Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : PDBASE41.ZIP
Filename : PDBASE.DOC

Output of file : PDBASE.DOC contained in archive : PDBASE41.ZIP

Product Database Door v4.1

(C) Copyright 1989, 1990 Ron Pierce

A. Introduction

PDBase uses indexed random access files for quick searching

thru the two definable indexed fields.

It is recommended to keep the 1st field you choose to be indexed

quite small (20 or fewer characters) to ensure very fast cross-indexed

searches are performed. Registered copies of PDBase now allow

up to 10 databases to be defined. The fields are defined by the sysop.

Each field may have unique field sizes and headings. The sysop may

choose any two fields to be indexed. The 1st field selected is the

MASTER field (i.e. manufacturer) and the second field may be used for

Item names, descriptions, or whatever.


The following information is provided as a convenience to those sysops
currently running a Pre v3.0 PDBase door. Beginning with version 3.0, PDBase
comes with a configuration program which automatically makes all indexed
files when the configuration definitions are completed and the Config file
(you specify the name) is written to disk. Before running "pdbcon.exe", the
configuration program, ensure the following steps are taken.


The input data files (Text) MUST be edited with an editor which
add a CR/LF at the end of each line. Ensure you save these files
in as ASCII (NON-Document). Otherwise results will be not-too-smokey!

PDBase v4.1 Data Format

There has been a modification to the index files for version 4.1.
You MUST re-index all existing files utilizing "PDBSM.EXE". Simply
run pdbsm as detailed below and select the option to "re-index"
a database. That will do it!

NEW Feature v4.1
PDBase now supports multiple line descriptions in you data files. Just
ensure each additional line describing an item begins with at least one
space as the below samples include.

BOGAS PRODUCTIONS Country Disks for Studio Session MAC $15.96
BOGAS PRODUCTIONS Heavy Metal Disks for Studio MAC $15.96
This is a test of the new multi-line stuff
How does it work???

BOGAS PRODUCTIONS Sound Effects Disks for Studio MAC $15.96
BOGAS PRODUCTIONS String Quartet Disks for Studio MAC $15.96
BOGAS PRODUCTIONS Studio Session MAC $71.96
BOGAS PRODUCTIONS Super Studio Session MAC $103.96

Initial Setup

(1) Copy all your data input (text) files into the directory PDBCON.EXE is in.

(2) Ensure each data input file has a ".TXT" file name extension i.e. prod.txt

(3) Sort each data input file in ascending order, keying on the 1st, or
primary data field (normally the manufacturer field)

(4) Make a layout on paper exactly as you wish the field structure to be.
Each character of the input data file must be accounted for. Spaces
between fields MUST belong to one of the fields.

If you make a mistake while running PDBCON.EXE, you may press F1 and run
"pdbcon.exe" again. Once more, write your field layout onto paper before
running the pdbase configuration program. Take your time during data input to
the program. It works very well, but is quite unforgiving!

(PDBase Sysop Maintenance Utility)



PDBSM is a utility designed to assist the sysop using a registered
copy of PDBase. It will perform re-indexing of existing databases;
allows you to shell to dos, edit and sort (using YOUR favourite text
editor and sorting utility) a database and have it indexed when you
return to pdbsm with the "EXIT" command; Allows you to add a databases;
Allows you to delete databases.

( I was working on an internal editor and sort utility, but have but )
( that on the back burner since I cannot presently allow editing )
( files more than approximately 40k. )

After you have created your initial database with "pdbcon.exe", use "pdbsm.exe"
for all future database maintenance.

Running PDBSM

PDBSM command line: pdbsm [path/name]

Where [path/name] is complete path/name of
PDBase.cfg file.

1. Backup your ".TXT" files before using "pdbsm.exe".
This is a powerful utility having the potential to destroy data. Use
it as directed below to MINIMIZE problems.

2. Ensure you are logged into the directory where the ".txt" files reside

3. When you run PDBSM.EXE include the path/name of the pdbase.cfg file
{ if in the directory where the "pdbase.cfg" file is located, you }
{ should only NEED the name of the "pdbase.cfg" file }

4. If at any time when in the main pdbsm.exe program (not the editor) you
feel a need to terminate the program "right now" just press the F1 key

5. Note that the ".txt" file MUST reside in the same directory as the
indexed database files.

6. Again - log onto the drive/directory the ".txt" files are located before
executing "pdbsm.exe".

Setting Up Your Batch File

The batch file you use to run "PDBASE" should be similar to the

following one. You may use a seperate directory for pdbase if you

desire. Ensure you place a batch file in the bbs home directory

for each node. The name can be the same for any node using seperate

directories in a multitasking situation. It is not necessary to place

an extension on the filename of your pdbase batch file. PCBoard copies

the batch file to "door.bat".

c: ' These first two lines simply locate the pd.exe file
pd.exe pdbase.cfg ; Command line to start pdbase (online)
Board ' Returns control to the PCBoard

Configuring PDBASE.CFG
(The config file)

Note: With version 3.1 of PDBase, the configuration file is made with the
PDBase configuration program "PDBCON.EXE". For use on multiple node
BBS' use an ascii text editor or word processor and edit the path/name
to the .SYS file.

The config file is made as follows for a TWO-FILE PDBase setup.

The Programmer's Inn ;BBS name
Rooster Pierce ;Sysop's name
2 ;Number of Databases to use
prod ;Name of first .DAT file. No extension ALLOWED
2 ;Number of The first field to index in 1st data file
manufacturer ;Title of First field to index in 1st data file
3 ;Number of 2nd field to index in 1st data file
Description ;Title of 2nd field to index in 1st data file
product ;Name of 2nd .DAT file to use. No extension ALLOWED
1 ;Number of 1st field to index in 2nd data file
manufacturer ;Title of 1st field to index in 2nd data file
2 ;Number of 2nd field to index in 2nd data file
Description ;Title of 2nd field to index in 2nd data file
4 ;Number of fields in 1st data file
10 , 20 , 40 , 9 ;Number of characters in each field in 1st data file
5 ;Number of fields in 2nd data file
14 , 32 , 7 , 7 , 19 ;Number of characters in each field in 2nd data file
Proinf ;Name of your information file.
c:\qb3\pcboard.sys ;Path to pcboard.sys. MUST include "pcboard.sys"
East Coast MIDI Software ;Description of 1st data file.
Products available in Florida ;Description of 2nd data file.
Item # Manufacturer Description Price
Manufacturer Description Theirs Ours More Info

The last NINE (9) lines in the sample .cfg file are:

(1) Heading displayed when items are searched in the 1st database
(2) Heading displayed when items are searched in the 2nd database
(3) "Y" if ordering script desired or "N"
(4) Your pdbase registration #. Enter 4 zeroes if you have not registered
the door. Note that registration activates the script ordering function.
(5) Path to pdbase data files, info files, menu (No filename on end)
(6) A "Y" if you wish to have the names of the database files listed below
the (S) option at the menu. "N" if not.
(7) The path/name for the Credit card number trash file. This may be shared
with CCDoor.
(8) The path/name for the Phone number trash file. This may be shared
with CCDoor.
(9) First letter (caps) of the credit cards you will support.

NOTE: Remove the remarks from your actual PDBASE.CFG file!!

Local Mode Operation

To operate PDBASE in local mode, chdir to the directory you have the
PDBASE files located and enter "pd.exe pdbase.cfg /L". That will do it.
You may also enter the door from PCBoard in local mode.

Script Questionaire Instructions

You MUST register PDBase in order for the script questionaire function
to be enabled.

The script file name MUST be "script.txt".
Answers will be placed in "orders.txt".
Both of these files will be in the directory you run pdbase from.

The script format is quite simple to use. The questionaire is built to
suit your need within the following guidelines.

a. Begin each question with a number reprsenting the number of lines in
the question.

b. To insert a blank line in the question just place a ";" semicolon as
the leftmost (only) character.

c. Begin a line with "*" if it is the question asking a credit card

d. Begin a line with "#" if it is the question asking a telephone

e. Begin a line with "@" if it is the question asking a Credit Card
expiration date.

f. Begin a line with "&" if it is the question asking a Credit Card type

Note: The actual question (last line in each question) will be printed to the
script answer file. The answer to each question follows the question.

The credit card and phone trash files may be any name/path you desire.
The format for each is as follows.

a. Sample Phone trash file

Yep, just list the numbers in any desired format. Note that the
following number sequences are checked by the code automatically:
800, 900, -976-, -555-, 1-800, 1-900, 1212, 1111, 0000
These are not allowed as valid Voice numbers.

b. Sample Credit Card Trash File

Again, the numbers may be added in any format you wish. A perfect match
is required to invalidate a card number entry.


Note: There are NO approved BETA test sites for any FeatherNet Door or any
program written by Ron Pierce. If you are presently using PDBase,
CCDoor, Fersale door, or Feathernet BBS, all written by me, you should
register the program after the 15 day trial period. Failure to
register one of these programs means you will not have the most power
of the program available to you. I feel it is only fair to reward a
programmer for his hard work, time and dedication. PDBase will allow
only one file to be utilized until registered. It will only support
100 items of that file until registered. The ordering script will not
function until registered.

Ron Pierce

Upon receipt of your Registration, you will be mailed your registration
NUMBER, or you can obtain it from my bbs in a private letter.
This registration is valid ONLY on your bbs. You must use the same bbs
name as you indicate in your registration as PDBase keys on the name
when it determines if registration is valid. The registration DOES NOT
expire. Once registered, you will always be registered. When you get
the registration #, use a text editor of your choice and replace the
line near the bottom of your config file which reads "0000" (no quotes)
with your bbs registration number.

Registration Enables the "O"rdering script questionaire function and
removes the "UNREGISTERED SHAREWARE!" notice when the door is entered.

You should register this product if used for more than a 15 day "trial"
period. Registration will get you free upgrades and make available to
you any future door product or bbs ware from FeatherWare and Ron

Registration fee: $35.00 for a single bulletin board system.

Clubs and user groups may charge a nominal fee not to exceed ($1) for
expenses and handling while distributing PDBASE. --

Your acceptance and use of this program implies that you accept FULL
responsibility for any damage or loss to yourself, your property, and
your dog - if you have one.
Every effort has been made to ensure no dangerous bugs are in the

I, Ron Pierce, hereby disclaim all warranties relating to this software,
whether express or implied, including without limitation any implied
warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. I
will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect
or similar damages due to loss of data or any other reason, even if I
have been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event
shall MY liability for any damages ever exceed the price paid for the
license to use this software, regardless of the form of the claim.

The person using the software bears ALL RISK as to the quality and
performance of the software.

Ron Pierce

Product Database v4.1 Licensing Agreement


From: _________________________________

To: Ron Pierce, FeatherNet SoftWare

Subj: Product Database Door Software License Application

I, _________________________________,

hereby apply for a license to operate the Feathernet Multi-Node bbs

system. I understand the registration fee allows me to free upgrades for

one year (Except for any Shipping/Download Costs).

Further, I will have continuous use of the FeatherNet SUPPORT BBS

for problems, questions, and for just staying in touch.

Enclosed is my Registration fee.

Signed: ___________________________________

Enter your bbs name EXACTLY as you will place it in the configuration file.


Check appropriate Block

[ ] $35.00 Initial Registration Fee and free BBS Support

Make Check or money order payable ONLY in US funds to:

Ronnie L. Pierce

810-F Vernon Circle
Mountain View, Ca. 94043
Support BBS: 415-967-3484 / 3508
The Programmer's Inn (2 Nodes)

5: Support
Upgrades and FREE support are available on The Programmer's Inn BBS,
@ 415-967-3484 / 3508. PCPursuitable thru CApal or CAsan

Mail Registration to:

Ron Pierce
810-F Vernon Circle
Mountain View, Ca. 94043

Support BBS: 415-967-3484 or 415-967-3508 (USR DS/HST 14.4k)

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : PDBASE41.ZIP
Filename : PDBASE.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: