Dec 252017
Menu Master version 1.02. ANSI menu editor for QBBS BBS menus. | |||
File Name | File Size | Zip Size | Zip Type |
MM.HLP | 2646 | 864 | deflated |
MM1.DOC | 12510 | 4691 | deflated |
MM1.EXE | 68160 | 31700 | deflated |
MM1.OVR | 58052 | 23327 | deflated |
PRINT.ME | 992 | 415 | deflated |
SAMPMNUS.ZIP | 3606 | 3182 | deflated |
WHATS.NEW | 1150 | 640 | deflated |
Download File MM102.ZIP Here
Contents of the MM1.DOC file
Menu Master
The Ultimate Menu Editor For QuickBBS
Preliminary Documentation
Menu Master is designed to make your life much easier when creating
and editing menus for QuickBBS. Making menus with Menu Master has
even been described as 'Fun'.
Menu Master is menu driven and has full mouse support.
If you have used a previous version of MM you will notice a huge
difference in look and feel. You may delete the old MMC.EXE and
MM.CFG files. They are no longer used.
Due to the failure of the shareware idea, MM has an annoying new
feature. There is a delay upon loading of un-registered versions.
It is not crippled in any other way. I apologize for adding the
delay 'feature' but MM has become VERY popular, yet VERY few have
registered it. Registration is only $10. Please print the PRINT.ME
file for more information. If you are on a limited income (like me :-})
and can't afford the ten bucks, give me a call at (918)585-8514 and
we can work something out.
MM1 must be run from your QuickBBS directory. It needs some information
from the CONFIG.BBS file.
Load MM by typing MM1 at the DOS prompt. A Sidekick like directory
box will appear after the intro. You can get help with the dir
box with the F1 key.
Use your cursor keys to highlight the menu you want to edit and
press ENTER. If you prefer, you can type the name of the menu
instead of cursoring to it. Entering a name the does not exist
will cause MM to ask you want to create it. You can also enter
the name of a menu on the commandline and MM1 will load that menu
without going through the directory display.
Example: MM1 MESS1
Loads the MESS1.MNU file into the editor.
Your menu is simulated for you constantly. Every change you make
will update the simulation. The simulation is preset to level
32000 and all flags ON. This is so you can always see exactly
what you have in your menu at all times.
The top line tells you what menu you are editing, what level and
flags settings the simulation is using, the time, and the simulation
toggles. The function keys change the simulation toggles.
F1- Toggles ANSI or ASCII mode.
F2- Toggles Data mode. In data mode you are given brief information
about each menu option instead of the display text. Data mode is
very usefull if you are making text file menus. (Cntrl-A type)
F3- Toggles the line numbers.
F4- Toggles Cntrl-A mode. In Cntrl-A mode the simulator will display
any text file that you may be using for the menu. You must have
a cntrl-A type 40 menu option setup somewhere in the menu for this
to work. See the QuickBBS documentation for more info on type 40
F5- Toggles line wrap. If line wrap is ON you get a more accuate
simulation of what Quick will display. Leaving line wrap OFF makes
editing menus with long display lines a little easier.
F6- Allows you to change the security and flags that the simulation is
To change to another menu, simply hit the hotkey that activates it.
MM supports the menu stacking of QuickBBS as well as displaying ASC/ANS
files. You can move through your menus just as if you were on your BBS.
Other keys will pop up message boxes telling you what that particular
option will do on your board.
MM has its own set of hot keys that is uses to activate the editing
options. The command hotkeys are shown on the Menu Master main menus.
For Example: ALT-E invokes the entry editor. To activate the main menu
hit ESC, F10, or the mouse button. I will not go through each option
available because most of them are self-explanatory. There are, however,
a few that need an explanation.
---Editing Entrys---
Editing entrys works just the same as menuedit with a few
exceptions. At any time you can hit the F10 key to get pop-up
help with menu types. You can cursor or mouse down to the menu
type that you want and the appropriate number will be placed in
the menu type field.
You can put special characters in your display text using the
SHIFT-Fkeys. Change the current ASCII set used with the ALT-FKeys.
The ASCII sets used are identical to those used in Thedraw.
The keys in use are always shown so you
dont put the same key in twice. You can enter any number for the
menu colors, however, unpredictable results will occur if you use
values outside of 0-15 for Foreground and 0-7 for background.
You can save the entry with either F1 or the [END] key. [ESC]
takes you out without saving the current changes.
---Global Changes---
You will be prompted for the type of data to globally change. Use the
cursor keys to select the type. (Note: ESC gets you out of just about
anything in MM) You will be prompted for the search data and then the
data to replace it with. Then you will select the menu(s) in which to
make the changes. The spacebar toggles the menus to change. There
are lots of on-screen instructions so just play with it to get the hang
of it.
---Make Menus---
This is a VERY powerfull command. You can make all your message board and
file area menus with just a few keystrokes using the menu creator.
Upon entering the creator you will be asked if you want to make
No matter which one you chose, you will be asked the name of a 'source menu'.
This is a special menu that you must make. All menus that are made
during this run will be based on this source menu. The source menu
should look just like any other menu with a few exceptions. If this is a
message area source menu, dont put any board numbers in the data fields for
types 23 through 27. MM will put the correct data in these fields. If you
do put something there, MM will ignore the entry and leave it the same in
each menu it makes. If its a file area source menu, dont put any data
for types 29 through 34. MM will fill in the correct path for each menu
it makes.
You may want the same path on a certain command. For instance the
pload command. You want all uploads to go to a certain directory. Just
fill in the path for this command in the data field and MM will not change
it for each menu it makes.
On the text line of a menu entry you can put a (ASCII 1) character and
the maker will put the area name in place of it in each menu it makes.
You can also put the in the prompt of the source menu.
Message Area
Would turn out to be:
Hard Drives Message Area
if you happend to have included that message area in your creation run.
If you place a '|' character as the LAST character in the display text
of the source menu, the maker will automaticly center the display line.
During the make run, MM goes through each area you have selected to create,
It looks at each entry in the source menu and checks to see if it needs to
have some special information added to the data field. It also checks the
display text for the special control-a and pipe character. If it finds
an entry in the source menu that needs some special data, it inserts it.
IE: if you were making message menus and it found a type 27 (post message)
entry AND you left the data space blank for that entry, it would insert
the proper message board number in the data field.
Now you are probly wondering, How does it know what information
to put in each menu?
For message menus, it gets the information from Config.BBS. After typing in
your source menu name, it reads the config and presents you with a selection
screen where all your message areas are listed.
If a board has a checkmark next to it, it will be created on this run.
Toggle the boards with the spacebar.
When you have chosen all the boards that you want to create hit ENTER.
Each menu will be simulated as it is made. MM will put the board name as
defined in Qconfig everywhere you put a in the source menu and the board
number in the data field everywhere it finds a type 23-27 command in the
source menu. It will NOT put the board number in the data field of an
entry if you already have something there.
You might want the option
That is a type 27 (post message).
In your source menu you could enter the appropriate
board number in the data field of that entry along with /T=Your_Name and
MM will not change it in each menu it makes.
MM will name each message menu it makes MESSxxx Where xxx is the board #
defined in Qconfig.
The menu it makes for board 4 would be called MESS4.MNU.
For file menus MM gets the information from a control file. Each line
of the control file should have the following format.
You can use your FLSEARCH.CTL file for the control file.
After specifing the control file name, you will be presented with a
selection screen similar to the message area one. MM will put the AreaName
as defined in the control file everywhere it finds a in the source menu
display text and the appropriate path everywhere it finds a type 29-34.
It will save the menu with the name
FILExxx where xxx is the line number in the control file. Up to 200 file
area menus can be defined in one control file. This should help those
with CD-ROM drives make thier menus quickly. Some sample source menus are
I know this sounds complicated but once you play with it a little, there is
nothing to it. Experimentaion is the key to success with the Make option.
After a little experimentation youll get the idea of how powerfull this
feature is.
Thats it for the docs. Everything else if self explanatory. Have fun!
---Update History---
-Does what menuedit does. Just does it with a little more speed and
-Auto-Simulation added.
- Added MMC so the user can customise colors used by MM. You can also
move the main menu somewhere else if its interfering with the
- Added flag support in the simulation mode.
- Popup help window in the editor.
- Keys in use are now shown in the editor.
- You can now type a cntrl-A in the key field.
- You can save the menu entry with either F1 or END.
- The SAVE AS feature lets you make copies of the current menu.
- Added a Abort option to load another menu without saving the current one.
- Fixed the flag routine. It was saving the flags in reverse.
- Cleaned up some of the grafics and colors.
-Copyright secured on Menu Master
-Fixed bug in flag simulations
-Changed MMC so the cursor moves more pleasantly.
-Added ability to copy, rename, and delete menus from the directory
-Beta versions made available to brave Sysops.
v0.30 Major update
o You can just begin typing the name of the file instead of having to hit ESC
first. ESC will exit the program.
o Highlight colors are now correctly shown in the prompt.
o The simulation mode has been greatly enhanced. The display of the simulation
is about 25% faster on CGA cards and 650% faster on all other cards than
normal TP4 direct screen writes. Unusual menus are correctly simulated.
o Menus are only re-saved if a change was made to them.
v0.31 Function key fix for .30
v0.32 Minor bug fix in simulation mode.
v0.34 Minor bug fix. Added line wrap toggle.
Added auto-centering in the Make facility.
v1.00 Major update.
User interface changed drasticly
Added global change.
Shift-Fkeys in editor.
Simulation active all the time.
DESQview aware screen writes.
MMC dumped.
Released through SDS software echo.
Thanks for using Menu Master.
Rob Fletcher
Data 918-585-3763 Fido (1:170/211)
Voice 918-585-8514
QuickBBS is copyrighted by Adam Hudson
December 25, 2017
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