Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : DKIT3002.ZIP
Filename : DKIT3002.DOC

Output of file : DKIT3002.DOC contained in archive : DKIT3002.ZIP
= DOORKIT 3002á 12/13/1990 =
= =
= dOOkit 3.02á (c) 1990 by Chris Holko a.k.a. Dr. FeelGood =
= =
= Purpose : To convert the WWIV "CHAIN.TXT" to a variety of door file =
= formats, including QBBS, RBBS, PCBoard, TeleGard and WildCat =
= =
= Warranty : None, use at your own risk, only guaranteed to take of =
= space on your harddisk. =
= =
= Contibutions : Appreciated, mail them to : =
= and Support =
= Mr. Chris Holko =
= 1029 Franklin Road Suite 4C =
= Marietta, Georgia 30067 =
= =
= About five to ten dollars would suffice, your donation =
= will be put to use to further aid the development of this =
= utility and others, and will probably make getting help =
= with this program much easier. (If you don't send any money =
= at least drop me a message either on Amber to the user name =
= of "CHRIS HOLKO" or call my board : =
= =
= Iconian GateWay =
= PCP via GAATL 404-426-1941 =
= E-Mail #1 (Dr. FeelGood) =
= =
= If an output file format is not present that you want to =
= have generated then please send it to me and I will probably =
= add it to a future release, additional switches will be =
= considered as well. =
= =
= Command line : DOORKIT /[switches] [NEWFORM] [INFILE] =
= =
= [switches] = (the "/" is required, but only one total) =
= =
= R,O = use real name, overwrite alias in "CHAIN.TXT" =
= A = overwrite real name with alias in "CHAIN.TXT" =
= G = force ANSI flag to "ON" =
= H = force ANSI flag to "OFF" =
= E = don't beep on error, for dOOrkit errors only =
= *L?? = Log door as run =
= T?? = max time allowed in door, will adjust timeleft =
= M?? = min time user must have to run the door =
= N? = node number for QBBS/RBBS "DORINFO" files =
= =
= [NEWFORM] = (door file formats for output) =
= =
= QBBS = write "DORINFO1.DEF" (1 can be changed with /n) =
= RBBS = write "DORINFO.DEF" (node id can be changed with /n) =
= PCB = write "PCBOARD.SYS" (versions prior to 14.5) =
= XPCB = write "PCBOARD.SYS" (contains some 14.5+ info) =
= *WILD = write "CALLINFO.BBS" =
= TELE = write "DOOR.SYS" (used by telegard) =
= =
= [INFILE] = (path/filename to "CHAIN.TXT") =
= =
= =
= Notes : =
= =
= dOOrkit will produce the [NEWFORM] file in whatever =
= directory that the program is run from. Make sure that if =
= the door to be run needs the path/filename of the door =
= control file that you specify the correct info =
= =
= If for any reason that dOOrkit errors on bad input then it =
= will return a DOS errorlevel of 100, if it exits because =
= of the 'M' option and the user has insufficient time then =
= it exits with an DOS errorlevel of 1. =
= =
= Example : (batch file example) DOOR2RUN.BAT =
= =
= @ECHO OFF <- guess =
= CD DOOR2RUN <- change to door's directory =
= DOORKIT /rt30 QBBS %1 <- call dOOrkit =
= DOOR2RUN DORINFO.DEF <- call door, pass door info to it =
= CD.. <- change back =
= =
= (chainedit) =
= =
= Filename = DOOR2RUN %1 =
= =
= (explanation of above command line to dOOrkit) =
= =
= /rt30 QBBS %1 =
= ^ | | | =
= 1 2 3 4 =
= =
= 1 = use real name in new output file =
= 2 = max time of 30 minutes in the door =
= 3 = output a "DORINFO1.DEF" file (QBBS format) =
= 4 = filename/path to "CHAIN.TXT" =
= =
= =
= dOOrKit 3.001 is coded entirely in JPI Modula-2 2.0 =
= =
= =
= * = not implemented this release =
= =
= Release notes : 3002 fixes a bug with 'single' word names incorrectly =
= being spliced. =

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : DKIT3002.ZIP
Filename : DKIT3002.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: