Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : VBDIAL.ZIP
Filename : VBDIAL.HLP

Output of file : VBDIAL.HLP contained in archive : VBDIAL.ZIP
Help for the "SmartKeys Window"

GENERAL HELP METHOD: Press the "TAB" button until the "focus" is on
the control you're curious about. Then Press "F1". The "ESCAPE" key will
back you out of the Help window, as well as most other windows
in VB-Dial.

TO FIND A NAME in the Picklist: When the program first starts, the
cursor, (or carat, as some prefer), is in the "SmartKeys" window. If
you've been messing around with the "TAB" key, you'll probably need
to press it again until the cursor is in the "SmartKeys" window once
again. It's the small window just above the main picklist. The very
top of the two small windows is the "Messages" window. It is here
that the computer informs you about the progress of your call.

Once your cursor is in the "SmartKeys" window, Simply begin to type
the persons name. As you type the name, the picklist "Hilight-Bar" will
zero in on the desired line. If there are two or more lines with the
same first name, you may then use the UP and DOWN arrows as you choose.

TO DIAL: Press "ENTER" twice, or use the MOUSE CURSOR to press either
the "DIAL TO TALK" or the "DIAL FOR DATA" buttons, depending on what kind
of dialing you'd like to do. The first time you press "ENTER", the focus
is put on the PICKLIST, so you may then pick a name with the UP or DOWN
arrow-keys and then dial by pressing ENTER. To go back to the SmartKeys
window from the PickList, simply press the "TAB" key. You'll now be ready
for a new speed search.

TO HANGUP: Press "ENTER" again, or click on "HANGUP" with the mouse-

Help for the "Add Names Button"

Press this Button to Add names & numbers to your data file.

Help for the "Dial to Talk Button"

There are two ways to press this button: Either press "ENTER"
when focus is on the PickList, or click on it with the Mouse Cursor.
This control dials, expecting you to talk with the person on the other
end. If the phone is busy, it will redial until you tell it to stop.

There are two ways to tell it to stop: Either Press "ENTER", or
click on "HANGUP".

Help for the "Hang Up Button"

To stop a dial or redial, click on this button, or Press "ENTER"
when the hangup button has the focus.

Help for the "Dial for Data Button"

This Button is for Dialing an online service, such as Compuserve,
Prodigy, America Online, or any of the thousands of Computer Bulletin-
Boards around the world. A sample data file called "bbs.dat" may be loaded
for you to begin exploring the wonderful world of Online Services. This
control also redials until told to stop.

Once the computer on the other end answers, the picklist will be
replaced by the terminal window, (which supports all the colors the bbs
sends over the phoneline.) You will be asked to either enter your name,
and user ID, or to sign on as a new user.

Help for control 6
This is Panel3d1, which isn't accessable yet from Help module

Help for the "PickList"

When the focus is on the PICKLIST, you may pick a name with the
UP or DOWN arrow-keys and then dial by pressing ENTER.

To go back to the SmartKeys window from the PickList, simply press
the "TAB" key. You'll now be ready for a new speed search.

Help for the "Terminal Window"

To Download (recieve) a file: Use PullDown menu File-Download and
follow the prompts. You may Press F1 from within the Download Dialog box
for further help if you so desire.

To Upload (send) a file: Use the PullDown menu File-Upload and
follow the prompts. You may Press F1 from within the Upload Dialog box
for further help if you so desire.

To Abort a Download or Upload: Click on the "ABORT" button.

To Exit Terminal Window & return to the PickList:
Press "ESCAPE" button.

Help for the Terminal Window "Abort Button:"

Press this button to Abort a Download or Upload that is in progress.

Help for the Download "FileName Window"

In order to tell the computer what drive & filename to download to:

You May type the Drive, Path & Filename here, or:

You should have already typed in the name of the requested file
before opening up this window, (so the Online service will send it)
In the FileName window,Type the name of the file just as you told
the Online service
Click on the Drive-List box, then click on a Drive letter.
Click on the Directory-List box, then choose a Directory.
Click on OK.
Your Download should now commence.

Help for Download Drive ListBox:

Click on the downward-pointing triangle to open the box.
Choose a drive to be downloaded to.
Click "OK"

Help for Download Directory ListBox:

Click on the Up or Down Scrollbar arrows until you see the
desired directory.
Click on the desired directory

Help for Upload FileName window:

In order to tell the computer what drive & filename to Upload to:

You May type the Drive, Path & Filename here, or:

You should have already typed in the name of the requested file
before opening up this window, (so the Online service will prepare
to recieve it).

In the FileName window, Type the name of the file just as you told
the Online service, or:

Click on the Drive-List box, then click on a Drive letter.
Click on the Directory-List box, then choose a Directory.
Click on the FileName you desire in the FileName List box.
If the Filename & path appear correct: Click "OK"
Your Upload should now commence.

Help for Upload Drive ListBox:

Click on the downward-pointing triangle to open the box.
Click on the Directory-List box, then choose a Directory.
Click on the FileName you desire in the FileName List box.
If the Filename & path appear correct: Click "OK"
Your Upload should now commence.

Help for Upload Directory ListBox:

Click on the Up or Down Scrollbar arrows until you see the
desired directory.
Click on the FileName you desire in the FileName List box.
If the Filename & path appear correct: Click "OK"
Your Upload should now commence.

Help for Upload FileName ListBox

Click on the FileName you desire in the FileName List box.
If the Filename & path appear correct: Click "OK"
Your Upload should now commence.

Help for Editor Window

Enter your Names and Phone Numbers in the same columns as the
rest of the other data. Don't enter "TAB's",(Use the spacebar instead).
Also DON'T SEPERATE NAMES WITH A COMMA: It's a delimiter, and will cause
the PickList to place anything after the comma on another line. IT'LL

When done, Press the "SAVE" button, and follow the prompts.

Help for "Save Button"

BOY! If you can't figgure this one out, SELL YOUR COMPUTER...

Help for Communication Config Screen

Click on each appropriate setting, or enter a new value.
Then Click on "OK".
Don't forget to "SAVE SETTINGS"
For more Detailed help on each String-type setting,
press "Tab" to hilight the desired textbox, then press "F1"

Help for Modem Init String

This is sent to your modem when it first opens the CommPort.
Defaults to AT H0 X4 V1 S0=0
"AT" gets the modem's ATention.
"H0" makes sure the phone is hung up.
"X4" Allows both "dialtone" and "busy" signal to be detected.
"V1" Requests "word" type return codes instead of "numeric"
"S0=0" Tells your modem not to answer. Did you know that when
some modems come from the factory, they're set to automatically
answer the phone as soon as it rings? Do you KNOW what happens to the
eardrum of anyone who telephones you if the modem is set to answer?
Let me tell you: They'll be stuffing cotton in their ears the next time
they think of calling you...
This line fixes that, and also makes sure that if you used
VB-DIAL'S "OFFHOOK" command, the program can still dial.

Consult your modem manual for what each one means, before you
make changes.

Help for "Dialing Prefix String"

This line is sent to your modem each time the program dials.
Default setting is "ATDT"
"AT" gets the modem's ATention.
"DT" tells it to use [D]ial [T]ones (dial with touch-tones.)

If you don't have touchtone telephone service, you should
change the "DT" to "P" (for [P]ulse dialing.)
It would then read: "ATDP"

Link as Host String

Not used yet. Will be developed in future versions.
Eventually will allow pushbutton linking with a friends
computer as you speak on the phone, presenting him a menu such
as is found on a "host" system or small bbs.

Link as User String

Not used yet. Will be developed in future versions.
Eventually will allow pushbutton linking with a friends
computer as you speak on the phone, allowing him to use any type
of "Host mode" that his system may have.

Help for the "Slow Modem Delay" setting:

This will fix your problem if you are getting false messages
that say "The Phone is ringing", when in fact, it really is busy...

The default setting is 12000 for this. What that means is that
your computer will wait 12000 "ticks" (which is the computer's smallest
unit if time), for your modem to return a message to it. If NO message is
returned within that period of time, the program ASSUMES that it's
ringing at the other end of the line. You see, the only "ring" that
the modem can detect is when someone "calls you". With this in mind,
the only way to tell if it's ringing on the other end is through logic:
I.E.: If it's not "BUSY" then it "MUST BE RINGING" eh? What can throw a
monkeywrench into this process is three things:

1. THE SPEED OF YOUR COMPUTER: The faster your system is, the faster
it can count to 12000. It's like when Mom said: "If you're mad, count to
10 before you do anything rash. As we got bigger,of course, we started
counting to 10 REAL FAST... didn't we?

2. THE SPEED OF YOUR MODEM: If the darned thing returns the message
"BUSY" after the computer has patiently counted to 12000, it's too late.
the computer has already ASSUMED the phone is ringing, and sent you the
message, into whatever program you might be off & playing in.

3. THE SPEED OF MA BELL: If the phone company is real busy, or if
you're dialing long distance through a long-distance service, or anything
that can use up some of those "computer ticks", this can throw the program
off too.

BOTTOM LINE: If you keep getting false "ring" messages, try
upping the value from 12000 to 13000, or 14000 or so...

BUT DON'T RAISE IT TOO MUCH: The higher it is the longer it takes to
do an automatic "REDIAL". Play around with it if you like,
it can't hurt anything.

  3 Responses to “Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : VBDIAL.ZIP
Filename : VBDIAL.HLP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: