Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : UBAS830.ZIP
Filename : README.IBM

Output of file : README.IBM contained in archive : UBAS830.ZIP
UPDATE REPORT for UBASIC 8.30 January 24,1992
New Features
Square root modulo a prime is implemented.

Supports SuperVGA adapter. Various texts modes with more
than 80*25 characters are available.

Prime test program APRT-CL is improved. The new name is

Memory handling routine was not suitable for DOS ver.5.

UPDATE REPORT for UBASIC 8.2A December 2,1991
The power of the least nonzero fraction was incorrect.
ex. #eps^(-1) is 0.0, of course it must be the same as
1/#eps, which is a very large number.

UPDATE REPORT for UBASIC 8.28 October 4,1991
A program could not be input if it contained
'elseif 0...'.

UPDATE REPORT August 27,1991
New Application Programs
Professor Donald E. G. Malm sent some programs for number
theory. They are included in the MALM subdirectory.

UPDATE REPORT for UBASIC 8.27 July 17,1991
A function PEEKS did not work well.

UPDATE REPORT for UBASIC 8.26 June 23,1991
Ctrl-Break becomes more sensitive. It works well in the
short loops such as 10 while 1:a=1:wend.

UPDATE REPORT for UBASIC 8.25 June 8,1991
Computation of polynomials modulo a prime returned incorrect
answer when the modulus was bigger than 32768.

MODPOW including MODPOW missed the sign.
(ex. modpow(-2,modpow(2,3,5),5) was misunderstood as
modpow(2,modpow(2,3,5),5) )

LOAD,APPEND,RUN with the file name assigned by a variable
did not work well.

SQRT of a complex number with the negative real part gave
an answer with poor approximation.

New features from 8.12 to 8.25
Expanded memories are supported as optional arrays named
EMA-array following LIM-EMS4.0.
Now EMA-arrays can be declared as local arrays in sub-
routines and functions.
(This function was mentioned in the documents. But it
cannot be used until now.)

On-line help is supported. See UBHELP.DOC for the usage.

Rational arithmetic: ex. 1//2+1//3 is 5//6

Manipulation of strings:
Usual functions like LEFT,MID,RIGHT are available.

1-valiable Polynomial arithmetic:
ex. (1+_X)^2 is 1+2*_X+_X^2 use _X for the valiable.

Maximum loop time for FOR-NEXT is increasted from 2^16-1
to 2^32-1.

Variations of UBASIC

UB98 for Japanese machine NEC PC-9801

There exists an 80386 version for each variation.
This version uses 32bits multiplications and divisions.
It runs faster if the program makes heavy use of
multiprecision arithmetic.
Memory area is still as same as that of the 16bits version.

  3 Responses to “Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : UBAS830.ZIP
Filename : README.IBM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: