Dec 262017
Full Description of File
Easily add DESC.SDI description to ZIP files for U/L to WILDCAT! BBS that use AUTODESC. These BBS will automatically read either the DESC.SDI or FILE_ID.DIZ and enter the description for you on the BBS!. | |||
File Name | File Size | Zip Size | Zip Type |
DESC.SDI | 60 | 57 | deflated |
LIST | 3150 | 1569 | deflated |
PUTDESC.DOC | 2695 | 1248 | deflated |
PUTDESC.EXE | 9359 | 9046 | deflated |
Download File PUTDESC.ZIP Here
Contents of the PUTDESC.DOC file
PUTDESC (c) 1991 Karl Schneider
S & H Engineering
8505 Woodwick Ct.
Tampa, FL 33615
813-884-9661 voice day/eve
bbs midnite-0600 EST
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv NOTICE! vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
11/24/91: MAJOR CHANGE. PUTDESC now adds a file called DESC.SDI to
the .ZIP file. WC3DESC is no longer supported by AUTODESC!
11/16/91. Minor revision: added code to display any EXISTING des-
cription file with option to leave as-is or change.
PUTDESC is a fast and easy way to create a DESC.SDI 'description'
file in a .ZIP archive which can be used by WILDCAT 3.0+ BBS systems
using AUTODESC. This is one 'sort of' standard embedded description
files being used. Note that AUTODESC as of 11/24/91 now supports
both DESC.SDI and FILE_ID.DIZ description files.
Usage is simply: putdesc [d:\path]zipfile[.zip]
The .zip extension is optional. If the .zip file is in the current
directory, no path information is needed.
If there is already a DESC.SDI file in the .ZIP archive, it will be
displayed and you can press ESC to leave it as is.
A 60-character bracket will be shown, and the description is typed
in. Backspace & left arrow keys can be used for editing. Once the
60th character is reached, further input is disallowed. The program
is intuitive and simple. It adds DESC.SDI to the .ZIP file
PKZIP and PKUNZIP must be available for running in whatever directory that
PUTDESC is executed the current directory or in your DOS PATH.
PUTDESC.EXE also must be in the cwd or your path.
After you have added the description file, you can upload the Zipfile to
a Wildcat 3.0+ BBS that uses AUTODESC, in which case you can skip
typing in the description on-line after the upload. Unfortunately,
it is not at this time possible to support the 'Additional' file
description; that, if needed, will still have to be manually typed
(or done via ASCII upload from a separate text file).
The description in a .ZIP file can be changed at any time using PUTDESC,
it will re-write DESC.SDI inside the .ZIP with whatever you enter.
I've checked this program pretty carefully and have observed no
problems, however, I make no warranties, expressed or implied, con-
cerning its usability or use. Any comments, bug reports, or suggestions
are welcome. Thanks.
S & H Engineering
8505 Woodwick Ct.
Tampa, FL 33615
813-884-9661 voice day/eve
bbs midnite-0600 EST
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv NOTICE! vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
11/24/91: MAJOR CHANGE. PUTDESC now adds a file called DESC.SDI to
the .ZIP file. WC3DESC is no longer supported by AUTODESC!
11/16/91. Minor revision: added code to display any EXISTING des-
cription file with option to leave as-is or change.
PUTDESC is a fast and easy way to create a DESC.SDI 'description'
file in a .ZIP archive which can be used by WILDCAT 3.0+ BBS systems
using AUTODESC. This is one 'sort of' standard embedded description
files being used. Note that AUTODESC as of 11/24/91 now supports
both DESC.SDI and FILE_ID.DIZ description files.
Usage is simply: putdesc [d:\path]zipfile[.zip]
The .zip extension is optional. If the .zip file is in the current
directory, no path information is needed.
If there is already a DESC.SDI file in the .ZIP archive, it will be
displayed and you can press ESC to leave it as is.
A 60-character bracket will be shown, and the description is typed
in. Backspace & left arrow keys can be used for editing. Once the
60th character is reached, further input is disallowed. The program
is intuitive and simple. It adds DESC.SDI to the .ZIP file
PKZIP and PKUNZIP must be available for running in whatever directory that
PUTDESC is executed the current directory or in your DOS PATH.
PUTDESC.EXE also must be in the cwd or your path.
After you have added the description file, you can upload the Zipfile to
a Wildcat 3.0+ BBS that uses AUTODESC, in which case you can skip
typing in the description on-line after the upload. Unfortunately,
it is not at this time possible to support the 'Additional' file
description; that, if needed, will still have to be manually typed
(or done via ASCII upload from a separate text file).
The description in a .ZIP file can be changed at any time using PUTDESC,
it will re-write DESC.SDI inside the .ZIP with whatever you enter.
I've checked this program pretty carefully and have observed no
problems, however, I make no warranties, expressed or implied, con-
cerning its usability or use. Any comments, bug reports, or suggestions
are welcome. Thanks.
December 26, 2017
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