Dec 252017
Online DOS Door (DOOR.SYS Compat.). | |||
File Name | File Size | Zip Size | Zip Type |
O-DOS.CFG | 48 | 29 | deflated |
O-DOS.CMD | 878 | 234 | deflated |
O-DOS.DOC | 30493 | 4382 | deflated |
O-DOS.EXE | 49886 | 23792 | deflated |
O-DOS.HLP | 21870 | 2206 | deflated |
Download File O-DOS100.ZIP Here
Contents of the O-DOS.DOC file
O-DOS - Online Disk Operating System v1.0.0
The Phoenix Software Group
(c)Copywrite 1989 All Rights Reserved
System Files:
O-DOS.CFG - Text file giving information for O-DOS startup.
O-DOS.CMD - Config file for active DOS commands and programs.
O-DOS.HLP - Online help file for O-DOS.
O-DOS.EXE - O-DOS Main Program.
O-DOS Requirements:
128k RAM.
IBM (XT)(AT) Compat.
Hayes Compat. Modem (300 - 9600 bs Supported) or Dumb Modem Cable.
O-DOS Features:
Support for COM1: & COM2: (or Both in Multi-Tasking Enviroment).
ANSI Graphics Support.
Remote & Local Control.
Configurable DOS commands.
Execute programs that work remotly (DOORS).
Execute Programs that operate under the CTTY command (EDLIN.COM).
On-Line Help.
O-DOS Limitations:
ONLY 255 Configurable commands.
NO COM3: - COM8: Support.
O-DOS Command Line: O-DOS
O-DOS Setup:
O-DOS.CFG: Text file as follows:
e.g. C:\BBS
O-DOS.CMD: Text file listing command verbs assigned to definable
commands as follows:
1) A line starting with a semi-colon is considered a comment line.
2) You may have up to 255 configurable commands.
3) Commands MUST not exceed 12 characters, characters over 12 will
be truncated.
4) Each field MUST be seperated by a SPACE.
O-DOS Hot Keys:
[PGUP] = Enter chat mode with remote user.
[PGDN] = Exit chat mode.
[END] = Shell to DOS with user still online.
[DEL] = Halt O-DOS and return to calling program.
The Shareware Concept:
O-DOS is distributed as SHAREWARE.
Shareware is commercial software distributed in an unconventional
manner. Microcomputers copy information very easily. Instead of
trying to frustrate this through copy protection, shareware takes
advantage of it to reach as many users as possible at the lowest cost.
Anyone may copy a shareware program and distribute it to whomever they
desire, provided they do not charge a fee or alter it.
Shareware isn't free. Serious shareware is as polished as any
conventional commercial product, and represents just as much
programming effort. If you use it regularly, the authors expect
However, unlike conventional distribution, shareware allows you
to evaluate the product before you decide to purchase it. The price
is often lower, as well, because there are no advertising, packaging,
or distribution costs.
But it can only work with your support. If you are still using a
shareware product after a couple of weeks, then it is obviously worth
something to you, and you should register it.
To register your copy of O-DOS and upgrade to the "non-experation"
version, send a donation of $25.00 to:
The Phoenix Software Group
1306 heights pl
Vineland, NJ 08360
You will receive the latest version along with all documentation and
a utility (Edithelp.exe) that will allow you to edit/modify the on-line
help discriptions. Please specify 3.5" or 5.25" disk. Allow 2-3 weeks for
Use of this program acknowledges this disclaimer of warranty: "This
program is supplied as-is. The Phoenix Software Group disclaims all
warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the
warranties of merchantability and of fitness of this program for any
purpose. The Phoenix Software Group assumes no liability for damages
direct or consequential, which may result from the use of this program."
If you have any problems or questions/sugestions, please contact me on:
Microshare II BBS
9600-300bd 24hrs/7days
"The Home of FORCE!(tm)"
Guy Smith / The Phoenix Software Group
Feb 2, 1989
O-DOS Verbs & Usage:
This command will exit the O-DOS system and return you to the calling
program. You will have to wait a few seconds for O-DOS to return you to
the calling program, so please stand bye.
This command will clear the screen and home the cursor to the upper
left corner of the scree.
This command will delete file(s) or entire directories from the
current disk device. If the file spec is a directory or if all files
have been selected, You will be prompted to confirm this action before
O-DOS will continue.
NOTE: DOS wild cards are OK (e.g. *.*, *.doc, a?bcd.???)
This is the command that DOS forgot! Yes, that's right, you may
MOVE files to another directory (or the same directory as a multiple
rename action). You may move entire directorys or all matching files
to a DIRECTORY or move a single file to another location. If no
destination is specified, the default directory is used.
December 25, 2017
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