Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : RBBS-TXT.ZIP
Filename : TXT-READ.ME

Output of file : TXT-READ.ME contained in archive : RBBS-TXT.ZIP
[TXT-READ.ME] Feb 11, 1990

Dear fellow SYSOP,

The RBBS-TXT.ZIP file contains general TEXT files that RBBS-PC uses.
The files are separated by directory, and can be extracted from the zip
to different sub-directories with the command: PKZIP -d RBBS-TXT.

MENU0 Menu displayed when RBBS-PC is ready for calls
MAINU.DEF Sample USER file
RBBS-PC.DEF Sample Configuration file
RBBS.BAT Sample RBBS start-up batch file
RBBSTIME.BAT Sample RBBS daily event batch file
BULLETIN\BMAIN.MNU Menu telling what bulletins are available
BULLETIN\B* Sample bulletins as models
DIR\CDR.CDR Menu used for Library section L)ist
HELP\HELP* Various help files
HELP\????.HLP Various help files for commands and sections
HELP\UPCAT.HLP Text displayed when caller categorizes upload
MACRO\MACRO.MAC Sample macro
PRIVATE\PRIV.DEF Sample Personal Download directory
QUESTION\MENUA Menu listing questionnaires available
SYSTEM\FILESEC Security controls on downloading by file specifications
SYSTEM\PASSWRDS Control file of privileges for security levels & passwords
SYSTEM\*.PUI Sample Programmable User Interface - RBBS emulating RBBS
TEXT\MENU1* Menu of sysop commands
TEXT\MENU2* Menu of main section commands
TEXT\MENU3* Menu of file section commands
TEXT\MENU4* Menu of utility section commands
TEXT\MENU5* Menu listing doors available
TEXT\MENU6* Menu of library section commands
TEXT\NEWUSER Text displayed to new users
TEXT\PRELOG Text displayed just before logon
TEXT\WELCOME* Text displayed after caller logs in
TEXT\LG*.DEF Sample file displayed to persons with specific security
TEXT\CONFENCE Menu for conferences
XFER\PROTO.DEF Control file for protocols used for file exchange
XFER\RBBSZIP.ZIP Utilities for ZIP files with RBBS. Supports testing
upload for integrity, converting other file formats
immediately upon upload to ZIP, and viewing text
files inside ZIP files.
XFER\VDWC.BAT Driver for verbose list of DWC files
XFER\VZOO.BAT Driver for verbose list for ZOO files
XFER\ARCVIEW.COM Utility that supports verbose list for ZOO & DWC

The file RBBS-TXT.ZIP should normally not be distributed by itself
but as a part of RBBS-PC 17.3, which is distributed via three
mandatory and four optional standard "ZIP" files. Two files
are available but not automatically distributed.

File Name Description

RBBS-DOC.ZIP Documentation for RBBS-PC
RBBS-EXE.ZIP Executable files.
RBBS-TXT.ZIP System text files used by RBBS-PC.

RBBS-ASM.ZIP RBBS-PC assembly language source code.
RBBS-EXT.ZIP External protocol drivers
Same as distributed for CPC16-1A-CPC17.2B
RBBS-UTL.ZIP Miscellaneous RBBS-PC utilities.

(Not distributed routinely but available)

RBBS-LIT.ZIP Merges to reduce size of RBBS-PC.EXE.
RBBSSEXE.ZIP RBBS-PC.EXE. Smaller, faster, minimal debugging.

Simply uncompress the first three files and follow the instruction in the
RBBS-PC documentation entitled, "INSTALLING RBBS-PC".

For those who have never operated an electronic bulletin board before,
we suggest getting Bantam Books' "The Complete Electronic Bulletin Board
Starter Kit" by Charles Bowen and David Peyton (ISBN 0-553-34552-4).
RBBS-PC's documentation is only a "reference" and is not nearly as good
a learning guide for new SYSOP's. However, the book only covers RBBS-PC
version 15.1C, and therefore does not cover new features. Version 17.3
is downward compatible with the system files of 15.1C.

Ken Goosens & Doug Azzarito

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : RBBS-TXT.ZIP
Filename : TXT-READ.ME

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: