Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : ROBOM13U.ZIP
Filename : RMHELP.DBV

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Üú Vÿÿ Vÿÿÿ
Help Index«¦
The main menu is accessed by pressing the / key
while viewing the control panel. A variety of
common commands are listed, along with their
keyboard equivalences.
Key Purpose
F1 Context Sensitive Help
 /  Move to next / previous item
SpaceBar Push, Check, or Select item
Tab / Sh-Tab Next / previous data element
ÄÙ Go to next element or push button
Ctrl ÄÙ Accept/Save data and continue
Esc Abort data entry and back up

For Text Fields Purpose
Ins Toggle INSert status
Del Delete character on cursor
BackSpace Delete character to the left
Ctrl-BackSpace Delete word left
Ctrl-Y Delete to end of field
Home / End Beginning / End of field
Ctrl <-/-> Previous / Next Word
F10 Display pick-list (if available)

Help Index
System WindowFolders Window
Incoming Mail
The OutBoxThe Chron FileMessage Archives Address BookAttachment ManagerConference ManagerTagline Manager
Snoop ModeImport Filter Names
Quick ScanCommand Line OptionsTechnical SupportContact Informationt
RoboMail's control panel gives you quick access to
all parts of your mail system. The display is
divided into three primary windows.

The System Window displays information about
the status of mail and information files from
packets that you have previously imported.

The Folders Window displays a list and message
counts for the custom message folders that you
have created.

The Incoming Mail Window displays a directory
of your incoming mail and allows you to traverse
your hard disk to pick mail packets for import
into RoboMail.

Two More help screens are available.

Press PgDn to view them.
Control Panel Navigation Keys

To position the highlight bar in a window, click
anywhere on the control panel with your mouse.
Click within the active window to select a data
item "cell." The following keyboard commands
will also move the control panel highlight bar:

/ Scroll up/down
<-/-> Move bar left/right
PgUp PgDn Display previous/next page
Home / End Go top/bottom of data
Tab/Sh-Tab Next/Previous window
Alt-SPROACNWGFB Jump to a system window column
Alt-L Jump to the Folders Window
Alt-I Jump to Incoming Mail

Global Commands
These command keys can be used no matter where
the cursor is located on the control panel.

/ Display a menu of common procedures
F2 RoboMail/System/Color configuration
F3 Access the Address Book
F6 Access the Attachment Manager
F7 Shell to DOS
F8 Access the Conference Manager
F10 Access the Tagline Manager
Del Delete highlighted item
Enter Select/View/Edit highlighted item
D Display message database statistics
S Toggle "Snoop" mode
F Edit import Filter Lists
Q Quick Scan of all messages in RoboMail
Esc Quit
To see the commands that are available in specific
control panel windows, see the See Also list -->
? Bulletins
The OutBoxThe Chron FileMessage ArchivesÍ×
The top window on the control panel displays
information about the status of mail and
information files from packets that you have
previously imported.

System - This column lists the mail IDs of the
systems you have received mail from. To edit the
configuration settings specific to a system,
select a cell in this column.

Recent - This column summarizes the recently
imported messages that you have not yet
categorized. The number to the left of the slash
indicates unread recent messages and the number on
the right displays the total. To view recent
messages, select this column.

Personal - This column breaks out a sub-set of
your recent messages and provides a simple way to
view only mail addressed to you.
OutBox - This column indicates the number of
messages you have written that have not yet been
exported for delivery. To review your outgoing
messages, select a cell in this column. If a C
appears in this column, then you have pending
conference/mail door configuration requests which
have not yet been exported. If a R appears in
this column, it means that RoboMail has detected
an outgoing mail packet for the system. (Use the
Recall command to re-import the it if you want
to see the messages again). If you want to delete
an outgoing REPly packet that has already been
uploaded to a BBS, highlight the appropriate
OutBox cell and press the DEL key.

Archive - This column summarizes messages which
you have previously viewed and have elected to
Keep or Age. To view the archived messages
for a particular system, select a cell in this

µChron - This column summarizes the messages
which you have sent and elected to keep on hand
for a period of time.

News - Welcome - Goodbye - File Lists
When any of these columns contained an illuminated
bullet point, a text file is available
file from the mail source is available for
viewing. By default, Green indicates an item
which has been updated since the last time you
viewed it and Red indicates an item you have
previously viewed.

Bltn - This column summarizes the number of
bulletins which have been sent by the mail system.
By default, a Green number indicates that there
are updated or new bulletins to be read.

Press PgDn now to see the system window commands.
System Window Commands
. Find unread mail
F4 Bulk action assignment
Sh-F4 Discard unassigned messages
Alt-F4 Discard aged-out messages
F5 Process marked messages
T Tally messages on current system
Alt-T Tally all system and folder messages
P Pack data files
X Single System OutBox export
R Recall exported messages
C Compose a new outgoing message
Del Delete item under cursor, or delete
all data from a system if cursor is in
the "System ID" column. Also can be used
to delete a REPly packet when the cursor
is in the OutBox column
Finding Unread Mail - To find unread mail for a
specific system, position the highlight bar
anywhere on the system's row and press the "."
(period) key. If you want to find unread personal
mail, position the cursor in the "Personal" column
before pressing the "." key.

Deleting Data - If you highlight a message column
and press Del, RoboMail will ask if you want to
assign Discard status to all the messages in that
message class. To delete an outgoing REPly
file, press Del with the cursor located in the
OutBox column. If you highlight the News,
Welcome, Goodbye, Files or Bulletin columns and
press Del, RoboMail will ask if you want to
delete the highlighted item.

To delete all data associated with a mail system
with one keystroke, highlight the system ID and
press the Del key.
 Processing Messages1",
The folders window displays a listing of the
messages folders you have created along with
the total number of messages currently in the
folder. While reading any message you can
elect to copy it to a RoboMail message folder.
Use message folders to organize messages of
particular interest to you for quick access and

Folders Window Commands
F5 Process messages
T Tally current folder messages
Alt-T Tally all system and folder messages
P Pack data files
ÄÙ Read folder messages
$Mail Importing Setup)&t
By default, the Incoming Mail window on the
control panel displays a directory of mail
packets which are waiting to be imported in your
configured incoming mail directory.

To import a single incoming mail packet, highlight
the packet name and press Enter. To tag and
import multiple packets, use the SpaceBar to tag
the files to import and then press Enter on a
system name to start the importing process.

You can traverse your systems available
directories by selecting any of the 
directory entries. To refresh the current
directory display, select the "." directory entry.
To back up one directory level, select the ".."
directory entry. To change to another disk drive,
select one of the available drive letter entries
from the end of the directory listing.

NOTE: If you select a mail packet that resides
anywhere other than your configured incoming mail
­directory for importing, the mail packet will be
moved into your configured incoming mail directory
if you've enabled packet archiving on the Mail
Importing Setup screen.
7(Tips on QuotingQuick-Merge Files Merge Macros¹*
Navigation Commands
Home Move cursor to start of line
End Move cursor to end of line
Up/Down Move cursor up or down one row
Left/Right Move cursor left/right
Ctrl-Right Move cursor to next word
Ctrl-Left Move cursor to previous word
Ctrl-PgUp Move cursor to top of file
Ctrl-PgDn Move cursor to bottom of file
Tab/Sh-Tab Move to next/previous tab stop

Text Editing Commands
Del Delete character at cursor
Ctrl-Backspace Delete word left
Ins Toggle Insert/Overwrite mode
Alt-D / Ctrl-Y Delete current line
Alt-T Delete to end of line
Alt-Z Delete to end of file
Ctrl-Enter Re-format current paragraph
Block Management Commands
Alt-M Toggle block marking mode on/off
Alt-L Toggle line marking mode on/off
Alt-P Mark paragraph from cursor line
Alt-U Turn off (Unmark) current block
[+] Copy marked block to buffer
[-] Cut marked block to buffer
Del Delete marked block
Alt-Q Quote marked block to outgoing
Alt-I Insert (paste) buffer contents

File Management Commands
Alt-E Edit another file
Alt-N Move to next file/message
Alt-F Import a text file
Alt-W Write (save) file to disk
Alt-C Close file in current window
Alt-X Save outgoing message and exit
Esc Exit without saving message
Other Commands
F2 Editor Settings Menu
Alt-S Spell check current message
Alt-G Edit quick-merge assignments
Alt-J Toggle right justification
Alt-A Toggle automatic formatting
Alt-H Toggle hint display
Shift F1-F10 Execute quick-merge
Message SetupJ.·
The easiest way to quote portions of a message
into your reply is to use the SpaceBar to tag
the lines of a message that you want to quote
while you are reading the message. When you press
the Reply key, all groups of consecutive lines
that you tag will be bundled together as quotes in
your new outgoing reply, formatted according to
the Quoting Style option you specified on the
Message Setup configuration screen. (Note that
the Scroll Lock key must be toggled OFF for the
highlight bar to be visible)

However, there will be some instances when the
space bar tagging methods won't do the exact job
you want. For example, you might want to quote a
single sentence in the middle of a long paragraph
or you might want to retain the format (spacing)
of the quoted material in your reply.

To perform custom quoting using the internal
editor, make sure that the cursor is positioned in
the outgoing message at the position that you want
‹the quoted text to be inserted, and then press
Alt-Next to switch to the message you are
replying to.

Next, position the cursor at the beginning of the
text that you would like to quote and decide on
the quoting style (formatted or unformatted) that
you need. Press Alt-Mark to start marking text
in word-processing mode if you want to reformat or
Alt-Line to start line marking mode if you want
to maintain the current formatting.

Once all of the text you want to quote has been
marked, press Alt-Quote and RoboMail will quote
the marked text back into your outgoing message
and position the cursor right under the newly
quoted text.

B0Sample Topic 1Sample Topic 2Sample Topic 3
Help Index2U
While in the online help system, use the  PgUp 
and  PgDn  keys to change between help pages
related to the same topic.  Home  will take you
to the first page in the set, and  End  will
take you to the last.

You can tell if additional pages are available by
looking at the bottom line of the screen. If
[PgDn] and/or [End] is displayed, more pages are
available in the forward direction. If [PgUp]
and/or [Home] is displayed, more pages are
available in the backward direction.

Press  PgDn  now to learn how to access the
related topics listed in the window on the right.
Related Topics

Use the    and    arrow keys to move the
scroll bar in the See Also window on the right
side of the help screen. When a topic you are
interested in is highlighted, press  ÄÙ  to
access the help information related to that topic.

Once you select a related topic, a  Topic> option will appear in the new list of
related topics. Select this option to back up
sequentially through the help screens you've

Press  Esc  at any time to leave the help system.

Press  ÄÙ  to return to the previous help topic.
4ent b6]
See, it works!

Select  to return to the
Help on Help screen.
See, it works!

Select  to return to the
Help on Help screen.
See, it works!

Select  to return to the
Help on Help screen.

)@What is a Thread?Tagging Messages§
To see an overview of all messages in the current
conference, press the Ins key while reading
messages. RoboMail will present a scrolling index
displaying selected data from all the messages in
the conference.

The Flags column on the message index display
can contain a variety of characters, depending
upon the status and class of the messages being
displayed. The possible flag characters are:

A The message archive option is Age
K The message archive option is Keep
D The message archive option is Discard
ž The message is private
c OutBox message will be copied to chron
H OutBox message has Hold status
r You have replied to this message
1..9 Message is included in a tag group
 A bulk process marked the message as read
ð The message has appeared on your screen
and you may have read it.
NOTE: If your screen is in eighty column mode,
additional columns of message data can be
viewed by scrolling the cursor off the right
edge of the screen.

The following keys are available while viewing the
message index for a conference:

Message Index Command Keys

ÄÙ Return to message view screen with
currently highlighted message displayed.

Esc Return to message view screen and
display the message that was active
before the Ins key was pressed.

A Set message archiving action to Age

K Set message archiving action to Keep
D Set message archiving action to Discard

H Toggle Hold status in OutBox

Y/C Toggle Copy to Chron status in OutBox

N Clear the current archiving option

+ Set message's archive option to
default and move to next message

- Set message's archive option to
default and move to previous message

Del Set the archiving action of all messages
in the current thread with no assigned
action to Discard status and move to the
next thread
* Set the archiving action of all messages
in the current thread with no assigned
action to the conference default action
and move on to the next thread

/ Set the archiving action of all messages
in the current thread with no assigned
action to the conference default action
and move back to the previous thread

1...9 Assign message to tag group 1 through 9

0 Clear tag from current message

Ctrl-T Bulk tag messages

Ctrl-U Bulk un-tag messages

F7 Shell to DOS

D MaêFå
The term message thread is a bit of arcane
terminology inherited from old fashioned online
mail systems which refers to an ongoing
conversation among individuals in an electronic

In RoboMail, all messages within a conference
which share the same subject text (character case
is not significant) are considered to be part of
the same conversation, or thread. A variety of
command keys are available for assigning archiving
actions to all the member messages of a thread.
Pressing F9 or Composing a message from the
system window of the control panel will display a
scrolling listing of all conferences available on
the BBS. You can use this display to search for
a conference, or provide a variety of maintenance

You can instantly Sort the conference directory
by conference number or name by simply positioning
the highlight bar in either the number or name
columns of the display. As you move the cursor
between columns, the sort order will be updated

Searching by conference name is accomplished by
using the right arrow key to move the highlight
bar into the conference name column and typing the
name of the conference you want to locate. As you
type, the set of displayed conferences will be
narrowed to only display the conferences which
names that match what you've typed so far.

ÄTo Search by conference number, place the
highlight bar in the conference number column and
begin typing the conference number. A data entry
field will open up to accept your keystrokes.
When you've finished entering the number, press
ÄÙ to perform the conference number search.

The Conference Directory screen is also a very
convenient place to handle quick changes to your
conference aging options. The following key
commands will help you do this:

Conference Directory Command Keys

F2 Access conference specific setup screen.

Alt-A \
Alt-K  \_ Set the conference default archive
Alt-D  / option to Age,Keep,Discard or None.
Alt-N /
F9 Decrease the conference specific age
days setting by 1 day.

F10 Increase the conference specific age
days setting by 1 day.

ÄÙ When composing a message, select the
current conference and enter the editor to
write the message.

Esc When composing a message, abort the
conference selection process and return.
LArchive ActionsóNw
This display lists the conferences which have
active messages for the selected message class.
Use the standard navigation keys to select the
conference you would like to enter and press the
ÄÙ key to select it.

Conference Selection Command Keys

F2 Access conference specific setup screen.

Alt-A \
Alt-K  \_ Set the conference default archive
Alt-D  / option to Age,Keep,Discard or None.
Alt-N /

F9 Decrease the conference specific age
days setting by 1 day.

F10 Increase the conference specific age
days setting by 1 day.

t ÄÙ Select the highlighted conference.

Esc Abort the conference selection process
and return.

P Ma¸R³
Typing a number between zero and nine when the
cursor is in the conference number column of the
conference directory opens up a field which allows
you to search for a specific conference number.

The key you entered to start the search process
will be inserted into the data entry field. When
you have fully entered the conference number you
want to search for, press ÄÙ and RoboMail will
jump to your desired conference number.

TSetting a PointerÊ VA
RoboMail's conference management screen offers a
convenient interface for communicating with the
mail service to specify the conferences to be
included in your mail packet. To access the
screen, highlight a mail system in the System
window of the control panel and press F8 or select
Conference Management from the pop-up main menu.

The conference management screen is divided up
into four windows. The large window on the left
side of the screen contains a list of all
available conferences on the BBS. If RoboMail has
seen mail in the conference before and you have
not issued a drop request for the conference
recently, then SEL will appear next to the
conference name and the entire line will be
displayed in a different color to let you know
that the conference is already selected for
scanning on the mail system.
The right side of the screen is made up of three
windows which hold the pending Add, Drop and
Reset configuration requests which have not yet
been exported to an outgoing mail REPly packet.

To move the cursor between windows, use the
Tab and Sh-Tab keys.

To search for a conference name, place the
cursor in the conference names window and begin
typing the conference name to look for.

To join a new conference on the mail system,
highlight the name of the conference to add and
press Alt-A.

To abandon a selected conference, highlight the
name of the conference to drop and press Alt-D.

To reset the last message read in a conference,
highlight the conference name and press Alt-R to
Treset the conference's last read pointer.

To delete a configuration request, highlight the
configuration request to remove and press the
Delete key.

RoboMail will let you know whenever you have
"pending" conference configuration requests which
have not yet been exported to an outgoing package
by placing a C in the system's row of the
Control Panel OutBox column.

NOTE: Some mail services only send information
about the conferences that you currently
have selected for reading, and others can
be configured to do this. Since RoboMail
has no restrictions on the number of
conferences it can support, you should
configure the mail service to include
information about all available conferences
in your mail packet if it is at all
possible to do so. This will enable you to
X take advantage of RoboMail's advanced
conference management capabilities

XData Entry KeysçZâ
Whenever you create a Reset conference
configuration request, RoboMail will open up a
window to ask you to specify the new message
pointer. Depending upon the mail system you are
dealing with, a variety of options are available.

Some mail systems require that you do not enter
anything into the reset request option. Doing
this will set your last message read pointer to
the last available message in the conference.

Other systems will allow or require you to specify
a specific message number to reset the pointer.

Still other systems will allow you to specify a
negative number, which means "send me the last
xxx messages in the conference."

Check with your mail system operator to see which
capabilities are available to you.
Utility Setup
Message SetupMail Importing Setup System SetupPilot & Sound Setup
Incoming MailData Entry KeysÞ^{
This configuration screen allows you to specify
the directories that RoboMail will use for file
input and output.

Use the Location of Incoming QWK Packets
field to specify the name of the directory into
which your communications program(s) will place
incoming mail packets. When RoboMail starts,
it will default to this directory for its
Incoming Mail window.

Use the Location of Outgoing REP Packets field
to specify the directory that RoboMail should use
to store exported "reply" packets.

Use the Location of File Attachments field to
specify the directory into which RoboMail should
place all incoming attached files.
Use the Archive Extraction Work Directory to
specify the directory that RoboMail should use as
a temporary work space when extracting messages
from incoming mail packets. RoboMail will create
this directory if it does not exist. If you have
a large RAM disk or a choice between two hard
disks of differing speeds, you should try to
specify the fastest drive available.


RoboMail will erase the contents of the work
directory and remove the directory after
processing the incoming mail. DO NOT specify a
directory name that will be used simultaneously
by any other program to hold files. For safety
reasons, RoboMail will not allow you to specify
the root directory of any drive or the RoboMail
home directory for this configuration option.
‡`Directory Setup
Message SetupMail Importing Setup System SetupPilot & Sound SetupAttachment ManagerData Entry KeysÇb
This configuration screen allows you to specify
the outside utility programs that RoboMail should
use for archive file manipulation and file

Enter the appropriate Create archive commands
in the fields for ZIP, ARJ and LZH files. Use
%T to represent the "target" file that will be
created and %S to indicate the "source" file
list. NOTE that RoboMail passes the name of a
text file that lists the files to be included in
the archive. Most archive creation utilities
require a different command line switch when a
using a list file.

For the Extract archive commands, use %T to
indicate the "target" directory for extracted files
and %S to represent the "source" mail packet.

Enter the memory required by archiving utilities
in the Archive Create/Extract RAM field.
Select the Use Internal Text Viewer button to
use RoboMail's internal routines for displaying
text files (bulletins, news files, etc.) to the
screen, or select the Use Text Viewer button to
specify an external utility program for the task.
In the field provided, specify the list utility,
using %T to represent the file that will be
viewed. Also, specify the amount of memory
required by your outside text viewing utility in
the Text Viewer RAM field.

When you select ArcView from the Attachment
Manager screen to examine the contents of a
attached archive file, RoboMail will free up as
much memory as possible, and run the utility
you specify in the Archive Viewer field.
Use %T to represent the file to be viewed.

The RIP Viewer field is used to define the
utility that will be used to display messages
containing Remote Imaging Protocol graphics.
1When you use the View command while looking at a
message, RoboMail will examine the text of the
message to see if there is any RIPscript code
contained within it. If so, RoboMail will
write the current message out to a message.txt
file and shell to DOS to execute the configured
RIP viewing utility.

›dConference SettingsCreating RepliesDirectory Setup
Utility SetupMail Importing Setup System SetupPilot & Sound SetupData Entry KeysåfË
This configuration screen allows you to set
options related to creating outgoing messages.

To specify the Message Editor you want to
use for creating messages, select the Internal
or External button. To specify an external
editor, enter a command in the space provided and
use %T to represent the outgoing message file
and %S to represent the original message you
are replying to. Then, enter the amount of
memory required by the editor in the Editor RAM
Required field.

By default, RoboMail uses REPLY.TXT and
ORIGINAL.TXT as the outgoing and original file
names when using an external editor. You can
change these if you want by specifying new file
and/or path names in the fields provided.
The Message Header Style setting controls the
order in which the author and recipient of a
message will appear in the header portion of
screen displays, printouts and text files.
Select either button to specify your preference.

The Taglines setting controls the default
tagline file and selection method. By default,
RoboMail will store tagline files in a file named
ROBOMAIL.RTF. However, if you want to keep
several different tagline files, you can use the
Main Tagline File option to specify the tagline
file that will be used when messages are created
in any conference that doesn't have an alternate
tagline file specified on its Conference
Settings screen.

If you choose the Sequential tagline selection
method, RoboMail will step through the tagline
file in order, selecting the next tagline each
@time a new outgoing message is created. Choose
Random to have RoboMail select any tagline from
the file and Sticky if you want to use the same
tagline over and over until you change it. To
keep RoboMail from selecting any tagline at all,
select the Disabled button.

The Quoting Style option controls the way in
which tagged lines in a message are quoted when
you are Creating Replies.

Reformat Tagged Lines means that RoboMail
will reform any consecutive tagged lines into
a single quoted block. All quoted lines
will fit cleanly within your message margins.

Copy Tagged Lines Verbatim means that
tagged lines will not be reformatted when
they are quoted. If you are using the
internal editor, any lines which extend
beyond the configured right margin will be
The Quote Entire Original Message option
will copy all of the original message into
your outgoing message, prefacing all lines
with your configured quote characters and
truncating any which would extend beyond the
right margin of the internal editor.

To control the characters that RoboMail uses to
indicate quoted lines in a message, edit the
Quoting Characters field. If you want to
include the original message author's initials in
the quoting characters, use a F for the first
name initial and a L for the last name initial.

³HINTº If you are using the internal editor,
ÔÍÍÍͼ you will probably find it most useful
to select the Reformat quoting style.
This is because the Alt-L + Alt-Q quoting
method can still be used to quote any lines
which need their original format retained.
Use the Default forwards as private setting if
you would like RoboMail to automatically default
the message security of forwarded messages to
PRIVATE status. If you frequently forward
messages to others, you should set this option to
avoid accidentally having a forwarded message
visible to everyone in a public conference.

Remember, the message addressing screen always
gives you an opportunity to change the default
security status. If you do not select this
option, the default security of forwarded messages
will match the security of the message being

‚hMail System SettingsDirectory Setup
Utility Setup
Message Setup System SetupPilot & Sound SetupData Entry Keys. j²
Use this configuration screen to control options
which are used during the mail importing process.

The New File List options allow you to
specify how incoming lists of newly available
files are handled. The Insert New Data at
Beginning of List option will ensure that the
"newest" files are at the top of the list when it
is viewed from the control panel. Selecting the
Append New Data to End of List option to place
newer files at the end of the list. To keep only
the most recently imported file list, select the
Replace Existing List option.

NOTE: RoboMail stores file lists using the mail
system ID with a .LST file extension in the
RoboMail home directory.
After RoboMail imports the information in a mail
packet, the packet is normally of no further
use. By default RoboMail will automatically
archive previously imported packets and keep only
the most recently imported packet on disk, with a
! replacing the first character of the
extension. To change this behavior, update the
QWK files to archive configuration option. Use
a number between 1 and 9 to specify the
number of packets to archive or 0 to disable
archiving completely.

NOTE: RoboMail stores all archived mail packets
in the configured incoming mail directory,
regardless of the disk or directory that
they were imported from. The relative age
of the archived packet can be determined by
examining the file extension. For example,
with QWK packets, a file with a !WK
extension would be the most recently
¿ archived packet for a system and !W8 would
be the oldest archived packet from a system.

The Default age days for new systems option
controls the number of message age days assigned
to the Conf Default and Chron Action options
on the Mail System Settings screen. This
setting controls the defaults that are assigned
the first time a packet from a mail system is
imported. You will have the option to change
these mail system defaults before any of the
conference names from the new system are scanned.

The Maximum allowable bytes in an individual
message option allows you to specify the maximum
size message that RoboMail will handle. During
import, messsages which exceed the number of bytes
you enter here will be split into multiple parts.
If your RoboMail installation is running in
protected mode, you should set this option to
its maximum allowable value: 60,000. If you are
running in real mode the value should be set at
Eapproximately 32,000 or lower if you ever see
"Conventional Memory Exhausted" errors.

The Maximum number of message lines to display
option controls the maximum number of lines that
RoboMail will display on its main message viewing
screen. If you are running in protected mode
then this option should be set to its maximum
value of 4,000. If you are running in real mode
and are low on available memory, the overhead
associated with handling 4,000 lines may be too
much for your system. So, set the option to 2,000
or lower if you have problems handling longer

l all n
This means that the program will automatically
detect at start up if the proper hardware and
memory are available for "protected mode"
operations. If protected mode is possible,
RoboMail will use a faster and more reliable
method of memory access and allocation for its
runtime and virtual memory operations. If
protected mode is not possible, RoboMail will
not operate.

In order to function in protected mode, a machine
must be able to provide the following resources to

o A 80286 or higher CPU.

o There must be a DPMI, VCPI or XMS host
installed. Almost all systems using any
sort of memory manager will already be
configured to provide one or more of these
o At least one megabyte (1024K) of free
"extended" memory. Extended memory is any
memory installed above one megabyte.

You can tell what mode RoboMail is running in by
looking at the bottom of the control panel frame.
When running in protected mode, the Host:
message will indicate DPMI, VCPI or XMS.
When you are not running in protected mode the
active host indicator message will show as REAL.

Although RoboMail's default settings for
determining which mode to run in should work fine
for the vast majority of machines, several
ROBOMAIL environment variable switches have been
added to help fine-tune the process. Do not use
any of these switches unless you have a good
reason to do so!

/HD- Disables the use of a DPMI host
/HQ- Disables the use of a QDPMI host
T/HV- Disables the use of a VCPI host
/HX- Disables the use of a XMS host

/ELnnnn Sets the maximum amount of memory that
RoboMail will request form the active
host before swapping to disk for
subsequent memory requests. The
default is 8 megabytes.

/DTnnnn Sets the "threshold" amount of host
memory (in kilobytes) which must be
available to enable protected mode
operations. The minimum is 1024.

/HM- Disables the start-up messages which
show what type of host is being used.

NOTE: Although RoboMail's DOS extender defaults
to looking for a DPMI host first for
maximum compatibility, a VCPI or XMS host
may provide more memory in tight memory
situations. As a result, RoboMail may run
P better on smaller machines when only
HIMEM.SYS is installed.

NOTE: Quarterdeck's QDPMI allocates around 70kb
of conventional memory when a protected
mode program starts up, and this cannot be
swapped out at runtime by RoboMail's
swapper functions when shelling to DOS.
If you find that your DOS shell's in
RoboMail are too small, then add the /HQ-
switch to your ROBOMAIL environment


When running in protected mode, all of
ROBOMAIL.EXE and ROBOMAIL.OVL are loaded in memory
at once. The amount of conventional (below 640K)
memory available when you start the program is not
very important. As long as there is at least 256K
of conventional memory and sufficient extended
¾memory the program will run very well. People
using many TSRs, DesqView or Windows will now find
that RoboMail runs much better and provides
greatly improved memory management.

RoboMail will request up to 8 megabytes of
extended memory from the active host before
resorting to a disk swap file. So, you should try
to provide at least 2 megabytes of extended memory
to RoboMail for best performance. If you are
running under Windows, RoboMail will interact
closely with Windows virtual memory swap file and
you will see extremely good performance. If you
are running other applications simultaneously and
want to stop RoboMail from using 8 megabytes of
Windows virtual memory, you should add the /EL
switch (documented above) to your ROBOMAIL
environment variable. Don't do this unless you
feel RoboMail's appetite for memory is adversely
affecting the performance of other programs
running at the same time.
ßOS/2 USERS -- You should edit your VDM system
settings to provide at least 4 megabytes of DPMI
memory (8 is better) and 640K XMS (for fastest
swapping to external programs).

NOTE: Because of a conflict between RoboMail,
OS/2 2.1 and PKZIP's usage of DPMI memory,
it is important that you do not remove the
supplied PKZIP.CFG file from your RoboMail
directory. The file disables PKZIP's DPMI
usage when shelled out from RoboMail.

‰pThe IMPORT.LOG FileDirectory Setup
Utility Setup
Message SetupMail Importing SetupPilot & Sound SetupData Entry Keysº
Use this configuration screen to control some of
the technical details of RoboMail's operation.

Select the Set VGA 50-line Mode at Start-Up
option if you would like RoboMail to toggle
your VGA screen into 50 line mode when first
displaying the control panel.

The Use VGA User Interface controls whether or
not RoboMail will attempt to re-define certain
characters on a VGA screen to simulate a GUI type
environment. If you run RoboMail on a VGA
equipped system and are running in a "window"
under a multi-tasking operating system, RoboMail
will automatically disable this option.

By default, many of RoboMail's screen displays
will "zoom" up when they appear. If you find
this to be distracting or too slow on your
system, turn the option off by disabling the
Enable Exploding Windows check box.

zTo speed up operations in interactive reading
mode, RoboMail has the ability to do some of its
needed "house keeping" in the background. This
option is enabled by default. De-select the Do
DBV file Clean-Up in the Background option if
you would like to disable this feature. You can
tell when RoboMail is doing its background
processing by looking for a cute little happy face
character in the upper right corner of the screen.

Select the Ask About OutBox Export when Exiting
RoboMail check box if you want RoboMail to prompt
you to export OutBox messages when you quit the
program with active messages in your outbox.

Use the Mouse options to enable or disable a
right or left handed mouse.

NOTE: To use a mouse with RoboMail, your
operating system must have a "mouse driver"
active. If RoboMail cannot find your mouse
driver you will not be able to take
^ advantage of the mouse shortcuts built into

The Require Password at Start-up options allow
you to set up a password that you will need to
enter in order to start the program. Use this
option if your RoboMail databases contain
sensitive information that you do not want others
to see. Fill in a password and select the check
box to enable this feature.

The Program Swapper options control RoboMail's
memory usage when it shells to DOS via the F7
key or to run an external utility program. By
default, RoboMail will attempt to use EMS, XMS
and the disk directory defined for swap files.

If RoboMail encounters problems when shelling,
make sure that your defined swap directory is
valid and extant, then try disabling both the EMS
and XMS options. Verify that the swap routines
work with the options off, then turn them back on
«one at a time to isolate your difficulties. If
you have a RAM disk with 640K or more available
disk space, specify it as your Location for
temporary disk swap files.

~tMail NavigationDirectory Setup
Utility Setup
Message SetupMail Importing Setup System SetupData Entry Keysvc
Use this configuration screen to control the
actions taken by RoboMail's auto-pilot and the
sounds generated during operations.

ÚÄ· The Auto-Pilot settings control the actions
³.º taken whenever you press the period key while
Ôͼ viewing recent messages. The auto-pilot
default settings allow you to move sequentially
through all unread messages on a system, assigning
the default archiving action as you go and
processing the messages in the conference before
moving to the next conference. To change this
behavior, modify any of the four auto-pilot

When using the auto-pilot or assisted reading
modes, if you would like RoboMail to automatically
perform a page down operation so you can read the
rest of messages longer than 1 screen before
continuing on to the next message, select either
or both of the automatic page down check boxes.

2The Personal Message Beep option controls the
persistence of the beep that RoboMail emits when a
"personal" message is encountered. Select any
option, from Always to Never. The Sounds
option lets you set the program for full sound,
completely silent operation or the personal
message beep only.

Whenever RoboMail imports a mail packet, it adds a
comma-delimited line to an IMPORT.LOG file in
its home directory that you can use to help
optimize your settings. Here's a dissection of a
sample log line:

| | | | | | | | | | |

A - Mail System ID
B - Import Date
C - Import Time
D - Total number of messages in the message packet
E - Number of seconds required to import messages
F - Number of new message records added
G - Number of trash message records recycled
H - Number of aged-out messages recycled
I - Number of filtered messages not added
J - Total messages in base
K - Messages per second imported (DöE)

:|Copy/Move a FileAttachment Manager
Utility Setup²~ 
When you press the attachment hot key, F6, while
reading a message that has an attached file,
RoboMail will display a small menu which will
allow you to perform a variety of functions on the

Select Copy File to copy the attachment to
another location on your system while still
maintaining the original file attachment in

Select Move File to remove the attachment from
RoboMail and place it in another location on your

Select Delete File to permanently remove the
file attachment from RoboMail.

Select Edit File to load the file into your
configured external editor for editing.

Select List File to display the file to the

screen using your configured file viewing utility.

Select View Archive to display the contents of
a compressed file using your configured archive
viewing utility.

Select Attachment Manager to look up the
current attachment on the attachment manager

€Attachment Optionsq‚l
Press [F6] from the control panel screen or while
reading messages to access the attachment manager

The attachment manager screen provides an overview
of all files that are currently attached to the
active messages in your RoboMail system. All of
the file viewing and manipulation commands
available on the Attachment Options screen are
also available here.

In addition, you can also make notes about
individual file attachments by highlighting the
attachment and pressing Alt-N. If a files notes
extend beyond the borders of the attachment
manager window, use the + and - keys to scroll
the data.

„Data Entry Keys:†5
This screen tells RoboMail where you would like
to copy or move the indicated file to. If you
would like to change the name of the file during
the copy/move operation specify a new name in the
"As" field. After the target file name has been
specified, RoboMail will ask you for the target
directory name.

CˆAttachment OptionsAttachment ManagerAddressing a Message±Š<
Some offline mail systems allow files to be
attached to a message. RoboMail has full support
for this capability*. When you attach a file
to an outgoing message by specifying a file name
in the Attachment field of the Message
Address dialog box, the message will be included
in the exported mail packet for the BBS.

To view an attached file on a message you have
received, press the attachment hot key, F6 to
access the Attachment Options or Attachment
Manager screens.

NOTE: Pay special attention to the
Public/Private status of messages with
file attachments. With most mail
systems the attachment will be available
to all the users of the BBS if the
message has public status.

* RoboMail supports the file attachment
methodology first implemented in the Tomcat
mmail door for Wildcat! bulletin board systems.
Wildcat! and Tomcat are trademarks of Mustang
Software, Inc.

RŒColor SettingsFolder SettingsConference SettingsMail System Settings&Ž!
Select the configuration options that you would
like to update. Depending upon the screen that
this menu is called from, the following options
will be available to you.

RoboMail Settings

Screen Display Colors

Conference Settings

Folder Settings

Mail System Settings

5Data Entry KeysMail Door Drivers
This screen contains all configuration settings
that are specific to an individual mail system.
To access the screen, press F2 while viewing
messages or from the control panel, or select the
system ID on the control panel.

The mail door configuration settings control
offline conference configuration requests. If an
imported mail packet contains a complete DOOR.ID
file, RoboMail will be able to fill in many of the
options on this screen automatically. If not, you
will need to fill them in or press the Driver
button to pick a mail door configuration driver.

The Your Name, Sysop Name, Location and
Phone Number data on this screen are extracted
from the incoming mail packets and are not

The Door, Version, and System options are
informational only and serve no functional use in
RoboMail. The Control Name field should be
cfilled in with the name to which offline
configuration messages should be addressed. The
Add, Drop and Reset fields should be filled
in with the correct keywords for selecting,
abandoning and resetting conferences.

The Config Subject field should only be filled
in if the mail service supports multiple
configuration requests in a single message. The
information you enter in this field will be used
as the message subject when making a multi-part
offline configuration request.

Check the Mixed case subjects allowed box if you
want RoboMail to allow mixed case message subjects
in outgoing messages to this BBS.

Check the Force high ASCII strip (Fido Mode)
box to set the default option for individual
conferences on this mail system. If this BBS
requires that all messages contain low order ASCII
characters only, you should activate this option.
The Split replies at XXX lines options allow
you to control the way RoboMail handles long
outgoing messages to this mail system. If you
enable this ability, long OutBox messages will be
split into multiple parts during the export
process. Many BBS systems limit the allowable
length of posted messages, so you should make sure
that this option matches the requirements of the
mail system.

The Conf Default radio buttons control the
default archive option that will be assigned to
all conferences on the mail system as they are
scanned into RoboMail. The default is to Age
messages 7 days before recycling. You should
adjust the age days option to suit your needs.
Make sure you are certain if you decide to assign
Keep status as the default. You'll be surprised
how quickly large databases of messages can

The Chron Action radio buttons control the
action that will be assigned to outgoing messages
that have Copy to Chron status as they are added
to your chron file. The default is to Age your
outgoing messages for 7 days in the chron before
they are available for recycling. Set the age
option to the length of time you want to maintain
your messages in the chron.

The Receipts radio button indicates the type of
"Receipt Request" notifications that are available
on the BBS. RoboMail will automatically detect
and allow receipt requests in conferences which
are using the PostLink** networking system. If
the mail system also allows local receipt requests
using the RRR prefix in the message subject,
select the appropriate radio button to indicate
this capability to RoboMail. If the BBS is a
PCBoard 15 system, select the PCBoard Style
receipt option.

If message attachments are allowed on the mail
jservice, then select the Tomcat or PCBoard
style radio button to inform RoboMail of this

*”Pilot & Sound SetupData Entry KeysÍ–È
This screen contains all setting which are
specific to the current folder.

Select Display ANSI automatically if you would
like messages which start with the [ANSIART] or
[ANSI50] markers to be displayed automatically.

Select Play ANSI music is you would like any
ANSI music contained in displayed ANSI messages to
be played. Please note that the sound settings on
the Pilot & Sound Setup screen must also be
turned on for music to be played.
Z˜Archive ActionsInternet SetupPilot & Sound Setup
TrademarksData Entry Keysq š6
This setup screen allows you to set all options
that are specific to the individual conferences on
the mail systems you call.

Use the Alternate Tagline File field to specify
the name of a special tagline file that you want
to use for taglines when creating mail in this
conference. This field is optional.

If you use an alias name in this conference,
enter the name in the Your alias in this
conference field. If this field is filled in,
RoboMail will default to the alias name whenever
you Reply or Compose message in this
conference. This field is optional.

NOTE: Your mail system operator usually has to
pre-approve the use of an alias name. Most
mail processors will reject messages
written using alias names unless the name
has been approved by the system operator.

ŒThe Automatic Routing check box controls
Robomail's behavior when sending private mail in
PostLink** managed echo mail conferences. With
this option selected, RoboMail will automatically
attempt to route any message sent with private

Selecting the Internet Conference check box will
enable many of RoboMail's powerful Internet
routing and addressing features in this
conference. This option MUST be set ON in all
Internet newsgroup and Email conferences for
correct addressing. See the Internet Setup
help screen for details on these capabilities.

Selecting the Messages to ALL in personal check
box will add all conference messages addressed to
ALL to the mail system's Personal column on
the control panel. Note that this occurs only
during message importing, so checking this box
will not retroactively assign personal status to
messages which have already been imported.
The Copy replies to chron file check box
controls the default status of the Copy to Chron
option on the message addressing screen. If you
would like your outgoing messages copied into the
Chron File during export, then you should make
sure that this option is selected. Note that you
always have the option of controlling this
behavior individually for each outgoing message.

Select Display ANSI automatically if you would
like messages in this conference which start with
the [ANSIART] or [ANSI50] markers to be
displayed automatically.

Select Play ANSI music if you would like any
ANSI music contained in displayed ANSI messages to
be played. Please note that the sound settings on
the Pilot & Sound Setup screen must also be
turned on for music to be played.

The Default Action radio buttons control the
cdefault archiving action that will be assigned
to recent messages in this conference whenever
you press one of the action assigning keys on the
message view screen. Select Age, Keep, or
Discard to have a default action assigned or
None if you want to explicitly set the archiving
action for every recent message imported into this

Use this screen to control the screen color scheme
used by RoboMail. To do this, use the + and -
keys or mouse to select the color that you would
like to change (indicated between the  and 
characters on the screen) and use the arrow keys
or mouse to move the small color selection box so
that it surrounds the color that you would like to
set. When the desired color is selected, press
ÄÙ to confirm the color selection.

On color systems, you can toggle between blinking
foreground and high intensity backgrounds by
pressing Alt-B.

Use Alt-D to set the colors back to RoboMail's
defaults for your monitor type.

Use Alt-S to save your color selections so
they will be loaded each time you start RoboMail.
The color definitions are stored in a file named
ROBOMAIL.CLR in the RoboMail home directory.

«If you made changes to the color scheme that you
don't like, press Esc and the colors that were
active before you entered the color definition
screen will be restored.

 Data Entry Keys*¢%
Press the configuration hot-key, F2, while
using the internal editor to access the Editor
Settings screen.

By default, RoboMail's internal editor will only
perform automatic word-wrapping in outgoing
messages. You can change this behavior if you
like, by using the Word Wrap radio buttons.

The default right margin in the message
editor is 72 characters. If you would like to
change this, enter a new number in the Right
Margin Setting field.

Any changes you make to the editor settings will
be used for all future editing sessions.

In RoboMail, you "process" messages to execute
their specified archive action. The most common
usage for this is to move Recent messages into
the Trash or Archive message classes.

Press F5 when viewing messages to process the
currently displayed conference or folder, or
highlight a mail system ID and press F5 from the
control panel for a menu of messages which can be

When a message is processed, RoboMail looks at the
current message class (Recent, OutBox, Archive,
Chron) and the specified message action (Age,
Keep, Discard, Hold, None) and determines what
to do with the message. For example, Recent
messages marked with Age or Keep status will
be moved into the mail system's archive, and
Archive or Recent messages marked with
Discard status will by placed in the Trash for

NOTE: Once a Recent message has been moved
into the message archive or trash,
there is no way to return it to the
Recent message class.

¨Data Entry Keys^ªY
Press the bulk marking hot key, F4, from the
control panel to assign archive actions to large
groups of messages from a single mail system.

The two sets of radio buttons on the bulk
marking dialog box allow you to specify the class
of messages (personal, recent, archive or chron)
that you would like to modify, as well as the
archive action to assign.

By default, the bulk marking process will not
touch any message which already has an archive
action assigned. To override this capability and
assign the desired action to all the messages in
the specified message class, select the Replace
existing assignments check box.

If you have changed the number of aging
days on one or more conference configuration
screens and want to update the age days currently
assigned to the specified messages, select the
Update age days with default check box.
&¬Archive ActionsData Entry Keys˜®“
To perform bulk updates of the archive actions
assigned to messages in a single conference, press
F4 at the message view screen to access the
Bulk Action Assignment dialog box.

Start by specifying the messages that you would
like to update. Select All to modify the action
assignments of every message in the conference, or
Marked for to specify messages which already
have particular archive actions assigned.

Next, specify the new archive action (Age, Keep,
Discard or None) to Assign to the selected

If you would also like to update the age days
currently assigned to the selected messages,
select the Update Age Days check box.
The number of bulletins available for a specific
mail service is indicated in the Bltn column of
the control panel. If there are new or
updated bulletins available the number will be
shown in green (by default - you may have changed
this color on the color configuration screen).

To see a listing of the available bulletins from a
mail system, highlight the number in the system's
row of the control panel and press ÄÙ.

When the list appears, bulletins which are new or
which have been updated since the last time you
viewed them will be marked with an asterisk.
Highlight any bulletin record and press ÄÙ to
view it.

Normally, bulletin names are not included in
incoming mail packets, so RoboMail uses the
Conference and bulletin numbers as a substitute
name. If you would like to edit this name to
something more meaningful, highlight the name to
change and press Alt-E. Once you save
your changes, RoboMail will maintain this new
name on its bulletin list even through future
updates from the BBS.

To delete a bulletin, highlight it and press the
Delete key. When you do, RoboMail will ask if
you would like to block future importing of the
bulletin. Answer Yes if you want to make sure
that the bulletin isn't stored again when
future mail packets are imported.

To remove the block on a bulletin, simply
highlight the blocked bulletin line and press the
Delete key.
´Technical Support}¶
Most modern mail services provide a file called
DOOR.ID in their incoming mail packets which
identify the program which created the mail packet
to RoboMail. This file is read during the mail
importing process.

Once RoboMail has determined the program and
version that created the mail packet, it looks up
the program in its database of Mail Door
Drivers. If a record is found, RoboMail will be
able to fill in all of the options on the Mail
System Settings screen properly.

If no DOOR.ID file is found in the incoming mail
packet, RoboMail will have now way of identifying
the capabilities of the host software. In these
instances, you must either specify the correct
options yourself, or press the Drivers button on
the Mail System Settings screen and identify the
mail system software which created the packet.
Once you do this, RoboMail's settings will be
updated automatically and will remain in effect
Øuntil you explicitly change them.

NOTE: RoboMail comes pre-configured with
drivers for many popular QWK/REP compatible
mail systems. If you encounter a mail
system which provides the popular QWK/REP
interface for which RoboMail does not
provide a driver, please contact Parsons
Consulting and let us know about the
system. We'll do our best to quickly
create and make available a driver for the
+¸Data Entry KeysEditing Filter Listsûºö
Whenever RoboMail imports incoming mail, it will
check the author of each message against the
contents of this list. If the sender's name is
found in the Import Filter list, the message will
not be imported into your recent messages

Whenever RoboMail is displaying a filter list,
the following keys can be used to view and edit
the contents of the list:

 Scroll up and down the list
ÄÙ Edit the highlighted item
Ins Add a new item to the list
Del Delete an item from the list
S Sort the list alphabetically
P Print the list
Esc Close the list and save changes

ÀData Entry KeyssÂn
Enter your modification to this item, then press
ÄÙ to save it. Or, press Esc to cancel
your changes.

ÄData Entry KeysfÆa
Enter the new list item, then press ÄÙ to save
it. Or, press Esc to cancel the new item.

Utility SetupÔÊÏ
You are currently viewing the contents of a text
file. The following navigation keys are active:

/ Scroll up/down
<- / -> Pan left/right
PgUp / PgDn Display previous/next page
Home / End Go top top/bottom of file
F7 Shell to DOS
Esc Close the file and return

If you would rather use an external file viewing
utility, use the File Viewers option on the
Utility Setup screen.

_ÌQuick ReferenceAssisted ReadingInternet FeaturesMail NavigationNavigation EpiphanyArchive ActionsProcessing MessagesCreating MessagesCreating RepliesForwarding Messages Folder ListGrabbing a TaglineTips on QuotingANSI Art & Music Sorting MailSearching Mail
Snoop ModeMessage Index View
Help Index>Î9
RoboMail has many options for reading through your
messages. By far the simplest is the "Assisted
Reading" mode which is activated by pressing the
Enter key while reading recent imported messages.
Select Assisted Reading from the related topics
list on the right for more information on assisted

For an overview of all command keys available
while reading mail, select Quick Reference from
the related topics list.

For an overview of the keys you can use to read
the currently selected message, select Mail
Navigation from the related topics list.

@ÐMail NavigationNavigation EpiphanyAssisted ReadingWhat is a Thread?Archive ActionsProcessing MessagesCreating MessagesCreating RepliesForwarding Messages Folder ListGrabbing a TaglineTips on QuotingANSI Art & Music Sorting MailSearching Mail
Snoop ModeMessage Index View: Ò¾ F2 Configuration F5 Process Msgs F8 Conf Mgmt
 F3 Address Book F6 Attachments F9 Conf List
 F4 Bulk Marking F7 DOS Shell F10 Taglines
ÄÙ (Enter) Assisted reading mode (Easiest)
 . (>) Auto-Pilot (PgDn)
Ctrl Home/End Move to start/end of conference
Ctrl <- / -> Prev / Next thread
<- / -> Previous / Next / Next unread
Sh-Tab / Tab Previous / Next conference
Alt-R/O/C/A Go Recent/OutBox/Chron/Archive
a/k/d/n Assign action and move to next msg
A/K/D/N Assign action, no movement to next
 - / + Move previous/next & assign default
 / / * Prev/Next thread & assign default
Del Next thread & discard unassigned
C Compose a new outgoing message
R Reply to current message
Alt-T Reply to the recipient of a message
Alt-F Forward current message to someone
SpaceBar Tag/Untag current msg line for quote
</ PgUp/PgDn Position message line highlight bar
H Hold (do not export now) message
D Discard (never export) message
Y Toggle Copy-to-Chron status
E Re-edit outgoing message
Alt-E Edit message address only
Alt-P Toggle public/private status
O Copy to OutBox (while in chron only)
Ctrl-T/U Bulk tag/un-tag messages
1234567879 Assign msg to tag group 1 through 9
0 Un-tag current message
Ins Switch to spreadsheet Message Index View
Sh-F4 Mark all non-assigned msgs for discarding
Alt-F4 Mark all aged-out messages for discarding
Sh-F10 Write all buffered data to disk
Alt-D Create "Drop Conference" config request
Alt-X Quit to DOS with Auto-Resume bookmark
Alt-S Toggle "read" status (recent message only)
Alt-N Toggle snoop mode
5S Sort messages in current conference/folder
Q Query messages or disable current query
G Grab tagline from highlighted line
F Copy current message to a folder
T Text output current/tagged messages
P Print current message

V View RIP graphics or ANSI message and
music or stitch together and display a
multi-part message that has been split by
RoboMail or other compatible software.
You can also use this option to view
messages which are wider than 79 columns.

Scroll Lock toggles the highlight bar on and
off. When the highlight bar is ON, you can tag
lines of the message for automatic quoting. When
the highlight bar is OFF, the message scrolls up
and down immediately in response to your up and
down arrow requests.
UÔAssisted ReadingNavigation EpiphanyPilot & Sound SetupWhat is a Thread?Þ Öƒ
To read mail and move between messages and
conferences while on the message viewing screen,
without assigning an archive option to messages,
use any of the following keystrokes:

 /  Move message text selection bar
up/down one line

PgUp / PgDn Display previous/next screen of
current message

Home / End Move text selection bar to
start/end of message

<- / -> Move to previous/next message

ÄÙ Read mail in the assisted reading
mode. RoboMail handles the details!

Ctrl -> Jump ahead to the beginning of the
next thread.

ëCtrl <- Jump back to the beginning of the
previous thread.

Ctrl-Home Jump back to the first message in
the conference.

Ctrl-End Jump ahead to the last message in
the conference.

Tab Jump to the next conference on the
current system that contains messages
of the current scope and class.

Shift-Tab Jump to the previous conference on
the current system that contains
messages of the current scope and

F9 Bring up the conference selection
dialog box, which will allow you to
jump to any other conference on the
current system that contains messages
Z in the current message class.

F10 / Ins Bring up the "Spreadsheet View"
message index of the current

Alt-R Jump (or return) to the RECENT
message class for the current BBS.
If you are returning to recent
messages after having jumped to
another message class, RoboMail will
place you back on the message you
were viewing before you jumped out of
recent messages. This allows you to
look up the current thread in the
Archive, Chron, or Outbox without
loosing your place in the recent

Alt-O Jump to the OUTBOX message class
for the current system. The OutBox
contains outgoing messages which have
r not yet been exported to a reply
packet for upload to the mail
service. If the currently displayed
message has a reply sitting in the
outbox, RoboMail will jump to that

Alt-C Jump to the CHRON message class for
the current system and look up your
contributions to the current thread.

Alt-A Jump to the ARCHIVE message class
to look up prior activity in the
current thread. Messages marked for
Keeping or messages marked for aging
that have not yet been recycled
reside in the archive.

[.] Use the auto-pilot. Depending
upon your selections on the Pilot &
Sound Setup configuration screen,
the auto-pilot may seek out the next
“ unread message on the system or it
may just move you to the next logical
message in the current sort order.
nØWhat is a Thread?Navigation EpiphanyProcessing MessagesConference SettingsPilot & Sound SetupÔÚ?
As you read recent messages with RoboMail, you
should also be assigning archive actions to the
messages so RoboMail will know how you want to
handle the messages during processing. There are
a variety of keys for assigning specific or
conference default archive actions to individual
or groups of messages.

NOTE: Many command descriptions below make
reference to the conference default
archiving option. This option is set on
the conference settings screen for the
current conference, which can be accessed
with the F2 key. While you are viewing
messages you can identify the conference
default archive action by looking for a
highlighted letter to the left of the
message number in the message header.

To see additional help screens, press PgDn
a / A Mark the current message for aging
and assign the conference default number
of aging days to the message. Messages
with Age status will be moved into the
system's mail archive during processing.
These messages will remain in the
archive until the message date plus the
message's assigned number of age days is
less than today's date, at which point
they will become candidates for
recycling during the mail importing

k / K Mark the current message for
keeping. After processing, the message
will reside permanently in the system's
archive until you specifically request
its removal.

d / D Mark the current message for
discarding. After processing, the
W message will reside in the system's
trash can where it will be recycled
during message importing or permanently
discarded during a message base pack

When viewing an outbox message, press
"D" to keep the message from being sent.
The message will be marked for
discarding and will be moved into the
trash, rather than an outgoing reply
packet during exporting. You can
restore a discarded OutBox message by
viewing it and pressing D.

n / N Clear the archiving action from the
current message. Messages with no
archiving action are bypassed during
message processing.

NOTE: When you assign archive actions using
the lower case a, k, d, and n keys,
m RoboMail will automatically move to the
next message in the conference after
making the assignment. To change the
assignment without moving to the next
message, use the upper case letters A,
K, D and N.

[.] Use the auto-pilot. Depending upon
your selections on the Pilot & Sounds
configuration screen, the auto-pilot may
assign the current conference default
archive option to the message before
moving to the next unread message on the
system or the next logical message in
the current sort order.

ÄÙ When reading recent messages, the
assisted reading mode will mark each
message you read with the conference
default archiving option.

+ Assign the conference default action
  to the current message and then move on
to the previous message.

- Assign the conference default action
to the current message and then move
back to the previous message.

* Mark all unassigned messages in the
current thread with the conference
default archiving option and then jump
forward to the beginning of the next

/ Mark all unassigned messages in the
current thread with the conference
default archiving option and then jump
back to the beginning of the previous

Del Mark all unassigned messages in the
current thread for deletion, regardless
of the conference default archiving
Z option. Then, jump forward to the
beginning of the next thread.

F4 Bring up the "Bulk Action Assignment"
dialog box. This will allow you to
assign an archiving option to all the
messages in the current conference that
do not yet have an action assigned.
You may also override any previously
assigned actions and change the
assigned number of age days for groups
of messages

Sh-F4 Assign discard status to the archive
action for all messages in the
conference which do not yet have an
action assigned.

Alt-F4 Assign Discard status to all messages
in the current conference that have
Age as their archive action and that
have "aged-out." Normally, such
å messages would be recycled during the
mail importing process. Use this
function, coupled with the F5 process
messages command key to immediately
remove aged out messages.
Ü ’ލ
This menu presents you with a selection of
messages to act upon. You will always have the
option of selecting the currently displayed

However, if you have grouped any messages
together by assigning them to a Tag Group then
you will be able to select from the currently
active tag groups as well. If you select a tag
group, all messages with the tag you specify will
be acted upon.

àText File OutputÁâ
RoboMail extends the standard notion of tagging by
allowing you to assign one of nine different tags
to messages. Collections of messages with the
same tag are called tag groups.

To assign a tag to an individual message, enter a
number from 1 to 9. The number you entered
will appear in the [ ] Tag file in the message

To remove the tag from a message, press 0.

To tag groups of messages, press Ctrl-T. A menu
will appear asking if you want to tag the
current message only, or all messages in the
current thread, conference or system. Make your
selection and the tagging operation will begin.

Once a tag is assigned to a message, it stays with
the message as it travels through the system,
until the message is deleted or until you remove

To un-tag all messages in a particular tag group,
press Ctrl-U. RoboMail will present a menu of
the currently defined tag groups and ask you to
specify the tag group to clear.

Type a number between 1 and 9 to specify the
tag that you want to assign to the specified

Type 0 to remove the current tag from the
specified messages.

'èTagging MessagesData Entry Keys7ê2
To export a message or all the messages in a tag
group to a text file, press T while viewing
messages. When you do, RoboMail will present a
menu asking you to specify the message or any one
of your currently defined tag groups.

After you make your selection, enter the name of
the text file that you would like to append to.
If the file you specify does not already exist,
RoboMail will ask for permission to create it. If
you want to be able to select the file from
RoboMail's pop-up list later, make sure to give
the file a MSG extension. Press F10 if you
would like to select from a list of available
MSG files.

If you elect to output the messages in a tag
group, RoboMail will ask if you want to clear the
tags from the messages after the output operation.
Answer yes if you would like to do so.

ϓForwarding Messages Address Book
Message SetupConference SettingsTagline ManagerMessage AttachmentsDistribution ListsData Entry Keys¦în
Whenever you create an outgoing message, either by
replying, composing or forwarding, RoboMail will
display the Address Message dialog box. Use the
fields on this screen to indicate the destination
and status of the outgoing message.

Use the BBS field to indicate the mail system
that the message is bound for. You may only enter
BBS IDs from systems that RoboMail knows about.
Press F10 while the cursor is in this field to
access a pop-up listing of available systems.

Use the Conf field to specify the destination
conference on the specified mail system. You can
only post into conferences that RoboMail knows
about. Type in the conference number or press
F10 to access a pop-up listing of available

Use the To field to indicate the intended
recipient of the message. If you are replying to
a message, this field should already be filled in
afor you. Press F3 from anywhere on the
message address screen or F10 from within the
To field to select a recipient for the message
from RoboMail's Address Book.

The From name should always be filled in with
your name. If you have specified an alias for
this conference on the Conference Settings
screen, then RoboMail should have filled in the
alias name for you. Note that most mail systems
will reject the message if you attempt to alter
this field from your real name on the system or
from an authorized alias name.

The Re field should contain the topic or thread
name for this message. If you are replying or
forwarding the message, RoboMail should have this
field already filled in for you. If the Mail
System Settings screen has the Mixed case
subjects allowed check box selected, you will be
able to enter a mixed case subject here.

KIf you have automatic tagline selection enabled on
the Message Setup screen, RoboMail will have
already selected a tagline file from your primary
or conference specific alternate file for you. To
change it, place the cursor in the Tag field and
press F10 to select from the pop-up Tagline
Manager screen.

Choose Public or Private security for the
message by selecting from one of the Security
radio buttons.

Select the Copy to chron file check box if you
want to have this outgoing message copied to your
chron file during the reply exporting process.
The default for this option is controlled on the
Conference Settings screen.

Select the Disable high ASCII (Fido) option if
you want to translate all characters above ASCII
127 in the outgoing message to an asterisk. The
default for this option is controlled on the
2Conference Settings screen.

If the mail system you are sending the message to
supports the capability, select the Receipt
requested check box to request a receipt.
Depending on the conference, either the PostLink
or RRR format receipt will be selected
automatically. If both receipt types are
available, the PostLink format will take

To send the outgoing message to specific mail
systems, select the Routed field and fill in the
appropriate routing information in the field.
If you are replying in a PostLink or Internet
conference or are using an entry from the
Address Book, RoboMail may have already supplied
the appropriate routing address for you.

If the destination mail system supports file
attachment, you can specify an attachment in the
Attachment field. For a pop-up directory of
Ifiles, press F10. When you save the message the
specified file will copied immediately into
RoboMail's \HOLD directory.

To send copies of this message to other people,
select the Copies button to access the
Distribution List screen.

To save the outgoing message and any copies to
your OutBox, select the Save button, or press
Ctrl ÄÙ from anywhere on the message addressing

To edit the outgoing text again, select the
Re-Edit button.

To abort the message creation/editing process and
return to the previous screen, select the Cancel
button, or press Esc.
Kð Address BookTagline ManagerMessage AttachmentsData Entry KeysGòU
To forward a message you are reading to another
person or system, press Alt-F. RoboMail will
make a copy of the message and display the
Message Address screen to allow you to input the
desired address.

While forwarding the message, RoboMail will look
for the file FORWARD.FRM in its home directory.
If the file is found, RoboMail will merge the
contents of the file at the top of the forwarded
message. The default forwarding header file looks
like this:

 ÛßßßßßßßßßßßÛ Original From: {FROM}
Û MESSAGE Û Date/Number: {DATE} - {NUMBER}

Before inserting the header in the outgoing
message, RoboMail will translate the fields shown
êabove in curly braces with the appropriate
information. You may edit the FORWARD.FRM file
to suit your requirements.

Press the Re-Edit button if you would like to
edit the forwarded message text before saving it
to the outbox.

-ôEditing an AddressGrabbing an Address ö1
RoboMail's Address Book provides an easy means
for accessing and keeping track of frequently
used or important mail addresses. To access the
address book, press the address book hot key, F3
while viewing the control panel, message or
message address screens.

To search for a name, simply begin typing the name.
RoboMail will narrow the display to show only
matching records as you type.

To add names to the address book, press the Ins
key and fill in the appropriate name, system,
conference and routing information. Pop-up lists
are available for the system and conference fields
by pressing F10 while the cursor is in the field.

To delete an entry, highlight it and press the
Delete key. To edit an existing entry,
highlight it and press Alt-E.

To make notes about an address book entry, press
gAlt-N. If the notes you've created extend
beyond the boundaries of the Address Book window,
use the [+] and [-] keys to scroll the data.

When adding names to a distribution list via the
address book, you can tag entries with the [*]
key. When you press Ctrl ÄÙ to leave the
screen, all tagged entries will be copied to
your distribution list.

øGrabbing an Addressäúß
This menu allows you to add either the sender or
the recipient of the current message to your
address book.

If you want to go to the address book without
creating a new entry, select Access Address Book
from the menu.

<üInternet SetupInternet FeaturesEditing an Addressúþõ
To automatically create an entry in your address
book for the send or recipient of a message you
are viewing, press F3 while viewing the message.
RoboMail will present you with a menu to select
which names to add. Once you've selected an
option, RoboMail will create the entry and place
you in the address book with the new record

In Internet conferences, RoboMail will
automatically grab the address of the person who
sent the message and will ask if you want to
assign the routed address to the Internet Email
conference configured on the Internet Setup

If you want to capture an Internet address
contained in the message in a non-internet
conference, highlight the line containing the
address before you press the F3 key.

Data Entry Keyszu
You can access the address editing dialog box by
highlighting a name on the address book screen
and pressing Alt-E.

Enter the Name, System, Conference in the
spaces provided. Pop-up lists are available for
the System ID and Conference by pressing F10
while the cursor is in the indicated field.

Press Ctrl ÄÙ to save your changes or Esc to
cancel them.

Data Entry KeysÍ

The distribution list appears whenever you select
the Copies button while editing a message

Press Ins to add names manually, or F3 to pick
names from your address book. RoboMail will allow
up to 4095 names on a distribution list. Press
Del to remove a name from the list and Alt-E
to edit an existing entry on the list.

The notation field controls the type of notations
that will be made in the copied and original
message to indicate the copies that were created.

RoboMail supports the following notation types for
copied messages:

Copy - Press C to set this notation type. The
COPY.FRM file will be merged and inserted at the
top of the copied message text and the recipient
of the copy will be listed in the cc: list at
the bottom of the message.
Blind - Press B to set this notation type.
The COPY.FRM file will be merged and inserted at
the top of the copied message, but the copy
recipient will not be listed in the cc: list
at the bottom of the message.

None - Press N to set this notation type.
When you do this, the message will be copied
verbatim to the copy recipient and the copy
recipient will not be listed in the cc: list.
With this type of notation, the recipient of the
copied message will have no indication that the
original of the message was not addressed to him or

To set the security on the copied message, press
P to toggle the copy between Public and
Private status. If the copy is private, Priv
will appear in the notation column of the
distribution list.

OThe default COPY.FRM header file looks like this:

 ±±± ±±± ±±± ± ± Original From: {FROM}
± ± ± ± ± ± ± Original To: {TO}
± ± ± ±±± ±±± Original BBS: {BBS}
±±± ±±± ± ± Original Conf: {CONF}

You may edit this file if you like. The fields
shown above in curly braces are merged with the
appropriate data as the header is inserted into
the copy.

Once your distribution list is complete, press
Ctrl ÄÙ to return to the message addressing
screen. If you plan to use the distribution list
again in the future, you can save it to a file by
pressing S. Then, type in a file name and
extension (.DL is recommended) to save the file.

To restore a saved distribution list, enter the
gdistribution list screen and press L. Then,
type in the desired file name or press F10 for a
pop-up directory of *.DL.

When adding names to a distribution list via the
address book, you can tag entries with the [*]
key. When you press Ctrl ÄÙ to leave the
address book screen, all tagged entries will be
moved copied to your distribution list.

To enter RoboMail's tagline manager, press F10
while viewing a message or from the main control
panel screen. You will be prompted to enter the
name of the tagline file you want to edit. Enter
a name (without the RTF extension) or press F10
again to select from a listing.

The tagline manager displays a scrolling list of
the taglines available in a RTF tagline file. Use
the , PgUp, PgDn Home and End keys to
move through the list.

To edit a tagline, highlight it and press Alt-E.

To delete a tagline, highlight it and press Delete.

To add a new tagline, press Ins.

You can also import and export taglines to and
from standard ASCII files by pressing Alt-I for
import or Alt-X for export.

¥To search for specific taglines, press [Q] to
input a query condition. After the search is
completed, only those taglines matching your query
will be displayed.

) Exporting TaglinesData Entry KeysID
From the tagline manager, press I and enter the
name of the ASCII text file to import from, or
press F10 for a pop-up RoboMail expects import
file to contain one tagline per line. Any line
longer than 60 characters will be truncated.
There is no limit to the number of taglines which
may be placed in a tagline file.

)Importing TaglinesData Entry Keys

From the tagline manager, press E to export a
RoboMail tagline file to an ASCII text file. When
prompted, specify the file name to add the
taglines to. If the file exists prior to the
export, RoboMail will ask if you want to append or
overwrite the file.

Data Entry Keyswr
Enter the text of your new tagline and press ÄÙ
to save it, or press Esc to return to the
tagline manager.

a neˆ®
To check the spelling in a notepad or outgoing
message, press Alt-S while editing the text.
When you do this, RoboMail will begin checking at
the beginning of the current cursor line of the
document, skipping over any lines which contain
text quoted from another message.

If you are using an external editor and have
checked the "Use Internal Speller After External
Edit" on the "Message Settings" configuration
screen, RoboMail will begin checking the outgoing
message from the top of the document.

When a questioned word is found, RoboMail will
highlight the word and begin displaying suggested
spellings in its lower window. If you spot the
correct spelling in this window, simply press the
letter next to the word you want to use and
RoboMail will replace the questioned word with the
correct spelling and continue on with the check.
You do not need to wait for RoboMail to fill up
the window with suggestions before selecting the
creplacement word. Usually, RoboMail will find the
correct spelling on its first or second guess.

If you don't want to use one of the displayed
alternate spellings, select one of the following

Press 1 to skip this word one time only.

Press 2 to skip this word whenever it occurs
in the current document.

Press 3 to add this word to your personal
dictionary. Once added, it will be used in all
future spelling checks.

Press 4 to edit the word to correct the
spelling manually.

Press Esc to cancel the spelling check.

When RoboMail reaches the end of the document, it
lwill exit the spell checker and return to edit
mode with the cursor positioned at the end of the

Data Entry Keys˜
Enter the correct spelling of the questioned word,
use Ins to toggle insert status. After you
enter the word, RoboMail will re-check the

RoboMail wants you to make a decision about
something. Answer Yes or No using the arrow
keys and ÄÙ or by pressing Y or N.

$Archive Actions&&
Select Pack/Minimize Databases from the
control panel pop-up menu or press P from the
control panel to access the Data Management

Although RoboMail's data files are self
maintaining and re-use the space orphaned by
discarded messages very efficiently, there may be
times when you want to reduce the overall size of
RoboMail's databases. Use these options to
accomplish this:

Use the Pack Message Headers Only option to
minimize the MSGS.DBF file, which contains the
header information for all messages in the system.
Use this option if you have more "discarded"
messages than are likely to be recycled during
future mail imports.

Use the Pack Variable Length Text option to
remove all recyclable space from your ROBOMAIL.DBV
file. This file holds all variable length text in
1use in the system. Examples of this kind of data
include the contents of all messages, as well as
BBS information screens and bulletins. Use this
option if you have removed an abnormally large
amount of data from the system and you suspect the
resulting recyclable space will never be fully
re-used. Depending on the amount of data in your
system, this can be a very lengthy process. It is
not normally necessary to use this option.

Use the Pack Supplemental Data Only option to
minimize the space used by non-message data files,
such as your address book and attachment
cross-reference. This option is very fast and is
not normally necessary.

The Pack Everything option will perform all the
options discussed above in sequence. The command
line equivalent of this option is:

 RoboMail /p /v /q

To remove absolutely all "recyclable" space from
the system, including any aged-out messages, in
unattended mode, run RoboMail with the following
command line switches:

 RoboMail /a /r /p /v /q

(Data Entry Keysƒ*~
Enter the name of the file that you would like to
import into the current edit buffer. Press F10
for a pop-up directory.

,Creating a Folderý.ø
To copy the currently displayed message to a
folder, press F, select a folder and press

To search for a folder, begin typing its name and
RoboMail will narrow the displayed folders to
display only those that match the text you enter.

To create a new folder, press Ins.

To edit a folder name, press Alt-E.

If you are not currently reading messages in a
folder, you can discard a folder and all messages
contained within it by highlighting the folder
name and pressing the Delete key.
0Data Entry Keys¶2±
Enter the name for the new folder.

HINT: To group several folders together,
consider adding prefix characters followed
by a dash to the beginning of the folder
names. Folders are always displayed in
alphabetical order and the incremental
searching feature of the folder list will
allow you to see all folders with the same
prefix simply by typing the prefix

4Data Entry Keys*6%
Enter the new name for the folder.

8Data Entry Keysê:å
Enter the name of the tagline file to edit. Do
not include an extension, as all RoboMail tagline
files must be in RoboMail's internal file format
and will have an RTF extension.

Press F10 for a pop-up directory of *.RTF.

RoboMail provides a wide variety of command line
switches to help you move processing and
maintenance events to times when you will not be
using your computer for other tasks. For example,
if you use Robocomm to collect and send your mail
packets and have an agenda called EVENING to do
the work, the following batch file would handle
exporting of your outgoing mail to a reply packet,
executing the agenda for moving the mail,
importing of received packets and would log the
whole thing to your Robocomm.log file.


REM export all outbox messages
cd \robomail

REM run robocomm to deliver/get the mail
cd \robocomm
robocomm /aEVENING /R
REM import all received mail
cd \robomail

Summary of Command Line Options

/Q Quit to DOS after processing
(unattended mode)

/I Import QWK packet
/I Import all QWK packets in configured
QWK directory

/E Export all OutBox messages for a system
/E Export OutBox messages for all systems

/A Mark all aged-out messages for deletion
/R Process all message marks
/O Search and destroy Orphaned Messages
/V Pack just the auxiliary text (DBV) file
/P Pack all data files (except DBV)

/L Log command line results to

/M Force monochrome mode
/C Force color mode


RoboMail /i /q

Import all mail, return to DOS

RoboMail /e /q

Export all mail, return to DOS

RoboMail /a /r /v /p /q

É Make all RoboMail data files as small as
possible and return to DOS.


Import mail from GROUPONE.QWK and log
results to the groupone.log file.

RoboMail and Robocomm are trademarks of
Parsons Consulting.


The following terms, which are denoted with
a double asterisk in the online documentation
and which may appear on RoboMail program
screens are trademarks of other companies:

PostLink is a trademark of Kip Compton.

Wildcat! and Tomcat are trademarks of Mustang
Software, Inc.

PCBoard is a trademark of Clark Development

OS/2 is a trademark of International Business
Machines, Inc.

Windows is a trademark of Microsoft, Inc.
DContact InformationÏFÊ
Technical support is available via electronic mail
on Group One BBS. Located in Chicago, IL USA,
this BBS is available 24 hours a day with v.32bis
compatible modems. The public access telephone
numbers are:

312-752-1258 and 312-752-6528

Technical support inquiries may also be sent via
CompuServe to address 72167,3662. Via the
Internet, use: [email protected]

User-to-user support is also available in RoboMail
and Robocomm conferences on the following national
and international mail networks:

* ILink * RoboNet * PlanoNet
* Intelec * Smartnet * RIME
* NAnet * U'NI Net * WildNet
* Global-Link
HTechnical SupportJˆ
RoboMail is written and published by Parsons
Consulting, located at:

 5020 S. Lake Shore Drive
Suite 3301
Chicago, IL 60615

(312) 752-1220 (voice)
(312) 752-1222 (fax)

(c) 1993-1994 Parsons Consulting
All Rights Reserved, World Wide
LWhat is a Thread?‹N†
Previous thread Ä¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Next thread
Mark with default³ ³ Mark with default
³ º³/ º³* º³- ºÄÄ Previous message
ÔÍͼÔÍͼÔÍͼÔÍͼ Mark with default
+Ctrl ÄÄÄÄijH º³ º³U º³ º
1st message ÔÍͼÔÍͼÔÍͼ³+ ºÄÄ Next message
ÚÄÄ·ÚÄÄ·ÚÄÄ·³ º Mark with default
Previous Äij<-º³ º³->ºÔÍͼ
message ÔÍͼÔÍͼÔÍͼÄÄÄÄÄÄ Next message
+Ctrl ÄÄÄÄijE º³ º³D º³E º
last msg. ÔÍͼÔÍͼÔÍͼ³ntºÄÄ Assisted Reading
ÚÄÄÄÄÄ·ÚÄÄÄ·³ eº (+Ctrl for no mark)
Message ÄÄij Ins º³Delº³ rº
Tag  -- Shift + 1-9 Mark with discard
Un-tag -- Shift + 0 +Shift=auto-pilot

Snoop Mode allows you to view messages without
effecting the "read" status of the messages and
screens you view. The current status of snoop
mode is always shown on the bottom line of the
message viewing screen.

Toggle snoop mode with S when viewing the
control panel and Alt-N when viewing messages.

NTInternet FeaturesTips on QuotingAddressing a Message Merge MacrosdV
When you see a message that you would like to
respond to, press R to enter the editor and
compose your reply.

If you would like to automatically quote part of
the original message into your reply, use the
space bar to tag the lines of the message to quote
before pressing R to start the reply.

While editing your reply, keep in mind that the
message you are replying to is also available for
reading. In the internal editor, press Alt-Next
to toggle between your outgoing reply and the
original message.

After editing your reply text the message address
dialog box will be displayed. Usually, all that
will be required at that point is to press ÄÙ
to save the message to your outbox.

RoboMail provides many specific features for
creating replies in Internet conferences. See the
?Internet Features related topic for additional

(XAddressing a Message Merge MacrosQZL
To compose new outgoing messages, press C while
viewing messages or the control panel.

If you press C from the control panel, RoboMail
will display a directory of all available
conferences on the highlighted system. Search for
the conference you want to leave the message in
and press ÄÙ to begin editing your new outgoing

After saving your message text, the message
address dialog box will be displayed. After
filling in the intended recipient and a message
subject, set the desired message security and
press Ctrl ÄÙ to save the message to the
system's OutBox.

*\Conference SettingsFolder Settings“^Ò
RoboMail fully supports ANSI art and ANSI music.
Because RoboMail does not play ANSI music in
background mode, ANSI music paced animation is
also fully supported.

Messages which begin with [ANSIART] on the
first line of the message will be displayed
automatically if you have the Display ANSI
automatically check box set on the conference or
folder settings screen.

Messages which begin with [ANSI50] will be
displayed in VGA 50-Line mode if you have a VGA
compatible video adapter installed in your computer

Messages which contain [NONSTOP] will be
displayed without a pause at the bottom of each
screen of information.

Messages which contain [NOBLINK] will display
with high-intensity background colors.

¹Note that [ANSIART] and [ANSI50] must be the
first characters contained in a message to cause
their desired effect, but [NONSTOP] and
[NOBLINK] may be contained anywhere within the

ANSI music will only be played if the Play ANSI
music option is selected on conference or folder
settings screen.

To view/hear an ANSI message which does not
display automatically, press V while the message
is displayed on your screen.

By default, RoboMail always displays messages in
the current conference/folder and class in message
subject (thread) order. If you need to view the
messages in a different order, press S to call
up the sort menu.

In addition to the default Subject sort, you
can also specify sorts by Recipient, Sender,
Number and Date. Make a selection from the
menu and the sorting process will begin.

You can always see the active sort key by looking
at the bottom line of the message viewing screen.

5dSearch Strings
Query ManagerData Entry Keys~f
To search through the messages in the current
conference/folder and class for specific text,
press Q while viewing messages.

The Query Messages dialog box will be displayed
and you can enter the text that you would like to
look for. Note that boolean logic and the "*" and
"?" wildcard characters are permitted. See the
Search Strings related topic for information on
these capabilities. To enter the Query Manager
and select an already defined search string, press
F10 while the cursor is in the query entry field.

After specifying the query text, specify the
parts of the message to search by selecting any
combination of the search target check boxes.

Press Ctrl ÄÙ to begin the search and
RoboMail will look through all the messages in the
current conference or folder. If any matches were
found, the matching records will be displayed and
the Sort indicator on the bottom row of the
çscreen will change to Query to let you know that
you are looking only at records which match your
search text.

To disable the query condition and return to
viewing the entire set of messages in the
conference, press Q again.

.hCommand Line OptionsConference ManagerjM
RoboMail maintains a separate OutBox for each mail
system you have imported mail from. The OutBox is
used to hold outgoing messages that you have
created but not yet exported to a reply packet.

From the control panel, you can press X to
export the contents of a single outbox, or you can
answer yes to the "Export messages" query on exit
to export all outboxes in one step.

In addition you may export one or all outboxes by
using the /E command line option.

At times, RoboMail may also display a letter R
in the outbox column to indicate that it has
detected an outgoing reply packet for the system.
A C in the outbox indicates that there are
outgoing configuration requests for the system
that have not yet been exported. Use the
conference management hot key, F8 to view them.

To recall messages from an exported reply packet
Àback into your OutBox, highlight the desired
outbox cell on the control panel and press R.

Whenever you are reading messages, you can look up
your reply in the OutBox by pressing Alt-O.

0lAddressing a MessageMail System SettingsÝn
RoboMail maintains a separate Chron File for
each mail system you import mail packets from.
The chron file is used to hold copies of the
OutBox messages that have been previously sent to
a mail system.

Whenever you create an outgoing message, RoboMail
asks if you would like to have the message copied
to the chron file with a check box on the Message
Address dialog box. If you select this option,
the message will be copied to the chron file
automatically during the OutBox export process.

OutBox messages copied into the chron file get
the archiving option you specify on the Mail
System Settings screen.

To re-submit a chron message to your OutBox, view
the message and press O.

Whenever you are reading messages, you can look up
the current thread in your chron file by pressing

Messages in the chron file which have Age
as their assigned action will be automatically
recycled by RoboMail during the message importing
process as soon as the message date plus the
number of age days assigned to the message is less
than the date of the mail import.

Messages in the chron file which have
Keep as their assigned action remain in the
chron file until you change their assigned action
to Discard or Age.
pProcessing Messagesrþ
RoboMail maintains separate message archives for
each mail system you have imported mail from.
Whenever you mark a recent message with Age or
Keep status, RoboMail will move it into the
archive during the mail processing procedure.

Whenever you are reading messages, you can look up
the current thread in the archive by pressing

Messages in the archive which have Age as their
assigned action will be automatically recycled by
RoboMail during the message importing process as
soon as the message date plus the number of age
days assigned to the message is less than the date
of the mail import.

Messages in the archive which have Keep as
their assigned action remain in the archive until
you change their assigned action to Discard or

Use the standard navigation keys to highlight a
file name. To select the file for action, press
ÄÙ. To abort selection, press Esc.

To change directories, highlight a  entry
and press ÄÙ.

To refresh the display of the current directory,
select the "." directory entry.

To back up one directory, select the ".."
directory entry.

to change to another disk drive, select a drive
letter from the bottom of the list.

xed tFzA
Use this screen to set the right margin for
outgoing messages.

|Data Entry Keys=~8
Use the standard data entry keys to modify
this word.

€Importing Words2‚-
This list contains all of the words you have added
to your personal dictionary while spell-checking
your outgoing messages. Use the standard
navigation keys to scroll the list, or begin typing
a word to quickly limit the list to only those
words that match what you have typed.

To edit an entry, highlight the desired word and
press Alt-E.

To delete an entry, highlight the desired word and
press the Del key.

To import an ASCII test file containing words you
want to add to your dictionary, press Alt-I and
enter the name of the file to import.
To import a list of words into your personal
dictionary, press Alt-I while viewing the
personal dictionary listing. When you are prompted
for a file name, input the name or press F10 for
a pop-up directory listing.

The file to import must contain one word per line,
with no punctuation characters at all. There is no
limit to the number of words you can add to your
personal dictionary. Any words which duplicate
items already in your master or personal spell
checker dictionaries will be bypassed during the
importing process.

ˆ Merge Macros±Š2
RoboMail's internal editor has the ability to
quickly insert the contents of up to 10 text files
with a single keystroke. Select Specify
Quick-Marge Files from the F2 pop-up
configuration menu to access the screen where you
define these files.

All of the quick-merge files must reside in the
RoboMail home directory. Simply fill in a file
name (or press F10 for a pop-up list) next to
the function key which you wish to assign to the

When you are in the internal editor, simply hold
down either shift key and press the desired
function key to instantly insert the contents of
the defined file at the cursor location. You can
use these files for any text which you commonly
insert into outgoing messages.

RoboMail can translate certain tokens, such as
{DATE} and {TIME} into the appropriate text
wduring the quick-merge process. See the Merge
Macros related topic for a complete summary of
the available macros.

The following tokens are translated by RoboMail
whenever it is performing a quick-merge process in
the internal editor, or when addressing a message.
You can include any of the following in your
defined quick-merge files, or directly in the text
of an outgoing message and they will be translated
as indicated below:

Token Description
{DATE} Current Date in MM/DD/YY Format
{MONTH} Current Month as a Word
{DAY} Current Day of the month
{YEAR} Current Year
{TIME} Current Time
{DOW} Day of Week as a Word
{TO} Original Message Recipient
{FROM} Original Message Sender
{MSGDATE} Original Message Date
{MSGTIME} Original Message Time
{SUBJECT} Subject of Original Message
{CONFNUM} Conference Number
] {CONFNAME} Conference Name

RoboMail is unable to access your printer. Please
check to make sure that :

þ The printer is turned on and "on line"
þ The printer has paper
þ The printer cable is connected

Select Retry when you have corrected the
problem, or Cancel to cancel the printout
and return to the previous screen.
E”Quick Scan ResultsSearch Strings
Query Manager
Snoop Mode6–B
RoboMail's Quick Scan capability allows you to
search through all of the messages in the system
for specific text. You can enter simple search
strings for rapid searching or complex, boolean
search conditions with wildcards for extreme
control over the search process.

When you press Q from the control panel,
RoboMail presents a screen which allows you to
fill in search strings for text in the message
headers and/or the message text. To select a
pre-defined search string from the Query
Manager, press F10.

Message Headers contain the address and subject
information for the message. This includes the
sender and recipient of the message, as well as
the message subject, system ID and conference name.

Message Text contains the actual text of all
messages, including quoted text, taglines and
routing information.
To start a search, input search strings in one
or both of the fields. If you input strings in
both fields, select either AND or OR logic for
the compound query by setting the radio button
between the two fields. For instructions on
creating simple or complex search strings, select
the Search Strings related topic to the right.

Once the search process has been completed,
RoboMail will display a pop-up listing of your
Quick Scan Results, sorted by BBS ID and
conference. Use the standard navigation keys
to select the first message you would like to
view and press ÄÙ to view the message.

After viewing the first message that matches your
quick scan conditions, you can move between
your messages using the standard mail reading
keys. When you want to jump to another message
that matches your quick scan, press Ctrl-N for
the next or Ctrl-P for the previous matching
mmessage. To re-display the pop-up list that shows
all your Quick Scan Results, press Ctrl-L.

NOTE: RoboMail will actually jump between
systems folders and message classes while
navigating through your quick scan results.
For this reason, you may find it helpful to toggle
Snoop Mode on before viewing the messages
which match your quick scan conditions.

The easiest way to input a search string in
RoboMail is to simply type the exact text you
would like to search for in the fields provided
and press Enter. When you do this, RoboMail will
search for an exact match (including any imbedded
spaces) in the body and or headers of the
messages. For more complex searches, you can
include wildcards and/or boolean logic in the
search string.

Wildcards in search strings work the same way
that they do in DOS file names. The question
mark "?" character is used to represent any
single ascii character and the asterisk "*"
character can be used to match any series of

For example, a search string of Robo?ail would
match both RoboMail and RoboJail. Entering
Robo*ail for a search string would match both of
the above as well as: "RoboMail needs 512K of
memory or it may fail.
For even more searching power, RoboMail allows
you to specify multiple search keys with a single
string and control how they related to each
other with boolean logic. RoboMail supports the
following boolean operators:

Use | to signify OR.
Use & to signify AND.
Use ! to signify NEGATION.

Use ( and ) to specify precedence.

Use double quotes " to surround all search text.

For example, to search for messages which contain
references to motorized vehicles which are not
motor cyles, you could specify:

(("MOTOR" & "VEHICLE") | "CAR" ) & (! "CYCLE")

Translating this search string to English yields:
"Find all messages containing the terms MOTOR and
VEHICLE or containing the term CAR but not
containing the term CYCLE."

RoboMail search strings can be up to 100
characters in length.

RoboMail does not consider the case (upper or
lower) of alphabet characters when
performing searches of any kind.

ŞThis pop-up listing displays all the messages
which match your most recent Quick Scan initiated
from the control panel. It is displayed
automatically after RoboMail completes the
scanning process or whenever you press the
Ctrl-L key while reading messages.

Use the standard navigation keys to move through
the list and select the next message you want to
display. Press ÄÙ to view the highlighted
message or Esc to back up.

NOTE: You do not need to return to this screen
every time you want to move to another
message. Usually, you will simply press
Ctrl-N to move on to the next matching
message or Ctrl-P to move back to the
previous matching message.

Insert generic help for obvious pop-up menus.

N¤End of ConferenceEnd of Messages
End of SystemPilot & Sound SetupÒ¦Í
ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· By far the easiest method for
³ ÄÙ Enter º reading messages in RoboMail is
ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ the assisted reading mode. Simply
press the Enter key while
reading messages and RoboMail will automatically
mark the message with the conference default
archiving action and move you on to the next
available message in the conference.

When you reach the end of a conference, RoboMail
will pop-up a menu with all of the most common
actions, including options for processing, moving
on to the next conference with mail or setting
auto-resume bookmarks.

Similar menus appear when you reach the end of
a mail system's messages and at the end of all
recent messages in the program.

¨Processing Messagestª
When reading in assist mode with the Enter key,
RoboMail will display a menu of logical next steps
when you reach the end of a conference. The
available options are:

Re-Read this conference - Select this option to
move back to the first message in the conference.

Move on to next conference - Select this option
to move forward to the next conference on the
current system that has recent messages.

Process recent messages in this conference before
moving on - Select this option to process the
marked recent messages in this conference before
moving on to the next conference on the current
system that has recent messages.

Process recent messages in this conference and
exit - Use this option to process the messages
in the current conference and return to the
control panel.
Exit back to the control panel - Use this option
to return to the control panel without processing
any messages.

Set an auto-resume bookmark and quit to DOS -
Select this option if you want RoboMail to
remember your current place in the message base.
You will be asked about returning to this spot
next time you start RoboMail.
¬Processing Messages“®
When reading in assist mode with the Enter key,
RoboMail will display a menu of logical next steps
when you reach the last recent message for a
system. The available options are:

Re-Read recent messages from this system
Select this option to move back to the first
recent message in the first conference on this

Move on to next system with recent messages
Select this option to move forward to the first
message on the next mail system with recent

Process recent messages on this system before
moving on - Select this option to process the
marked recent messages on this system before
moving on to the next system with recent messages.

Process recent messages in this conference and
exit - Use this option to process the messages
‹on the current system before returning to the
control panel.

Exit back to the control panel - Use this option
to return to the control panel without processing
any messages.

Set an auto-resume bookmark and quit to DOS -
Select this option if you want RoboMail to
remember your current place in the message base.
You will be asked about returning to this spot
next time you start RoboMail.
°Processing MessagesV²
When reading in assist mode with the Enter key,
RoboMail will display a menu of logical next steps
when you reach the last available recent
message. The available options are:

Re-Read recent messages - Select this option to
move back to the first recent message in the first
conference on the first system with available
recent messages.

Exit back to the control panel - Select this
option to exit back to the control panel without
processing any messages.

Process recent messages in this conference and
exit - Use this option to process the messages
on the current system before returning to the
control panel.

Set an auto-resume bookmark and quit to DOS -
Select this option if you want RoboMail to
remember your current place in the message base.
NYou will be asked about returning to this spot
next time you start RoboMail.

´Data Entry Keys½¶¸
RoboMail can steal a tagline from within any
message displayed on the screen. To do this, make
sure the message text highlight bar is turned on
(Use the Scroll Lock key to toggle it if
necessary) and highlight the line containing the
tagline you want to grab.

Press the "G" key with the desired line
highlighted to Grab the line. A window will
appear which contains the highlighted line of
text. Edit the text as necessary and select
a radio button to specify the target tagline
file. Press the Save button to save the edited
tagline to your specified tagline file. If you
specified the "Other Tagline File" radio button,
RoboMail will offer you a pop-up list of *.RTF to
choose from.
¸Search Strings º
Pressing F10 whenever RoboMail is prompting you
for a Search String will pop-up RoboMail query
Manager. This screen provides a simple way to
store and retrieve the query conditions that you
may want to use repeatedly.

Use the arrow keys to select an existing search
string and press ÄÙ to confirm your choice. To
create a new entry, use the Ins key. to remove
an existing entry, use highlight the desired entry
and press the Del key. you can also use Alt-E
to edit the currently selected entry.

=¼Internet SetupInternet FeaturesConference Settingsî¾é
Whenever you press [R] to create a reply in a
Internet Newsgroup, RoboMail will ask if you would
like to Create a public follow-up Article or
Reply privately via Internet Email. RoboMail
considers any conference that has its Intenret
Conference flag turned on that is NOT your
primary Email conference to be an Internet

NOTE: This question only appears if you have
filled in your primary Email conference on
the Internet Setup configuration screen.

®À Internet FeaturesConference SettingsDirectory Setup
Utility Setup
Message SetupMail Importing Setup System SetupPilot & Sound SetupWhat is a Thread?WÂ
This screen allows you to control the
configuration options related to conferences which
have their "Internet Conference" option selected
on their Conference Settings screen. A variety
of powerful Internet Features are enabled with
the settings on this screen.

The Internet Email options allow you to specify
the one specific conference that is the focal
point of your Internet Email. Once you have
filled this option in, RoboMail will also give you
the option to reply privately via Email whenever
you reply to a newsgroup message. In addition,
whenever you grab Internet Email addresses,
RoboMail will offer to automatically assign this
conference to the address. You can press F10 at
the System ID or Conference prompts for pop-up

If you want to include the proper reference
information in your replies to newsgroup messages,
select the Include Message ID reference in
‘Newsgroup follow-up articles option. When you do
this, RoboMail will add a References: header
line to the beginning of all your newsgroup
replies. This option is important to keep your
messages from becoming orphaned from the ongoing
Thread in the newsgroup.

By default, RoboMail will automatically strip all
ASCII characters in outgoing Internet messages.
If you wish to defeat this behavior and control
stripping on a conference by conference basis with
the High ASCII strip conference option, then turn
off the Force high ASCII strip in all Internet
conferences option.

The Internet Signature File option allows you to
specify a text file which will be appended to
the bottom of all outgoing messages in Internet
conferences. Many people use this file to
summarize all of their Email addresses. It is
recommended that you end all signature files
with the extension .SIG -- at this prompt, you
<can press F10 for a pop-up directory of
SIGnature files.

=ÄInternet SetupConference SettingsWhat is a Thread?’Æg

From the control panel, Press F2, and select
RoboMail Settings then press PgDn three times
to get to the screen. RoboMail has many new
features that make use of this setting to make
intelligent handling of all Internet related
messages much easier and more convenient:

o INTERNET SIGNATURE FILE: You can also specify a
special signature file that will automatically
be appended to any message you send to a
conference with the "Internet Conference" flag

Intelligent handling of reply addresses when
responding to mailing-list type Email.
RoboMail will look for a Reply-To: address
when you tell it to create a reply in your
Ê configured Internet Email conference. If one
is found, and if it differs from the From:
address in the message, you will get a pop-up
menu asking which address you wish to reply
to. This allows you to easily reply in
private to the mailing list contributor
(From:), or publicly to the whole list

reply to an article in any "Internet"
conference that is not configured as your
primary Email conference, RoboMail will ask if
you want to post a public follow-up article to
the group or if you want to respond to the
article privately via Email. If you post a
follow-up to the newsgroup and have the
Include Message ID reference in Newsgroup
follow-up articles option selected, RoboMail
will pull the Message-ID information out of
the message you are replying to and insert it
at the beginning of your outgoing reply. This
Æ will keep your reply from become "fragmented"
from the ongoing thread on in the newsgroups.

more intelligent about grabbing addresses when
you are in a conference that has the "Internet
Conference" flag set. If you elect to add the
message sender to the address book with the
F3 key, RoboMail will scan the current
message for a FROM: line and take the
default routing address from that line. If an
address is found, RM will ask about assigning
your default Internet Email system and
conference to the address book entry.

Internet Email routing in any conference. If
you are reading a message in a non-internet
conference that contains an Email address,
highlight the line containing the address and
press [R] and you will be asked if you want
to reply via Email to the address contained in
R the line.

If you have the highlight bar enabled on the
message viewing screen, you can highlight a
line containing an internet address and press
F3 to add the sender or recipient to the
address book. RoboMail will examine the
current line to see if it contains an internet
address, and if so, it will ask if you want to
assign that address to the new address book

o HIGH-ASCII STRIPPING in Internet conferences
on a conference-by-conference basis. A new
option allows you to disable RoboMail's global
high ASCII stripping of Internet conferences.
When this option is disabled, the individual
conference high ASCII options will be used.
This will be very useful in countries who's
languages require these characters.

HINT: Are you Using UQWK to create Internet
NewsGroup packets? If so, did you know
RoboMail will handle conference names up
to 25 characters long? Be sure to add a
"-l25" switch to your UQWK command line
to enable longer conference names in your

ÈInternet Features­Ê¨
RoboMail has detected multiple return addresses
for the message you are replying to. Select the
address you wish to use from the pop-up listing.

For Internet mailing list type messages, you will
usually want to select the Reply-To: address to
send your response back out to the whole group.
If you want to reply privately to just the person
who posted the message to the mailing list,
then select the From: address.

ÌgAdding a TaglineAddress Access Address BookAddressing a MessageAnsi Art & MusicArchive ActionsAssisted ReadingAttachment ManagerAttachment Options Bulk Marking BulletinsColor SettingsCommand Line OptionsConference DirectoryConference ManagerConference NumberConference SettingsConfiguration MenuContact Information
Control PanelCopy/move a FileCreating a FolderCreating MessagesCreating RepliesData Entry KeysData ManagementDirectory SetupDistribution ListsEdit List ItemEditing a WordEditing a WordEditing an AddressEditing Filter ListsEditor ConfigurationEditor SettingsEnd of ConferenceEnd of Messages
End of SystemExporting Taglines File Viewer Folder ListFolder SettingsFolders WindowForwarding MessagesGrabbing an AddressGrabbing a Tagline Help on HelpImport Filter NamesImporting a FileImporting TaglinesImporting Words
Incoming MailInternal EditorInternet FeaturesInternet SetupMail Door DriversMail Importing SetupMail NavigationMail System SettingsMain Menu Options Merge MacrosMessage ArchivesMessage AttachmentsMessage Index View
Message SetupNavigation EpiphanyNewsgroup RepliesPersonal Dictionary Pick a FilePilot & Sound Setup Pop-up Menu
Printer ErrorProcessing Messages
Query ManagerQuick Reference
Quick ScanQuick Scan ResultsQuick-Merge FilesReading MessagesRenaming a FolderSearch StringsSearching MailSelected ConferencesSelecting MessagesSetting a Pointer
Snoop Mode Sorting MailSpecify a Tag GroupSpelling CheckerSystem Bulk Marking System Setup
System WindowTagging MessagesTagline ManagerTechnical SupportText File OutputThe Chron FileThe IMPORT.LOG File
The OutboxTips on Quoting
Utility setupWhat is a thread?BÎ=
The list on the right contains all of the major
topics in the RoboMail help system. Select the
topic that interests you and press ÄÙ to view
the help information.

NOTE: On this help screen only, the Home, End,
PgUp and PgDn keys can be used to move
through the topics listed on the left.

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : ROBOM13U.ZIP
Filename : RMHELP.DBV

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: