Dec 052017
An excellent batch file enhancer with many great functions. If you write batch files, then you need this program.
File RONSET14.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Batch Files
An excellent batch file enhancer with many great functions. If you write batch files, then you need this program.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
RONSET.DOC 13586 4061 deflated
RONSET.EXE 38556 20002 deflated
RONSET.NEW 536 243 deflated

Download File RONSET14.ZIP Here

Contents of the RONSET.DOC file


Batch file enhancer
Copyright (C) Ron Bemis 1990
All rights reserved
Version 1.2

TBU is nice, but...

I wanted something better. I couldn't find it, so I wrote it myself. Here
it is - my idea of the ultimate batch file utility. It lets you set
environment variables to whatever you like... with brains. It does what
DOS should have done. This program is the equivalent of the internal DOS
SET command, but it's much more powerful. You can use it just like you use
SET, just don't include the equal sign '='.

Before you read any further, you should be forewarned that this document is
sketchy at best. So what else is new? People that know me have come to
expect that. Think of this as a reference guide. If someone wants to
write real documentation for this program, I'd be more than happy to hear
from you!

By the time you're done playing with this program, you should understand
what the following line does and how it works:

RONSET fname "low(hex(add(mult(65536,string(Net:,5)),string(Node:,5))).REQ)"

At least try each function by itself on the command line to see how they
work. Satisfy yourself that each function does work as you think it
should. I think there's about a zillion things you can do with this
program if you cut loose with the creative juices.

Happy batchin'.

Arithmetic functions
All arithmetic is done with 32-bit numbers.

returns the sum of the two values

returns the difference of the two values

returns the product of the two values

returns the quotient of the two values

returns 1 if x is equal to y, 0 otherwise

returns 1 if x is not equal to y, 0 otherwise

returns 1 if x is less than y, 0 otherwise

returns 1 if x is less than or equal to y, 0 otherwise

returns 1 if x is greater than y, 0 otherwise

returns 1 if x is greater than or equal to y, 0 otherwise

Binary functions
All arithmetic is done with 32-bit unsigned numbers.

returns the bitwise AND of x and y

returns the bitwise OR of x and y

returns the bitwise XOR of x and y

returns the 1's complement of x

returns the 8-digit hexidecimal equivalent of x

String functions

returns the decimal value of the first ASCII character of string

returns a string of concatinated strings

returns the length of 'string'

returns the leftmost 'size' characters of 'string'

returns 'size' characters of 'string', starting at 'loc'.

returns the rightmost 'size' characters of 'string'

returns 'string' in lowercase letters

returns 'string' in uppercase letters

returns the position of substring 'find' in 'string'
if 'find' is not found in 'string', 0 is returned
this search is case sensitive

returns 'string' with all occurances of 'old' changed to 'new'

Comparing strings

returns 1 if x is alphabetically equal to y, 0 otherwise

returns 1 if x is alphabetically not equal to y, 0 otherwise

returns 1 if x is alphabetically less than y, 0 otherwise

returns 1 if x is alphabetically less than or equal to y, 0 otherwise

returns 1 if x is alphabetically greater than y, 0 otherwise

returns 1 if x is alphabetically greater than or equal to y, 0 otherwise

returns 1 if 'string' is entirely alphabetic characters, 0 otherwise

returns 1 if 'string' is entirely numeric characters, 0 otherwise

Getting input

returns a single character entered from the keyboard
optional 'prompt' will be displayed to the screen
optional 'allowed' restricts input to specified characters
optional 'seconds' sets a timeout for entering a key
if 'seconds' is used, a timer displays on-screen during last 10 seconds
if timeout, user presses enter, esc, or ctrl-C, this returns nothing

returns a string as entered from the keyboard
optional 'prompt' will be displayed to the screen
optional 'maxlength' restricts input to 'maxlength' characters
default 'maxlength' if not specified is 80

Exit errorlevel
Normally RONSET exits with errorlevel 0. In the event of an error, it will
exit with errorlevel 255 after displaying an error message.

exit with errorlevel 'value' immediately
this does an immediate exit and doesn't set any environment variables
the command line environment variable is still required, but not used


returns the base filename and extension of 'fspec'
wildcards are not expanded
no check is made for the file's existance

returns only the base filename of 'fspec'
wildcards are not expanded
no check is made for the file's existance

returns only the extension of 'fspec'
wildcards are not expanded
no check is made for the file's existance

returns only the drive letter and ":" of 'fspec'
no check is made for the file's existance
no check is made to see if the drive is valid

returns only the directory path of 'fspec'
no check is made for the file's existance
no check is made to see if the directory path is valid

returns the fully-qualified filespec of 'fspec'
wildcards are not expanded
if 'fspec' is not specified, current drive and path are returned

returns the drive letter, ":" and current directory path of 'drive'
if 'drive' is not specified, current drive is returned

returns 1 if 'fpsec' exists, 0 otherwise
wildcards are allowed

returns the fully-qualified filespec of 'fspec'
if wildcards exist, they are expanded and the first match is returned
if 'fspec' is not specified, current drive and path are returned

returns the size of 'fspec'
if wildcards exist, the size of the first match is returned

returns the date of 'fspec'
if wildcards exist, the date of the first match is returned
the format is suitable for string comparisons against other file dates

returns 1 if 'fspec' contains wildcards, 0 otherwise


displays 'string' to the standard output
returns 'string'

executes 'doscommand' and returns the errorlevel

returns amount of free space on 'drive'
if 'drive' is not specified, current drive is assumed

returns total amount of space on 'drive'
if 'drive' is not specified, current drive is assumed

returns total amount of free memory
any arguments are ignored
this value does not include the memory used by RONSET

returns total environment space
any arguments are ignored

returns amount of free environment space
any arguments are ignored
this value is calculated before RONSET sets its variable

returns the DOS version number
if 'argument' is "major", the major number is returned (3)
if 'argument' is "minor", the minor number is returned (30)
if 'argument' is "both", both are returned (3.30)
if 'argument' is not specified, "both" is assumed

returns 'false' if the value of 'test' is 0, returns 'true' otherwise
if 'true' is not specified, nothing is returned when 'test' is non-zero
if 'false' is not specified, nothing is returned when 'test' is zero

These functions will probably be worthless to you unless you operate a node
in the FidoNet nodelist. An 'address' may have any of the following forms:
zone:net/node.point (full address)
zone:net/node (point 0 assumed)
net/node.point (same zone assumed)
net/node (same zone, point 0 assumed)
node.point (same zone and net assumed)
node (same zone and net, point 0 assumed)
.point (same zone, net and node assumed)

returns the zone portion of the specified address

returns the net portion of the specified address

returns the node portion of the specified address

returns the point portion of the specified address

returns the address of the specified name
'name' should be in the format "First Last" (without the quotes)
last name is optional
USERLIST.DOG is searched first if it exists, then FIDOUSER.LST
if BBS is defined, these files must be located there (SET BBS=C:\OPUS)
if BBS is undefined, these files must be in the current directory
most nodelist compilers can generate FIDOUSER.LST for you
each line in the file must be exactly the same length
both files must be sorted alphabetically

Date and time
The date() and time() functions work identically with one exception: if
there are no arguments, date() uses a default argument of "K, W d, Y", and
time() uses a default argument of "h:0m:0s". If arguments are included,
they are interpretted as follows:

j the julian (actually gregorian) date (1-366)
_j same as above, but space-padded on the left to three characters
0j same as above, but 0-padded on the left to three digits
the capital letter "J" may also be used instead of "j"

K the day of the week, spelled out (Sunday-Saturday)
k the first three letters of the day of the week (Sun-Sat)

x the day of the week, as a number (0-6)
the capital letter "X" may also be used instead of "x"

Y the full 4-digit year
y the last two digits of the year

M the month of the year, as a number (1-12)
_M same as above, but space-padded on the left to two characters
0M same as above, but 0-padded on the left to two digits

W the month of the year, spelled out (January-December)
w the first three letters of the month of the year (Jan-Dec)

d the date of the month (1-31)
_d same as above, but space-padded on the left to two characters
0d same as above, but 0-padded on the left to two digits
the capital letter "D" may also be used instead of "d"

h the hour (0-23 or 1-12) see note below
_h same as above, but space-padded on the left to two characters
0h same as above, but 0-padded on the left to two digits
the capital letter "H" may also be used instead of "h"

If the am/pm notation is used, the hour will be returned as a
number between 1 and 12. Otherwise, it will be returned as a
number between 0 and 23 (military time). In other words, if you
include an "a", "A", "p", or "P" anywhere in the date() or time()
arguments, you'll get something between 1 and 12. If you don't use
one of these, you'll get something between 0 and 23.

m the minute (0-59)
_m same as above, but space-padded on the left to two characters
0m same as above, but 0-padded on the left to two digits

s seconds (0-59)
_s same as above, but space-padded on the left to two characters
0s same as above, but 0-padded on the left to two digits
the capital letter "S" may also be used instead of "s"

a am/pm notation (am-pm)
any of the letters "A", "p", or "P" may also be used instead of "a"
The use of this argument causes a change in the way the hours are
displayed. See the note above.

"_" and "0" may be used only as prefixes on the arguments indicated above.
If they are used elsewhere in the argument string they are ignored. All
other characters in the argument are copied as-is into the output string.

I hope you'll enjoy this program, and I also hope that you'll consider
sending in a registration if you like it. Please let me know if you find
something that doesn't work like you think it should. Also, please let me
know if you think of any enhancements for this program.

- Ron Bemis, FidoNet 124/1113, 214-213-3841

RONSET is shareware! That means that if you use it on a regular basis, you
must pay for it. You are hereby granted a limited licence to use this
program for a period of one month. At the end of this month, you must
either register this program or discontinue its use. This program may NOT
be used in a business, for-profit organization, or corporate environment
without first being registered. Registration price for this program is $20
per machine. Registrations should be mailed to:

Ron Bemis
9601 Forest Ln #222
Dallas, TX 75243

 December 5, 2017  Add comments

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