Dec 222017
VGALIB 1.0 - Latest and greatest 256 Color VGA Library for QB 4.5. Supports 320x200/240/400 modes in 256 colors.
File VGALIB10.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category BASIC Language
VGALIB 1.0 – Latest and greatest 256 Color VGA Library for QB 4.5. Supports 320×200/240/400 modes in 256 colors.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
3-D.PLT 777 539 deflated
3D.EXE 17324 7171 deflated
BROADWAY.FNT 2055 280 deflated
CEILING.DAT 5498 1769 deflated
CYBER.FNT 2055 510 deflated
DECLARE.BAS 2413 457 deflated
DEMO.BAS 11530 3512 deflated
FLOOR.DAT 11516 1433 deflated
FWALL1.DAT 12587 2803 deflated
FWALL2.DAT 4849 1243 deflated
FWALL3.DAT 4967 963 deflated
FWALL4.DAT 1972 421 deflated
LWALL1.DAT 3131 755 deflated
LWALL2.DAT 4571 1309 deflated
LWALL3.DAT 3787 949 deflated
LWALL4.DAT 2268 509 deflated
MAGE.DAT 3207 640 deflated
MANUAL.DOC 32502 8827 deflated
PALADIN.DAT 4007 781 deflated
RANGER.DAT 3207 714 deflated
REGISTER.DOC 1659 526 deflated
RWALL1.DAT 3011 715 deflated
RWALL2.DAT 4571 1300 deflated
RWALL3.DAT 3787 953 deflated
RWALL4.DAT 2268 523 deflated
SCROLL.EXE 42962 29441 deflated
SCROLL.PLT 777 550 deflated
THIEF.DAT 3207 623 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated
VGALIB.QLB 9771 5590 deflated
WALLS.DAT 4007 437 deflated

Download File VGALIB10.ZIP Here

Contents of the MANUAL.DOC file



This is a library of graphic functions, written in assembly language, that
add a lot of speed and power to your QuickBASIC programs. WARNING! These
functions will ONLY work in the VGA 256 color mode. At present, the VGALIB
supports the 320 x 200 mode, 320 x 240, and the 320 x 400 mode. Soon,
however, I plan to add support for SVGA modes...including 640x480 and

Almost all of the functions in my library have tested faster that their
QuickBASIC equivalents and there are many functions in my library that aren't
in BASIC. After all, BASIC doesn't support anything better than 320x200.

VGALIB library of functions were written especially with game programming in
mind. I have included a demo program that has samples of a couple different
games... a 3-D adventure game, a scrolling game, etc. The documented source
code to the demo is available upon registration, as well as a small tutorial
and hints file on how to write PC games.


The VGA QLB file is shareware. You may freely distribute it as long as it is
not modified and that it is distributed with the following original,
unmodified, unaltered files:

VGA .QLB The VGA QuickLibrary

3D .EXE Demo of 3-D adventure game
SCROLL .EXE Demo of Scrolling game

DECLARE .BAS Declare statements for all the functions
DEMO .BAS Demo of graphic primitives

MANUAL .DOC This manual
REGISTER.DOC Registration form

Feel free to use the QuickLibrary as much as you like. It will allow you to
use ALL of the functions in the run-time environment and allow you to "try
before you buy." That way, you can decide whether or not it will help you
and whether you should buy it.

I encourage all of you who are seriously interested in PC game/graphics
programming to register.

Registered users will receive the latest version of the library (the .QLB
file and the .LIB) and discounts on future revisions of the VGALIB, an
updated manual, the source code and data files that make up the demo
programs, other special programs not in the evaluation package, a small
tutorial/hints file on programming PC games, a periodic game programmers
newsletter, and my gratitude.

I have a lot of things planned for this library. Just some of things I plan
to do (if there is enough registered users) are as follows:

1) Add support for 256 color SVGA modes, 640 x 400, 640 x 480, and
800x600 modes.

2) Add support for using graphics primitives on the virtual screens.
Being able to use LINE200, XLINE200, CIRCLE200, etc. on the virtual

3) Add support for loading, saving and manipulating images in various
formats, including GIF, PCX, MAC, and others.

4) Start a BBS dedicated to PC Game Programming with the current
version of my library available for registers users, as well as
forums about programming various types of games. There will be a
technical support forum for my library where any questions you may
have can be answered by myself.

But none of this will happen unless you register it. I put a lot of money,
research, and programming time into creating and testing this library. And
my wife put up with me through all of this without asking for a divorce -- so
please register it or she won't let me come out with version 2.


The first thing you should do is create a directory for the QuickLibrary and
the demo program. For example:


Next, unzip the files into the directory and you're ready to go. To start
the demo, type DEMO at the prompt:


This will start the demo of the libraries features and some of the game
programming genres (ie. 3-D Adventure games, Scrolling action games, etc.).
This also does a speed comparison between my graphic primitives and BASIC's


The VGA Library is written for QuickBASIC 4.x. Although I have only tested
it with QuickBASIC 4.5, it should work with any version 4. The registered
version will run with BASIC PDS 7.x as well.

To use the VGA QuickLib (.QLB) in the QuickBASIC editor, you must start QB
with the /L parameter followed by the path and name of the library. For


This will cause QB to load the VGA graphics library into memory and allow you
to access all of it's functions in the run-time environment.


All of the VGALIB commands are defined as subroutines. You MUST declare any
routines in be beginning of your program for them to work correctly. If you
do not declare the subroutines in your program, weird results may occur,
including system lockup, garbled screen results, etc.

The basic program DECLARE.BAS, which is included, has the necessary
declaration statements for you to access all of the functions.


The following is a list of the commands, calling syntax, and a brief
description of what each command does and any of my own comments.

In the 320x200 mode, you should only use the routines that end with the
suffix 200 (ie. PSET200, LINE200, etc.) . When in the 320x240 mode or the
320x400 mode, please use only routines that end with 240 (ie. PSET240,
LINE240, PUT240, etc.)

Since I only added 320x240 and 320x400 support recently, some of the routines
are slow but that will soon be remedied as I get more accustomed to the setup
of the VGA memory in these extended modes.


Syntax: Call SET320x200 or

Description: This routine uses the DOS Interrupt to set the screen
into graphics mode. It sets up graphics mode 13H, which
is the 320 x 200 mode in 256 colors.

WARNING! If you use this command to switch to graphics
mode, most of the QB graphics functions WILL NOT work
because the QB SCREEN statement sets an internal QB
variable that tells the QB environment which graphics
mode it's in. This subroutine DOES NOT set that variable
so as far as QB is're still in text mode.
function when the SET320x200 is used.


Syntax: Call SET320x240 or

Description: This routine uses the DOS Interrupt to set the screen
into graphics mode. It sets up graphics mode 13H, which
is the 320 x 200 mode in 256 colors. Then, it changes a
few things around to give you 240 scan lines instead of
200. I won't go into specifics here.

WARNING! When you are in this mode, use only the
commands that end in 240....(ie. PSET240, POINT240,
LINE240, etc.) Using the other commands will cause
bizarre results. As of this writing there is no support
to PRINT text in either the 320x240 or the 320x400
modes... that will be added shortly.


Syntax: Call SET320x400 or

Description: This routine uses the DOS Interrupt to set the screen
into graphics mode. It sets up graphics mode 13H, which
is the 320 x 200 mode in 256 colors. Then, it changes a
few things around to give you 400 scan lines instead of
200. Again, I won't go into specifics here. Register if
you want more details.

WARNING! When you are in this mode, use only the
commands that end in 240....(ie. PSET240, POINT240,
LINE240, etc.) Using the other commands will cause
bizarre results. As of this writing there is no support
to PRINT text in either the 320x240 or the 320x400
modes... that will be added shortly. The way the video
memory is set up in the 320x240 and the 320x400 modes is
identical so you can use the commands from the 240 mode
in the 400 mode.


Syntax: Call SET80x25 or

Description: This routine uses the DOS Interrupt to set the screen
into text mode.

Normally, when QB terminates a program, it automatically
exits to text mode. If you used the SET320x200 sub to
set the graphics mode, then YOU must set text mode before
the program terminates or you will drop the user to DOS
in graphics mode.


Syntax: Call PSET200 (X%, Y%, Color%) or
PSET200 X%, Y%, Color%

Description: This routine will set individual pixels on the screen.
It will set the pixel at column X% and row Y% to what
ever color is specified by the Color% variable. (See

Other notes: In the 320x240 mode & the 320x400 mode, you
may use the PSET240 command, which has the identical
syntax as the PSET200.


Syntax: A%=PSET200 (X%, Y%) or

Description: This routine will return the value of individual pixels
on the screen. POINT200 is almost identical to the BASIC
Point function.

Other notes: In the 320x240 mode & the 320x400 mode, you
may use the POINT240 function, which has the identical
syntax as the PSET200.


Syntax: CALL LINE200(X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, Color%) or
LINE200 X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, Color%

Description: Similar to QB's own LINE statement, the Line200 routine
will draw a straight line between two points in the given
color. It is faster than the QB LINE statement. (See

Other notes: In the 320x240 mode & the 320x400 mode, you
may use the LINE240 command, which has the identical
syntax as the LINE200.


Syntax: CALL XLINE200 (X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, Color%) or
XLINE200 X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, Color%

Description: This routine is identical to the LINE200 routine above
except it XORs the line on top of the existing
background. Consequently, if you XOR it back on, it will
effectively erase itself, leaving the background
unaffected. This technique is often referred to as
"rubberbanding." (See DEMO.EXE or DEMO.BAS)

Other notes: There is no XLINE command for the 320x240
mode & the 320x400 mode yet but it will be added shortly.


Syntax: CALL BOX200 (X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, Color%) or
BOX200 X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, Color%

Description: The BOX200 routine is very similar to the QB LINE command
with the B option to create the outline of a box. It
create the outline of a box at the given coordinates.

Other notes: In the 320x240 mode & the 320x400 mode, you
may use the Box240 command, which has the identical
syntax as the Box200.


Syntax: CALL BOXF200 (X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, Color%) or
BOXF200 X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, Color%

Description: The BOXF200 routine is very similar to the QB LINE
command with the BF option to create the outline of a
box. It create the a box filled with the given color at
the specified coordinates. (See DEMO.EXE or DEMO.BAS)

Other notes: In the 320x240 mode & the 320x400 mode, you
may use the BoxF240 command, which has the identical
syntax as the BoxF200.


Syntax: CALL CIRCLE200 (X%, Y%, Radius%, Color%) or
CIRLCE200 X%, Y%, Radius%, Color%

Description: This routine creates a circle who center is X%, Y% and
whose radius is determined by the Radius% variable. This
creates only the circle outline, not a filled circle.

Other notes: In the 320x240 mode & the 320x400 mode, you
may use the Circle240 command, which has the identical
syntax as the Circle200.


Syntax: CALL GET200 (X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, Array(Offset%)) or
GET200 X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, Array(Offset%)

Description: Similar, but MUCH faster than BASIC's GET command, the
GET200 routine will quickly copy an image from the screen
to the an array. The array must be previously
dimensioned and can be either STATIC or DYNAMIC.
Doing so will cause unpredictable results. You may
however, use fixed length string arrays which you have
created, or numeric arrays.

The size of the array is calculated as follows:

XDistance% = ABS(X2% - X1%) + 1
YDistance% = ABS(Y2% - Y1%) + 1
NumOfBytes% = XDistance% *YDistance% +10
ArraySize% = NumOfBytes% \ ElementSize%

ElementSize% depends on what type of array you are using.

Type of Array ElementSize%

Integer 2
Long Integer 4
Single Precision 4
Double Precision 8
TYPE array Size TYPE

Other notes: In the 320x240 mode & the 320x400 mode,
there is not yet a GET command. However, if you GET
something using the GET200 command, you can use the
PUT240 command to display it in the 320x240 & 32x400


Syntax: CALL PUT200 (X%, Y%, Array(Offset%), Operation%) or
PUT256 X%, Y%, Array(Offset%), Operation%

Description: Again, the PUT200 is a faster version of BASIC's PUT
command. It will quickly display an image that was
captured using the GET200 command. The Operation%
variable is a logical operation. The logical operations
supported are:

0 PSET The image in the
array will overwrite
anything on the

1 XOR The image in the
array will be XORed
on to the screen.

2 AND The image in the
array will be ANDed
onto the screen.

3 OR The image in the
array will be ORed
onto the screen.

Using the XOR logical operator, you can display an image
on a complex background, and when you XOR it again it
will disappear, restoring the original screen. This is
useful for some animation but causes flickering.

Other notes: In the 320x240 mode & the 320x400 mode, you
may use the PUT240 command, which has the identical
syntax as the PUT200, except that it does not yet support
the logical operators...only the PSET option. The syntax
is the same except that you do not include a logical


Syntax: CALL TPUT200 (X%, Y%, Array(Offset%)) or
TPUT200 X%, Y%, Array(Offset%)

Description: This is a special routine that I made myself. It the
Transparent PUT200 routine. Like PUT200, the TPUT200
routine quickly copy an image captured with the GET200
command to the screen. However, the TPUT200 routine WILL
NOT copy any pixel in the array that is color 255. This
is similar to the movie/TV technique called "blue

Other notes: There is no TPUT command for the 320x240
and 320x400 modes yet. It should be done by time you


Syntax: CALL RPUT200 (X%, Y%, Array(Offset%)) or
RPUT200 X%, Y%, Array(Offset%)

Description: This is a special routine that I made myself. It the
Reverse PUT200 routine. Like PUT200, the RPUT200 routine
quickly copy an image captured with the GET200 command to
the screen. However, the RPUT200 routine reverses the
image from left to right.

Other notes: There is no RPUT command for the 320x240
and 320x400 modes yet. It should be finished by time you


That's it for the commands you might be used to. The next series of the
commands have to do with virtual screens. And what is a virtual screen you
might ask? What you see on the monitor is called a active screen. The
active screen is lives in the memory on your display adapter.

A virtual screen is a copy of the active screen that lives in RAM. And
because it is in RAM, we can do all sorts of neat things with it because
we're not limited by the display adapter. For instance, we can create a
virtual screen that is LARGER than the active screen and then display only a
part of it on the active screen. This is a technique they often use in
scrolling arcade games.

Anyway, QB doesn't really allow you to work with virtual screens. You can do
it. Or at least I did it. But it was SO slow it was not practical.
Consequently, I came up with some assembler routines to do the dirty work for
me with considerably speeded things up.

Okay, that's it for the explanation. There is more in the manual you get
with the registered version. Plus, the source code to SCROLL.EXE deals shows
how to use virtual screens.


Syntax: CALL CreateVirtualScreen (Array(Offset%)) or
CreateVirtualScreen X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, Array(Offset%)

Description: This command creates a virtual screen with the array that
you specify.

Example: CreateVirtualScreen 0, 0, 639, 479, Array(0)

That example creates a virtual screen that is 640 pixels
wide by 480 pixels long.


Syntax: CALL VGET(Source(Off%)), X1%,Y1%,X2%, Y2%,Target(Off%)
or VGET Source(Off%), X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, Target(Off%)

Description: This command is similar to the GET200 command, except
that it captures a rectangular image off of a virtual

Example: VGET Source(0), 0, 0, 20, 20, Target(0)

In the example, VGET would copy the image off the virtual
screen that you created in Source() at coordinates 0,0 to
20,20 into an array called Target(). You could then
PUT200 the image in Target() on the active screen, or use
on of the other commands.

WARNING! This subroutine assumes a lot. It assumes:

1) That there is a valid VIRTUAL SCREEN
created in the Source().

2) That the coordinates that you pass to it
are valid.

3) That Target() is dimensioned properly.
(See GET200)

If any of these assumptions are not met, unpredictable
results may occur.


Syntax: CALL VPUT (Target(Offset%), X%, Y%, Image(Offset%)) or
VPUT Target(Offset%), X%, Y%, Image(Offset%)

Description: This is very similar to the PUT200 command, except that
it PUTs images onto a virtual screen. At present, it
only supports the PSET XOR, OR, AND options

Again this routine assumes that the Target() array
contains EITHER a Virtual Screen or another image that
you've captured with the GET200 command.


Syntax: CALL VTPUT (Target(Offset%), X%, Y%,Image(Offset%)) or
VTPUT Target(Offset%), X%, Y%, Image(Offset%)

Description: This is very similar to the VPUT command, except that it
PUTs images onto a virtual screen using the "blue
screening" technique. (See TPUT200 for more)

Again this routine assumes that the Target() array
contains EITHER a Virtual Screen or another image that
you've captured with the GET200 command.


There are also some additional features that I've found useful for game
programmers and graphics programmers alike. They are small routines that
allow you to use different fonts, routines to save/restore the VGA palette,
and instructions on how to SAVE/RESTORE 256 Color Screens. There will be
more of these routines in future versions. I plan to add support for loading
& saving PCX, GIF, and other formats. So look for future versions!


Syntax: CALL SAVEPAL (Target(Offset%))
SAVEPAL Target(Offset%)

Description: This subroutine saves the entire VGA color palette (all
256 colors) into an array called Target(). The Target()
array MUST have been previously dimensioned for at least
768 bytes. This is because the color palette contains
three bytes (1 for green, blue, and red) for each color
it saves. So you need 256 * 3 (or 768) number of bytes
to store the whole palette.

Once you have use the SAVEPAL command to save the palette
values into an array, you may use the following technique
to save it to disk:


' Integer arrays are 2 bytes per element so we need
' 768 / 2 elements...or 384.

DIM Target(0 to 384)

' Save the palette values into the array
SAVEPAL Target(0)

' Save the array to disk
BSAVE "Test.PLT", VARPTR(Target(0)), 768


Syntax: CALL RESTOREPAL (Source(Offset%))
RESTOREPAL Source(Offset%)

Description: This subroutine restores the entire VGA color palette
(all 256 colors) from an array called Target(). The
Source() array MUST have been previously dimensioned for
at least 768 bytes and loaded with palette values.

Below is a small program to restore a palette that was
saved using the SAVEPAL routine, and then BSAVEd to disk.


' Integer arrays are 2 bytes per element so we need
' 768 / 2 elements...or 384.

DIM Source(0 to 384)

' Load the array from disk
BSAVE "Test.PLT", VARPTR(Source(0))

' Quickly restore the vga values

Other notes: When used with the 320x240 or 320x400
modes, you should use the RestorePal command AFTER you
use the SET320x400/SET320x240 commands because the
SET320x400/SET320x240 commands destroy the palette.


Syntax: CALL SETFONT200 (FontArray(Offset%))
SETFONT200 FontArray(Offset%)

Description: The SETFONT200 routine will enable a special graphics
font which has been loaded into FontArray(). This uses
a DOS interrupt to quickly change the VGA font table.
The evaluation copy comes with two fonts -- a futuristic
font and a old looking font. (To load a font, see

If you register you will receive a special character
editor that will allow you to create your own fonts.


Syntax: CALL PRINT200 (X%, Y%, Text$, Colr%)
PRINT200 1, 1, "Hello", 14

Description: The PRINT200 print a string to the screen when in the
320x200 mode at the coordinates specified by X%, Y%. The
Colr% variable specifies the foreground and background
colors (something you can't do with QB PRINT).

Colr% = Background * 256 + Foreground


There are a few utility programs that are included with the registered
version that help you to use the some of the VGALIB functions better. They

CHAREDIT.EXE - A small character editor for use with the
SETFONT200 command. It allows you to create as
many 8 x 8 character fonts as your heart desires.
It saves fonts in BLOADable format to be used with
the SETFONT200 command.

SPREDIT.EXE - When you register your copy of VGALIB, you will
receive my own sprite editor which will allow you
sprites/icons which you can later animate with the
functions in VGALIB.


I admit it. Not ALL of my subroutines are faster than their BASIC
counterparts. But those that aren't are very close. What I've tried to do
is build a replacement library of graphics functions for BASIC that would
allow you to totally avoid BASIC graphics library and cut down code size.
How much code size?

Well, if you don't use any of BASIC's graphics commands...including CLS,
SCREEN, LINE, GET/PUT, PAINT, PRINT, can cut down the size of your
compiled code by about 20K or so. I compiled two programs (identical except
that one used BASIC's graphics commands and the other used VGALIB
equivalents). The VGALIB program compiled to just over 10K (10,976), the
BASIC program compiled to just over 30K (36,222). Not a bad savings. It
leaves you more room for your own program code.

Plus, VGALIB would make an EXCELLENT complement to Crescent's PDQ, since all
of the functions and subs are made to work with integers. With PDQ & VGALIB,
you could conceivably compile graphics programs that were smaller and faster
than "C" or Pascal programs. Am I kidding? No way.

So start programming those games you've always wanted to make. Register your
copy of VGALIB today!


Ok, that's it for all the hype. This is the real me talking.

I made VGALIB because I love to program games but I also love BASIC. And as
you all know...BASIC has almost NO good graphics functions or the useful
functions (GET/PUT) are slow and far from comprehensive.

I looked for a good graphics library for BASIC but it seems all the good ones
only supported "C" or Pascal...not BASIC. I saw a really nice sounding
graphics library from Company A for $250. I called and asked them before I
bought it and they said "'ll do all those things you
want...and more!" So, I ordered it. And it came.

The disks were in an envelope that had a sticker on it that basically said
"OPEN THIS AND YOU CAN'T RETURN IT." So here I am in a dilemma. I can't
find out if it does what they say unless I open it...and if I open it, and it
doesn't do what I want...I can't return it.

Finally I decided to go ahead and open it. Needless to didn't do
half the things they said it would, the manual was cryptic and the phone
support person (I called 6 times and always spoke to the same person) was
rude at best. So there I was, in the same spot as before, except out $250.

That is why I am releasing my library (the QLB file at least) into Shareware.
So that you can try the graphics functions on your own system and see whether
or not they are what you want. If not,'ve lost nothing. If so,
all you have to do is register it and you're off and running.

I do hope you register. But if not, at least send in your comments. Tell me
if you see something you like...and PLEASE tell me if there's something you
WOULD like.

Send all comments, contributions, greeting cards, blank checks, etc. to:

SCN Software Solutions
1043 Main Street, Floor 2
Emerald, PA 18080-1006

Remember to make all checks or money orders payable to John or Tammy
Cressman. Thank you.

 December 22, 2017  Add comments

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