Dec 142017
Reports free disk space and exits with indicating errorlevel - for DOS.
File FREEDOS1.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Batch Files
Reports free disk space and exits with indicating errorlevel – for DOS.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
FREE-DOS.DOC 1771 744 deflated
FREE.COM 6428 6350 deflated
GOODSTUF.DOC 3878 1646 deflated
MOSQUITO.TXT 723 385 deflated

Download File FREEDOS1.ZIP Here

Contents of the FREE-DOS.DOC file


DOS version 1.0 (c)1993 Hearty Mosquito SoftWare

Hearty Mosquito SoftWare is not responsible for anything.
Use at your own risk.

If you like and use this program, send $5 for encouragement to:

Hearty Mosquito SoftWare
4216 29th Ave. S.
Minneapolis, MN 55406


This program reports free space available on a drive, or group of drives.
It will exit with an errorlevel that corresponds to the number of free
megabytes on the LAST drive reported.

Thus, if:

42,661,888 bytes total on drive C:
8,058,880 bytes free.

FREE will exit with errorlevel 7.

1 megabyte is 1024 bytes x 1024 so FREE exits with errorlevel 7, even though
the there are more than 8 million *bytes* free.

This makes FREE ideal for use in batch files with single drives that require
a specific amount of free disk space.

FREE [?] [a] [b] ...

Using ? as the first parameter will tell FREE to display the
errorlevel when it exits:

Other parameters can be any combination of drives. Only the first letter
of each parameter so the following will all result in the same output:

FREE c d
FREE C: d:
free cheers dilbert

first drive

second drive


 December 14, 2017  Add comments

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