Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : VBIT11.ZIP

Output of file : IDBTOOLS.BAS contained in archive : VBIT11.ZIP
Declare Function AnsiToAscii$ Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal strIn$)
Declare Function AsciiToAnsi$ Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal strIn$)
Declare Function CRLF$ Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal strIn$, ByVal ascii%)
Declare Function Decrypt$ Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal strIn$, ByVal cryptStr$)
Declare Function Decrypt7$ Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal strIn$, ByVal cryptStr$)
Declare Function DecryptZ$ Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal strIn$, ByVal cryptStr$)
Declare Function Encrypt$ Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal strIn$, ByVal cryptStr$)
Declare Function Encrypt7$ Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal strIn$, ByVal cryptStr$)
Declare Function EncryptZ$ Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal strIn$, ByVal cryptStr$)
Declare Function Find% Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal findString$, ByVal inString$, ByVal pos%)
Declare Function FullPath$ Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal filePattern$)
Declare Function IdbToolsVersion$ Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" ()
Declare Function IniFileGetString$ Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal fileName$, ByVal section$, ByVal entry$)
Declare Function IniFilePutString% Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal fileName$, ByVal section$, ByVal entry$, ByVal newString$)
Declare Function LicenseGetCode$ Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal lname$, ByVal lcode$)
Declare Function LicenseIdbTools% Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal lname$, ByVal lcode$)
Declare Function LicenseProgram% Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal lname$, ByVal lcode$, ByVal key$)
Declare Function Modulus10$ Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal strIn$)
Declare Function Modulus10Calc$ Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal strIn$)
Declare Function Modulus10Valid% Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal strIn$)
Declare Function Modulus11$ Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal strIn$)
Declare Function Modulus11Calc$ Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal strIn$)
Declare Function Modulus11Valid% Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal strIn$)
Declare Function Num0$ Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal value&, ByVal nDigits%)
Declare Function Pick$ Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal strIn$, ByVal pos%, ByVal num%)
Declare Function PickWord$ Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal strIn$, ByVal pos%, ByVal delim%)
Declare Function PickWords$ Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal strIn$, ByVal pos%, ByVal num%, ByVal delim%)
Declare Function Place$ Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal fromStr$, ByVal toStr$, ByVal pos%, ByVal num%)
Declare Function Strip$ Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal strIn$, ByVal delim%, ByVal stripType%)
Declare Function Subst$ Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal oldStr$, ByVal newStr$, ByVal inString$, pos%)
Declare Function SubstAll$ Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal oldStr$, ByVal newStr$, ByVal inString$)
Declare Function SwapChrs$ Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal strIn$, ByVal chrs$)
Declare Function SwapDate$ Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal dateIn$)
Declare Function SwapStr$ Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal strIn$, ByVal fromFmt$, ByVal toFmt$)
Declare Function SysInfo$ Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal what%)
Declare Function SysInfoNum& Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal what%)
Declare Sub IdbTrace Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal strIn$)
Declare Sub IdbTraceStr Lib "IDBTOOLS.DLL" (ByVal strIn$)

' Types for Strip (Leading/Trailing or Left/Right):
Global Const STRIP_L% = &H100
Global Const STRIP_T% = &H200
Global Const STRIP_R% = &H200
Global Const STRIP_LT% = &H300
Global Const STRIP_LR% = &H300
Global Const STRIP_ALL% = &H400

' Types for SysInfo:
Global Const SCREEN_SIZE_X% = 1
Global Const SCREEN_SIZE_Y% = 2
Global Const MEMORY_FREE_KB% = 4
Global Const DISK_DRIVE% = 6
Global Const DIR_WINDOWS% = 7
Global Const DIR_WINDOWS_SYSTEM% = 8
Global Const DISK_FREE_KB% = &H80
Global Const DISK_SIZE_KB% = &H100
Global Const DISK_PATH% = &H1000
Global Const DISK_TYPE% = &H1080
Global Const DISK_VOLUME_LABEL% = &H1180
Global Const DISK_VOLUME_DATE% = &H1200
Global Const DISK_VOLUME_TIME% = &H1280

' SysInfo(DISK_TYPE) returns:
Global Const DRIVE_REMOVABLE% = 2
Global Const DRIVE_FIXED% = 3
Global Const DRIVE_REMOTE% = 4

  3 Responses to “Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : VBIT11.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: