Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : BDOS259B.ZIP
Filename : BINKLEY.LNG

Output of file : BINKLEY.LNG contained in archive : BDOS259B.ZIP
¤Û.Diai{i˜i·ièiii$i1iCiTizi˜iªiÄiÈiÍiñiiNimi’i©iÅiÝiøii/iGibijiii«i×iíiþi i. i3 iD iW in i… i– i§ i» i× i
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i)iDi\i‹i¾iìiiJiRihi‰i˜i«i¿i×iëiýiiii*i6iBiNiZiaiyi‚i§iÊiìii>ipi‚i”i·iØiôiiPi~i—iži¯iðiii$i;iYini…i—i i­iÂiÓiçiëiîiüii%i6iFiMigiŠii­iÞiïi
i*i4i[i}iŒi¦iÌièii1iDiKiQiziŠi“i›i¤i¶iÖiÝiâiêiõii4iVieiti‡i¯iÖiÞiçiëiöiÿii iii i'i-iCi…iÁiâiii1iIi‰iÄiåi i# iB il i‡ i¡ i¿ iÆ iÏ iÞ iñ iû i!i !i8!iJ!iO!iT!id!i~!i‹!i£!i´!iÀ!iÚ!iô!i "i/"ia"i£"ió"i;#i#iË#i$i]$i¥$iì$i5%iS%ip%i¦%iì%i6&iu&iÁ&i'iJ'i™'iÞ'i(i(in(i³(i¶(iü(iÿ(i()iA)i)iÉ)ið)i*i(*iB*ij*i*iž*iÀ*iâ*iö*i+i9+iR+ii+i£+iÅ+iå+i,i*,i6,iD,iK,i|,i–,iµ,iÒ,iù,iþ,i -i!-i6-iZ-iv-i˜-iº-iÜ-iç-iò-i
/i /i;/iG/i`/iu/i…/i•/i©/iÃ/iÞ/iø/i0i)0iB0i\0iv0iƒ0i0iœ0i¨0iÏ0iþ0i1i%1il1iª1iç1i"2iD2i‰2iÔ2ië2i!3iQ3iƒ3i¬3iÈ3ií3i4i:Dialing %s with script '%s'!Could not open script %s+Master script timer expired+Script '%s' failed at line %d!Revision 3 FOSSIL does not support BREAK signal!Too many labels in scriptMacro numberis out of range 1-9Shell numberIllegal zone: %s
Requests AllowedLogLevel must be 1-5 - %s is unknown
Ridiculous MAXport value: %s
Illegal port: %s
Illegal CARRIER mask: %s
keycallUnknown or illegal config line: %s
Directory '%s' does not exist!
BinkleyTerm may fail to execute properly because of this!

Press to enter BBS.

Processing Mail. Please hang up.

+Nothing to send to %s!Connection attempt aborted#Modem hang up sequence:No outgoing file requests:Outbound file requests:End of outbound file requests*File Requests declined

Address %s Using %s %s
Intro: *Remote didn't respond*Lost Carrier*Password-protected session!Password Error from %s: His='%s' Ours='%s'!Called %s and got %s:Session method:*End of WaZOO/EMSI Session Sending Mail PacketOpen Keyboard Escape File %s truncated+Dupe file renamed: %s Open Character Device Too many errors File %s deleted Transfer cancelled!Couldn't open CTL file: %sDarn! The FOSSIL seems to have gone away! ExitingCannot re-open logfileFOSSIL: FOSSIL: Revision Level 3 Assumed:Starting Event %d#Exit at start of event with errorlevel %d#Running clean/pack sequence#System re-enabled after clean/pack sequence!Date rollover problem?:Exiting to BBS with Errorlevel %u:Spawning BBS:Returned from BBS:Exiting to external mailer with Errorlevel %u#Setting baud to %u*Remote UsesVersionProgram*Sending mail using FTS-0001 compatible fallback*Refusing inbound file requests!Tired of waiting for other end.*End of FTS-0001 compatible session*Receiving mail using FTS-0001 compatible fallback*Giving mail to %s*Node %s refused to pickup mail!Memory overflow errorOutboundFile Attaches*Making file requestEnd of*Receiving inbound mail*Pickup is turned off - refusing mail.InboundMail Packet!Password Error assumed!Mail Packet '%s' cannot be renamed!Mail Packet renamed to '%s'Can't find protocol module:Duplicate protocol name:*Processing node %s -- %s!Couldn't find Address: %s!Disconnecting nuisance caller!No BOSS in the nodelist!Unable to open %s!Unable to allocate memory for Nodelist Index!Failed to read nodelist index into memory!Unable to position to node record in %s!Not able to read node record from %sFile Requests:%d matching files sent!Bad Bark Request Data - streaming garbage!Bad crc - trying again!System misconfigured or no entry in Nodelist Event %d - Waiting:Incoming call, dial abortedDynamic Event:Exit requested from keyboard:Function key exit - errorlevel %d Disabling Modem:Invoking Message Reader:Message Reader returned to BinkleyTerm Enabling Modem!No Message Reader to invoke!Could not do GET!Could not do KILL:Entering POLL Mode:Poll completed!Could not do SEND:Keyboard request to enter terminal mode:Polling Boss Node:Executing keyboard shell %d:Returning from keyboard shell!No keyboard shell %d Junk character from keyboard - continuing:Shelling to Command Interpreter
Type EXIT to return to BinkleyTerm
:BinkleyTerm Reactivated!Calls not permitted during this event. Immediate call requested
Please enter a net/node number: Currently Polling Node Init WaitingDialingHangUp Connect:Dialing %sEnding time wraps through midnight - not allowed
'%s' has an invalid START-TIME
'%s' has an invalid END-TIME
'%s' has bad AvgWait (higher than max of 1800 or less than min of 0)
'%s' has a bad Errorlevel code
'%s' has a bad number of Tries
'%s' has something indecipherable
'%s' has an invalid DAY field
Nothing in Outbound AreaNode Files Size Status!Insufficient data for session+End of connection attempt!Still have mail for %s:Exit after compressed mail with errorlevel %d:Exit after file extension '%s' with errorlevel %d:Exit after receiving mail with errorlevel %d:Received mail, running 'AfterMail' program#Re-enabling system following 'AfterMail' programSetting to initial speed of baud. Press Alt-F10 for HELP.
Multi-Tasker: Current Settings Today at a Glance Pending Outbound Mail Initializing System Recent Activity Transfer Status Event:Port: Status: InitBBS/Mail: Calls Out: Good/Cost: Files I/O: Last: Press Alt-F10 For Help Node: %s!Password override for outgoing call
**Zmodem Autodownload initiated

**Zmodem Autodownload finished

BinkleyTerm now communicating at
Please enter a phone (or net/node) number:
Unable to force carrier drop by dropping DTR!

Welcome back!

Log file name:
BinkleyTerm now in MAILER mode
BinkleyTerm now in MANUAL mode

BinkleyTerm now using COM
BinkleyTerm is ready to SEND a file...
Which Protocol do you want BinkleyTerm to use?

BinkleyTerm is ready to RECEIVE a file...

Sending BREAK signal

You are using Sorry. I don't know that protocol, returning to terminal mode.
Filename to SEND: OK....Choose! Filename to GET:
Logfile %s closed.

Could not open logfile %s

Logfile %s open.
:Connection terminatedSwitching back toPolling: GET a File Address to GET from:Password to use:Are you sure (Y/N)?YesNo SEND a File Address to SEND to: KILL outbound mail Address to KILL:Kill ALL mail? !drats!No Send - Remote Hung Up+Corrected %d errors in %ld blocks+Sent+Synchronizing to Offset %ld!Temporary receive file '%s' could not be opened+Already have %s+Synchronizing to End of File+Synchronizing to Offset %ld+Received!Original name of %s could not be used!EOT not expected until block %ld*Remote SystemUNKNOWN - FTS-0001 MailerSystem Initializing. Please wait...

Unrecognized option: %s

Thanks for using %s,
Another fine User-DEVELOPED software package!
+Remote refused %s!ErrorCan't+CPS: %lu (%lu bytes) Efficiency: %lu%%Compressed MailNet FileElapsedTrouble?Resending from %sSend %ld blks of %s (%ld bytes)UpdateFileRequest:Executing!Carrier lost, request(s) aborted!File Request limit exceeded!Event Overrun - requests aborted!No AVAIL list!No ABOUT file!OKFILE Error `%s'!Request password error: '%s' '%s' '%s'Rcv %ld blks of %s from %s (%ld bytes)TimeoutChecksumCRCJunk Blockon blockFindReadSeekShort BlockCloseUnlinkWriteSKIP command receivedF1 ... F10 = input phone number, (ENTER) = start, (ESC) = abort
ALT-Fn = load saved set (n), Shift-Fn = save into set (n)
User set last loaded/saved: %d
Phone Numbers currently Selected:

Input Command: Element Chosen = %2d
Currently contains %s
(ENTER) = save, (space)(ENTER) = delete, or enter new number:
(ENTER) or (space)(ENTER) = cancel, or enter new number:
Error reading data from set %d
Error closing file for set %d
Set %d successfully loaded.
Error writing data to set %d
Current list of numbers saved to set %d
Press ENTER to continue...#Starting Phone List Scan#Connected to list element %dDebrisLong pkt!Ignoring `%s'!Out of disk spaceReceiving!Zmodem Init Problem %sbad position!Zmodem Recv Problem %sBad packet at %ldSendRecv!Other end died!Dropping to one-way xfer+Refusing %s!Unknown packet type %d!Session aborted#Sending %s!Can't decode file length*Finished partial file %s*Saving partial file %s*Remote can't handle file requestsYou now have BinkleyTerm in DUMB TERMINAL mode.
In DUMB TERMINAL mode the following special keys are enabled:

Alt-B Cycle baud rate Alt-C Change communications parameters
Alt-D Dial a system Alt-E Erase the current screen
Alt-H Hang up by dropping DTR Alt-I Initialize the modem
Alt-J Jump to Command Shell Alt-L Start/stop logging to a file
Alt-M Manual poll Alt-P Cycle communications port
Alt-R Redial from a 'scan list' Alt-S Send BREAK signal to port
Alt-U Go to UNATTENDED MAILER mode Alt-V Show BinkleyTerm version
Alt-X Exit BinkleyTerm Alt-Y Call boss node for mail
PgUp Send a file (UPLOAD) PgDn Receive a file (DOWNLOAD)
Alt-F%-2d Macro string '%s'

Press a key to continue...You now have BinkleyTerm in UNATTENDED MAILER mode.
In UNATTENDED MAILER mode the following special keys are enabled:

C Make next call (if any) now Alt-C Clear "Today at a Glance"
Alt-B Blank the screen immediately Alt-W Redraw screen.
Alt-I Initialize the modem Alt-A Send answer string to modem
Alt-M Manually POLL a node Alt-Y Poll Boss Node
Alt-Q Quit the current event Alt-R Restart nonforced events
Alt-T Shift to DUMB TERMINAL mode Alt-X Exit BinkleyTerm, errorlevel 1
Alt-J Push to Command Shell Alt-Z Zoom Outbound window
F1..F10 Exit BinkleyTerm with errorlevel (10*n) (F1=10,etc)

Alt-S Send file(s) to a node Alt-G Get(Request) file(s) from node
Alt-K Kill all mail to a node Alt-P Queue a poll to node

PGUP/PGDN, UP/DOWN ARROW, HOME, and END scroll the 'Pending' window

Alt-E Execute '%s' as message editor
Alt-F%-2d Execute '%s'
I'm sorry, there doesn't appear to be a FOSSIL driver loaded.
BinkleyTerm requires a FOSSIL driver. Please take care of this before
attempting to run BinkleyTerm again.
!Could not create temp flagfile %s Created flagfile %s Other node sending to %s!Erroneous attempt to clear flag for %s Deleted flagfile %s!Unable to delete flag file %s!Exceeded file request byte limit Nodelist index refresh necessaryCouldn't set SIGINT Modem protocol negotiation filteredEvent %d starts in %d minutesFlags for next event: %sUnread Netmail Pending*Session with %s Time: %02ld:%02ld:%02ld Cost: $%ld.%02ld!Exceeded file request time limit'%s' has a bad Queue Size code
Unable to allocate space for event records, exiting!
+begin, %s %s+end, %s %s Poll a Node Poll: !No common session protocol, attempting FTS-0001:Spawning external mailer:Returned from external mailer#Forced exit - errorlevel %uCrash, Hold, Direct, Normal (C/H/D/N)?CHDN:EMSI method:*End of EMSI Session>Processing: %s (%s) Scanning %ld files (step %d) in %s!Security mismatch: %d < %dSending EMSI-Handshake-Packet Receiving EMSI-Handshake-Packet Waiting for EMSI-Handshake-PacketEMSI-Recv EMSI-Send >EMSI-Packet incomplete?Packet doesn't start with 'EMSI':Exit after FAX reception with errorlevel %dPlease wait... Node Files Bytes Age Calls Bad Status Zoomed Pending Outbound Mail Node is busy... Change Mail for %s to %s Stop mail for %s Delete call count for %s Poll Node Delete requests for %s Change Destination Appending %s...Renaming %s... Error appending %s!Deleted old call count! Marking as a no-send! Cant' open $$5 file! Node ( for tagged):Can't open CLO file! Created CLO file! Can't delete requests! Requests deleted! New Address:mail attachrequest filemail packetCrash, Direct, Normal, Quit (C/D/N/Q)?Crash, Hold, Direct, Normal, Quit (C/H/D/N/Q)?More requests? (Y/N)More sends? (Y/N)A Readdress mail [Alt/] G Get (request) File(s)C/D/H/N Crash/Direct/Hold/Normal [Alt/] S Send File(s)I Reset Dial Tries [Alt/] P Poll a nodeR Kill requests T Stop mailK Kill all mail to nodePage UP/DN Scroll Up/Down 1 Page UP/DN Arrow Move Up/Down 1 LineHOME Move to top of list END Move to end of list Cannot re-open logfile Received: %d/%ld Sent: %d/%ld Total: %d/%ld CPS: %ld*Seconds: %ld Tariff: %d Fee: %ld System: %s:Inbound request file %s.REQ received as %s.R%02x
**Hydra session initiated (AutoStart)

**Hydra session finished
*Start external mail session with %s*End external mail session with %s(UNREGISTERED)ý0ý.ýýýý# ý !ý"ý#ý20ýQ1ýI2ý&3ýƒAýhBýiCýjDýkEýlFýmGýnHýoIýpPýQýqRý/`ýaý-bý$FþþþCþcþþ2þþþþ-!þ;"þ<#þ=$þ>%þ?&þ@'þA(þB)þC*þD0þ$1þh2þi3þj4þk5þl6þm7þn8þo9þp@þ"AþBþ%Cþ,eþAeþafþCfþcgþDgþdhþGhþgiþHiþhjþIjþidþKdþkkþNkþnlþPlþpmþRmþrnþSnþsoþToþtPþqQþ0Rþ`þ.aþbþpþPqþHrþQsþItþGuþOÚüÁiôÁiÂiôÁiÂiÂiÂiôÁiÂi%Âi,Âi5Âi9ÂiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiCÂiôÁiKÂiTÂiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁi[ÂidÂiôÁiôÁipÂivÂiÂi‰ÂiôÁi”ÂiÂiôÁi¥Âi³Âi½ÂiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiÉÂiôÁiÐÂiÕÂiÝÂièÂiôÁiôÁiôÁiðÂiõÂiþÂiôÁiÃi
ÄiôÁiôÁiôÁiÄiôÁiÄi'Äi0ÄiôÁi9ÄiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiEÄiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiNÄiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiVÄi`ÄiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiiÄiôÁiôÁiuÄiyÄiôÁiÄiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiÄi–ÄiŸÄiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁi¨Äi±Äi¾ÄiôÁiÅÄiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiôÁiUnknownFidoSEAdogSlick-150OpusDutchieTabbyHosterWolf/68kQMMFrontDoorMailManGS-PointBGMailD'BridgeBinkleyTermDaisyPolar BearThe-BoxSTARGate/2TCOMMailBanannaApple-NetmailChameleonMajik BoardDomainRoseParagonBinkley/STStarNetPBBSTrapDoorWelmatOdieQuick GimmedbLinkBeagleIgorTIMSIsisAirMailBIX-MailLora-CBISTDCSInterMailQBoxMailMerlinrfmailPC-RAINTruffleWhite PointerPortal of PowerMacWoofHandyMailRiBBSSWIFTHarry the Dirty DogFone-LinkDoorManSCREAMMoonMailMailLinkBlack StarPTUltiMailFoodoBoston BBSXenoMailXenoLinkMilqueToastCommLinkNextBBSProMailerMegaMailArc-BinkleyNMSBBCSCANLoTek VzrulHerculesAMPRGATEBinkEMSIParadiseDogMatic-ACBT-MailMainDoor;OP<OQ=Ow>Ox?Ot@OuAOqBOrCOpDOpHKMPTORUOSVOyWOmXOvYOlZOs[OM\On]OM

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : BDOS259B.ZIP
Filename : BINKLEY.LNG

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: