Dec 092017
APEX ver 4.0. Freeware message processor for users of SLMR, OLX and QMPro mail readers.

Full Description of File

Apex v4.0 Message Processor for SLMR, OLX and
QMPro mail readers! Definable quote headers,
quote boxes, time stamps, static taglines,
tagline variables, and more! A must have for
offline mail users. Freeware!

File APEX40.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category BBS Files
APEX ver 4.0. Freeware message processor for users of SLMR, OLX and QMPro mail readers.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
APEX.DOC 25362 8625 deflated
APEX.EXE 38528 16045 deflated
CONFIG.EXE 11856 6441 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 214 158 deflated
HEADERS.APX 402 197 deflated
README.1ST 887 517 deflated

Download File APEX40.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.1ST file

Apex v4.0 Message Processor for SLMR, OLX and
QMPro mail readers! Definable quote headers,
quote boxes, time stamps, static taglines,
tagline variables, and more! A must have for
offline mail users. Freeware!
Apex v4.0 Message Processor
(c)1993 Imperative Software, by Brandon Staggs

Note to users of any pervious version of Apex: ERASE THE OLD ONE. This is
NOTHING like it was before. There are new variables and stuff. There is also
a configuration file Apex requires. etc etc... Even though you've used Apex,
you still need to read the DOCs...

APEX IS FREEWARE. You are granted unlimited usage rights. As long as you do
not alter any files in the archive, and do not REMOVE any files from the
archive, you may distribute them as you want. See APEX.DOC for further

Here is the archive invoice. If any of these files are not in your APEX40
archive, notify your SysOp. If any of these files are missing, you are NOT
authorized to distribute Apex v4.0.


Thanks for using Apex.

 December 9, 2017  Add comments

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