Dec 172017
Display a message for X seconds each time your PC is booted.
File HEADER1.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Batch Files
Display a message for X seconds each time your PC is booted.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
HEADER.DOC 8005 3116 deflated
HEADER.EXE 36004 25858 deflated
INSTALL.EXE 51240 36599 deflated
ORDER.DOC 1672 730 deflated

Download File HEADER1.ZIP Here

Contents of the HEADER.DOC file

Welcome to Header!

Created By:
108 Hutchinson Drive
North East PA. 16428

Copyrighted 1993 All rights reserved

* Note: DesignerWare is a subsidiary of Bt Labs.


This program may only be used and distributed under the
following conditions:

1) You may use the program for a period of up to thirty
days to determine its suitability for your needs. If you continue
to use it after a period of thirty days you MUST register your copy
by completing the enclosed registration form and sending it along
with the appropriate payment to the address listed on the form.

2) You may distribute the Shareware version provided
that no fee is charged, except for a nominal "diskette" fee or
"connect time" charges. In any event, the entire fee shall not
exceed $10.00.

3) You may NOT distribute the program in modified form.

4) If you distribute this program, it must be in the
ORIGINAL form as released by DesignerWare. You may not add or
modify any files.


Because this program is distributed as "SHAREWARE", there
is absolutely no warranty, to the extent permitted by
applicable state law. Except when otherwise stated in writing,
DesignerWare and/or other parties provide the program "AS IS"
without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied,
including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire
risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with you.

Should the program prove defective, you assume all the
cost of all necessary remedies, repair or correction.

In no event shall DesignerWare be responsible in any way
for the behavior of modified versions of the program. In no event,
unless required by applicable state law, will DesignerWare or any
other party who may distribute the program as permitted above, be
liable to you for damages, including any lost profits, lost monies,
or other special, incidental or consequential damages arising out
of the use or inability to use (including but not limited to loss
of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by
third parties or a failure of the program to operate with any other
program) this program, even if you have not been advised of the
possibility of such damages, or any claim by any other party.


Header is a program that allows you to put a welcoming banner
on your pc every time it is booted. It was originally designed to
inform employees about company policy regarding software piracy.
But, the message can be configured to say anything. One use of the
program would be to install header on your companies portable
computers. The message would say the companies name/owner of the
computer, reward if found, and who to call. If the portable was
lost, it would easily identify the owner when it was turned on.


header.exe The header program.
install.exe The install program to properly install
header.doc Documentation.
order.doc Ordering form.
readme.txt If included, any late minute changes.


First off, header is NOT FREE. It is distributed as Shareware
to allow you to evaluate it and determine if it's right for your
organization. Registering also allows us to further develop the
product and make it available. You benefit, and we benefit.

You will be notified of any software bugs, fixes, and future

Also, as a registered user you may request DesignerWare
consulting to help with inventorying, installing, and advising on
how best to protect yourself from trade organizations like the SPA.


1>. First make a backup copy of header and its support files.

2>. Header should be installed from a floppy diskette. If
not already done, copy header.exe and install.exe to a
floppy diskette.

a>. Warning: DO NOT leave the install program and the
original header.exe on your installed PC's. Users
could reinstall it and defeat your purpose.

3>. Run install and follow the prompts. Install will create
the proper header.exe program.

a>. Disk drive - This should be the boot drive for

b>. Update timeout (default 3 seconds) - This is the
amount of time, in seconds you would like to keep
the header on the screen before continuing.

c>. Update Banner - When header runs it will display a
banner (in red on color monitors). You should put
your company name and software policy in the
banner. You are allowed 1-15 lines.

d>. Update Autoexec.bat - The install program will put
the command to run header in your autoexec.bat. It
will then make autoexec.bat read only. Use the DOS
attrib command to set it back for writing if you
need to edit it.


It copies header.exe to and then sets the banner
information in is then copied to your disk
as header.exe. The install program will make header.exe a hidden
and read only file. Your autoexec.bat will be modified, if so
desired, and then it will be made read only. can then
be used, by install, to install additional copies on other PC's
without making modifications.

Example: header /c

/C = Forces header NOT to determine if there is a color
monitor and assumes monochrome.

/? = Information.


Name : __________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________



Current version of header 1 @ $ 9.95

Number __________ X 9.95 = $ __________

* Commercial site license for the use of header are
available. Valid for up to 500 computers $495.00.

Number __________ X 495.00 = $ __________

Total enclosed $ ___________

Terms: Check drawn on a U.S. banks in U.S. funds.
International bank or postal money order in U.S. funds.
Purchase orders accepted from larger corporations. All
foreign orders must be prepaid. Sorry, no C.O.D orders
accepted. Prices are subject to change without notice.
For fastest deliver use money order or certified check.
Make checks payable to DesignerWare.

Mail to:
108 Hutchinson Drive
North East Pa. 16428

Information on Site Licenses/Corporate Site License:

This is a license for use of the software within your
company, and is not transferable. This allows internal use and
copying of the software by as many users/machines as stated for
(See the order form). You can use the program in a network,
timesharing, multiple Cpu or multiple user arrangement.
Distribution, repackaging, or reselling of the software to third
parties is not allowed.

 December 17, 2017  Add comments

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