Dec 222017
Visual Basic communications routines, with demo program. | |||
File Name | File Size | Zip Size | Zip Type |
ABOUTDLG.FRM | 1771 | 922 | deflated |
ABOUTDLG.TXT | 1632 | 601 | deflated |
CHKLIST.CPS | 27 | 27 | stored |
COMMDEMO.EXE | 52839 | 19775 | deflated |
COMMDEMO.FRM | 6205 | 2432 | deflated |
COMMDEMO.MAK | 190 | 134 | deflated |
COMMDEMO.TXT | 5279 | 1257 | deflated |
EVENTDLG.FRM | 5315 | 1940 | deflated |
EVENTDLG.TXT | 4832 | 964 | deflated |
GLOBAL.BAS | 4091 | 1204 | deflated |
LINEDLG.FRM | 9609 | 3240 | deflated |
LINEDLG.TXT | 10404 | 1712 | deflated |
MODULE1.BAS | 5796 | 1586 | deflated |
MODULE1.TXT | 5796 | 1585 | deflated |
PORTDLG.FRM | 5174 | 2205 | deflated |
PORTDLG.TXT | 4600 | 1084 | deflated |
RECEIVE.FRM | 2888 | 1273 | deflated |
RECEIVE.TXT | 2916 | 751 | deflated |
TPCREAD.ME | 199 | 165 | deflated |
Download File VBCOMDEM.ZIP Here
Contents of the ABOUTDLG.TXT file
Sub Command1_Click ()
Unload AboutDlg
End Sub
Sub Form_Load ()
Remove_Items_From_SysMenu AboutDlg
Height = + (Command1.Height * 1.5) + (Height - ScaleHeight)
CenterDialog AboutDlg
End Sub
Sub Initialize ()
Dim NewLeft As Integer
Dim NewTop As Integer
Dim Counter As Integer
Dim MaxWidth As Integer
Static Text$(0 To 5)
Static Size(0 To 5) As Integer
Text$(0) = "Communication Demo"
Text$(1) = "written in"
Text$(2) = "Microsoft Visual Basic Programming System"
Text$(3) = "Version 1.00"
Text$(4) = "for"
Text$(5) = "Microsoft Windows 3.00"
Size(0) = 24
Size(1) = 12
Size(2) = 12
Size(3) = 12
Size(4) = 12
Size(5) = 12
CurrentY = Command1.Height / 2
MaxWidth = TextWidth(Caption)
For Counter = 0 To 5
FontSize = Size(Counter)
WorkWidth = TextWidth(Text$(Counter))
If WorkWidth > MaxWidth Then MaxWidth = WorkWidth
CurrentX = (ScaleWidth - WorkWidth) / 2
Print Text$(Counter);
CurrentY = CurrentY + TextHeight(Text$(Counter))
Next Counter
Line ((ScaleWidth - MaxWidth) / 2, CurrentY)-(((ScaleWidth - MaxWidth) / 2) + MaxWidth, CurrentY + 30), QBColor(0), BF
width = MaxWidth + Command1.width
NewLeft = (ScaleWidth - Command1.width) / 2
NewTop = CurrentY + Command1.Height
Command1.Move NewLeft, NewTop
End Sub
Sub Form_Paint ()
UpdateCaption " DIALOG: " + Caption, 0
End Sub
Unload AboutDlg
End Sub
Sub Form_Load ()
Remove_Items_From_SysMenu AboutDlg
Height = + (Command1.Height * 1.5) + (Height - ScaleHeight)
CenterDialog AboutDlg
End Sub
Sub Initialize ()
Dim NewLeft As Integer
Dim NewTop As Integer
Dim Counter As Integer
Dim MaxWidth As Integer
Static Text$(0 To 5)
Static Size(0 To 5) As Integer
Text$(0) = "Communication Demo"
Text$(1) = "written in"
Text$(2) = "Microsoft Visual Basic Programming System"
Text$(3) = "Version 1.00"
Text$(4) = "for"
Text$(5) = "Microsoft Windows 3.00"
Size(0) = 24
Size(1) = 12
Size(2) = 12
Size(3) = 12
Size(4) = 12
Size(5) = 12
CurrentY = Command1.Height / 2
MaxWidth = TextWidth(Caption)
For Counter = 0 To 5
FontSize = Size(Counter)
WorkWidth = TextWidth(Text$(Counter))
If WorkWidth > MaxWidth Then MaxWidth = WorkWidth
CurrentX = (ScaleWidth - WorkWidth) / 2
Print Text$(Counter);
CurrentY = CurrentY + TextHeight(Text$(Counter))
Next Counter
Line ((ScaleWidth - MaxWidth) / 2, CurrentY)-(((ScaleWidth - MaxWidth) / 2) + MaxWidth, CurrentY + 30), QBColor(0), BF
width = MaxWidth + Command1.width
NewLeft = (ScaleWidth - Command1.width) / 2
NewTop = CurrentY + Command1.Height
Command1.Move NewLeft, NewTop
End Sub
Sub Form_Paint ()
UpdateCaption " DIALOG: " + Caption, 0
End Sub
December 22, 2017
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