Dec 142017
BBS Drag Racing v2.0 : Features ANSi Graphical "Race" Betting, Pit Stops, more.

Full Description of File

/ \______/\_______/\________/\_______
/ > / / < _ < _ \
/ / / / / /\
<____< <_______ <____/ <____/ / /
\____\ /\_______\/\___<____/\___<____/ /
\/ / \/ \___\/ \___\/mf
BBS Drag RACING v 2.08 [1/1]

File DR20NUAA.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category BBS Files
BBS Drag Racing v2.0 : Features ANSi Graphical “Race” Betting, Pit Stops, more.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
206TO207.EXE 12640 8569 deflated
BBSRACE.CFG 104 95 deflated
BBSRACE.DOC 9484 3214 deflated
BBSRACE.EXE 39363 38399 deflated
COMPORT.DTA 1210 577 deflated
DRAGRAC.ANS 923 214 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 402 161 deflated
LOCSND.FLG 1 1 stored
RACE.EMU 88 87 deflated
REGISTER.FRM 1830 669 deflated
SETUP.EXE 43408 14328 deflated
SVCMSG .NF0 955 325 deflated
SYSOP.DOC 9484 3214 deflated

Download File DR20NUAA.ZIP Here

Contents of the BBSRACE.DOC file

BBS Drag Racing Ver. 2.08
Oct 1, 1993

Chris Neubauer
P.O. Box 1446
Corpus Christi, Texas
78403-1446 U.S.A.

Originated from Virtual Reality BBS
of Corpus Christi, Tx
BBS phone : 512-992-4496

Setup of BBS Drag Racing

Feel free to distribute this software any where. This is a Working
Version of BBS Drag Racing... There are No Shareware screens or delays.
All I ask is that you keep the Original Files in tact and distribute
them as a package.

Warranty : There is NO Warranty.

If you would like the newest release of this game, Just Call the
Virtual Reality BBS to find out what the latest revision is and how much
it's going for. If you need help or a modification to the existing program
so that it will run on your BBS.. just Call and leave a message on my BBS..
and I'll try to get back with you as soon as I can..

To REGISTER your copy for your BBS simply Send a Donation of $25.00 in
U.S. Dollars to :

Chris Neubauer
P.O. Box 1446
Corpus Christi, Texas 78403-1446

Along with the following information;

Your Name _________________________

Your BBS Name _________________________

Your Street Address _________________________

City, State, Zip _________________________

Country _________________________

Your BBS Phone # _________________________

The Version Number of BBS Drag Racing that you have ____________.

Where did you obtain BBS Dragracing from ?? _____________________.

Make Checks or Money orders in U.S. currency payable to Chris Neubauer.

Please Allow at least 5 weeks for delivery.

Add $5.00 if paying with a Euro-Cheque from Europe.
Add $5.00 if you want the newest release sent Uploaded to your BBS or
Sent on disk to you.. (state 5.25" or 3.5" disks).
Otherwise you will receive your registration code only..

If you are ordering from a foriegn country ( NOT U.S.A.), sending
Cash ,( U.S. Currency ) will get you the fastest service. Disks are
mailed out to you the next day after donations are recieved.

This Door Has become extremely popular in the last year and there are
copies running all over the world.. if you order the registraton code
only, ( not the disk with the newest version ), you might want to call
Virtual Reality BBS 512-992-4496, and get a copy of the latest version.
(there will be many more neat additions made to this door game in 1994.

SysOp Information:

BBS Drag Racing Should Run on almost any BBS.. given the right data
in the configuration file..

The Following Files Should be in the same directory as BBSRACE.EXE :

PLYRFILE.DTA <---- if missing BBSRACE Will Create.
BBSRACE.CFG <---- Modify this file for your BBS.
BBSRACE.DOC <---- The file your reading now.
RACE.EMU <---- Ansi Protocol for Drag Racing.
BBSRACE.EXE <---- Executable file.
DragRac.ans <---- Graphic screen for Drag Racing.
Setup.EXE <---- Setup/Install utility program.

Running BBS Drag Racing in Local mode :

You may run BBS Drag Racing in the Local mode by typing the following
at the DOS prompt

C:>BBSRACE Your Name

Note : if any parameters are passed to BBSRACE it will assume Local
Mode and won't use the modem at all.

Another way to run local from your BBS is use the Dorinfo1.def door
file or another door file that indicates local by writing 'COM0' to the
door file. When BBS DragRacing reads the door file it searches for 'COM0'.
if it finds 'COM0', It will assume the local mode.

Another way to run local from your BBS is use the Chain.txt door
file or another door file that indicates local by writing 'KB' to the
door file instead of a baud rate. When BBS DragRacing reads the door
file it searches for 'KB'. if it finds 'KB', It will assume the
local mode.

Running BBS Drag Racing on your BBS :

To run BBS Drag Racing on your BBS you will need to know what your
BBS uses as a user file that is "DORINFO1.DEF", "CALLINFO.BBS"
"USERFILE" etc.. If you don't Know What line numbers that your
userfile uses for User's first names and Last names and Baud
Rates, You'll need to look at them using a text editor and figure
out which line has this information..

If your userfile is not a text file, that is, a binary file or
or something else then you might try using QKDOOR.EXE to convert
your user file into a text type file.

If your userfile has a Time left line and a Time Limit Line
then BBS Drag Racing will use that information if you tell it
where to find it..

NOTE : If You are using a Non-Standard COM Port Configuration, See the
Accompanying file - COMPORT.DTA, for information on changing the
IRQs etc.

NEW: BBS Drag Racing Now supports Systems that use Chain.Txt user file.
for reading the amount of time a user has left..(in Seconds)
check out the BBSRACE.Cfg file for more info.

Use Setup.exe program that comes with BBS dragracing package.
Simply plug in the appropriate information, set up your batch file
or whatever it is that you do to run a door.. and your all set.

If You have Registered BBS Drag Racing with the Author (me), It is very
important to make sure that the upper and lower case letters are
correct in your registration number.

BBS Drag Racing will detect a Carrier Loss and return to the system.
It will update the player's status in the player data file, So dropping
carrier won't undo any monetary losses etc...

- Previous versions had a bug that would choke the program and corrupt
the playerfile when a player got more than 2.1 billion dollars.
Now the Program has a way to deal with those players who really make
the big bucks.

NEW: BBS Drag Racing Now supports Ansi Sound.
Since the F-Keys are disabled in non-registered mode, you may copy
file "LOCSND.FLG" into your BBS Drag Racing directory to get sound
for your local terminal.

Sample Door Batch File:

Rem Batch file for the BBS Drag Racing Door
@echo off
BBSRACE <------ Note : No Parameters....
BBSLoad.bat <------ batch file to reload BBS

Sample BBSRACE.CFG: (uses chain.txt userfile)
123456789 <------ Registration Number
1 <------ Comm port number
2400 <------ baud rate
Mickey Mouse SysOp <------ SysOp's Name
Pluto's BBS <------ BBS Name
C:\WWIV <------ Directory of BBS (dorinfo, Chain.txt, etc)
Chain.Txt <------ Name of Userfile (dorinfo1.def etc)
2 <------ Line number of user first name
2 <------ Line number of user last name
20 <------ Line number of user baud rate
16 <------ Line number of user time limit for Game
0 0 <------ Line number of user time used (0 0 =None)
0 <------ Don't Use RTS handshaking.
0 <------ Don't Use CTS handshaking.

Sample BBSRACE.CFG: (uses dorinfo1.def userfile)
12345678 <------ Top line Registration Number (Line 1)
2 <------ Number of Comm port
9600 <------ Baud Rate
Chris Neubauer <------ SySop Name
Virtual Reality <------ BBS Name
C:\MyBBS <------ BBS Directory
Dorinfo1.def <------ Name Of BBS Caller Info file
7 <------ Line Number Of User's First Name
8 <------ Line Number Of User's Last Name
5 <------ Line Number Of User's Baud Rate
12 <------ Time Limit line (or time left in Minutes)
0 0 <------ Time Used Line.
1 <------ Use RTS handshaking.
1 <------ Use CTS handshaking.

DORINFO1.DEF from Your BBS directory:

Your BBS Name Would be here.
Your/SysOp First Name
Your/SysOp Last Name
9600 BAUD,N,8,1
User First Name
User Last Name


I hope you enjoy playing BBS Drag Racing..

end of document.

 December 14, 2017  Add comments

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