Dec 222017
Visual Basic communications routines, with demo program.
File VBCOMDEM.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category BASIC Language
Visual Basic communications routines, with demo program.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ABOUTDLG.FRM 1771 922 deflated
ABOUTDLG.TXT 1632 601 deflated
CHKLIST.CPS 27 27 stored
COMMDEMO.EXE 52839 19775 deflated
COMMDEMO.FRM 6205 2432 deflated
COMMDEMO.MAK 190 134 deflated
COMMDEMO.TXT 5279 1257 deflated
EVENTDLG.FRM 5315 1940 deflated
EVENTDLG.TXT 4832 964 deflated
GLOBAL.BAS 4091 1204 deflated
LINEDLG.FRM 9609 3240 deflated
LINEDLG.TXT 10404 1712 deflated
MODULE1.BAS 5796 1586 deflated
MODULE1.TXT 5796 1585 deflated
PORTDLG.FRM 5174 2205 deflated
PORTDLG.TXT 4600 1084 deflated
RECEIVE.FRM 2888 1273 deflated
RECEIVE.TXT 2916 751 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated

Download File VBCOMDEM.ZIP Here

Contents of the ABOUTDLG.TXT file

Sub Command1_Click ()
Unload AboutDlg
End Sub

Sub Form_Load ()

Remove_Items_From_SysMenu AboutDlg


Height = + (Command1.Height * 1.5) + (Height - ScaleHeight)

CenterDialog AboutDlg

End Sub

Sub Initialize ()

Dim NewLeft As Integer
Dim NewTop As Integer
Dim Counter As Integer
Dim MaxWidth As Integer

Static Text$(0 To 5)
Static Size(0 To 5) As Integer

Text$(0) = "Communication Demo"
Text$(1) = "written in"
Text$(2) = "Microsoft Visual Basic Programming System"
Text$(3) = "Version 1.00"
Text$(4) = "for"
Text$(5) = "Microsoft Windows 3.00"

Size(0) = 24
Size(1) = 12
Size(2) = 12
Size(3) = 12
Size(4) = 12
Size(5) = 12

CurrentY = Command1.Height / 2
MaxWidth = TextWidth(Caption)

For Counter = 0 To 5
FontSize = Size(Counter)

WorkWidth = TextWidth(Text$(Counter))
If WorkWidth > MaxWidth Then MaxWidth = WorkWidth

CurrentX = (ScaleWidth - WorkWidth) / 2

Print Text$(Counter);
CurrentY = CurrentY + TextHeight(Text$(Counter))
Next Counter

Line ((ScaleWidth - MaxWidth) / 2, CurrentY)-(((ScaleWidth - MaxWidth) / 2) + MaxWidth, CurrentY + 30), QBColor(0), BF

width = MaxWidth + Command1.width

NewLeft = (ScaleWidth - Command1.width) / 2
NewTop = CurrentY + Command1.Height

Command1.Move NewLeft, NewTop

End Sub

Sub Form_Paint ()

UpdateCaption " DIALOG: " + Caption, 0

End Sub

 December 22, 2017  Add comments

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