Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : MAX200-4.ZIP

Output of file : WHATSNEW.PRN contained in archive : MAX200-4.ZIP


This file contains a list of new features in version 2.0. This
file lists only those changes since version 1.02; if you are
upgrading from an earlier version of Maximus, you'll have to
consult the Max 1.02 installation kit for more information.

To keep things (relatively) brief, this file only includes new
features. For detailed information on any of the features below,
please see MAX_OP.PRN and MAX_REF.PRN.


* Max now includes a menu-driven, "mousable" installation
program. Installation options and paths can now be selected
in dialogue boxes, instead of the old TTY routines.


* Maximus can optionally use the "Squish" message format. The
Squish format is flat-file, using two files per message
area. Squish was designed for fast, efficient and reliable
message storage. This format is OPTIONAL on an area-by-area
basis. (In other words, you can choose between *.MSG and
Squish format for each message area on your system.)

* A separate program, SquishMail, can be used to directly
manipulate Squish-format areas for both NetMail and
EchoMail. SquishMail is a full-fledged mail processor,
including full 4D support, passthru echoes, multizone
awareness, and more. For more information, please look for
a copy of SQSH_*.LZH at a distribution point near you.


* Maximus now has full support for multiple languages. All of
the internal prompts and keystrokes can be completely
customized through external language files. Users can
switch language files on-the-fly, but the SysOp interface
always uses a predefined language. In addition to
supporting multiple languages, language files can also be
used to modify the BBS's prompts to your liking.

* The language file compiler is distributed with Maximus.
Although only the ENGLISH and AMERICAN languages are
available at the present time, end users of the Maximus
software are free to create and distribute their own
language files.

* Max now supports two alternate character sets. In MAX.CTL,
"Charset Swedish" and "Charset Chinese" enable internal
support for Swedish 7-bit and Chinese "BIG5" character sets
(respectively). To properly implement the Swedish 7-bit

format, you must also edit ENGLISH.MAD and uncomment the
appropriate definitions for LBRACKET and RBRACKET, since the
default definitions conflict with the Swedish character set.


* Max 2.0 now features a built-in QWK mail packer. After
selecting a set of message areas, users can automatically
download messages from those areas in the popular QWK
format. The messages can then be read using any of the off-
line QWK readers available, and replies can be uploaded and
tossed to the appropriate area. The mail packer fully
supports bulletins, news files, new file listings,
unattended mail packing, and more. For more information on
the QWK mail packer, please see the section in MAX_OP.PRN
entitled "QWK MAIL PACKER".


* Maximus now includes a windowed phone-answering subsystem.
Using the "-w" command-line switch instructs Maximus to wait
for a caller, answer the phone, and start the BBS core. The
waiting-for-caller (WFC) module also fully supports external
events through the EVENTSxx.BBS file. The "-p" and "-b"
command line switches can also be used in WFC mode; this
means that you can use the same set of control files (and
even the same directory) for multiple nodes.

* When using Video IBM/BIOS, the WFC screen also includes a
number of pop-up windows. The modem status, current
activity, and daily statistics will be shown while waiting
for a caller. can be used to shell to the OS;
can be used to start a local copy of the BBS; and
will take the BBS down and exit to the OS.

* When the WFC module is active, other users will see that
node on the "Who Is On" screen. Nodes in WFC will show a
username of "Maximus" with a status of "Waiting for caller".


* Maximus 2.00 supports several new commands in the message
areas. Some of the new additions are:

Msg_Tag Disgrace "Tag Area"

The Tag command allows users to select/deselect areas
by number. A list of available areas can be displayed
by using the '/' key. (The list will always be
displayed using the MsgFormat control line in MAX.CTL.
You must have the "%*" option added to the beginning of
the MsgFormat line, since it is used to show the user
which areas have been tagged.) Message tagging
information is stored across calls.

Msg_Current Disgrace "*Current Message"

This command simply allows the user to redisplay the
current message.

Msg_Browse Disgrace "Browse Messages"

Max 2.0 introduces the Browse command, a powerful
message database engine. B)rowse includes the
functionality of S)can, L)ist, I)nquire, the
mailchecker, and much more.

The Browse command acts like a database query manager,
since users can select a set of areas to search, a set
of criteria to search for, and an operation to perform
on the found messages.

Users can select the current area, the set of areas
selected through the Tag command, or all message areas.

For message selection, users can pick:

- ALL messages. This selects all messages in the
specified areas.

- NEW messages. This selects all messages above the
lastread pointers in the specified areas.

- YOUR messages. This selects all messages which
are addressed to the current user.

- FROM a specified message number. This selects all
messages from a given message number and up.

- SEARCH for specified criteria. Users can enter up
to sixteen different keywords, using boolean
AND/OR operators to connect each keyword. The
search logic is menu-driven and easy to use.

After selecting a set of areas and messages, Max allows
the user to:

- READ the specified messages. This displays the
messages in full, allowing the user to reply or
kill the message.

- LIST the specified messages. This displays the
messages one to a line, allowing the user to
quickly scan messages which match the specified

- PACK the specified messages. This will place all
of the selected messages into a QWK mail packet,
ready for the user to download.

Msg_Edit_User SysOp "@Edit User"

This command causes Max to fire up the user editor and
perform an automatic search. Max will scan the "From:"
field of the current message, search for the record,
and present that user for editing. This is extremely
handing for processing validation requests or other
administrative tasks.

* Max now supports 9-character area "numbers". Instead of the
two-character limit of 1,296 message areas, Max supports a
theoretically unlimited number of message and file areas.
Area names are alphanumeric, so you can now call your areas
"COMMENTS" and "MUFFIN" instead of "1" and "2".

* Max can now handle FIDOUSER.LST searches. If you add the
statement 'FidoUser D:\Path\FidoUser.Lst' to the MATRIX
session of MAX.CTL, Max will automatically search
FIDOUSER.LST to find the address of the recipient.

* Max now has a feature similar to FrontDoor's NAMES.FD. If
you place a file called NAMES.MAX in your system directory,
Max will use it as an "alias" file for entering NetMail
messages. NAMES.MAX has the following format:


You can have any number of aliases listed in NAMES.MAX. If
Max spots a message addressed to "alias" (which can be done
by entering the name directly at the prompt, forwarding
messages, or doing carbon copies), your message will be
automatically readdressed to "name". Example:

jdh,Jesse David Hollington,1:225/1
adf,Andrew Farmer,1:163/115
sjd,Scott Dudley,1:249/106

Entering the initials in the first column causes Max to
readdress the message to the specified person and address.

If a '*' is the first character on a line, that entry will
only be accessible only to callers with a priv of SysOp.
This is useful for protecting Areafix passwords and the

* Max now comes with a *.MSG maintenance utility called MR.
MR replaces both MaxRen and Renum, and it can purge,
renumber and relink all in one step. By placing the "Renum
Max " and "Renum Days " statements in MAX.CTL,
you can renumber all of the *.MSG areas on your system with
a single "MR" command.

* If a file called RULES.BBS is placed in a *.MSG subdirectory
(or a .SQR file is created for a Squish area), Maximus will

display that file whenever callers enter the specified
message area. (To display a file to users only once, see
the comments on DESCRIPT.BBS in MAX_OP.PRN.)

* Maximus will now accept the shorthand ".P" to reference a
point off the current system. For example, if your address
is defined as "1:249/106.0", entering ".8" at the NetMail
address prompt would yield a destination address of

* The logoff comments area is now configurable. By placing
the statement "Comment Area " in the SESSION section
of MAX.CTL, Max can be instructed to use an area other than
area 0. is the area "number" in which you want
comments to be placed. The area number specified here also
applies to the [leave_comment] MECCA token.

* Max now has a new message header entry screen is now used
for ANSI callers. This looks much better than the old
message entry screen, and it allows for much more control.
For example, SysOps can now edit the origination name and
address, in addition to specify all of the NetMail
attributes on one screen. and can be used
to switch between fields, and all of the command line
editing features are also available.

Through the "Chg_FSR" menu option, this new header can also
be used when reading messages. The header will show each
message's reply links and origination/destination
information, in addition to other information that the
standard header does not show.

* The message editors now support a "carbon copy" feature. If
the first line of your message has the following format:

cc: name1, name2, name3

Max will automatically forward your messages to the
specified names. NetMail carbon copies can also be entered
using the following format

cc: name1 123/456, name2 234/567, name3 345/567

Max will also search FIDOUSER.LST and NAMES.MAX when
performing carbon copies.

* Maximus now supports a "Conference" area type. Conference
areas are similar to EchoMail areas, except that a PID is
used instead of origin and tear lines. Conference areas are
useful for GroupMail or SEEN-BYless EchoMail. MENUS.CTL now
supports a "Conf" modifier, as do SCANBLD and MSGAREA.CTL.

* Max now uses some deductive logic when quoting messages. A
wide margin will be used when quoting text created with hard

carriage returns, whereas a narrow margin will be used for
quoting wrapped text. In addition, when creating replies to
a message, Max will never "requote" a previously-quoted line
in a message.

* When checking for mail, Max won't report waiting NetMail
messages unless they are addressed to the current system.
The same goes for the ability to kill and read private

* When packing QWK messages from a NetMail area, Max will put
a 'From:' line at the top of each message, indicating the
origination address of that NetMail message. To ensure that
your reply goes to the right place, quote the message,
remove the quote initials, and change the 'From' to a 'To'.

* Max now allows you to upload messages with any transfer
protocol, internal or external.


* Introduced a utility called FB. This program builds a
binary file database based on the file information in
FILES.BBS. If you use FB, Max can also perform upload dupe
checking and global file downloading. FB should be used to
recompile the database whenever you add or delete a file
from an external program. (Max will automatically update
the database when Killing or Uploading a file.)

* If you are using FB, Maximus will use the binary data files
when performing a Locate or a Newfiles. This means that the
Newfiles command will be roughly 4 times faster than it was
in 1.02, and the Locate command will be about twice as fast
as before. If you have any files on a CD-ROM or WORM, the
speed increase will be even more.

* You can now allow "free file downloads". Files can be
selected for "free download bytes" (file doesn't count
against user's download limit), "free download time" (file
doesn't count against user's time limit), or both.

A slash and an identifying character can be placed before a
file's description in FILES.BBS. If '/b' is used, Maximus
will not count that file against the user's download quota.
For example:

MAX200-1.LZH /b This is Max 2.00!

If you don't want to count the file against the user's time
limit, use the following:

MAX200-1.LZH /t This is Max 2.00!

Finally, if you don't want to count the file against either

the user's time of download quota, the following also works:

MAX200-1.LZH /tb This is Max 2.00!

* If a file called RUNFB.BAT exists in the Max root directory,
Max will shell out to it after receiving an upload. This
batch file can be used to recompile the file database with
FB, plus perform any user-specified actions or conversions.
Max will call this batch file with the following parameters:

runfb.bat d:\max\area.dat 12 -u

where d:\max\area.dat is the path to the current AREA.DAT
file, "12" is the area that received the upload, and "-u" is
a command-line parameter that tells FB to process the upload
areas only.

Ideally, runfb.bat would consist of the following:

fb %1 %2 %3

such that FB would be run as soon as an upload was received.

However, if memory is tight, you can use the following
configuration to run FB after the user logs off:

In runfb.bat:

echo fb %1 %2 %3 >>_runfb.bat

In spawnbbs.bat:

if exist _runfb.bat del _runfb.bat
max -p%1 -b%2 -p%3
if errorlevel x goto y


if exist _runfb.bat call _runfb
if exist _runfb.bat del _runfb.bat

This will cause Max to queue the FB instructions until
later, and run everything after the caller logs off.

* Max can optionally shell out to a virus checker after
receiving an upload. By placing the following command in
the SESSION section of MAX.CTL:

Upload Check Virus Vircheck.Bat

Max will call VIRCHECK.BAT for each file uploaded. See
MAX_REF.PRN for more information.

* Max now supports upload dupe checking. If you use FB, Max

can automatically scan for and refuse or delete duplicate
uploads. Two separate, mutually-exclusive options are
available in MAX.CTL:

Upload Check Dupe

For purposes of dupe checking, this option compares
filenames only. Extensions are not checked, so ABCD.ZIP and
ABCD.ARJ _will_ be treated as duplicate files.

Upload Check Dupe Extension

Compare full filenames. Extensions are checked, so ABCD.ZIP
and ABCD.ARJ are NOT treated as dupes.

* A new external protocol interface. Max is now capable of
spawning external protocols directly; in most cases, no
external protocol interfaces are required. Opus-style
protocols are still supported. The distribution version of
Max comes with protocol configurations for DSZ, MPt,
BiModem, OKermit and OASCII. Please see PROTOCOL.CTL and
MAX_REF.PRN for more information.

* A new look for the download command. Users can enter
multiple lines of files to transfer. The download command
now allows global downloading (if FB is used), automatic
logoff after download, transfer list editing, and so on.

* Maximus now supports file tagging. The File_Tag command is
used to "tag" a specified file for later downloaded. Up to
a total of 30 files can be queued at any one time. The Tag
command also supports global tagging, assuming that FB is

* Max now has a new look (and a fancy box) for the canned
upload/download protocol menu.

* File descriptions can now be indented by a particular
offset. The "FileList Margin " can be used to start
descriptions at a column other than 34. This option is
useful in conjunction with external download counters, since
it helps to keep file descriptions lined up in a vertical

* The 'q' key can now be used to abort a new-file search at
the "Enter date:" prompt.

* Max can now display a file to the user when a download
request would exceed that user's download limit, ratio, or
time limit. The files EXCBYTES, EXCRATIO, and EXCTIME
(respectively) will be displayed in addition to the standard
"You don't have enough time/bytes/ratio" message.


* Maximus now supports the use of the percent-sign translation
characters in the ECHOTOSS.LOG filename, as defined in

* Max now supports the "%"-style translation characters for
the [open] MECCA token.

* The "First Menu" option in MAX.CTL can now include "%"
translation characters.

* Max now supports a number of new external program
translation characters:

Char Description

%! This token embeds a newline inside a string. This may
be useful for the [apb] MECCA token.

%K This translates to the current task number, expressed
as a two-digit hexadecimal number.

%R All remaining stacked command, as entered at the last

%w The path to the current FILES.BBS-type file. This
takes into account the alternate names which may be
used by the `FileList' option in FILEAREA.CTL.

%W The "steady baud rate", as passed via the -s command
line switch.

%x This translates to the current drive letter, in
uppercase. This is used for several of the external
protocol command lines.

%X This translates to the lastread pointer in the current
message area. This token only works while inside a
message area.

%Y This translates to the language number of the current
user, with 0 being the FIRST language in MAX.CTL, 1
being the SECOND language, and so on.


* Some of the menu commands not covered elsewhere include:

Chg_Language Disgrace "@Language"

This command allows the user to select a language file
from those available on the system.

Chg_Userlist Disgrace "%Show in Userlist"

This option allows the user to "hide" his/her name in
the userlist. If this option is turned off, that user
won't appear in the userlist to anyone except the

Chg_Protocol Disgrace "$Protocol Default"

This option can be used to select a default file
transfer protocol. The default protocol can be any of
the protocols available, including external protocols.
If no protocol is specified, Maximus will ask the user
to select a protocol before each download.

Chg_Archiver Disgrace "&Archiver Default"

The Chg_Archiver command allows the caller to select a
default archiving program for QWK mail packing.

* New options for custom menu handling:

"SilentMenuHeader" can be used in place of "MenuHeader".
SilentMenuHeader indicates that the message/file area entry
functions should be performed, but nothing is to be
displayed to the user. This should be used to replace a
[message] or a [file] token at the top of a MenuFile or
HeaderFile, since the SilentMenuHeader gives Max more
information about the area itself.

The "Stay" modifier can be used on a Display_Menu command.
Normally, when Max executes a Display_Menu, it "leaves" the
current message or file area. (If you are using the
standard MenuHeaders, this would cause the header to be
redisplayed.) However, "Stay" instructs Maximus to stay in
the current message/file area when displaying the new menu,
which is ideal for a "READ" submenu or other menus which
hang off the main message menu.


* The user's "Available for chat" setting is now saved in the
user file, meaning that users who never wish to chat can
make that setting permanent.

* Changed the filename of the multi-node chat help file. Now,
both the distribution version of MENUS.CTL and the internal
"/?" command will display the file \MAX\MISC\CHATHELP.

Prior versions of Maximus used \MAX\HLP\CHAT, so you may
want to move some files around.

* Added a "/s" command to the multi-line chat. "/s" will
display a list of ALL users on the system (similar to the
W)ho Is On option), as opposed to just users on the current


* The user record has been expanded. Among other things, this

* All Opus 1.0x utilities which rely on the user file
format will no longer work. HOWEVER, all properly-
written Max utilities should be able to run under the
new user file with no problems. Only a very small
number of utilities will fail to function with Max 2.0.

* The key/lock system has now been expanded to 32 keys.
Keys 1-8 have their usual meanings, and the letters 'A'
through 'X' are used to access the remaining 24 keys.

* A new subscription/expiry system. Max now supports
user subscriptions based on expiry date or on-line
usage. Please see MAX_OP.PRN and the user editor for
more information.

* The user's 'date of last call' has been converted into
a DOS-style bitmapped date.

* Max now supports 32-bit counters for the number of
kilobytes uploaded and downloaded.

* The user record now holds the user's default file
transfer protocol, default language, "Show in Userlist"
setting, default archiver, multi-node chat
availability, the "NERD" setting, and more.


* Maximus now supports an events configuration file. In
addition to replacing all of the `Yell' information in
MAX.CTL, this also encompasses external events for the WFC
subsystem. Events are kept in an ASCII file named
EVENTSxx.BBS, where 'xx' is the task number for which the
event file applies. (If you are running a one-line system,
then this will be called EVENTS00.BBS.)

The Yell command can also be configured in the events file.
On the basis of time, you can activate/deactivate the yell
command, specify the number of times that the console will
beep, specify the number of times that users can yell in one

session, and specify the tune number to be played. (For
more information on tunes, please see the "MISCELLANEOUS"
section of WHATSNEW.PRN.)

The "-e" command line switch can be used to select an
alternate events file. By default, Max will look for a file
called EVENTSxx.BBS, where `xx' is the current task number.
However, if you wish to use the same event file for all
tasks, the -e switch can be used to specify an alternate
events file.


* The chat function has been changed from `C' to .
This should help to prevent the sysop from engaging the chat
function by mistake.

In chat mode, can be used to display a file to the
user. can be used within chat to toggle the status
of the chat log.

* Max now uses a tiled window library with pop-up windows.
These windows are used for sysop displays within MAX.EXE,
thereby making SysOp interface much slicker and easier to
use. Windows are only supported for the Video IBM and BIOS
video modes. If you use DOS/FAST/FOSSIL, you are stuck with
the old interface.

There's now an easier way to adjust an on-line user's priv
level if you are using Video IBM. Press 'S' from the local
console, and simply follow the on-screen instructions.
Notice that the user's session is NOT interrupted while you
are modifying his user information.

If you wish to remove any of the "floating" status windows
from the screen, simply press .

* Max now has a new "nerd" setting in the user editor.
Enabling this flag tells Maximus to silence the yells of
this user, and for that user alone. This flag will work
regardless of the "!" yell setting. To toggle the NERD
setting while a user is on-line, press .

* The "^" key in the user editor simply marks users for
deletion. Deleted users can be purged from the user file
with the new "|" command.



The [msg_conf] token tells Max to display the rest of the
line only if the current area is a Conference-style area.
(See the "Conference" keyword in MSGAREA.CTL for more


Max will display the rest of the line only if the specified
filename exists. the filename must be separated from the
rest of the line by a space.


Max will display the rest of the line only if the current
task number equals . should be specified
in decimal, and the task number must be separated from the
rest of the line by a space.


The [tune] token causes Max to play a tune from TUNES.BBS.
should specify the name of the tune that is to be
played. For example, the following line:


would cause the "Yell1" tune to be played on the local

This token causes Max to skip the rest of the line unless
the current language number is equal to . NOTE!
The FIRST language file defined in LANGUAGE.CTL is language
0, the SECOND file is language 1, and so on.

If the user's current language matches the specified
language number, then the rest of the line will be
displayed. should be separated from the rest of
the line by a space.


The [language] token invokes the Chg_Language menu option.


The [ibmchars] token causes the rest of the line to be
displayed only to those users who have IBM Characters


The [apb] token sends a message to all users currently
on-line, assuming that the IPC support is enabled. The rest
of the line will be send verbatim, although the outside
translation characters will be translated.


[apb][yellow bell]%!User [lightgreen]%n[yellow] just logged
on the system%!

or even:

Enter a message to send to all users: [readln]
[apb][yellow bell]%!User "%n" says "%J"%!


If the specified keys are set, Max will display rest of the
line. You can specify as many keys as you like, but they
must be separated from the rest of the line by a space.

ie. [ifkey]123a You have keys 1-3 and key A set.


Same as above, except that the line will be displayed only
if the specified keys are NOT set.

ie. [notkey]8b You don't have either key 8 or key b.


This command turns ON the specified keys. must be
separated from the rest of the line by a space.

ie. [keyon]6abc User, you now have keys A-C and key 6.


This command turns OFF the specified keys.

ie. [keyoff]fgh Keys f, g and h have been taken away.

* The '|' character can now be used to key_poke an for
the download and tag commands, like everywhere else.

* OACOMP-like priv tokens can also be used to test for keys:

[EQ /1234abc]Keys 1-4 and keys a-c are set.
[EQ Sysop/1234abc]Keys 1-4 and a-c are on, and you are the

Note that NO extra space is required if you are using the
OACOMP-like tokens.


* A new keyword in the SESSION SECTION of max.ctl:

Chat Capture On

This causes the capture file to be automatically turned on
whenever the SysOp enters chat mode.

* By placing the statement 'Input Timeout ' in the
SESSION section of MAX.CTL, you can tell Max to hang up on a
user after minutes of inactivity. should be a
number of minutes between 1 and 255. The default value for
the inactivity timer is 4 minutes. After this period of
time, Max will send a warning message ("Please respond:")
and will wait ONE MINUTE LONGER. If no input is received
during that minute, Max will finally hang up.

* The 'Alias System' and 'Ask Alias' keywords now function
differently. If you are using a system which supports
aliases, please see the section in MAX_REF.PRN dealing with
these two keywords.

* Running 'cvtusr -s' will swap the 'name' and 'alias' fields
in a Max 2.00 user file. If you were using the
alias/realname feature of Max 1.0x, then running this after
the standard CVTUSR will be necessary. See the notes below
on the alias/realname system.


* During the new-user sequence, Maximus will now ask the user
whether or not hotkeys are desired. A new help file,
\MAX\MISC\WHY_HOT, has been created for this question.

* A new command-line switch for CVTUSR: "-l" will correct
crosslinked lastread pointers, without touching anything
else in the user file.

* Maximus now supports a "tunes" file; this file can be used
to play custom tunes after certain actions. To tell Maximus
where to find TUNES.BBS, you must add the following line to
the SESSION section of MAX.CTL:

Uses Tunes D:\Path\Tunes

The format of TUNES.BBS is as follows:

[ ...]

is simply a descriptive name assigned to the tune.

This name must be one word only.

On the next line, any number of notes may be specified.
Each is a pair of numbers: the first in the pair
specifies the note's frequency in Hertz, and the second
specifies the note's duration in hundredths of seconds.
Each tune is terminated by a blank line.

For example, the following defines a tune called "StarTrek",
which plays the familiar Trek theme:

* StarTrek
444 200 590 40 790 400 750 150
590 150 500 200 670 200 900 400
0 1000

Note! If you are defining a tune to be used when Yelling,
ensure that the tune ends with a pause of approximately one
second. Otherwise, the yell sound may be continuous. Also,
tunes to be played during a yell must be called 'Yell',
where is the tune number specified in EVENTSxx.BBS.

* Max and ORACLE now support a new mode for local output:
'Video BIOS' can be enabled to use BIOS screen writes. In
addition, this mode is compatible with Max's status line, so
you can now use the status line while running under
DoubleDOS and other multitaskers.

* Max's video mode can now be selected from the command-line:

-vo FOSSIL (slowest)
-vd DOS (slow)
-vf FAST (medium)
-vb BIOS (fast)
-vi IBM (fastest)

In addition, Oracle now supports the '-mb' command-line
parameter, which selects the BIOS output mode.

* Max now supports header types 1 and 2 for LHarc, which means
that it can now correctly display the new-format files
created by LHarc 2.0x.

* Max now has support for using the Contents command on .ARJ

* Added multitasker autodetect code. If you use 'Multitasker
None' in MAX.CTL, Max will automatically determine which
multitasker it's being run under. The multitaskers
supported by Max are:

- DESQview
- DoubleDOS

- Windows 386/Enh
- Multilink
- Any other program which hooks the int 28h call

* Max will now use AREA.NDX as the name for the primary area
index, regardless of what is specified in MAX.CTL. SILT
will also create an old-format AREA.IDX for compatibility
with Max 1.02 programs.

* If a user runs over his/her time limit, Max will now display
\MAX\MISC\TIMEUP.BBS in addition to printing "TIME UP."

* Max now has definable colours. See COLOURS.CTL for more

* Max now has its own critical error handler. This handler is
not terribly fancy, but it will instruct DOS to fail the
operation after printing one of the following error messages
through the BIOS:

Critical error reading/writing drive X:


Critical error accessing device COMx

This will stop the system from displaying an
"Abort/Retry/Ignore" error message when a critical error
occurs, such as when an open floppy drive is accessed from

If you do NOT wish to use the built-in critical error
handler, place the statement "No Critical Handler" in the

* The files YELL.BBS and NOTIN.BBS have been moved to the
\MAX\MISC directory. (These files were originally in the
main \MAX directory.)

* The ~)Search command in the user editor can now be used to
search for a phone number (in addition to the user's name).

* In the user editor, the double quote key (") will undo any
changes which have been made to the selected user. Once you
have moved to a different user record, no changes can be

* The U)serList command now includes the city of each user.


* Maximus now supports editing on the command-line. The
, , , , , , ,

and keys (and their ANSI/VT-100 equivalents)
may now be used to position the cursor and edit commands
before they are executed. However, command editing is only
available to ANSI/AVATAR users. Command editing will not be
activated until the user has logged on completely.

* MaxEd now has a delete-right-word function. causes
Max to delete the word to the right of the cursor.

* Rewrote the ANSI code generation sequences. Maximus will
now produce "near-optimal" ANSI code, both for the local
DOS/FOSSIL modes and for remote users.

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : MAX200-4.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: