I try to
run a door, DOORWAY.EXE gets executed instead. How do I fix this?
A: This is caused by having DOORWAY.EXE and DOORWAY.BAT in the same sub-
directory. Some versions of DOS will not distinguish between these two
files, and will always run the .EXE, even when rOver explicitly requests
that the .BAT file be executed. To solve this problem, either rename
DOORWAY.EXE, or move it into a different sub-directory (one that is in
the path).
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: