Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : MBU_110.ZIP
Filename : MBUTIL.CTL

Output of file : MBUTIL.CTL contained in archive : MBU_110.ZIP
; ³ þ MBUTIL.CTL - Control File for Message Base Utility 1.10 þ ³
RegisteredTo [Unregistered Evaluation Version]
RegistrationKey 2997904204

; This is your Main [zone:]net/node[.point] address and up to 10 Aka's
; They are used for Import to decide whether a messages is destined for your
; system or not. Aka's can use short addressing: they use the zone (default: 2)
; and net of the Main address as default.
Address 2:283/1.5
Address 108.1

; You can specify up to ten user names. They are used by the Import command to
; decide whether or not a messages is address to a user of your system. MBUTIL
; will also use USERS.BBS for this, if found. The first UserName is also used
; as default From name for the Post command.
UserName Gerard van.der.Land

; This is the name and location of your MBUTIL log file
; This is what log style you would like MBUTIL to use.
; 0 = FrontDoor
; 1 - 99 = Opus (RA## with line number)
; 100 = QuickBBS
; 101 = D'Bridge (*)
; 102 = Binkley
LogStyle 0
; (*) Although MBUTIL can write the logfile in D'Bridge format it is not
; recommended to write to the D'Bridge log file, because it uses EOF-markers
; which MBUTIL doesn't.

; This is the directory where the QuickBBS/RemoteAccess MSG*.BBS message
; base files are located.

; This is the name of your AREAS.BBS style file. If you don't define it,
; you will have to use # instead to specify a board. The first
; line may not contain an area-tag, the rest of the file has the following format:
; [] [] [...]

; This is the NETMAIL directory, where incoming and outgoing *.MSG netmail
; messages are stored
NetmailPath C:\FD\NETMAIL
; This is the board to which netmail should be imported (0 = none)
; MBUTIL Export will export netmail from all boards
NetmailBoard 1

; This is the board number where MBUTIL can move messages with
; invalid board numbers (< 1 or > 200). (0 = delete messages)
RecoveryBoard 200

; MBUTIL Pack will automagically renumber if the highest messages is above
; what you've defined here, even if you didn't use the -Renumber switch
; (0 = always renumber)
AutoRenum 20000

; These are up to 5 tear lines that MBUTIL Export -ReTear should replace.
; According to ECHOMAIL POLICY 1 the tearline will not be longer than 35
; characters and extended ASCII characters will not be allowed. Please don't
; put messages on the tearline, only program information.
OldTearLine RemoteAccess 0.03
NewTearLine RA 0.03 via TosScan(q) 1.00
; ³ ³
OldTearLine FD 1.99c
NewTearLine FD 1.99c via TosScan(q) 1.00
; ³ ³
OldTearLine QuickBBS 2.64 (Eval)
NewTearLine QuickBBS 2.64 via D'Bridge 1.30

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : MBU_110.ZIP
Filename : MBUTIL.CTL

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: