Dec 252017
MNET v2.00 QWK->REP network conversion utility. Permits any bbs with QWK/REP handling capability to participate in QWK-based networking with other boards. Now supports individual conference taglines.

Full Description of File

MNET v2.00 QWK->REP network conversion utility.
Permits any bbs with QWK/REP handling capability
to participate in QWK-based networking with
other boards. Now supports individual confer-
ence taglines. Shareware from Makai Software.

File MNET200.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category BBS Files
MNET v2.00 QWK->REP network conversion utility. Permits any bbs with QWK/REP handling capability to participate in QWK-based networking with other boards. Now supports individual conference taglines.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
FILE_ID.DIZ 245 181 deflated
MNET.DOC 33381 9788 deflated
MNET.EXE 26892 12468 deflated
READ.ME 8527 3159 deflated
REGISTER.DOC 3309 1390 deflated
SAMPLE.CFG 1586 707 deflated

Download File MNET200.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

MNET v2.00 QWK->REP network conversion utility.
Permits any bbs with QWK/REP handling capability
to participate in QWK-based networking with
other boards. Now supports individual confer-
ence taglines. Shareware from Makai Software.
MNET v2.00 - Mail Packet Conversion Utility for Node Operation on a
QWK-based Mail Network

Copyright (C) 1993 Makai Software.
All rights reserved.

This is a much abridged version of the complete program documentation
for those who are in a hurry to get started. More complete
information is included in the MNET.DOC file.


v2.00 updates v1.03. The changes are:

- Long messages do not get truncated as they are being processed.
- Individual conference taglines are now supported.
- Supports the use of an asterisk in byte 128 of the message header
to indicate the message has a network origin tagline.
- New /NT command line switch prevents MNET from adding ANY taglines
to messages. (Enabled for registered users only.)

v1.03 updates v1.02 to allow new messages to be added to a
pre-existing REP packet. In addition, a /G command line switch was
added for MajorBBS sysops, to allow creation of packets which can be
uploaded vid MajorQWK.

v1.02 is a minor update to v1.01 which corrects problems with QWK
packets from older QWK doors which only use 1 byte for storing
the conference number in message headers. This release also can
now handle message numbers up to several million. More complete
information is now written to the log file.

v1.01 is a very minor update to the initial v1.00 release. It seems
that some systems have a problem with a check for DIRNAME\NUL when
looking to see if a particular subdirectory exists. v1.01 no longer
uses this method, and there are no other changes from the initial
release of v1.00.


MNET is copyrighted software from Makai Software. It is not public
domain or freeware, but rather is released as uncrippled shareware.
You are free to try MNET to see if it meets your needs, but if you
decide to continue to use MNET, you are expected to register the
software with Makai Software. See REGISTER.DOC, included with this

READ.ME - This very file
MNET.EXE - The MNET program itself
MNET.DOC - Full detailed documentation
SAMPLE.CFG - Sample configuration file
REGISTER.DOC - Registration info and form

It's a shame we have to take up space with these, but the first rule
is CYA...

While we have attempted to produce a useful piece of bugfee software
(which runs quite well on our system here, by the way), MNET is
released as-is with no guarantees of performance. YOU USE MNET AT
YOUR OWN RISK, and the authors will not be held accountable for any
damages resulting from its use.

The MNET package (MNET200.ZIP) may be distributed freely (in
un-modified form) to friends, associates, and bulletin boards.
Re-archiving into your favorite format (ARJ, LZH, etc) is permitted,
provided that the entire package (and all documentation) is included
in the re-archiving process, and no files are modified. If you
received this package in some other format than MNET200.ZIP, or the
.ZIP file does not have Doug Wilson's or Chip Morrow's -AV
verification, then you did not receive an original copy. Please see
the appendices on how to obtain a copy of MNET directly from the


MNET is intended for use on a bbs acting as a node on a QWK-based
message network. The host board of such a network creates a "net
status" QWK packet which is downloaded by the node. The node must
import the messages from the QWK packet into its own message bases.
The node must also export its outbound messages into a REP packet
which can then be uploaded back to the host board. Along the way,
the messages need to be converted between the conference numbers on
the host board and the node board. In addition, if "SYSOP" is the
name in the "to" or "from" fields in the headers of the individual
messages, it must be converted to the sysop's real name for either

As you can see, all of the "dirty work" of message conversion is done
by the node. A number of bbs formats use utilities which
import/export the messages to/from the bbs' message bases. Such
utilities are specific to the bbs software in use, as they must
interact directly with the bbs' message base. Generally such
utilities must also maintain information on message pointers so that
they know where in the base to begin extracting new messages when

MNET functions somewhat differently. Instead of working directly
upon the node bbs' message base, MNET converts the incoming net
status QWK packet from the host bbs into a REP packet which may be
uploaded into the QWK-mail facilities of the node bbs. Likewise,
it converts an outgoing QWK packet from the node into a REP which
can be uploaded to the host. With MNET, you no longer need a
conversion utility specifically written for your bbs format in
order to participate as a node in a QWK-based network. Any bbs
with QWK/REP facilities may now act as a node.

1) Place MNET.EXE into a convenient directory.

2) Create a configuration file for the host bbs from which you will
exchanging messages. The configuration file must be named with the
base packet name used by the host bbs, with the extension ".CFG".
For instance, if the host sends QWK packets named "HOSTBBS.QWK", you
would create a configuration file named "HOSTBBS.CFG". MNET expects
to find its configuration files in the current directory at time of
operation. A sample commented configuration file is included in this
package to show you the required format.

3) To convert a QWK which you have downloaded from your host's board
into a REP which you can upload into your own QWK mail facilities,
start MNET with the command

MNET [hostpacket] I

where [hostpacket] is replaced with the base filename of the QWK
packet from the host, and I stands for "inbound". As above, if
the host packet is named HOSTBBS.QWK, your command would be

MNET hostbbs I

The inbound REP produced by MNET may then be uploaded to your bbs,
under a special user name that you have set up for mail transfer
to/from this host.

4) To export messages from your node bbs to the host, first extract
outbound messages into your bbs' standard QWK packet, under that
same special user name you have set up for mail transfer to/from
this host. Then convert your QWK to a REP that can be uploaded to
your host, via the command

MNET [hostpacket] O

where O stands for "outbound". As above, if the host packet name
is HOSTBBS.REP, your command would be

MNET hostbbs o

The outbound REP produced by MNET may then be uploaded to your
host's QWK-mail facilities.

NOTE: Sysops using MajorQWK for MajorBBS should add " /G" to the end
of all command lines.

* IMPORTANT - If MNET finds a copy of the .REP it is about to *
* create already exists, will add the new messages to the end *
* of the old .REP. In this way, if you are unable to get thru *
* to your host, or for some reason are unable to upload the *
* .REP to your board, the old messages are not lost. But this *
* means it is *VERY IMPORTANT* for you to delete your .REP *
* files after they have been uploaded to prevent the same *
* messages from being uploaded over and over. *

More detailed instructions are given in MNET.DOC, included in this

 December 25, 2017  Add comments

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