Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : BINKTERM.ZIP
Filename : OMAIL.DOC

Output of file : OMAIL.DOC contained in archive : BINKTERM.ZIP

April 2, 1989

OMAIL is a command-line driven program that creates the necessary files to
do a variety of FidoNet mail services, primarily those handling files
through Net Mail, sending and receiving files. You can run OMAIL either by
typing in commands, or as part of your batch file(s). There are a number of
changes added to this version for Binkley Term and future versions of Opus.


The first argument must be one of these.

POLL ....... Generate a Null *.?LO file for each Net/Node listed
GET ........ WaZoo Request File(s) from Net/Node (may need !Password)
UPDATE ..... Ask for a newer version of a file. *
SEND ....... Send File(s) to Net/Node
TRUNC ...... Send FIle(s) to Net/Node, truncate after sending. *
KILL ....... Send File(s) to Net/Node, Delete after sending. *
RUN ........ Create a *.QLO file for Binkley ( >2.10) *
STOP ....... Create a *.$$5 file to stop outbound calls.
HOLD ....... Mark mail for Net/Node as Hold. *
DIRECT ..... Mark mail for Net/Node as Direct. *
CRASH ...... Mark mail for Net/Node as Crash. *

If you do not use "C:\OUTBOUND" as your outbound holding directory, you can
use the "-pd:\your\path" to overrides the default outbound matrix path of
C:\Outbound with your own path. If you aren't using C:\Outbound I suggest
you patch OMAIL.COM as explained at the end of this document, but if you
don't feel up to patching OMAIL.COM, you can get along quite well by using
the -p on the command line.

You can also using OMAIL.COM to handle multi-zone mail by changing the path
you use on the command line. If your outbound path is C:\Outbound and you
are in Zone 1, have a zone-aware mailer, and want to make a request from
Zone 2, you would tell OMAIL.COM your path was C:\Outbound.002, so you
would type in:


on the command line.


April 2, 1989

You may Poll/Send/Get to/from multiple boards and files, but each Net/Node
MUST begin with the -[c][h][d] where:

C ........ Continuous Mail packet is created.
H ........ Hold Mail packet is created.
D ........ Direct Mail packet is created.
S ........ Used only to stop calls to a board
Q ........ Used to create return lists for Binkley. (QLO files)

You can operate on multiple boards, but you can carry on one TYPE of
transaction each run. If you need to use a password with a file-request
then only the LAST password entered will have any effect. Be careful!

There are a couple of new features added with this version. One of them is
that you can enter a Net/Node Stop, which will create a zero-length file
hhhhHHHH.$$5 which will over-ride OPUS or Binkley from making any outbound
calls to that board until it successfully calls you.

Another addition by Steve Antonoff of 133/302 (Centurion Opus/HST) is that
if you are entering a series of attaches/requests to boards in the same
net, you only need to enter the Net of the first board on the list, Omail
will fill in that Net number until it hits another Net/Node combination.


Omail send fnews*.arc -d119/4 -d13 -d14 -d30 -h50 -h1060/342 -h500

Takes care of my distribution of FidoNews to the boards in my Net and

Omail also will fill in a path by itself now. If you put Omail.Com into a
directory that is included in your Environment PATH, you can run Omail from
any directory on the drive that has your outbound directory on it and Omail
will fill out the full path\file name(s). (Also fixed a minor problem in
earlier version that didn't handle files in root directory properly.)


April 2, 1989


For the self-assured Hacker: In Omail.Com you'll find a string like this:


This is provided as a patching area so you can put in your own outbound
directory path into Omail.Com if it differs from the default instead of
having to use the '-p' command line option. Your new default path MUST
start at the first '\' (although you can change that if needed, such as put
a drive letter in?), be terminated with a NULL, and end before the NULL at
the end of the string of asterisks. (A NULL is the hex 00)

PLEASE! Do not distribute a hacked version! That will only lead to con-
fusion if there are problems.

Remember: If you break it in two, you own both parts.



April 2, 1989

Additions in Omail 2.0: January 14, 1989

New keywords are: HOLD, CRASH, DIRECT, and TRUNC, explained above. Use
TRUNC with caution. It will tell Opus/Binkley to make a file 0 length after
sending it. Although not listed, NORM is interchangeable with DIRECT.

It is also no longer necessary to use '-d' or '-s' for each net/node
address. If the keyword is STOP, Omail.Com the flags don't mean anything
anyway. If the keyword is POLL, GET, SEND, or TRUNC, if you don't use a
'-x' flag, Omail.Com will assume a DIRECT flag. So the following are

Omail send somefile.ext -d119/5
Omail send somefile.ext 119/5

Omail STOP now deletes an existing *.$$? file for that address before
creating the *.$$5 file. This was causing problems if there was a *.$$1 in
place already. Opus wouldn't pick up the *.$$5 file.

Additions to OMAIL 3.0 April 2, 1989

Added UPDATE to do update requests, KILL to delete a file after it has been
sent, and QLO files for Binkley Term. The addition of QLO files was
suggested by Steve Barnes, but I have to admit I have no idea what it does.

Both UPDATE and KILL will work with wildcards, so be careful!


You are welcome to use this program in any legal and friendly manner you
may wish so long as no money changes hands in its distribution. If you'd
like to contribute something in appreciation for the effort in keeping
OMAIL updated, you might send $10-$15 as a donation. This is NOT required.

Doug Boone FidoNet 119/5
(916) 893-9019 data
(916) 891-0748 voice
P.O. Box 5108
Chico, CA 95928


  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : BINKTERM.ZIP
Filename : OMAIL.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: