Dec 062017
Several extremely powerful global DOS functions like delete all matching files with wildcards and delete all files in a subdirectory without confirmation. Work well in batch files.
File RENEXDOS.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Batch Files
Several extremely powerful global DOS functions like delete all matching files with wildcards and delete all files in a subdirectory without confirmation. Work well in batch files.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CLEAR.EXE 16672 4084 deflated
KOPY.EXE 64128 7759 deflated
MOVE.EXE 63616 7594 deflated
RATS.EXE 15264 4138 deflated
RDU.EXE 48144 6875 deflated
READ.ME 1448 628 deflated
RF.EXE 5632 3669 deflated
RKILL.EXE 5632 3525 deflated

Download File RENEXDOS.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

The Renex DOS Utilities:

RF.EXEExtended file find program. Finds multiple filespecs, across
multiple disks, etc. Run with no parameters for directions.

RKILL.EXEExtended file delete program. Same as RF.EXE, but deletes the
files it finds. Run with no parameters for directions.

KOPY.EXEExtended copy program, copies subdirectories, copies to
multiple floppies, etc. Run with no parameters for

RDU.EXERenex's extended directory program. DIR substitute, also
compares two directories. Run RDU /? for directions.

CLEAR.EXEClears a directory or drive of all files and subdirectories.
Run with no parameters for directions.

RATS.EXESets/resets the modified attributes of all files, including
subdirectories. Run with no parameters for directions.

MOVE.EXEIdentical to KOPY, except it deletes files after copying.
Run with no parameters for directions.

**************************** WARNING! ***********************************

These programs are offered to the public by Renex Corporation with
absolutely no warranty or liability, expressed or implied! They may
destroy data on your computer system. In fact, the intent of some of
these programs is to delete files, subdirectories or entire disks
without asking the user to confirm his action (the intent is so they can
be used in batch files)! Test these programs before use and

 December 6, 2017  Add comments

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