Dec 262017
A BBS Door, on-line Batman game for WWIV.
File BATMAN.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category BBS Files
A BBS Door, on-line Batman game for WWIV.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ARMOR.BAM 1056 285 deflated
BANK.BAM 631 257 deflated
BANK2.BAM 631 257 deflated
BATMAN.COM 49763 29262 deflated
BATMENU.BAM 805 244 deflated
BATROLL.BAT 242 163 deflated
BEECHS.DAT 1296 413 deflated
BEECHS2.DAT 1296 414 deflated
BULLETIN.BAM 234 163 deflated
CAVEMENU.BAM 250 179 deflated
CONVERT.BAM 186 104 deflated
CREDITS.BAM 44 42 deflated
CRIMINAL.BAM 730 223 deflated
DATES.BAM 421 224 deflated
DATES2.BAM 421 224 deflated
INSTRUCT.BAM 560 314 deflated
OPENING.BAM 204 116 deflated
README.1ST 369 247 deflated
SPELL.BAM 345 210 deflated
SPELL2.BAM 345 210 deflated
WEAPON.BAM 1114 281 deflated

Download File BATMAN.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.1ST file run the Batman on-line game, it must be in a
directory labeled chains\batman\ from your WWIV directory...Put
all batman files in this directory. To run this game from your
system, go to chainedit and type "chains\batman\batman %1"
That is all...If you have any problems whatsoever, contact me on
Spells of Darkness BBS, (619)436-4394. Thanx.

 December 26, 2017  Add comments

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