Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : CWAR26.ZIP
Filename : SYSOPDOC.CW

Output of file : SYSOPDOC.CW contained in archive : CWAR26.ZIP

CompWar v2.00
By: Ed T. Toton III

Hello and welcome. I'll bet you just want to get this thing up and
running and don't want to listen to (or rather read) my blabbing here.
Well that's just dandy.. NEVER have I been SO offended! I swear if I....
Oh yeh, right... the installation.... ok, well anyway, Included in this
package are the following files:

SysopDoc.CW This file.
Title.CW The ansi title page for the game.
CW.Doc Doc file. Game allows players to view it.
RunCWar.BAT Batch file to use with this.
CW.EXE The main program.
Config.CW Configuration settings file.
CWMaker.EXE The set-up program. (Run this the first time
you set up the game and
anytime you want to
're-roll' the game.)

(If any of these files are missing, then
contact me and I will get them to you somehow)

| Disclaimer: |
| This program is standing on an AS-IS basis |
| The author can NOT be held responsible for |
| ANYthing that may happen to your system. Note |
| That there shouldn't be any problems, but ya |
| know.. The program is basically VERY safe. |

Please note: This game is designed for use with WWIV BBS's. If you can
make it work on something else.. Well, that's up to you.

To set up the game, make a subdirectory in your main BBS directory.
You will probably want to call it CWAR (If you decide to use a different
name, then you will have to edit the batch file accordingly). Then put
the batch file in your main BBS directory and put all of the other files
in the CWAR directory. Run CWMaker. Once that is complete go into your
chainedit and give it these settings:

Filename: RUNCWAR %1
Dos Interrupt: Used
Ansi: Optional
Shrink: No

And that's it! It's now ready to play...

Now it's time for the stupid registration stuff...

If you feel you like this game, or you have a sick and demented mind, or
you just want to have that 'warm' feeling for knowing that you supported
at least one of the probably many shareware program that you have, or you
just want to get the neat sysop editor and the ability to change the
settings in the config file, then please send $10 to:

Ed T. Toton III
110776 Green Mountain Circle
Columbia Md. 21044

Please include the following: 1. An extra $5 if you want a disk mailed
to you with the sysop editor.
2. Your name and address.
3. The name of your BBS
and it's phone number.
4. Any questions/comments you wish to make.

If you wish, you may download the sysop editor and the latest
version of CompWar directly from my BBS. Please tell me if you
wish to do so and what your phone number and password and alias
are to be so that I may set up an account for you in advance.
I will have a transfer directory specifically there for registered
users to DL the latest updates and sysop editor. The BBS info
is below...

'K' kills players!!

Try calling (if it's local for you) the
Sorcerer's Quarters BBS (301)-964-2931.
Home of the infamous BOT. And home of
this game right here! Yeh, neat eh?

This game may be distributed freely under these conditions:

1. It does not include registration codes
2. It is not modified in any way (this inludes ALL the files in it)
3. No BBS ads are placed in it (except as a zip comment)

º Sorcerer's Quarters BBS º
º 301-964-2931 º
º 2400 bps 24 hrs/day º
º WWIV v4.12 #20237 Sysop: Necromancer º

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : CWAR26.ZIP
Filename : SYSOPDOC.CW

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: