Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : GMSG408.ZIP
Filename : GENMSG.INI

Output of file : GENMSG.INI contained in archive : GMSG408.ZIP
; GenMsg.ini for version 4.08
; MUST be in the same directory as GenMsg.exe !
; The following parameters MUST BE SET - THEY ARE REQUIRED!
; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
; Name=Your Name
Name=John Doe
; Node=
; NetMail=
; Editor=
; The following parameters are optional...
; Aliases INTL Addresses are optional, maximum of three.
; Alias-1=
; Alias-2=
; Alias-3=
; AKA Names are Optional, maximum of three.
; AKA-1=
; AKA-2=
; Message-Area list to use. if not specified, areas.bbs from
; startup directory will be tried, and/or GenMsg will only use NetMail
; Areas=
Areas c:\FidoNet\msgareas.bbs
; Path to PGP.EXE, to enable PGP support...
; PGP=
PGP c:\bin\PGP.exe
; PGPPATH, path to keyrings and config.txt
; Optional alternate LASTREAD filename.
; Last-Read=
; Public Key ID Name, as listed in your Public Key...
; KeyName=
KeyName=Your Name
; Default Origin line text. file ORIGIN in message directory over-rides this.
; Origin=
Origin Privacy... protect it or lose it!...
; Enables Formatting of messages for your Internet gate-way.
; uucp-gate=
uucp-gate 1:1/31
; Initial string in messages you are creating.
; Init-Strings=[On|Off]
Init-Strings off
; Force "edited by" string into all messages edited or modified.
; If off, will not place string, IF originator and editor are same...
; Show-Edits [On|Off]
Show-Edits Off

; Show EchoMail Seen-By lines.
; Seenbys=[On|Off]
Seenbys off
; Hide Intransient Messages. (Respect privacy, keep this OFF)
; View-All=[On|Off]
View-All off
; Show Message Kludge Lines.
; Kludges=[On|Off]
Kludges off
; D'Bridge Interface.
; DBridge [On|Off]
Dbridge On
; Prompt to envoke PGP when VIEWING a PGP processed message addressed to you.
; Auto-PGP=[On|Off]
Auto-PGP Off
; Add uucp address to tear-line. (For REGISTERED USERS ONLY)
; Add-uucp=[On|Off]
; If Add-UUCP is ON, you can specify your Internet address.
; Note: This is NOT Required to use your default FidoNet-uucp address.
; uucp-address=
; Video Screen mode.
; Use-Bios should be Off for most systems...
; Use-Bios [On|Off]
Use-Bios Off
; Screen Color specification.
; Color codes are:
; Black = 0, Blue = 1, Green = 2, Cyan = 3, Red = 4, Magenta = 5,
; Brown = 6, White = 7, Grey = 8, Lt. Blue = 9, Lt. Green = 10,
; Lt. Cyan = 11, Lt. Red = 12, Lt. Magenta = 13, Yellow = 14,
; Bright White = 15
; Note: Colors 8 thru 15 should not be used for BackGround.
; Message Text color:
; Text-Char=
; Text-Back=
Text-Char 1
Text-Back 3
; Menu Color:
; Menu-Char=
; Menu-Back=
Menu-Char 3
Menu-Back 1
; Alert and/or error message color:
; Error-Char=
; Error-Back=
Error-Char 12
Error-Back 1

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : GMSG408.ZIP
Filename : GENMSG.INI

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: