Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : QWKGRAB.ZIP
Filename : MANUAL.DOC

Output of file : MANUAL.DOC contained in archive : QWKGRAB.ZIP
V. 1.0

INTRODUCTION: This utility provides for two functions.

First, Once a .QWK packet has been downloaded, the
MESSAGES.DAT may be perused. The messages that are of interest may
be selected for saving to a .REP packet that may be uploaded to a
BBS specified by you.

Second, a formatted ASCII file may be converted to a .REP
packet that may be uploaded to a BBS specified by you. These two
functions allow for a simple way to collect a large number of
messages of interest from a variety of sources and redirect them
conveniently to your BBS or to a preferred BBS.


Echo Mail could provide this function for .QWK packets, but
a conference translation table would have to be set up for each BBS
that is contacted. The full .QWK packet would also have to be
echoed without any means to filter out those messages that are not
of interest. The echomail still does not solve the problem of
translating an ASCII file to a .REP packet.


Download your .QWK packet from your preferred BBS. Un-
compress the .QWK packet using your preferred packer if needed.
Make sure the file MESSAGES.DAT is in the same directory as the
QWKGRAB.EXE program. Start the program with a parameter specifying
the preferred reply packet name.

This will result in a file called YOURBBS.MSG

This file should then be compressed
Upload the reply packet at your convenience.

While the .QWK packet is being read, each header summary will
be displayed along with the first page of the message. At this
point you may choose to grab this message by pressing the "y" key
or the space bar. If you want to ignore the message then hit any
other key. If you are done grabbing messages and want to quit,
then press the key.

Please Note: all messages are placed into conference 1 when
grabbing a .QWK packet. This avoids the need to set up a
translation table for each packet.


The text file has to have some formatting, in order for the
program to identify the appropriate parameters. If you use OLX-TD,
an off-line reader, then mark the messages of interest and save
them in a text file. This is the default format read by QWKGRAB.
OLX-TD may be found on the Wildcat BBS which is owned by Mustang
Software Inc.


= the first line found which starts with "=" indicates the start of
the header for each message. This is the header flag. The
remaining text on the header flag line is ignored.

- The first line found which starts with "-" indicates the start of
each message. This is the message flag. The remaining text on the
message flag line is ignored. The following lines are translated
as a message, until another header flag is found.

The header flag and message flag may be specified as a
parameter on the command line. The parameters in the header of
interest are: from, to, subject, date, time and conference. All or
none of the above parameters may be placed in any order. The best
way to explain the format is by showing a number of examples. Take
a look at the SAMPLE.TXT file.



The parameters are placement sensitive. YOURBBS is the first
parameter and must be 1 to 8 alpha-numeric characters in length.
SAMPLE.TXT is the second parameter, it must follow the DOS file
naming conventions and should have an extension. The third
parameter is for the header flag and is optional. It must be a
single printable ASCII character. The default value is "=". The
fourth parameter is for the message flag and is optional. It must
be a single printable ASCII character. The default value is "-".
Since the parameters are placement sensitive, the third parameter
must be specified if the fourth parameter is to be changed.

Final Thoughts:

The delay logo screen is part of this version, because I
wanted some method of encouraging users to obtain a registered copy
of the program without crippling this utility.

There are two methods to obtain your personalized registered copy
WITHOUT the delay logo screen.

First, to register and DOWNLOAD your personalized copy without
the delay logo screen, send a check made out to Schellin & Schellin
for $20 with the completed order form. I will then send you a password.
The password allows you to download your personalized copy of the program
from my BBS.

Second, If you want me to send you a DISK, then send a check
made out to Schellin & Schellin for $30 with the completed order form.
This will provide for shipping and handling of the disk.

Any funding will continue to be directed to the BBS and continued
development of forthcoming products.

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : QWKGRAB.ZIP
Filename : MANUAL.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: