Dec 102017
Allows you to "ask" a question in a batch file. Returns ERRORLEVEL depending on yes or no response.
File ASK.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Batch Files
Allows you to “ask” a question in a batch file. Returns ERRORLEVEL depending on yes or no response.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ASK.COM 256 128 deflated
ASK.DOC 1152 572 deflated

Download File ASK.ZIP Here

Contents of the ASK.DOC file

Documentation for ASK.COMASK.COM Version 1.10, (C)Copyright T A Davis, 1983
This program is an enhancement to the batch environment for DOS 2.00
To use ask, include a line in your batch file like 'ASK Continue ? '
The operating system will display 'Continue ? ' on the default output
device and wait for a keypress from the keyboard. If any character
besides Y,y,N,n is pressed, the program will display 'Y/N ? ' and
wait for another keypress. Upon entering a valid key, the program will
set ERROR LEVEL to 0 or 1 depending on whether Yy or Nn was pressed.
As a further enhancement to earlier versions, now if ASK (C/R) is included
the program will supply a prompt of 'Press Y or N ? 'To interogate
ERRORLEVEL, use a batch file simular to the one listed below.
echo off
echo Batch file to test ASK.COM
if not errorlevel 1 goto yesin
echo You pressed N or n.
goto next
echo You pressed Y or y.
ask Want to do it again ?
if not errorlevel 1 goto start

 December 10, 2017  Add comments

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