Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : RIPUZ100.ZIP
Filename : SLINFO.DOC

Output of file : SLINFO.DOC contained in archive : RIPUZ100.ZIP

Searchlight BBS Version 3.0 -- Features and Specifications

Searchlight BBS is the full-featured multiuser bulletin board software that
offers integrated RIP graphics features. It's the perfect way to run a great
BBS system with full RIP support.

But Searchlight is a lot more than just RIP: since 1987, we've been
providing one of the world's most popular DOS BBS packages with complete
support for all the features you need to run a successful BBS system,
whether large or small, for business, pleasure or profit. Here's a summary
of our most important functions.

RIP Graphics
þ RIP auto-detect
þ Built-in RIP mouse support in menus, text editor, and options screens
þ Intelligent selection of RIP, ANSI and Ascii screens
þ Additional internal RIP features in Searchlight 3.5 (free upgrade 8/93):
þ Auto icon checking and downloading
þ Automatic customizable dialog and menu generation
þ Graphical objects such as scroll bars, push buttons, check boxes,
radio buttons, pick lists, thermometers

Full-Screen Editor
þ Supports most common cursor and function keys & Wordstar commands
þ Uses full ANSI set for fast screen updating
þ Help messages stay on screen as you edit
þ Mouse support (RIP & local)
þ Quote individual lines from original message
þ Upload text with any internal protocol
þ Full editing capability in all data entry prompts & input screens too

Menu Building
þ Create and edit menus with sophisticated mouse-driven editing tool
þ Up to 64 commands per menu, no limit to total number of menus in system
þ Nested menus up to 40 levels deep
þ Over 100 internal functions can be arranged in any way you choose
þ Add door programs to any menu
þ Execute up to 64 commands in sequence
þ Regulate access to commands and menus by 6 criteria
þ Design custom RIP, ANSI or Ascii screens for any menu (or use built-in
default displays)

Doors System
þ Execute virtually any DOS application as a door
þ Powerful I/O redirection feature allows you to run DOS shells and any
bios-compatible application online without external doorway programs
þ Write your own door programs without serial port or modem programming

Modem/Serial Support
þ Supports standard serial ports on any base address and interrupt (IRQ)
þ 16550 buffered UART support
þ FOSSIL driver support (no extra charge)
þ Intelligent DigiBoard support (no extra charge)
þ Fixed or variable baud rates up to 38,400 baud
þ Recognizes all connect speeds including 14,400 and 16,800

Message System
þ No limit to number of conferences or messages per conference
þ "One file per conference" storage architecture offers the best
combination of speed, size and reliability
þ Fast message searching in headers and/or text
þ Indexed personal message scans
þ Full thread maintenance including global thread operations (kill,
forward, download entire threads)
þ Message forwarding, carbon copy, text upload & download, auto purge
of old messages

Users and Security
þ Unlimited number of user accounts
þ Encrypted user passwords for maximum security
þ 24 independent security flags plus 256 access levels
þ Over 16 million access combinations
þ Regulate access to conferences, file areas, menu choices, doors, menu
branches, quoting, netmail features, and more
þ Read-only conference access
þ Upload-only and download-only file directories
þ Mutually exclusive security groups
þ Daily and session time limits
þ Account expiration dates

Electronic Mail
þ True private mailboxes for each user
þ Read new mail automatically at login
þ Recipient name lookup and name completion
þ Carbon copies
þ Alias names and group names
þ Integraded multizone netmail support
þ Automatic mail logging feature

File Transfer
þ Unlimited number of directories and files per directory
þ All directories indexed by filename and upload date
þ Individual file passwords
þ New uploads may be locked pending Sysop approval
þ Copy, delete, move and rename files
þ View internal directory of ZIP, ARC, LZH, LHA, ARJ and SQZ files
þ Complete logging of uploads and downloads
þ Dynamic download counts in directory listings
þ Single-keystroke file tagging
þ Built in protocols including Zmodem, Xmodem, Xmodem CRC, Xmodem 1K
þ Up to 15 external protocols supported
þ Bi-directional transfer supported (HSLink, BiModem, etc.)
þ Auto-processing/scanning of uploads supported
þ Download ratios based on kilobyte totals, with optional free files
þ Partial filename completion
þ CD-ROM support

Sysop Utilities
þ Purge old users & messages by date, access level, content, etc.
þ Rename users (changes name in messages, too)
þ Global adjustments to user access levels & attributes
þ Rebuild indexes and repair damaged data files
þ All sysop functions available from a remote location

þ Multizone Fidonet support (both echomail and netmail)
þ Relaynet support (UTI drivers)
þ QWK mail support
þ Built in events scheduler
þ Compatible with all front-end mailers and mail tossers
þ Free high level software development kit for rapid development of
new applications

System Requirements
þ Minimum 250K RAM per node
þ Hard disk with DOS 3.3 or later required
þ Supports most multitasking operating systems including DESQview
(recommended), Windows and OS/2
þ Supports most local area network (LAN) systems including Novell, Novell
Lite, and Lantastic
þ Supports up to 10 lines on a single PC (requires 33mhz '386, DESQview
operating system, Intelligent DigiBoard)
þ No limit to number of nodes on a LAN

Upgrades and Technical Support
þ Voice support available during business hours
þ Continuous support via BBS, CompuServe, Internet mail, Fido conferences
þ No additional charge for support or access to support BBS
þ Annual major upgrades plus frequent minor upgrades
þ First major upgrade free

Super Survey
þ Full featured questionnaire software for Searchlight BBS
þ Stores survey results in DBase III files
þ Full screen interface matches Searchlight BBS interface
þ Answer branching -- control survey flow based on answers to previous
questions, skip unneeded sections
þ Edit command -- lets users review answers, cuts down on errors
þ Great for product orders, surveys, new user questionnaires, mailing
lists, opinion polls and more
þ Free with 10 line and Unlimited versions of Searchlight (for single
and 3 line versions, add $35)

þ Full screen user editor and profiler for Searchlight BBS
þ 15 different sorts, 5 display screens, 14 filters
þ View, edit, add, delete user accounts easily
þ Mark accounts on screen, then perform mass deletions or access level
þ Profiling capability displays bar graphs by first and last access date,
access levels and attributes, and more
þ Free with 10 line and Unlimited versions of Searchlight (for single
and 3 line versions, add $35)

For more information or to obtain a working test-drive copy of our latest
version, please give us a call:

Searchlight Software (Voice): 516-751-2966
Searchlight Support BBS: 516-689-2566 (All lines V.32bis)
Searchlight Order Hotline: 800-780-LITE (USA only)

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : RIPUZ100.ZIP
Filename : SLINFO.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: