Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : BGFAX136.ZIP
Filename : BGFAX.CNF

Output of file : BGFAX.CNF contained in archive : BGFAX136.ZIP
; this file is ONLY required for people using /host, /send, /init or /ring
; people using rear end mode call bgfax as BGFAX /Fxxx and do not need this
; remember to set an environment variable BGFAX equal to the directory
; e.g., in your AUTOEXEC.BAT... SET BGFAX=C:\BGFAX
; po ... port, number 1 through 4 or hex base address and IRQ in the
; format po=3f8x12 for non-standard port configurations, also,
; if a ! follows the port, po=2!, means don't shift to 19200
; ft ... fax type (Z for ZFAX, Q for Quick Link II format)
; sp ... DTE locked port speed
; rp ... receive path where incoming faxes are put
;------------------------- generic setup ------------------------
;---------------------- fax send mode setup ---------------------
id=713 555 1212
; some people are unable to correctly send faxes without adding the
; &K4 in their dial string (this forces XON/XOFF flow control)
fh=To: %to21% From: %fr42% %mo2%/%dy2%/%yr2% %hr2%:%mi2% Pg %pg2%/%mp2%
fr=Name or Company Name (713-555-1212)
; id ... your id string to be presented to the receiving fax machine
; ss ... special send strings, if you need to use them
; ds ... dial string (bgfax will append telephone number)
; dt ... maximum number of seconds for timeout on dialing
; mb ... maximum of busy signals before abort
; sw ... seconds to wait before redialing
; fh ... fax top of page header template, see documentation for details
; fr ... company name put into %frNN% field if no command line override
;------------------ initialization strings ---------------------

; tc ... string bgfax sends to modem when finished (all /modes)
; bu ... string to busy out modem for events/local logon (/HOST only)
; in ... initialization string (up to five allowed) (/HOST /SEND /INIT)

; ri ... number of rings to answer phone
; uncomment the next line if you want to use rockwell caller id

; the next two lines are for Class 2 modems (Supra, PPI, Zoom)
in=AT+FCR=1;+FLID="713 555 1212";+FDCC=1,3,0,2,0,0,0,0

; uncomment the next two lines for a Class 1 modem (Hayes 288, Supra LC)

; uncomment the next three lines for a Class 2.0 modem (USR v.32terbo/VFC)
;in=AT+FLI="713 555 1212"+FNR=1,1,1

; uncomment the next three lines if you are using a ZyXEL modem
;in=AT#P713 555 1212

;--------------- specialized settings for /HOST mode ---------------
do=Please press the [Esc] key to load the bulletin board.
lo=Loading the bulletin board. Please wait.
; if you are running wildcat!, uncomment the ec=MNP line
ts=Calls are not accepted below 2400 bps. Sorry.
; in ... initialization strings, up to 5 in= entries allowed
; an ... modem answer string
; do ... string that tells user to press [Esc], if "do=" it will
; automatically begin loading the BBS, do= can also be a filename
; lo ... string that is displayed after user hits [Esc], can be a filename
; ec ... string passed to BBS when on error free call, if "ec="
; it will pass the "/xxx" in "CONNECT 14400/xxx"
; sl ... slowest DCE real data rate allowed
; ts ... string shown to users who are calling too slow
; cm ... crash mail string for GT Power sysops
; ky ... alt-key, errorlevel to exit on when waiting for calls
; pi ... pid number, if your are running a multi-node bbs, this is node num
; ev ... events (time comma errorlevel), up to 20 ev= entries allowed

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : BGFAX136.ZIP
Filename : BGFAX.CNF

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: