Dec 262017
A utility to automatically update the message pointers between PCB 14.5's USERS.INF and ProDoor's EXTUSER files.
File DDMAT992.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category BBS Files
A utility to automatically update the message pointers between PCB 14.5’s USERS.INF and ProDoor’s EXTUSER files.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
DDMAT286.COM 28496 19158 deflated
DDMATCH.COM 28704 19180 deflated
DDMATCH.DOC 3304 1468 deflated
DDMATCH.HIS 479 274 deflated
ECODES.TXT 930 414 deflated
READ.ME 214 150 deflated

Download File DDMAT992.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

DDMATCH.COM --- Main program
DDMAT286.COM -- 80286 specific version.
READ.ME ------- This file that you are reading.
DDMATCH.HIS --- Simply the history file.
DDMATCH.DOC --- Documentation file.

 December 26, 2017  Add comments

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