Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : MXMS_160.ZIP
Filename : GLOBALS.H

Output of file : GLOBALS.H contained in archive : MXMS_160.ZIP
/* */
/* Globals.h Global variables for Maxmail */
/* Version 1.0 */
/* */

#ifdef MAIN
#define GLOBAL
#define GLOBAL extern

/* Global variables */

GLOBAL FILE *outfile;

GLOBAL char *offsets;

GLOBAL char BBSphone[15];
GLOBAL char BBSid[15];
GLOBAL char QWKDir[9];

GLOBAL char LastUse[14];
GLOBAL char StatName[14];
GLOBAL char TxtFile[14];
GLOBAL char PrmFile[14];
GLOBAL char ArcFile[14];
GLOBAL char SumFile[14];
GLOBAL char BullFile[65];
GLOBAL char LogFile[65];
GLOBAL char CfgFile[65];
GLOBAL char MCfgFile[65];
GLOBAL char MsgHdrFile[65];
GLOBAL char QWKWelcome[65];
GLOBAL char QWKnews[65];
GLOBAL char QWKbye[65];
GLOBAL char NewFiles[65];
GLOBAL char statline[81];
GLOBAL char temp[91];
GLOBAL char temp1[91];
GLOBAL char UserName[50];
GLOBAL char NewHelpFil[65];
GLOBAL char HelpFile[65];
GLOBAL char SignOff[81];


GLOBAL char hdrive[_MAX_DRIVE];
GLOBAL char hdir[_MAX_DIR];
GLOBAL char sdrive[_MAX_DRIVE];
GLOBAL char sdir[_MAX_DIR];
GLOBAL char tdir[_MAX_DIR];

GLOBAL char *month;
GLOBAL char *day;
GLOBAL char *tm;

GLOBAL char break_flag;

GLOBAL struct _usr LastUser;
GLOBAL struct user_cfg USERCFG;
GLOBAL struct m_pointers prm;
GLOBAL struct _area AREA;

GLOBAL struct msgupd_st *MSGUPD_1; /* Pointer to first linked item */
GLOBAL struct msgupd_st *MSGUPD_cur; /* Pointer to current linked item */
GLOBAL struct packer_st *PACKER_1; /* Pointer to first linked item */
GLOBAL struct packer_st *PACKER_cur; /* Pointer to current linked item */
GLOBAL struct proto_st *PROTO_1; /* Pointer to first linked item */
GLOBAL struct proto_st *PROTO_cur; /* Pointer to current linked item */
GLOBAL struct repupl_st *REPUPL_1; /* Pointer to first linked item */
GLOBAL struct repupl_st *REPUPL_cur; /* Pointer to current linked item */

GLOBAL struct reparc_st *ZIPREP;
GLOBAL struct reparc_st *LHAREP;
GLOBAL struct reparc_st *ARCREP;

GLOBAL int user_slen; /* Length of USER.BBS structure */
GLOBAL int user_num; /* Index of user in USER.BBS */
GLOBAL int totmsgs; /* Total messages recorded */
GLOBAL int first; /* various first time flags */
GLOBAL int UserCfgnum; /* Index of user in config file */
GLOBAL int UserClass;
GLOBAL int errcode;
GLOBAL int packer_del;
GLOBAL int parmread;
GLOBAL int astrlen;
GLOBAL int totprotocols;
GLOBAL int totpackers;
GLOBAL int totuplreps;
GLOBAL int totmsgareas;
GLOBAL int IsLocal;
GLOBAL int LogMode;
GLOBAL int msg_update;
GLOBAL int ReDirect;
GLOBAL int Task;
GLOBAL int TimeAdjust;
GLOBAL int ScanDone;
GLOBAL int PackDone;
GLOBAL int Hangup;
GLOBAL int SwapMode;
GLOBAL int ExtendOk;
GLOBAL int ChatOk;
GLOBAL int YellOn;
GLOBAL int MaxDaily;
GLOBAL int SysopMode;
GLOBAL int EmptyRecs;
GLOBAL int StripTags;
GLOBAL int newuser;
GLOBAL int HangupMode;
GLOBAL int HaveUpl;
GLOBAL int WatchDog;
GLOBAL int Exitcode;

GLOBAL int **SkipAreas;
GLOBAL int SkipCount;

GLOBAL int **ForceAreas;
GLOBAL int ForceCount;

GLOBAL unsigned MaxMsgs;

GLOBAL clock_t startsecs;

/* Global variables initialization */

#ifdef MAIN

first = -1;
class = 0;
ReDirect = FALSE;


  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : MXMS_160.ZIP
Filename : GLOBALS.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: