Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : PCBV403.ZIP
Filename : WHATSNEW

Output of file : WHATSNEW contained in archive : PCBV403.ZIP
PCBVerify 4.0 - What's New?

I. Color and screen

Configurable status line foreground color
" status line background color
" default text foreground color
" default input foreground color

DIALOUT file supported, to allow more than three lines to go out to the
user just before the call is disconnected.

More prompt now supported, with (H)elp option. Included in PCBVTEXT so
that multi-lingual support is possible.

@ codes supported. See file @INFO for the complete list. Colors

II. Communications

COM3/4 and non-standard base-addr / IRQ's supported. FOSSIL not yet
supported but coming.

Got rid of the problem with the comport table at 0040:0000. FIXPORT
or MAKEPORT should no longer be needed. This takes care of the famous
error 53.

Up to 115k baud is supported.

CTS/RTS problems corrected and now fully supported.

CTRL-X and CTRL-S supported.

Seperate dial strings supported for error-correcting modems. For example,
a Hayes modem can send the AT&Q0DT command for non-error correcting
callers and a simple ATDT for error-correcting.

III. Other additions

CALLERID support. PCBVerify can scan for a file which contains a phone number
and automatically verify that number (going through the normal PCBVVER file
checks to make sure it isn't already verified) without having to call the
user back. Will also use the CALLERID number for callback mode (not requiring
nor allowing the user to enter a number).

REVERIFY mode, allows a user to verify again if security level matches new
user level, even if number is in PCBVVER. If number and name both match, will
allow the call, otherwise will not. Useful for verifying users that have
expired. For example, if you want to verify users yearly, you can set them
up to expire to newuser level and the date to +365.25. In a year their level
goes back down to newuser and they are forced to reverify. The PCBVVER file
is checked but if the name matches the number is reverified and logged, even
if previously verified. If the name doesn't match, however, the callback is
denied since someone else has already been verified at that number (in order
to keep one username per number security).

PCBVAL has been enhanced and can now be checked before the user is asked if
the number is long distance. This, in effect, allows you to get rid of the
"Long distance?" line altogether, or to ask it only in certain sitatuions.

Error logging and output greatly improved. Should see fewer line numbers and
error numbers if there is a problem with your setup.

The code is alot smaller, and uses BRUN45.EXE (which does NOT require a patch).
Also should be a bit faster since it has been re-written in a more stuctured
format (the prime reason for this is to prepare for the upcoming C release,
which I have already been working on) and redone in QB45.

The PURGE program has been re-written in C to provide a lot more speed.
Since QB did not support pointers, an effecient hash table under all setups
was nearly impossible. Under C I am able to read all usernames into memory
which enables PURGE to search rapidly for usernames not in USERS but found
in PCBVVER. It now takes about 15 seconds to go through a list of about
1700 names. PURGE is also more tolerant of mistakes now and will not do
anything with your PCBVVER unless at least one username was found.

IV. Within reach

There are a few things I haven't yet implemented but are very close to being
done. I decided it was best to go ahead and get this release out since it
has been so long and so many people are in real need of the features listed.

1. USERS file input of phone numbers -- allowing the Sysop to set up the
system to use the USERS file number as a default, not at all, or forcing that
number to be dialed or nothing else.

2. FOSSIL driver support. This one was originally going to be in this
version but implementation is giving me problems at the moment so I'm going
to go ahead and release this version and continue working on it.

3. CALLERID enhancements which will allow you to revert to having the user
enter a number for verification of numbers which come in as the same phone
number but are not actually. For example, in Knoxville, all 595 calls
(Univ of Tn dorms) come from a single number and therefore, unless I dial
the 595 number myself, I cannot verify these. Not all areas will have
this problem.

As always, if I've left anything out you would like to see in version 4.10 or
if you have any further suggestions, please feel free to contact me and let
me know!

Curtis Kowalski
Premier BBS
(615) 588-9407 (2400)
(615) 588-9425 (14400 v.32bis)

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : PCBV403.ZIP
Filename : WHATSNEW

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: