Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : BDOS259B.ZIP
Filename : BINKLEY.LNG
iii0i_isiiiiÁiái i& iY il i i£ i¬ iº iÏ iÖ iî i
ii$i7ieii¹ißiíii0iHivii§iµiÓiöii iHiXiuiii®i¾iÑiúi
i)iDi\ii¾iìiiJiRihiii«i¿i×iëiýiiii*i6iBiNiZiaiyii§iÊiìii>ipiii·iØiôiiPi~iii¯iðiii$i;iYini ii iiÂiÓiçiëiîiüii%i6iFiMigiiiiÞiïi
i*i4i[i}ii¦iÌièii1iDiKiQiziiii¤i¶iÖiÝiâiêiõii4iVieitii¯iÖiÞiçiëiöiÿii iii i'i-iCi iÁiâiii1iIiiÄiåi i# iB il i i¡ i¿ iÆ iÏ iÞ iñ iû i!i !i8!iJ!iO!iT!id!i~!i!i£!i´!iÀ!iÚ!iô!i "i/"ia"i£"ió"i;#i#iË#i$i]$i¥$iì$i5%iS%ip%i¦%iì%i6&iu&iÁ&i 'iJ'i'iÞ'i(i(in(i³(i¶(iü(iÿ(i()iA)i)iÉ)ið)i*i(*iB*ij*i*i*iÀ*iâ*iö*i+i9+iR+ii+i£+iÅ+iå+i,i*,i6,iD,iK,i|,i,iµ,iÒ,iù,iþ,i -i!-i6-iZ-iv-i-iº-iÜ-iç-iò-i
/i /i;/iG/i`/iu/i /i/i©/iÃ/iÞ/iø/i0i)0iB0i\0iv0i0i0i0i¨0iÏ0iþ0i1i%1il1iª1iç1i"2iD2i2iÔ2ië2i!3iQ3i3i¬3iÈ3ií3i4i:Dialing %s with script '%s' !Could not open script %s +Master script timer expired +Script '%s' failed at line %d !Revision 3 FOSSIL does not support BREAK signal !Too many labels in script Macro number is out of range 1-9 Shell number Illegal zone: %s
Requests Allowed LogLevel must be 1-5 - %s is unknown
Ridiculous MAXport value: %s
Illegal port: %s
Illegal CARRIER mask: %s
key call Unknown or illegal config line: %s
Directory '%s' does not exist!
BinkleyTerm may fail to execute properly because of this!
Processing Mail. Please hang up.
+Nothing to send to %s !Connection attempt aborted #Modem hang up sequence :No outgoing file requests :Outbound file requests :End of outbound file requests *File Requests declined
Address %s Using %s %s
Intro: *Remote didn't respond *Lost Carrier *Password-protected session !Password Error from %s: His='%s' Ours='%s' !Called %s and got %s :Session method: *End of WaZOO/EMSI Session Sending Mail Packet Open Keyboard Escape File %s truncated +Dupe file renamed: %s Open Character Device Too many errors File %s deleted Transfer cancelled !Couldn't open CTL file: %s Darn! The FOSSIL seems to have gone away! Exiting Cannot re-open logfile FOSSIL: FOSSIL: Revision Level 3 Assumed :Starting Event %d #Exit at start of event with errorlevel %d #Running clean/pack sequence #System re-enabled after clean/pack sequence !Date rollover problem? :Exiting to BBS with Errorlevel %u :Spawning BBS :Returned from BBS :Exiting to external mailer with Errorlevel %u #Setting baud to %u *Remote Uses Version Program *Sending mail using FTS-0001 compatible fallback *Refusing inbound file requests !Tired of waiting for other end. *End of FTS-0001 compatible session *Receiving mail using FTS-0001 compatible fallback *Giving mail to %s *Node %s refused to pickup mail !Memory overflow error Outbound File Attaches *Making file request End of *Receiving inbound mail *Pickup is turned off - refusing mail. Inbound Mail Packet !Password Error assumed !Mail Packet '%s' cannot be renamed !Mail Packet renamed to '%s' Can't find protocol module: Duplicate protocol name: *Processing node %s -- %s !Couldn't find Address: %s !Disconnecting nuisance caller !No BOSS in the nodelist !Unable to open %s !Unable to allocate memory for Nodelist Index !Failed to read nodelist index into memory !Unable to position to node record in %s !Not able to read node record from %s File Requests :%d matching files sent !Bad Bark Request Data - streaming garbage !Bad crc - trying again !System misconfigured or no entry in Nodelist Event %d - Waiting :Incoming call, dial aborted Dynamic Event :Exit requested from keyboard :Function key exit - errorlevel %d Disabling Modem :Invoking Message Reader :Message Reader returned to BinkleyTerm Enabling Modem !No Message Reader to invoke !Could not do GET !Could not do KILL :Entering POLL Mode :Poll completed !Could not do SEND :Keyboard request to enter terminal mode :Polling Boss Node :Executing keyboard shell %d :Returning from keyboard shell !No keyboard shell %d Junk character from keyboard - continuing :Shelling to Command Interpreter
Type EXIT to return to BinkleyTerm
:BinkleyTerm Reactivated !Calls not permitted during this event. Immediate call requested
Please enter a net/node number: Currently Polling Node Init Waiting Dialing HangUp Connect :Dialing %s Ending time wraps through midnight - not allowed
'%s' has an invalid START-TIME
'%s' has an invalid END-TIME
'%s' has bad AvgWait (higher than max of 1800 or less than min of 0)
'%s' has a bad Errorlevel code
'%s' has a bad number of Tries
'%s' has something indecipherable
'%s' has an invalid DAY field
Nothing in Outbound Area Node Files Size Status !Insufficient data for session +End of connection attempt !Still have mail for %s :Exit after compressed mail with errorlevel %d :Exit after file extension '%s' with errorlevel %d :Exit after receiving mail with errorlevel %d :Received mail, running 'AfterMail' program #Re-enabling system following 'AfterMail' program Setting to initial speed of baud. Press Alt-F10 for HELP.
Multi-Tasker: Current Settings Today at a Glance Pending Outbound Mail Initializing System Recent Activity Transfer Status Event: Port: Status: Init BBS/Mail: Calls Out: Good/Cost: Files I/O: Last: Press Alt-F10 For Help Node: %s !Password override for outgoing call
**Zmodem Autodownload initiated
**Zmodem Autodownload finished
BinkleyTerm now communicating at
Please enter a phone (or net/node) number:
Unable to force carrier drop by dropping DTR!
Welcome back!
Log file name:
BinkleyTerm now in MAILER mode
BinkleyTerm now in MANUAL mode
BinkleyTerm now using COM
BinkleyTerm is ready to SEND a file...
Which Protocol do you want BinkleyTerm to use?
BinkleyTerm is ready to RECEIVE a file...
Sending BREAK signal
You are using Sorry. I don't know that protocol, returning to terminal mode.
Filename to SEND: OK....Choose! Filename to GET:
Logfile %s closed.
Could not open logfile %s
Logfile %s open.
:Connection terminated Switching back to Polling: GET a File Address to GET from: Password to use: Are you sure (Y/N)? Yes No SEND a File Address to SEND to: KILL outbound mail Address to KILL: Kill ALL mail? !drats !No Send - Remote Hung Up +Corrected %d errors in %ld blocks +Sent +Synchronizing to Offset %ld !Temporary receive file '%s' could not be opened +Already have %s +Synchronizing to End of File +Synchronizing to Offset %ld +Received !Original name of %s could not be used !EOT not expected until block %ld *Remote System UNKNOWN - FTS-0001 Mailer System Initializing. Please wait...
Unrecognized option: %s
Thanks for using %s,
Another fine User-DEVELOPED software package!
+Remote refused %s !Error Can't +CPS: %lu (%lu bytes) Efficiency: %lu%% Compressed Mail Net File Elapsed Trouble? Resending from %s Send %ld blks of %s (%ld bytes) Update File Request :Executing !Carrier lost, request(s) aborted !File Request limit exceeded !Event Overrun - requests aborted !No AVAIL list !No ABOUT file !OKFILE Error `%s' !Request password error: '%s' '%s' '%s' Rcv %ld blks of %s from %s (%ld bytes) Timeout Checksum CRC Junk Block on block Find Read Seek Short Block Close Unlink Write SKIP command received F1 ... F10 = input phone number, (ENTER) = start, (ESC) = abort
ALT-Fn = load saved set (n), Shift-Fn = save into set (n)
User set last loaded/saved: %d
Phone Numbers currently Selected:
Input Command: Element Chosen = %2d
Currently contains %s
(ENTER) = save, (space)(ENTER) = delete, or enter new number:
(ENTER) or (space)(ENTER) = cancel, or enter new number:
Error reading data from set %d
Error closing file for set %d
Set %d successfully loaded.
Error writing data to set %d
Current list of numbers saved to set %d
Press ENTER to continue... #Starting Phone List Scan #Connected to list element %d Debris Long pkt !Ignoring `%s' !Out of disk space Receiving !Zmodem Init Problem %s bad position !Zmodem Recv Problem %s Bad packet at %ld Send Recv !Other end died !Dropping to one-way xfer +Refusing %s !Unknown packet type %d !Session aborted #Sending %s !Can't decode file length *Finished partial file %s *Saving partial file %s *Remote can't handle file requests You now have BinkleyTerm in DUMB TERMINAL mode.
In DUMB TERMINAL mode the following special keys are enabled:
Alt-B Cycle baud rate Alt-C Change communications parameters
Alt-D Dial a system Alt-E Erase the current screen
Alt-H Hang up by dropping DTR Alt-I Initialize the modem
Alt-J Jump to Command Shell Alt-L Start/stop logging to a file
Alt-M Manual poll Alt-P Cycle communications port
Alt-R Redial from a 'scan list' Alt-S Send BREAK signal to port
Alt-U Go to UNATTENDED MAILER mode Alt-V Show BinkleyTerm version
Alt-X Exit BinkleyTerm Alt-Y Call boss node for mail
PgUp Send a file (UPLOAD) PgDn Receive a file (DOWNLOAD)
Alt-F%-2d Macro string '%s'
Press a key to continue... You now have BinkleyTerm in UNATTENDED MAILER mode.
In UNATTENDED MAILER mode the following special keys are enabled:
C Make next call (if any) now Alt-C Clear "Today at a Glance"
Alt-B Blank the screen immediately Alt-W Redraw screen.
Alt-I Initialize the modem Alt-A Send answer string to modem
Alt-M Manually POLL a node Alt-Y Poll Boss Node
Alt-Q Quit the current event Alt-R Restart nonforced events
Alt-T Shift to DUMB TERMINAL mode Alt-X Exit BinkleyTerm, errorlevel 1
Alt-J Push to Command Shell Alt-Z Zoom Outbound window
F1..F10 Exit BinkleyTerm with errorlevel (10*n) (F1=10,etc)
Alt-S Send file(s) to a node Alt-G Get(Request) file(s) from node
Alt-K Kill all mail to a node Alt-P Queue a poll to node
PGUP/PGDN, UP/DOWN ARROW, HOME, and END scroll the 'Pending' window
Alt-E Execute '%s' as message editor
Alt-F%-2d Execute '%s'
I'm sorry, there doesn't appear to be a FOSSIL driver loaded.
BinkleyTerm requires a FOSSIL driver. Please take care of this before
attempting to run BinkleyTerm again.
!Could not create temp flagfile %s Created flagfile %s Other node sending to %s !Erroneous attempt to clear flag for %s Deleted flagfile %s !Unable to delete flag file %s !Exceeded file request byte limit Nodelist index refresh necessary Couldn't set SIGINT Modem protocol negotiation filtered Event %d starts in %d minutes Flags for next event: %s Unread Netmail Pending *Session with %s Time: %02ld:%02ld:%02ld Cost: $%ld.%02ld !Exceeded file request time limit '%s' has a bad Queue Size code
Unable to allocate space for event records, exiting!
+begin, %s %s +end, %s %s Poll a Node Poll: !No common session protocol, attempting FTS-0001 :Spawning external mailer :Returned from external mailer #Forced exit - errorlevel %u Crash, Hold, Direct, Normal (C/H/D/N)? CHDN :EMSI method: *End of EMSI Session >Processing: %s (%s) Scanning %ld files (step %d) in %s !Security mismatch: %d < %d Sending EMSI-Handshake-Packet Receiving EMSI-Handshake-Packet Waiting for EMSI-Handshake-Packet EMSI-Recv EMSI-Send >EMSI-Packet incomplete ?Packet doesn't start with 'EMSI' :Exit after FAX reception with errorlevel %d Please wait... Node Files Bytes Age Calls Bad Status Zoomed Pending Outbound Mail Node is busy... Change Mail for %s to %s Stop mail for %s Delete call count for %s Poll Node Delete requests for %s Change Destination Appending %s... Renaming %s... Error appending %s! Deleted old call count! Marking as a no-send! Cant' open $$5 file! Node (
**Hydra session initiated (AutoStart)
**Hydra session finished
*Start external mail session with %s *End external mail session with %s (UNREGISTERED) ý 0ý .ý ý ý ý # ý !ý "ý #ý 20ý Q1ý I2ý &3ý Aý hBý iCý jDý kEý lFý mGý nHý oIý pPý Qý qRý /`ý aý -bý $F þ þ þC þc þ þ 2þ þ þ þ -!þ ;"þ <#þ =$þ >%þ ?&þ