Dec 262017
A message area renumber/killer for OPUS 1.1x. | |||
File Name | File Size | Zip Size | Zip Type |
NEWUSER.H | 12745 | 3100 | deflated |
O_RENUM.C | 34438 | 8906 | deflated |
O_RENUM.DOC | 5308 | 2156 | deflated |
O_RENUM.ERR | 382 | 248 | deflated |
O_RENUM.EXE | 26426 | 13946 | deflated |
O_RENUM.TC | 1690 | 399 | deflated |
Download File OREN113C.ZIP Here
Contents of the O_RENUM.DOC file
A message area renumber/killer for OPUS 1.1x
O_RENUM is an outgrowth of the work of Bob Hartman, Doug Boone and Bob
Davis. Without their trailblazing, O_RENUM would never have come to be.
O_RENUM is a command line driven program. It has no configuration file.
It can create, maintain and use a parameter data file (RENUM.DAT) to
make repeated renumber operations of the same area easier from day to day.
The usual cryptic definition of usage:
O_RENUM [-K] [-N=#1,#2] [-D ##] [-S] [-M=#] [-F] [-E=path] [-O=path]
[-T=#] [-R] [-Q] [-V] [#|path|conf]
(as usual, all of the above must be on one line for the command).
Equal signs are optional: they may be removed or replace by spaces. The
comma (for the -N command) may be replaced by an equal sign or a space.
The parameters and their functions:
-K .............. Kill received messages
-S .............. Delete messages that have already been sent
-N=#1,#2 ........ Keep the first #1 messages and the last #2 messages
-D=## ........... Kill message more than ## days old
-M=# ............ Maximum number of messages to handle (100-4500)
-F .............. Fast renum (don't relink message chains)
-E=path ......... Path (disk:\dir) to ECHO.CTL
-O path ......... Path (disk:\dir) to OPUS SYSTEM??.DAT files
-T # ............ Threshhold (kill only if more than # msgs to kill)
-Q .............. Quiet mode (very few messages to the screen)
-V .............. Verbose mode (display msg numbers & user names)
-R .............. Renumber the messages
-W .............. Write parameters to RENUM.DAT and terminate
-A .............. Automatic renum (use data in RENUM.DAT)
#/path/conf ..... Area number, path or conference name (tag) for messages
-W and -A require an area number, either from the command line or from
ECHO.CTL; both require an OPUS SYSTEM PATH (-o). If -W is specified,
the parameters are written to the RENUM.DAT file and O_RENUM terminates,
meaning that no renumbering takes place. Only the flags and number
data are written to RENUM.DAT: the paths are not and must always be
specified on the command line.
Argument groups may be in any order. Use a space to separate argument groups.
Parameters within a group may be run together with the command or separated
by a space or an equal sign. (Exception: the numbers with the -N argument
group must be separated by a space, an equal sign or a comma.) Notation may
be mixed with the command line.
O_RENUM MEADOW -A -e=c:\opus -o=c:\opus\system
renumber the area names "MEADOW" using the parameters from RENUM.DAT.
ECHO.CTL is in directory c:\opus
OPUS' system##.dat files are in directory c:\opus\system
If MEADOW is found in ECHO.CTL, O_RENUM will also update the
USER.DAT file for the last message read.
o_renum c:\msg\net -k -s -r -e=c:\opus -o=c:\opus\system -t=10 -d=5
renumber the directory c:\msg\net
ECHO.CTL is in directory c:\opus
OPUS' system##.dat files are in directory C:\OPUS\SYSTEM
kill all messages that have been received (-k)
kill all messages that have been sent (-s)
renumber the messages (-r)
kill all messages 5 days old or older
only do the above if 10 or more messages are found to be deleted
O_RENUM FOR_SALE -t 50 -d 2 -ec:\opus -oc:\opus\system -w
Write "-t 50 -d 2" (in binary format) to RENUM.DAT (which will
be stored in C:\OPUS\SYSTEM) for area FOR_SALE if FOR_SALE
is found in ECHO.CTL. Do nothing else.
O_RENUM FOR_SALE -t=50 -d 2 -e c:\opus -o=c:\opus\sytem -w -a
If FOR_SALE is found in ECHO.CTL, read the renum parameters for
the are from RENUM.DAT; update the -t and -d parameters as specified;
write the new parameters back to the file. Do nothing else.
O_RENUM will set the errorlevel to something other than 0 if it detects
an error. The following table describes the errorlevels:
0 Successful or no renumber based on threshhold
1 Neither area number nor name given
2 Insufficient memory for message data
3 Error getting system info from SYSTEM.DAT
4 Write of RENUM parameters requested - no other processing performed
5 Can't find message path
6 Insufficient memory for user file data
7 Message number exceeds requeste max
8 Help (no arguments given)
With version 1.10F of O_RENUM, a more intelligent command line parser has
been implemented. Specificially, command parameters may be separated with
spaces (as has been required in the past) or run together with an optional
equal sign. Also, for the N parameter, the two numbers may be separated
by a space, a comma or an equal sign. Thus:
-N=1,10 *or* -N1,10 *or* -N 1 10 *or* -N 1,10 *or* -N1 10
-Oc:\opus *or* -O=c:\opus *or* -O c:\opus
and so on for ALL options. This effectively makes the typo in previous
version of the documentation one of the acceptable formats.
Version 1.13c corrects some internal inconsistencies with regard to the use
the "maximum message number" and the "number of messages". It also adds
the -Q and -V options.
A message area renumber/killer for OPUS 1.1x
O_RENUM is an outgrowth of the work of Bob Hartman, Doug Boone and Bob
Davis. Without their trailblazing, O_RENUM would never have come to be.
O_RENUM is a command line driven program. It has no configuration file.
It can create, maintain and use a parameter data file (RENUM.DAT) to
make repeated renumber operations of the same area easier from day to day.
The usual cryptic definition of usage:
O_RENUM [-K] [-N=#1,#2] [-D ##] [-S] [-M=#] [-F] [-E=path] [-O=path]
[-T=#] [-R] [-Q] [-V] [#|path|conf]
(as usual, all of the above must be on one line for the command).
Equal signs are optional: they may be removed or replace by spaces. The
comma (for the -N command) may be replaced by an equal sign or a space.
The parameters and their functions:
-K .............. Kill received messages
-S .............. Delete messages that have already been sent
-N=#1,#2 ........ Keep the first #1 messages and the last #2 messages
-D=## ........... Kill message more than ## days old
-M=# ............ Maximum number of messages to handle (100-4500)
-F .............. Fast renum (don't relink message chains)
-E=path ......... Path (disk:\dir) to ECHO.CTL
-O path ......... Path (disk:\dir) to OPUS SYSTEM??.DAT files
-T # ............ Threshhold (kill only if more than # msgs to kill)
-Q .............. Quiet mode (very few messages to the screen)
-V .............. Verbose mode (display msg numbers & user names)
-R .............. Renumber the messages
-W .............. Write parameters to RENUM.DAT and terminate
-A .............. Automatic renum (use data in RENUM.DAT)
#/path/conf ..... Area number, path or conference name (tag) for messages
-W and -A require an area number, either from the command line or from
ECHO.CTL; both require an OPUS SYSTEM PATH (-o). If -W is specified,
the parameters are written to the RENUM.DAT file and O_RENUM terminates,
meaning that no renumbering takes place. Only the flags and number
data are written to RENUM.DAT: the paths are not and must always be
specified on the command line.
Argument groups may be in any order. Use a space to separate argument groups.
Parameters within a group may be run together with the command or separated
by a space or an equal sign. (Exception: the numbers with the -N argument
group must be separated by a space, an equal sign or a comma.) Notation may
be mixed with the command line.
O_RENUM MEADOW -A -e=c:\opus -o=c:\opus\system
renumber the area names "MEADOW" using the parameters from RENUM.DAT.
ECHO.CTL is in directory c:\opus
OPUS' system##.dat files are in directory c:\opus\system
If MEADOW is found in ECHO.CTL, O_RENUM will also update the
USER.DAT file for the last message read.
o_renum c:\msg\net -k -s -r -e=c:\opus -o=c:\opus\system -t=10 -d=5
renumber the directory c:\msg\net
ECHO.CTL is in directory c:\opus
OPUS' system##.dat files are in directory C:\OPUS\SYSTEM
kill all messages that have been received (-k)
kill all messages that have been sent (-s)
renumber the messages (-r)
kill all messages 5 days old or older
only do the above if 10 or more messages are found to be deleted
O_RENUM FOR_SALE -t 50 -d 2 -ec:\opus -oc:\opus\system -w
Write "-t 50 -d 2" (in binary format) to RENUM.DAT (which will
be stored in C:\OPUS\SYSTEM) for area FOR_SALE if FOR_SALE
is found in ECHO.CTL. Do nothing else.
O_RENUM FOR_SALE -t=50 -d 2 -e c:\opus -o=c:\opus\sytem -w -a
If FOR_SALE is found in ECHO.CTL, read the renum parameters for
the are from RENUM.DAT; update the -t and -d parameters as specified;
write the new parameters back to the file. Do nothing else.
O_RENUM will set the errorlevel to something other than 0 if it detects
an error. The following table describes the errorlevels:
0 Successful or no renumber based on threshhold
1 Neither area number nor name given
2 Insufficient memory for message data
3 Error getting system info from SYSTEM.DAT
4 Write of RENUM parameters requested - no other processing performed
5 Can't find message path
6 Insufficient memory for user file data
7 Message number exceeds requeste max
8 Help (no arguments given)
With version 1.10F of O_RENUM, a more intelligent command line parser has
been implemented. Specificially, command parameters may be separated with
spaces (as has been required in the past) or run together with an optional
equal sign. Also, for the N parameter, the two numbers may be separated
by a space, a comma or an equal sign. Thus:
-N=1,10 *or* -N1,10 *or* -N 1 10 *or* -N 1,10 *or* -N1 10
-Oc:\opus *or* -O=c:\opus *or* -O c:\opus
and so on for ALL options. This effectively makes the typo in previous
version of the documentation one of the acceptable formats
Version 1.13c corrects some internal inconsistencies with regard to the use
the "maximum message number" and the "number of messages". It also adds
the -Q and -V options.
December 26, 2017
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