Dec 282017
PonyROM v2.16 Premium CD-ROM Download Door.

Full Description of File

PonyROM v2.16 Premium CD-ROM Download Door
Works with WC! 3.x, RA v1.11/2.0, PCB 15.0
or =ANY= BBS software that create or
to DORINFOx.DEF or 52 LINE DOOR.SYS and it
will create a GENERIC.### file so you can
write your own BBS updater, depending on your
BBS software. =RIP= External Graphics display
files & menus for =ANY= BBS software system.
Works with =ANY= CDROM Disc/Hard Drive that
has a text files listing. From 1-9 CD-ROMs.

File PROM216.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category BBS Files
PonyROM v2.16 Premium CD-ROM Download Door.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CDBYE.RIP 567 369 deflated
CDWELCOM.BBS 1522 299 deflated
CDWELCOM.RIP 897 464 deflated
CDWELCOM.SCR 2230 396 deflated
COPYFILE.BAT 632 247 deflated
DESC.SDI 443 304 deflated
DOWNLOAD.RIP 1147 577 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 443 304 deflated
HELP-D.BBS 1440 313 deflated
HELP-D.SCR 2225 418 deflated
HELP-L.BBS 1280 290 deflated
HELP-L.SCR 1922 384 deflated
HELP-M.BBS 1120 217 deflated
HELP-M.SCR 1663 304 deflated
HELP-Q.BBS 1360 181 deflated
HELP-Q.SCR 1988 265 deflated
HELP-R.BBS 880 163 deflated
HELP-R.SCR 1253 236 deflated
HELP-S.BBS 1120 219 deflated
HELP-S.SCR 1755 314 deflated
HELP-V.BBS 880 206 deflated
HELP-V.SCR 1258 287 deflated
HELPMENU.BBS 1440 229 deflated
HELPMENU.RIP 800 422 deflated
HELPMENU.SCR 2366 327 deflated
LISTFILE.RIP 1259 638 deflated
PONYCFG.EXE 45658 44627 deflated
PONYDBF.EXE 58793 57523 deflated
PONYFIND.EXE 43098 42154 deflated
PONYPATH.EXE 12081 11020 deflated
PONYPROT.DEF 93 56 deflated
PONYROM.DES 2146 1133 deflated
PONYROM.DOC 47202 13270 deflated
PONYROM.EXE 86909 85090 deflated
PONYTRAN.EXE 51175 50393 deflated
POSTAREA.RIP 240 166 deflated
PROTOCOL.RIP 563 356 deflated
REGISTER.FRM 3196 1014 deflated
SEND_1.BAT 1419 582 deflated
SEND_A.BAT 1421 582 deflated
SEND_G.BAT 1421 584 deflated
SEND_K.BAT 1421 583 deflated
SEND_M.BAT 1421 584 deflated
SEND_X.BAT 1421 582 deflated
SEND_Y.BAT 1421 584 deflated
SEND_Z.BAT 3086 877 deflated
VIEWIT.BAT 1818 484 deflated
WHATSNEW.204 11009 4469 deflated
WHATSNEW.210 4726 1885 deflated
WHATSNEW.215 1723 875 deflated
WHATSNEW.216 1072 596 deflated

Download File PROM216.ZIP Here

Contents of the PONYROM.DOC file

PonyRom Documentation (c) 1991,1992 Craig Barnett & Doug Preston

PonyROM CD-ROM File Transfer Door



(C) Copyright 1991 by Craig Barnett & Doug Preston


Updates BBS DL Counts/Bytes Works with ALL Popular cdrom discs
9999 Directories Each Dbf 15350 Files Each Dbf COM 1-4,115200 bps
COM 1-4,115200 bps Text Search FileName Search File Viewer Hook
Works with and updates Wildcat 3.0+ & Remote Access 1.11
Optional Copy from CDROM to hard drive & add and/or remove Comments
Supports up to 15 External Protocols, Includes PonyTRAN file protocol
transfer module for most popular protocols with a graphical display.

With Registered License Key This Door Also features:

File Locking Run 9 CDROM DISCS/DBF from 1 door with Access Security
Removes first screen and logon delays LogOff Registration Notice

PonyRom (C) 1991,1992 - Craig Barnett & Doug Preston Ver 2.0 Page 1

PonyRom Documentation (c) 1991,1992 Craig Barnett & Doug Preston

Purpose of this Program .......................................... 3

Legal Statement .................................................. 3

Getting Started .................................................. 4

PonyDBF .................................................... 4

Customizing ANSI Screens ................................... 5

PonyProt.Def ............................................... 6

PonyRom.Cfg ............................................... 6

Download Batch Files ...................................... 7

Programs residing/created ....................................... 8

Setting up under Desqview ....................................... 9

BBS Door Setups ................................................. 10

Registered License Key .......................................... 10

Unregistered Limitations ........................................ 11

Future Updates .................................................. 11

PonyRom Errors .................................................. 11

Extra Added Utilities Available ................................. 12

PonyFind .................................................. 12

RIABCONF .................................................. 12

PonyEdit .................................................. 13

PonyTRAN .................................................. 13

Common Solutions to Common Problems ............................. 15

Sample Example Quick Installation Checklist ..................... 16

USA Distribution sites .......................................... 16

Thanks .......................................................... 16

PonyRom (C) 1991,1992 - Craig Barnett & Doug Preston Ver 2.0 Page 2

PonyRom Documentation (c) 1991,1992 Craig Barnett & Doug Preston

Purpose of this Program

This program, like most others, was born out of frustration of the
time and speed of which most BBS software and cdrom doors handle
cdroms. This is not to say that the way in which they accomplish their
tasks of using cdroms is not done well or even better than we do, you
can be the judge of that, only that we found a personal need to "do it
our way" the best way we knew how, in a way that would handle any
cdrom, in fastest possible way, for all the most popular bbs systems.

As time goes on, more features and BBS software types may be added.
We hope you and your users find this door and it's utilities useful
and it helps make your job of a SysOp a little faster and little
easier than the present way you offer your cdrom downloads.

We wrote this door for us, not for the world, but we are glad that you
can share the benifits this door offers you and your users.

Thank you for your interest,
Craig Barnett and Doug Preston

Legal Statement

User of program(s) assumes ALL risk of software. Author, or
anyone else in the world WILL NOT be held responsible in any way,
shape, or form for use or misuse of this software. If you, the user,
don't want to be held responsible, then DON'T bother to use the
program(s). There is NO CLAIM that this software will work with any or
all the computer configurations that may or may not exist. This
program is NOT guaranteed to work with your setup. If you fail to
properly setup your system to run PonyROM, then do not register or use

This version replaces any prior versions. Please update to the
latest version prior to reporting any problems.

Updates, if any, are made available for download to registered
license purchasers, and not for an ongoing extension of your 30 day

You are granted limited license to use this software for up to 30
days at which time you are expected to either register the software or
remove the program(s) from your system.

PonyRom and all it's utility programs are protected by the
copyright laws of The United States of America that pertain to
computer software.

PonyRom must only be distributed in absolutely unmodified
form, including all program and documentation files;
PonyRom may not be included with ANY other product for
ANY reason whatsoever WITHOUT a permission from the Authors.

Bulletin Board system operators may post the DEMO version of PonyRom
on their BBS for downloading without written permission providing that
no specific fees are levied to access the PonyRom files.

It is illegal for you to distribute the file named "PONYROM.KEY" to
any other person. This file is your "electronic identification" that
you have purchased a licence to use Ponyrom.

PonyRom and all it's utilities, (c) Copyright 1991,92 by Craig Barnett
and Doug Preston.

PonyRom (C) 1991,1992 - Craig Barnett & Doug Preston Ver 2.0 Page 3

PonyRom Documentation (c) 1991,1992 Craig Barnett & Doug Preston

Wildcat is copyrighted programs of Mustang Software Inc.

Remote Access is copyrighted programs of Andrew Milner and Continental

Other brand and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks,
and copyrighted programs of their respective holders.

Getting Started

Before trying to install this software you need to make sure you
have at least 3.0 MB disk space free. The amount of disk space
required for installation and setup can be up to 2.5 MB. The final
size of disk space required can vary from 1.5 MB or less per CD-ROM.

Notice: PonyROM will not properly run under systems that manipulate the
door files that we read. It will only run under original files created
by your BBS software. This means that you can not use any door file
converters or programs such as Livecat or Superdor to run PonyROM.

This Software comes with several programs designed to make
installation and use easy and fast as possible.

1 - PONYROM.EXE Main Door Program
2 - PONYPATH.EXE (Optional) Creates a download path file (.PTH)
in order to be able to exclude or add certain
directories available for downloading from.
Run prior to PONYDBF.EXE if selective/custom
download directories are desired. (REQUIRED TO BE
2 - PONYDBF.EXE Creates DBF file for PonyRom (DBase III) and a
Download PTH file, if none is found.
3 - PONYCFG.EXE Creates CFG file for PonyRom
4 - RIABCONF.EXE (Optional) Splits RIAB_V31's CDMASTER.DIR into
separate File area lists. (For RIAB disc Only)
5 - PONYFIND.EXE (Optional) SysOp Utility - Used to FIND and DOWNLOAD
any file found in the .dbf to the current directory.
6 - PONYTRAN.EXE External Graphical Multi-Protocol modual of PonyROM.

We will discuss them in the order that they should be used. There are
also additional sample files that you need to modify or create your

You will first have to create a directory for PonyRom.
Put all of the files that came with PonyRom into this directory.


The first program you should run is PONYPATH.EXE which creates the
download directory location path list used by PonyDBF.

Updated MAKEPTH program for PonyRom Ver 2.0+.

To use type

where d: = Drive letter followed by a colon.
CDNAME.PTH = NAme of CDROM.PTH file. This name
should be the same name as CDROM.DBF name you are
going to create.


The second program you should run is PONYDBF.EXE which creates the
Database for PonyRom.


Before you run PonyDBF you need to create an Ascii file with the
following information in it.

PonyRom (C) 1991,1992 - Craig Barnett & Doug Preston Ver 2.0 Page 4

PonyRom Documentation (c) 1991,1992 Craig Barnett & Doug Preston

CD-ROM name
CD drive designation

Sample CDROM.CNF contents:


If your cdrom disc has more than 15350 files on it, you will need to
split up your .Pth file in to 2 or more parts, as the search routines
currently support up to that amount. You can then create 2 .dbf files
and setup for multi cdroms. (Registered licence key required).

To run PonyDBF and create the database all you have to do is while
in your PonyRom directory type:


This program can take up to 30 minutes if not longer to create
your database. You do not need to input or do anything once it starts
so time to go to lunch or dinner. Once this program has completed you
will have your database for PonyRom.

Your next step will be to create file lists for each of the areas
on your CD-ROM. If your CD-ROM has separate file lists already made
and in place for each area on the CD then all the better. They can
stay where they are (even if they are in text format on the cdrom).
The exact name of the files is not important. But you will need to
know the names later.

Your lists should be setup like the sample RIAB027.

File size and Date are not needed in the list, just in case yours just
happen to not have them.

If you run RBBS-in-a-Box then you may wish to use the enclosed
RIABCONF.EXE program to create your lists.

The next step would be to create an AREA LIST file with the path and
name of each file list file. I would recommend naming this file with
the CD-ROM name.


K:\DIR002\AREA002 Download Area Text Files

That should give you an idea of the format for this file.

Customizing Ansi Screens

Next you need to make your Menu Files. These can be made with your
favorite Ansi screen maker. THEY MUST BE SAVED WITH MAXIMUM LINE
WIDTH SET TO NONE. If they are not saved this way they will not
properly display within the door, They will more than likely only show
part or half the screen.

PonyRom (C) 1991,1992 - Craig Barnett & Doug Preston Ver 2.0 Page 5

PonyRom Documentation (c) 1991,1992 Craig Barnett & Doug Preston

Using Thedraw(tm) v4.01 as an example:

Set the Maximum Ansi line length: to NONE on the configuration page 2

TheDraw Default Options Configuration (page 2 of 2)

Reset colors to white on end of Ansi files? YES
Default Ansi video preparation: NONE
Default Ansi slow down factor: 0
Maximum Ansi line length: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NONE

Your Ansi drawing program may vary.

CDROM.BBS / CDROM.SCR Menu screen would look something like this:

RBBS-in-a-Box File Directories

[1] Communications [2] Word Processing/Editors
[3] Database Management [4] Educational
[5] Finance/Productivity [6] Spreadsheets
[7] Languages/Programming [8] Music/Posters/Graphics
[9] Unprotects/Patches [10] Games / Entertainment
[11] Utilities - General [12] Utilities - Keyboard
[13] Utilities - Disk [14] Utilities - File
[15] Utilities - Print [16] Utilities - Screen
[17] Utilities - Batch [18] Science/Math/Engineering
[19] Lotus 123/Symphony [20] Microsoft Windows
[21] Networking (LAN) [22] Desktop Publishing
[23] Turbo Pascal Prgms [24] Miscellaneous/Info
[25] RBBS-PC System Files [26] RBBS-PC Misc./Netmail
[27] RBBS-in-a-Box Updates

Totals for RBBS-in-a-Box CDROM Files 15,158 659,975,762 MB

Area one on the menu must coincide with the first file list file in
your AREA .LST file.


You next need to edit PONYPROT.DEF to add or remove any protocols you
wish to use. You may use up to 15 Protocols.

The format of this file is : X,XMODEM,S

First Letter used in SEND_?.BAT and used to pick the Protocol.
Second is the name of protocol
Third letter is 'S' for Single, 'B' for Batch protocol.


The next step would be to run the PONYCFG.EXE program.

This program will create the needed CFG file for PonyRom.

This program is the next step in your PonyRom setup. This program
will take a command line parameter for CFG file name. If no command
line parameter is passed it will default to PONYROM1.CFG, When you
enter this program you should fill in all the information requested.

For single node you can just type PONYCFG

For more than one node, you would run it as: PONYCFG PONYROM1.CFG

PonyRom (C) 1991,1992 - Craig Barnett & Doug Preston Ver 2.0 Page 6

PonyRom Documentation (c) 1991,1992 Craig Barnett & Doug Preston

Sample screen:


PonyCFG (c) 1991, 1992, Craig Barnett & Doug Preston

First Name : Craig Last Name : Barnett

BBS Name : PrimeNet(tm)

BBS Type : Wildcat


Number of Areas : 33 Name of DBF File : CARRS

Default Ext : ZIP Name of CFG : PONYROM1.CFG Copy File? : N

to Save and Quit, to Save and Create Another CFG File
to Edit Security Def Files, To Quit and Dump Info

F5 will bring up the CD security def menu, you will need to create a
CDxxxx.Def (xxxx=sec level) file for EACH access level INCLUDING the
SysOp, and which cdroms you want those access levels to have access to.
If no CDxxxx.Def file is found for someones security level, it will
default to the default cdrom name you entered in PonyCFG.
(Only if using multi cdrom discs and registered license key is found).


We write temporary files to the same directory as your Door.sys, we
also need to find the file that your BBS software reads back in after
a door in this same directory so we can update users download records.

For Wildcat Ver 3.xx this file is called USERINFO.DAT
For Remote Access Ver 1.10+ this file is called EXITINFO.BBS

For all other BBS Software we do not update user records yet.

We require a DOOR.SYS to run under any type of BBS except Remote
Access which uses DORINFO1.DEF.

The next thing you need to do is create your batch files.

The proper way to call PonyRom is as follows:

This of course is if your CFG file name is PONYROM1.CFG


See sample PONYROM1.BAT and BBS setup section at end of this doc.

Download Batch

Download Batch files should be created using the following variables
we pass to the download batch files.

See enclosed SEND_?.BAT files. This can be setup with DSZ (and others)
or you can use the [Optional] enclosed PonyTRAN transfer modual.

PonyRom (C) 1991,1992 - Craig Barnett & Doug Preston Ver 2.0 Page 7

PonyRom Documentation (c) 1991,1992 Craig Barnett & Doug Preston

We pass 5 variables at this time to batch file. They are:

Single Protocol:
%1 = Port %2 = DTE Rate %3 = FileName %4 = Time Left %5 = Baud

Batch Protocol :
%1 = Port %2 = DTE Rate %3 = @dlfiles.lst %4 = Time Left %5 = Baud

Programs residing/created

The Following is a list of files that should reside in PonyRom

PONYROM.EXE ; Main Door Program
PONYDBF.EXE ; Used to create the .dbf file
PONYCFG.EXE ; Used to create/edit cfg file
PONYFIND.EXE ; (Optional) For local SysOp downloads outside door.
PONYCNF.EXE ; (Optional) Used to create RIAB.### area listings
PONYPATH.EXE ; (Optional) Used to create a selective download
XXXXXXXX.CFG ; XXXXXXXX = what ever you named your cfg.
XXXXXXXX.DBF ; XXXXXXXX = what ever you named your dbf.
XXXXXXXX.PTH ; XXXXXXXX = what ever you named your dbf.
XXXXXXXX.LST ; XXXXXXXX.LST = Name of Area List File
PONYPROT.DEF ; Protocol Definition File
SEND_?.BAT ; Protocol batch files
CDxxxx.DEF ; XXXX = Security Access Level. Defines access to CDROM's
create using PONYCFG and hit [F5]. (Multi-CDROM discs)
PONYROM.KEY ; Registration Key file (if Registered)
CDWELCOM.SCR ; ANSI Welcome Screen
?-HELP.BBS ; ? = Menu Letter, ASCII Help Screen
?-HELP.SCR ; ? = Menu Letter, ANSI Help Screen

PonyRom (C) 1991,1992 - Craig Barnett & Doug Preston Ver 2.0 Page 8

PonyRom Documentation (c) 1991,1992 Craig Barnett & Doug Preston


This is our setup for Node 3 running under DESQview.

We have Writes Directly to Screen turned on because I used to run a
lot of Doors that wrote directly to the screen. This door is no
exception. We may add DESQview screen support in a later release.
For now you will want to make sure that your setup has Direct screen
write turned on and Virtualize Text\Graphics set to T.

Change a Program

Program Name............: [NODE 3]
Keys to Use on Open Menu: N3 Memory Size (in K): 500

Program...: runwc3.bat
Directory.: E:\WC30

Writes text directly to screen.......: [Y]
Displays graphics information........: [N]
Virtualize text/graphics (Y,N,T).....: [T]
Uses serial ports (Y,N,1,2)..........: [N]
Requires floppy diskette.............: [N]

Change a Program Advanced Options

System Memory (in K)....: 0 Maximum Program Memory Size (in K) : 800

Script Buffer Size......: 0 Maximum Expanded Memory Size (in K): 1024

Text Pages: 1 Graphics Pages: 0 Initial Mode: Interrupts: 00 to FF

Window Position:

Maximum Height: 25 Starting Height: 25 Starting Row...: 0
Maximum Width.: 80 Starting Width.: 80 Starting Column: 0

Shared Program

Close on exit (Y,N,blank)..: [N] Uses its own colors.............: [Y]
Allow Close Window command.: [Y] Runs in background(Y,N,blank)...: [Y]
Uses math coprocessor......: [Y] Keyboard conflict (0-F).........: [0]

Share CPU when foreground..: [Y] Share EGA when foreground/zoomed: [Y]
Can be swapped out (Y,N,blank): [N] Protection level (0-3).......: [0]

Also I have my foreground/background ticks set to 2:2
You may need to play with your settings, If you have it setup and
working though, I wouldn't play with it.

PonyRom (C) 1991,1992 - Craig Barnett & Doug Preston Ver 2.0 Page 9

PonyRom Documentation (c) 1991,1992 Craig Barnett & Doug Preston

BBS Door Setup

Basic Door Batch File:


Check your BBS documentation on how to exit and return from a door!

BBS Setups tested:

Wildcat - Normal door operation

REMOTE ACCESS type #7 exit in OPTIONAL DATA menu field:


These tested examples are not meant to teach you how to run doors on
your BBS, see your BBS documentation for that information!

To Download a Registered License Key File

To register this software please print out REGISTER.FRM and mail
it along with the appropriate registration fee payable to:

Craig Barnett
1711 Stockton Hill Road, Suite # 178
Kingman, Az 86401

Registration will remove all [UnRegistered] displays and delays. It
also entitles you to download any future minor updates for free.

Upon Registration you will be able to download your Key File. You
will also be able to gain access to Echomail Support Conferences on the
distribution sites boards where you will always find the most
recent version of all our software.

PonyRom (C) 1991,1992 - Craig Barnett & Doug Preston Ver 2.0 Page 10

PonyRom Documentation (c) 1991,1992 Craig Barnett & Doug Preston

Unregistered Limitations

This software DOES NOT EXPIRE and IS NOT CRIPPLED. That is not to
say that at some future date we won't change our policy. Purchase of a
Registered license key will allow you to rid yourself of the
UNREGISTERED notices, thereby also removing any unregistered delays
and will also allow you access to any future Minor Updates that may be
released. Major upgrades and Updates may require a small upgrade fee.

Future Updates/Upgrades

PonyROM (DBase)

PonyROM (DBase) uses DBaseIII+ database routines. Updates are free
by download to those that hold a registered license key to the Dbase
versions for all Minor versions. Major versions may carry a nominal
upgrade fee.

PonyRom Errors

Report all errors in the WorldWide DoorNet echomail conference for
the quickest help.

PonyRom (C) 1991,1992 - Craig Barnett & Doug Preston Ver 2.0 Page 11

PonyRom Documentation (c) 1991,1992 Craig Barnett & Doug Preston


PonyFind is a great, quick SysOp utility that allows you to find and
local download any file matching a file found in the .dbf file.

To use simply type: PonyFind [dbfname]

Where dbfname is the created XXXXXXXX.dbf file with PonyDBF.exe


This Program is not guaranteed to do anything except maybe take up a
little disk space. This program can be used freely by you and anyone
who you wish to give it to. We do not make any claims about this
software except that we wrote it. If you find it useful then feel
free to use it. This software has no warranties neither implied nor
otherwise. If you use this software you agree to accept all liability
and damages that may occur from the use of this software. We accept
no liability for your use.

This Program was written because of the way RBBS-in-a-Box cdrom discs
are setup. It was very difficult to separate CDMASTER.DIR files
into separate area listings.

This program will read your CDMASTER.DIR file off your RIAB cdrom disc
and create separate file list for each area on your hard drive. On
our versions we had a few extra areas. The name of these oddball areas
is different for each version of RIAB that it was tested against. If
yours also has theses odd ball areas it will create a file list for
the odd ball areas also. You will need to check these odd ball areas
and add the files to the appropriate file list.

To run RIABCONF.EXE you will need to run it with the following format.


On the command line is the full drive/path to your CDMASTER.DIR file.

That is it.

You can take a coffee break now due to this process taking from 30
minutes to an hour, depending on the speed of your machine.

This was the simplest way we could find to split the CDMASTER.DIR file
into separate File Lists.

When this software is finished you should have a file list for each

and so on ...

PonyRom (C) 1991,1992 - Craig Barnett & Doug Preston Ver 2.0 Page 12

PonyRom Documentation (c) 1991,1992 Craig Barnett & Doug Preston


PonyEdit is used to edit & remove files from the .dbf file.
This program is made available for download and not included in
this archive, as you will probably never need it.
PonyEdit requires that ALL .dbf files are re-compiled with the latest
PonyCFG file in order to work correctly. This is due to the addition
of 4 char number length in the updated .dbf's structure to alow for
up to 9999 file areas.


PonyTran is a command line program that provides one transmit or one
receive protocol session. To start a Zmodem protocol transmit of all
the PAS files in your directory you would type the following:

PonyTran /c 2 /b 9600 /z /t *.pas

PonyTran will open Com2 at 9600 baud and transmit all PAS files using
the Zmodem protocol. After all the PAS files have been transmitted
PonyTran will report the ending AsyncStatus value.

To send a list of files you would use @FileList

If you wish to transmit additional files then you would rerun PonyTran
with appropriate parameters.

Let's take a look at all of the PonyTran parameters and discuss them in

Usage: PonyTran [options] SrcFilename

/B BaudRate Baudrate
/C # Comport name [default = 1]
/T Transmit mode [default]
/R Receive mode
/S ASCII transfer
/X Xmodem/XmodemCRC [default]
/K Xmodem1K
/L Xmodem1KG
/Y Ymodem
/G YmodemG
/Z Zmodem
/F Kermit
/A Zmodem option - resume interrupted transfer
/O Zmodem option - always overwrite files
/N Zmodem option - only overwrite if newer

/B BaudRate - If you do not specify a baud rate PonyTran will open
the specified port without disturbing its existing parameters.
You would typically omit the baud rate whenever you are running
PonyTran as a DOS EXEC or Shell from some other communications program
(so that PonyTran would use the line parameters left by the parent

PonyRom (C) 1991,1992 - Craig Barnett & Doug Preston Ver 2.0 Page 13

PonyRom Documentation (c) 1991,1992 Craig Barnett & Doug Preston

/C # - This is the Com port number you wish to use. If you omit this
parameter Com1 will be used. PonyTran supports Com1-Com4 on PCs and ATs,
Com1-Com8 on PS/2s.

/T - Specifies that you wish to transmit files. This is the default.
Whenever you are transmitting files you must supply a file mask (or
file name) as the last parameter on the command line.

/R - Specifies that you wish to receive fies. If the protocol you've
selected doesn't support file names (Xmodem and Ascii) then you must
supply a receive file name as the parameter on the command line. If
the selected protocol does support file names then any name you
specify on the command line will be ignored.

/S .. /F - Specifies the protocol you wish to use. PonyTran supports all
standard protocols.

/A .. /N - Specifies a few Zmodem options that you might want to
experiment with. /A resumes interrupted file transfers. It can be
specified by either the transmitter or receiver. /O tells Zmodem to
always overwrite existing files (the default is to skip existing
files). /N tells Zmodem to overwrite existing files only if the
incoming file has a later time stamp.
PonyTran will use hardware flow control,PonyTran will never use software
flow control.
PonyTran will display the progress of the protocol transfer.

PonyTran will read the Environment variable PTLOG if it is set and
will create a log of all transmitted and received files. It will append
to the this file if it already exists. The log entry consists of the
protocol type, file name, whether it was transmitted or received and
whether the transfer was successful or not. PonyTran's logging routine
will also delete partially received files unless the protocol in use was
Zmodem (since Zmodem could resume the transfer from the point of
PonyTran also reads Environment variable PTBBS if it is set and
will write Wildcat Activity log format if it is set to WILDCAT.

Example, In your Config.sys (for 1 node) or (RUNDV.BAT for 2) put:

For Wildcat


For Remote Access

If the Environment variable PTLOG is not set then the log file will
not be created.
Zmodem uses its own file management rules. PonyTran uses the default of
WriteProtect which means it will skip files that already exist at the
destination. You can modify this with the /O and /N command line
parameters. Note that Zmodem doesn't have a rename option.

PonyRom (C) 1991,1992 - Craig Barnett & Doug Preston Ver 2.0 Page 14

PonyRom Documentation (c) 1991,1992 Craig Barnett & Doug Preston

Common Solutions to Common Problems

QUESTION: What does it mean when I get an error 'PATH NOT FOUND IN
11000' ??
ANSWER: PonyROM can not find your DOOR.SYS file, check the Path
Location in PonyCFG for the node causing the error.

QUESTION: PonyRom just starts to run then locks up. What do I do?
ANSWER: If you are running Disk Cashe, then you need to turn off
stage writes prior to running PonyROM in your door bat file.

QUESTION: PonyROM works fine on 1 or 2 nodes, but the last node does
not work right or I get EXCEPTION 13's. What do I do?
ANSWER: Run Optimize correctly per the Desqview manual and exclude
the proper memory areas for your system per the manual.

QUESTION: I get errors during file searches. What do I do?
ANSWER: Most of the time you either don't have enough memory in
that window or your databases are too large.

QUESTION: I run XYZ BBS software and PonyROM doesn't work right?
ANSWER: PonyROM only supports WILDCAT! v3.xx, & Remote Access
1.11, to use ANY other BBS software will require "100%

PonyRom (C) 1991,1992 - Craig Barnett & Doug Preston Ver 2.0 Page 15

PonyRom Documentation (c) 1991,1992 Craig Barnett & Doug Preston

Sample Example Quick Installation Checklist

Lets call our sample example CDROM - YOURNAME v.3.4 ...

(A) - Run PONYPATH.EXE { Creates the YOURNAME.PTH }
(B) - Create 'YOURNAME.CNF' { Tells PONYDBF where to look }
(C) - Run PONYDBF.EXE { Creates the YOURNAME.DBF }
(D) - Create 'YOURNAME.LST' { List of File Area Text files }
(E) - Create 'YOURNAME.BBS'
and 'YOURNAME.SCR' { Area Menu Files }
(F) - Run PonyCFG Pony#.CFG { PonyROM Nodes CFG #=Node# }
(G) - If multi-cdroms also Hit (F5)
and create ALL security levels { Multi-Cdroms setup }

(1) Single Nodes/Single CDROM -
Do [ A,B,C,D,E,F ] ... Your Done

(2) Multi Nodes/Single CDROM -
Do [ A,B,C,D,E ]
And [ F for EACH NODE, change CFGName & DoorSys Location ]

(3) Single Nodes/Multi CDROM -
Do [ A,B,C,D,E for EACH CDROM & F ]

(4) Multi Nodes/Multi CDROM -
Do [ A,B,C,D,E for EACH CDROM ]
And [ F for EACH NODE, change CFGName & DoorSys Location ]
And [ G for EACH ACCESS LEVEL (Only Once) ]

*2,3,4 - Available only with a registered license key file

USA Distribution Sites

Name Number Speed

PrimeNet(tm) (602)757-1125 14400 v32b/v42b/HST
Golden Valley (602)757-0385 14400 v32b/v42b/HST

PONYWARE (DoorNet) WORLDWIDE Support ECHO conference is setup on
both distribution sites for WORLDWIDE software discussion of ALL
of our products. This is the only means of support, which is
available worldwide for all of our products. Look for a local
DoorNet BBS in your city carring the PONYWARE echo.



Special thanks to Steve Henry and his Users of the Ambassador board
for many hours of beta testing and bug reporting under multi-node LAN.

Ambassador Board Canada (519)925-0025 14400 v32/v42

PonyRom (C) 1991,1992 - Craig Barnett & Doug Preston Ver 2.0 Page 16

PonyRom (c) 1991, 1992, Craig Barnett & Doug Preston

Use this form to register the software

SYSOP NAME : ________________________ (Exact Case for Key)

BBS NAME : __________________________ (Exact Case for Key)

ADDRESS : ________________________________________________

CITY / STATE / ZIP..______________, ______ _____________

VOICE PHONE : __________________ DATA : _________________

BBS Software Used _________________ Number Of Nodes _____

How Do you want to recieve your License Key?:

_____ (A) Download Key from EITHER USA Distribution Sites
(Note: Keys are in archive LASTNAME.ZIP and are
Password protected with your password supplied and
also used for your logon password, if you don't have
an BBS users account setup yet)

Password: ___________________

_____ (B) Send Key via Fido Zone # 1 Netmail to address:

FidoNet: (_________________)

(Note: Available in Zone #1 Only at this time)

_____ (C) Place on HOLD for via FidoNet POLL to:

Choose One:

[___] 1:314/4

[___] 1:314/5

Your FidoNet Address: (__________________)

Where did you get your copy of this software?



______ PonyROM CDROM Download Door v2.04 ......... $ 30.00

TOTAL ENCLOSED ... $ ________

(Make check or Money Order Payable to:)

Craig Barnett
1711 Stockton Hill Road, Suite # 178
Kingman, AZ. 86401

Most orders processed quickly, but please grant up to 3
weeks for processing before order inquiries!.

USA Distribution Sites:

PrimeNet(tm) - (602)757-1125, Craig Barnett
Golden Valley - (602)757-0385, Doug Preston

 December 28, 2017  Add comments

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