Category : BBS Programs+Doors
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Filename : OP_REF.DOC

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The Friendly FidoNet Compatible Message Editor.

Version 3.00


Copyright (C) 1988-1990 Fix Production
All rights reserved

Software written by Thomas Sundblom

Documentation written by Thomas Sundblom

Fix Production
Box 97
130 40 Djurhamn
FidoNet 2:201/114.0

Opmed is a trademark of Fix Production

OPMED Version 3.00 - Reference guide - Page 2


Section 1 - General Information .............................. 3
This manual ............................................. 3

Section 2 - Configuring Opmed ................................ 4
The configuration file .................................. 4
Binkley application keyword ............................. 11
Commandline parameters .................................. 12
Support files ........................................... 13

OPMED Version 3.00 - Reference guide - Page 3

SECTION 1 - General Information


The documentation for Opmed is supplied in two parts.

The Opmed manual isn't very big, because we think Opmed is very
easy to use and install.

The User's guide, named OP_USER.DOC, explains how to install
Opmed. It also describes basic operational procedures.

Terminology that may be of interest for some users is covered in
the Reference guide, namned OP_REF.DOC.

For inquiries, questions or comments regarding Opmed, please refer
to the User's guide section "Technical Support".

OPMED Version 3.00 - Reference guide - Page 4

SECTION 2 - Configuring Opmed


The Opmed configuration file is the place where the information about
your system is located, in order to make Opmed understand it. The
configuration file is by default named OPMED.CFG.

If you're running in a Binkley and Confmail/QMail environment, then
you can use much information in their configuration files. In fact,
can run without the Opmed configuration file. It will then rely on
the BINKLEY.CFG and AREAS.BBS files. Opmed is capable of using the
BinkleyTerm keyword "Application" in the Binkley.Cfg. Please refer
to the Reference Guide section "Binkley Application Keyword".

If OPMED can't find the file BINKLEY.CFG in the current directory, it
will search for the environment variable BINKLEY. Please refer to
the BinkleyTerm manual.

OPMED Version 3.00 - Reference guide - Page 5

What's the logic in that?
Try this:

(Opmed will always quit when wrong information is given.)

| Anything on commandline |
| about the Opmed.cfg? |---- No --------+
+-------------------------+ |
| Yes |
| |
+---------------------------+ |
| Does the specified | |
| configuration file exist? |- No -+ |
+---------------------------+ | |
| Yes | |
| | |
+---------+ +-------+ |
| Use It! | | Quit! | |
+---------+ +-------+ |
| Does Opmed.Cfg exist in the |
+-------- Yes --| Opmed.Exe directory ? |
| +-----------------------------+
| | Yes
| |
+---------------------------+ +---------+
| Does Binkley.cfg exist in | | Use it! |
| the current directory ? |- Yes -+ +---------+
+---------------------------+ |
| No |
| +---------+
| | Use it! |
+---------------------------+ +---------+
| Does the environment |
| variable BINKLEY exist? |- No ---------+
+---------------------------+ |
| Yes +----------+
| | Give up! |
+---------------------------+ +----------+
| Does Binkley.cfg exist in |
| the directory specified |
| by the BINKLEY variable? |- No ---------+
+---------------------------+ |
| Yes +----------+
+---------+ | Give up! |
| Use it! | +----------+

OPMED Version 3.00 - Reference guide - Page 6

A sample Opmed configuration file comes with the Opmed distribution
package. The configuration file is arranged in a logical way, I hope.
For ease of use as a reference guide, the parameters are listed
alphabetically here.

Area ,[-],,,

Specifies the different areas for Opmed. Several area statements
could be used. If you're using the Areas.Bbs file, you shouldn't
specify thoose areas twice.
A number that should be associated with the area.
L = Local, E = Echomail, M = Matrix.
[-] Tells opmed to not scan the area at startup.
The name of the area.
The echomail tag name.
The full path to the directory for the area.
Area 1,E-,International C Echo,C_ECHO,D:\Msg\C_Echo\


For easier use and installation, you can take advantage of
an existing Areas.Bbs file (or alike).
AreasBBS Areas.bbs


If you're using a network, or something else that re-names
some drives. Use this statement to re assign them internally
in Opmed. This is used in the File-Attach functions, and when
reading an Areas.bbs and/or Binkley.cfg from the network.
Assign C E
All drive specifications with an C will be changed to E.


Many system specification can be read from the configuration
file used by BinkleyTerm.
BinkleyCfg Binkley.cfg

OPMED Version 3.00 - Reference guide - Page 7


If specified, this will override the default colors of Opmed.
Colors 1 0 7 15 1 11 14 15 0 7 2 0 15 4 14 1 3 0 14 0
Each digit represent a color for a specific field.

The fields are, in order:
Status Line Data Foreground
Status Line Topic Foreground
Status Line Background
Dialog Box Foreground
Dialog Box Background
Dialog Box Topic Foreground
Dialog Box Data Foreground
Dialog Box Highlight Foreground
Dialog Box Highlight Background
Message Text Foreground
Message Quote Foreground
Message Text Background
Message Kludge Foreground
Message Kludge Background
Message Block Foreground
Message Block Background
Head Topic Foreground
Head Topic Background
Head Data Foreground
Head Data Background

0 = Black
1 = Blue
2 = Green
3 = Cyan
4 = Red
5 = Magenta
6 = Brown
7 = LightGray
8 = DarkGray
9 = LightBlue
10 = LightGreen
11 = LightCyan
12 = LightRed
13 = LightMagenta
14 = Yellow
15 = White
(The colors 8-15 can't be used as background)


Opmed will by default use the current video mode. But to
override this, you can use this option to force Opmed into
a video mode. By using the Statement EgaLines opmed will be
forced to use 43/50 lines mode, if you have a Ega/Vga system.
To force Opmed to use 25 lines mode, then use the NoEgaLines

OPMED Version 3.00 - Reference guide - Page 8


Most nodelist processors is capable of producing a Fidouser list.
Opmed will by default look for the file FIDOUSER.LST in the
directory specified for the nodelist. But if you have the
Fidouser list file in another directory, or it has a different
name, you need to use this statement.
FidoUsers C:\Matrix\Fidouser.lst


When a nodelist processor creates the Fidouser file, it will
create it in a non-sorted order. Most processors will then sort
the file. If your FidoUser file isn't sorted in an alphabetical
order, you need this statement. It tells Opmed to always use the
generic search algorithm, instead of the binary.


If you some reason need a different lastuser file, you can use
this option to tell Opmed what filename it should use. This could
be handy in message bases used by more than one sysop.
LastRead LastRead.002


Opmed can log all it's major actions into a logfile. Specify the
full name of the logfile here. If not specified, Opmed will not
try to log anything.
LogFile C:\Opmed\Opmed.Log

Macro <"String">

This one is quite powerful, you can specify upto 20 macro strings
to use while your typing in a message text.
The Key field should could be Alt0 to Alt9, and AltA to AltZ.
You can also use Control codes in the macro, just but a caret
infront of a capital letter. Like ^M for a Ctrl-M, which is the
same a Carrige Return.
Macro Alt1 "/Thomas"
Macro AltM "Byebye,^MLullabye.."

OPMED Version 3.00 - Reference guide - Page 9

NetFlags [P][C][K][H] [FORCE]

When entering a Matrix netmail message, some flags will tell
your mail processor how the message should be treated. You can
set some of the flags to a default state with this statement. When
entering a reply message, the reply will by default get the
same flags as the original message, but by using the FORCE option
you can tell Opmed to use the default netflags on the reply
messages too.
Netflags PC FORCE

Available flags are:
P - Private
C - Crash
K - Killsent
H - Hold

Node :/[.]

If you don't take use of a BinkleyTerm configuration file, you
need to specify your network address here.
Node 2:201/114.0


If you have a nodelist, and you're not using a BinkleyTerm
configuration file, you can tell Opmed where to search for the
nodelist. Opmed can manage without a nodelist, but if you have
the nodelist specified in eighter the Opmed.Cfg or Binkley.Cfg
Opmed will us it.
Nodelist C:\Point\Matrix\


See the EgaLines statement.


If you're a Point, you will be member of a PointNet
(Aka PrivateNet) hosted by your BOSS. Enter the PointNet number
here. This one could also be found in the Binkley.Cfg.
Pointnet 9234

ReadCharSet [FORCE]

To take advantage of Opmed capability to automaticlly translate
a foreign language charcter sets, you need to use this statement.
If you use the FORCE option Opmed will not ask you to change
translation when it finds a different Character set.
ReadCharSet FORCE

OPMED Version 3.00 - Reference guide - Page 10


To automaticlly scan all message areas at startup use this
statement. You can also activate the scanning inside Opmed.

SetCharSet [NETMAIL]

This one should be used togheter with the ReadCharSet statement.
It tells Opmed to include the CHARSET kludge in each written
message. If the NETMAIL option is used Opmed will only include
the CHARSET kludge in the Netmail area.
SetCharSet Netmail


If you want any FidoNet Kludge lines to be shown by default, use
this one. Opmed will by default hide the kludge lines.


Sometimes it could be useful to store a message for future use.
The store area will be treated as a Matrix area, for maximum
Specify the directory where the messages should be stored. A good
idea could be to set it to a diskdrive.
StoreArea A:\


Simple one eh? This one could be left out if you're using a
Binkley configuration file.
Sysop Thomas Sundblom


Tells Opmed the name of your system. Could also be read from
the Binkley.Cfg.
System Fix Production


Specify the default translation kind to use. If not specified,
Opmed will by default use PC-8.
Please refer to the User's guide section "Translation" for
more details on the translation kinds.
Translate ISO-11

OPMED Version 3.00 - Reference guide - Page 11


Use this statement if you want Opmed to insert a MSGID/REPLY
kludge into the messages.


Opmed is written to behave well in an BinkleyTerm system. Therefore
the possibility to skip Opmed.Cfg, and rely on Binkley.Cfg, exists.
To take full advantage of some of the functions, Opmed can handle
Binkley's keyword Application. This used by adding the word "Opmed"
and the opmed keywords after the application statement.
Application Opmed []
Application Opmed LogFile C:\Opmed\Opmed.log

To make it simple for you, we have inclosed a file called
Bink_App.Cfg in the package. Add this file to your Binkley.Cfg and
edit the result. The Bink_App.Cfg contains all Opmed keywords that
could be used in the Binkley.Cfg.

OPMED Version 3.00 - Reference guide - Page 12


Opmed offers a small selection of commandline parameters.
Some of them will override any option found in the Opmed
configuration file.

[Drive:][Path]OPMED.EXE [-C] [-L] [-N]


Default configuration file is OPMED.CFG, which should
reside in the same directory as OPMED.EXE. To override
this you can specify another configuration file.
Example: Opmed -COpd_spec.cfg
Will use the file "Opd_spec.cfg" as the configuration file.


You can specify another sysop name than the one found in the
configuration file. This could be handy when several operators
uses the same system.
Example: Opmed -NRonald_Reagan
Will use "Ronald Reagan" as the name of the sysop.
Note: Any spaces should replaced with an underscore "_".


Opmed will by default use the filename LASTREAD in each
message directory, to hold a pointer to the last read message.
You can change the name of this file on the command line.
Example: Opmed -LLastread.002

OPMED Version 3.00 - Reference guide - Page 13


Opmed can take advantage of some other files found in your system.
Some of them are Opmed specific, and som of them is normal files
often found in Confmail/Qmail systems.

The support files are:


The help system file. Should reside in your Opmed.Exe directory.
The file is Optional, Opmed will work without.


A file containing the translation information. This file is needed
if you intend to use any translation kinds.


The main configuration file. Opmed can also use the Binkley.Cfg
if it exists in your system. Please refer to the Reference Guide
section "Binkley Application Keyword".


A file containg all names of the echomail areas, where new
messages has been created. This file can be used by ConfMail/Qmail
when exporting messages from your maessage base.


This file will tell Opmed which translation to use in the current
area. It will override the configuration setting for the current
area. The file should reside in the directory that holds the
messages for the area. It contains the translation keyword. Please
refer to the User's Guide section "Translate" for information of
existing keywords. Inside Opmed you can use the "Stamp Translation"
function to let opmed generate the CHARSET file.


A file containg a pointer to the last read message in the area.


If you for some reason wanna have a different origin line in
specific echomail area, create this file in that area and enter
the wanted origin line in to the file.

- End of Reference Guide -

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : OPMED300.ZIP
Filename : OP_REF.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: