Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : TANDY.ZIP
Filename : GRAFIX.DOC

Output of file : GRAFIX.DOC contained in archive : TANDY.ZIP
Note: original documentation has been altered to correct reversal of
the Sound and Noise AX values. Don Phillip Gibson [75725,1752]


Graphics And Sound Support
For The Tandy 1000 Series Personal Computer

Joseph A. Albrecht
125 West Raven Street
Belle Plaine, MN 56011

GEnie Mail Address:

Welcome to GRAFIX 1.00, support for the Tandy 1000's 320 x 200 x 16 color
graphics mode and Texas Instruments SN76496 sound chip. It gives this support to
programmers of any language that has access to BIOS interrupt services. This is
accomplished through GRAFIX being a TSR (Terminate & Stay Resident) program with
all it's parameters passed via the CPU registers. The program links into the
BIOS video interrupt and processes any valid function with the AH register
containing the hex value EE and the AL register containing the desired function
number. There are several graphics and sound functions in the GRAFIX package.
They include point plotting, line and circle drawing, draw and box filling
routines, graphics text and cursor support, store and transfer graphics images,
painting, noise, and sound generation. These functions should provide you with
enough tools to write any general graphics application.

I had 3 reasons in providing this package:

First, there is absolutely NO support out there for the Tandy 1000's extended
graphics and sound capablities in any of the major programming languages (except
the special version of GW-BASIC that came with your machine) by Borland,
Microsoft, or any other vendor I can think of. There is some support in the BBS
community, but not a whole lot to speak of. I know this has driven me MAD ever
since I got my Tandy 1000 in August, 1985. There are now over 1 million Tandy
1000 series computers out there. Not providing support for it's extended
graphics and sound is just not fair. This all changed when I got my July, 1988
issue of PCM magazine. It contained a fairly complete graphics system written in
Assembly language by the magazine's contributing editor, John B. Harrell, III.
This gave me the idea of modifying the base program, including more graphics
functions, and adding sound support. The result of all my efforts is the package
you have now. I hope this will take away some of the frustration I know many
Tandy 1000 programmers have had.

Second, I wanted to show how computer graphics and sound on the Tandy 1000 are
implemented in Assembly language. These are not the best documented subjects. I
know this has been a source of frustration for me for the past couple of years.
There are lots of books out there showing a point plotting, line, or circle
drawing routine for all the other video adapters, but NEVER the Tandy 1000.
Where sound is concerned on the Tandy 1000, this information is almost
nonexistent. There is no single source I know of that shows you a complete
graphics and sound system. Providing the source code with the program itself
should give you a better understanding of how EVERYTHING works. You don't have
to want to know these things. I simply provide the source for those programmers
that have been as curious as myself.

Finally, I wanted to give the BBS community something in return for all it has
given me. This program is my way of paying it back. This means I do not expect
any contributions, the package is ABSOLUTELY FREE!

Now I will get on with the business at hand, describing the GRAFIX package in
detail. I will go through each function explaining what is does, the entry
values required and any exit values that are returned. All entry values for the
AX register are in hexadecimal. The function name in each section is the label
name of the function in the Assembly language source file.

One more point of note. All arrays passed to this program MUST be integer in
type, that is to say each element is 2 bytes in size. To avoid any problems
PLEASE make sure that you double check this if any problems arise when passing
an array. In most cases you won't do any damage, but the Get function can leave
you out in the cold. When you come to this section in the documentation please
read through it VERY carefully.



Entry values:
AX = EE00
Exit values:


Clears the graphics screen to the current background color.



Entry values:
AX = EE01
BX = Action
0 = Turn color enable signal off
1 = Turn color enable signal on
Exit values:


Turns the color enable signal on or off.


This function is mainly provided for people with monochrome composit monitors.
The color graphics are much easier to see when the color enable signal is turned
off. The facility to turn it back on again is also provided if you wish to do



Entry values:
AX = EE02
BX = Color type
01 = Set drawing color
02 = Set text color
03 = Set background color
CX = Color
Exit values:


Sets the current drawing, text, or background color.


Setting the drawing color affects the current color of points plotted onto the
screen. Unless otherwise specified, the current drawing color is used in all
graphic functions where necessary. Setting the text color affects the color of
characters printed with the Print_String function. The background color is not
only the background color, but the border color as well. The text and background
color options work exactly the same way as they would in text screen mode,
except that the background color affects the whole screen, not the individual
character being printed.



Entry values:
AX = EE03
BX = Color type
01 = Return drawing color
02 = Return text color
03 = Return background color
Exit values:
CX = Current color of selected option


Returns the current drawing, text, or background color.



Entry values:
AX = EE04
BX = Horizontal portion of aspect ratio
CX = Vertical portion of aspect ratio
Exit values:


Sets the vertical and horizontal elements of the aspect ratio used to draw


The aspect ratio is the relationship between the number of points on the screen
horizontally to the number of points vertically. The 320 x 200 screen contains
320 points horizontally and 200 points vertically. This means that there are
more points per inch horizontal than vertical. There must be some way then to
make up for this irregularity. That is where the aspect ratio comes into play.
It acts a compensator when calculating where on the screen to draw the points of
the circle so it will come out perfectly round. The default value for the aspect
ratio is 6/5. This will produce perfectly round circles every time. You may ask
why be able to change it if the circle will come out round everytime? The answer
is that you may not always want draw a perfectly round circle, you may want to
draw what is know as an ellipse. An ellipse is a circular shape that is more
enlongated either vertically or horizontally. Setting the aspect ratio to say
12/5 will produce an ellipse that is more enlongated horizontally than
vertically. Setting it to 6/10 will do just the opposite with an ellipse
enlongated more vertically than horizontally.



Entry values:
AX = EE05
Exit values:
BX = Horizontal portion of aspect ratio
CX = Vertical portion of aspect ratio


Returns the current horizontal and vertical portions of the aspect ratio.



Entry values:
AX = EE06
SI = X position
DI = Y position
Exit values:


Plots individual points onto the screen using the current drawing color.



Entry values:
AX = EE07
SI = X position
DI = Y position
Exit values:
AX = Color of point


Returns the current color for the point at the specified X,Y position.



Entry values:
AX = EE08
SI = X position to move to
DI = Y position to move to
Exit values:


Moves to the specified X,Y position without plotting any points.



Entry values:
AX = EE09
SI = Number of points to move horizontally
DI = Number of points to move vertically
Exit values:


Moves a relative distance from the current X,Y position without plotting any


What you are doing here is not moving to an absolute position, instead you are
moving the specified number of points away from the current position in a
horizontal and vertical direction. You can give this function either positive or
negative values allowing you to go up, down, left, and right.



Entry values:
Exit values:
BX = Current X position
CX = Current Y position


Returns the current X,Y position.



Entry values
BX = Upper left X position
CX = Upper left Y position
SI = Lower right X position
DI = Lower right Y position
Exit values:


Draws a line starting at the upper left X,Y position to the lower right X,Y
position using the current drawing color.



Entry values:
SI = X position to line to
DI = Y position to line to
Exit values:


Draws a line starting at the current X,Y position to specified X,Y position
using the current drawing color.



Entry values:
SI = Number of points to move horizontally
DI = Number of points to move vertically
Exit values:


Draws a line a relative distance from the current X,Y position using the current
drawing color.


This works in exactly the same way as Move_Rel the only difference being it
draws a line to the ending X,Y position.



Entry values:
BX = Upper left X position
CX = Upper left Y position
SI = Lower right X position
DI = Lower right Y position
DX = Color of box
Exit values:


Draws a line box starting at the upper left X,Y position to the lower right X,Y
position using the specified color, ignoring the current drawing color.



Entry values:
SI = Starting X position
DI = Starting Y position
BX = Radius
Exit Values:


Draws a circle centered at the specified X,Y position using the specified
radius, the current horizontal and vertical values of the aspect ratio, and the
current drawing color.


The radius determines how large the circle will be. If you tell this function to
use a radius of 50 the circle will be drawn with each point being 50 points away
from the center. This assumes that the circle is perfectly round. If you change
the default values of the aspect ratio with the Set_Aspect function the results
will be different.



Entry values:
AX = EE10
SI = Starting X position
DI = Starting Y position
BX = Fill color
CX = Boundry color
Exit values:


Paints irregular shapes with the specified fill color stopping at the specified
boundry color.


An example of using the Paint function would be if you were drawing a person's
face on the screen and had already drawn the face, eyes, nose, and mouth
outlines. Now you wanted to color in only the face portion. With the Paint
function this becomes very easy. It starts at the specified X,Y position and
begins filling the area with the color you told it too. You also supply it with
a boundry color. This enables the function not to fill in a point that has the
boundry color value. Now getting back to the face example, if all the outlines
you had drawn where completely enclosed and in the same color as the boundry
color, those enclosed areas would be left unchanged. Only the face portion would
be filled in. The same could be done for the eyes, mouth, and nose, too. The
idea of an area being enclosed is the same as surrounding something with a
fence, as long as the fence is closed nothing can get in. You don't have to
close things off to use this function. The main thing to remember is that any
point on the screen that is the same color as the boundry color will not be



Entry values:
AX = EE11
BX = Upper left X position
CX = Upper left Y position
SI = Lower right X position
DI = Lower right Y position
DX = Color of box
Exit values:


Draws a solid box starting at the upper left X,Y position to the lower right X,Y
position using the specified color, ignoring the current drawing color.



Entry values:
AX = EE12
BX = Palette register number
CX = Color value to store
Exit values:


Sets the specified palette register to the specified color.


Palettes registers are special areas in the video system that determine what the
colors are displayed on the screen. There are 16 in all (17 actually counting
the border color but I don't let you access it with this function) allowing for
the 16 different colors. In the default state each palette register has the same
value as its corresponding color number. For example, palette register 1 has a
value of 1, which is blue, and palette register 5 has a value of 5, which is
magenta. This means that all 16 palette registers initially have the values
0-15. A good example of how to use the Set_Palette function is if you wanted to
make a lightning bolt effect on the screen. First draw the lightning bolt in say
bright white, which is color number 15. Then use this function to continually
change palette register 15 to black, which is color number 0, and back to 15
again. This would give the effect of the lightning bolt flashing, because all
bright white dots on the screen would become black and then change back to
bright white again.



Entry values:
AX = EE13
DS = Segment address of integer array
DX = Offset address of integer array
Exit values:


Sets all 16 palette registers using 16 elements of an integer array.


This works in exactly the same way as Set_Palette only you are changing all 16
palette registers at the same time. Each element of the array contains the new
color value for the corresponding palette register.



Entry values:
AX = EE14
Exit values:


Resets all 16 palette registers to their default state.



Entry values:
AX = EE15
BX = Upper left X position
CX = Upper left Y position
SI = Lower right X position
DI = Lower right Y position
DS = Segment address of integer array
DX = Offset address of integer array
Exit values:


Stores a graphics image starting at the upper left X,Y position to the lower
right X,Y position into an integer array.


Get is used in conjunction with the Put function to store and transfer areas of
the graphics screen. Be EXTREMELY careful when using this function in making
sure the array is large enough to hold the entire image you are storing. If not,
this function will cheerfully overwrite anything after the ending position of
the array in your program. This includes other variables, or even program
instructions. The result would be less than pleasurable I assure you. You
probably didn't save the program you were working on at the time and would more
than likely have to reboot your computer. I can hear a few choice words coming
out of your mouth right now. Fortunately, there is a simple solution to this
problem that can be set up in your program to see that this terrible event never
occurs. Use the following procedure to determine if the array is large enough to
safely store the whole image:

SafeSize = INT(H * W / 4) + 6
H - Image's number of points in height
W - Image's number of points in width

ArraySize = L - S + 1
L - Integer array's largest possible index number
S - Integer array's smallest possible index number

IF ArraySize < SafeSize THEN DON'T execute this function

Most programming languages allow you to determine an array's smallest and
largest index number. If the language you are working in doesn't have this
capability then you'll have to supply those figures yourself. This is a little
more risky, but we all take chances when we program, now don't we.



Entry values:
AX = EE16
SI = Starting X position
DI = Starting Y position
BX = Action
2 = PSET
3 = AND
4 = OR
5 = XOR
DS = Segment address of integer array
DX = Offset address of integer array
Exit values:


Transfers an image that was previously stored using the Get function.


With Get and Put you now can copy and move images to and from different parts of
the screen. The image is transferred starting at the specified X,Y position. You
can do some interesting things by telling the function which action to use when
making the transfer. Each action is explained as follows:

PRESET produces a numeric opposite when transferring the color from the array to
the screen. That is to say if the color in the array was black, color number 0,
then it would be transferred as bright white, color number 15, onto the screen.
The following table shows the results:

Color Color
In On
Array Screen
----- ------
00 15
01 14
02 13
03 12
04 11
05 10
06 09
07 08
08 07
09 06
10 05
11 04
12 03
13 02
14 01
15 00

PSET transfers the image exactly as it was stored.

AND performs a logical AND between the color on the screen and the color in the
array. This transfers the image over the existing image.

OR performs a logical OR between the color on the screen and the color in the
array. This superimposes the image onto the existing image.

XOR performs a logical XOR between the color on the screen and the color in the
array. The biggest difference between the XOR action and the rest of the others
is that it can be used to produce animation. This is made possible due to the
nature of the logical XOR operation. Where a point is transferred from the array
the corrsponding point on the screen gets erased. When done a second time in the
exact same spot the point is restored again. So in order to perform animation do
the following:

1) Put the object on the screen initially with the XOR action.
2) Recalculate the position of the object.
3) Put the object on the screen a second time at old position using the XOR
action again.
4) Repeat step 1, but Put the object at the new location.



Entry values:
AX = EE17
BX = Action
0 = Turn graphics cursor off
1 = Turn graphics cursor on
2 = Set cursor to full size
3 = Set cursor to half size
Exit values:


Turns the graphics cursor on/off or sets it to full/half size.


The reason I provided a cursor was for the text support. When you turn the
cursor on it acts exactly like the cursor you have in text screen mode. It
advances 8 points at time up and down so it will always cover a text character
evenly. One example of using the text cursor is if you develop an input routine.
You could turn the cursor on to show the current position where the person was
typing. You could use the half cursor size to indicate the person had pressed
the insert key and now the insert state is active.



Entry values:
AX = EE18
Exit values:
BX = Cursor status
0 = Graphics cursor off
1 = Graphics cursor on
CX = Cursor size
0 = Cursor is full size
1 = Cursor is half size


Returns the current cursor status and size.



Entry values:
AX = EE19
BX = Column (1-40)
CX = Row (1-25)
Exit values:


Sets the current graphics cursor position in text format.


This is used to set the location where the next graphics text string will be
printed by the Print_String function.



Entry values:
Exit values:
BX = Current column (1-40)
CX = Current row (1-25)


Returns the current graphics cursor position in text format.



Entry values:
BX = Action when printing string
0 = Don't advance to the next line after printing the string
1 = Advance to the next line after printing the string
CX = Length of string
DS = Segment address of string
DX = Offset address of string
Exit values:


Prints a text string on the graphics screen starting at the current cursor
position using the current text color.


Using the Set_Color function you can use any of the 16 colors to print the
string with. Using the Set_Cursor function you control the starting row and
column location the string will be printed at.



Entry values:
CX = Amount of delay (1-65535)
SI = X starting position
DI = Y starting position
DS = Segment address of integer array
DX = Offset address of integer array
Exit values:


Performs animation as described in the 'Put' function. It automatically
transfers the image to the screen and then erases it again. The delay is the
interval between the transfer and erase phase of the image. This can help reduce




Entry values:
AX = EE80
BX = Action
00 = Return residency status in AX
DEAD = This package is resident
01 = Return current graphics system status in AX
0 = Inactive
1 = Active
02 = Enable all graphics functions
03 = Diable all graphics functions
04 = Disable all current sound processing
05 = Enable sound buffer processing
06 = Disable sound buffer processing
07 = Disable all current noise processing
08 = Enable noise buffer processing
09 = Disable noise buffer processing
10 = Disable all current sound and noise processing
Exit values:
AX = Current residency or graphics status if requested


This is a blanket routine to incorporate many system level functions of the
GRAFIX package.


Here is a list of each sub-function's description:

BX = 00:
This will enable you to determine if the GRAFIX program is installed or
not. If it is resident the AX register will contain the hexadecimal word
DEAD to indicate this fact. This is useful to make sure the program you are
going to run was loaded after the GRAFIX program.

BX = 01:
This will let you determine the current status of the graphics system. The
system must be enabled before any of it's functions can be used. This is a
handy little item to have to make sure graphics system is enabled before
attempting to use any of the functions.

BX = 02:
This enables all functions in the graphics system and enters the Tandy
1000's 320 x 200 x 16 color graphics mode. It also resets all the graphics
variables to their default state as listed at the end of this function's

BX = 03:
This disables all functions in the graphics system and enters the 80 x 25
text screen mode.

BX = 04:
This turns all current sound processing off. All current sounds are turned
off, the sound buffer is cleared, and sound buffering is disabled.

BX = 05:
This turns sound buffering on allowing you to make sounds in background
while your program is executing.

BX = 06:
This turns sound buffering off. The current sound is left alone, but the
sound buffer is cleared of any remain sounds to make.

BX = 07:
This turns all current noise processing off. All current noises are turned
off, the noise buffer is cleared, and noise buffering is disabled.

BX = 08:
This turns noise buffering on allowing you to make noises in background
while your program is executing.

BX = 09:
This turns noise buffering off. The current noise is left alone, but the
noise buffer is cleared of any remain noises to make.

BX = 10:
This turns all current noise and sound processing off. All current noises
and sounds are turned off, the noise and sound buffers are cleared, and
noise and sound buffering is disabled.

The following are the default values for GRAFIX package:

Current X,Y position: X = 0
Y = 0

Current text position: Row = 1
Column = 1

Aspect ratio: Horizontal = 6
Vertical = 5

Drawing color: Blue (Color number 1)

Text color: Bright White (Color number 15)

Background color: Black (Color number 0)

Graphics cursor: Off

Graphics cursor size: Full

Sound buffering: Off

Noise buffering: Off



Entry values:
AX = EE82
BX = Type (0-7)
0-3 are periodic noises
4-7 are white noises
CX = Volume (0-15)
0 is the quietest
15 is the loudest
DX = Duration (0-65535)
This is the number of clock ticks the noise will last
Exit values:


Generates a periodic or white noise sound using the specified type, volume, and


This function works exactly like the NOISE function in the special version of
GW-BASIC that came with your Tandy 1000. Test it out to hear the difference
between the periodic and white noise sound effects. The duration is tied to the
BIOS timer interrupt that updates the BIOS time of day clock 18.2 times a
second. A value of 18 will make the noise last 1 second, 36 will make the noise
last 2 seconds. You get the general idea.



Entry values:
AX = EE81
BX = Volume (0-15)
0 is the quietest
15 is the loudest
CX = Sound channel (0-2)
Indicates which one of the three sound channels to use
SI = Frequency (110 - 32767)
DI = Duration (0-65535)
Indicates the number of clock ticks the sound will last
Exit values:


Generates a sound with the specified frequency, duration, volume, and sound


This function works exactly like the SOUND function in the special version of
GW-BASIC that came with you Tandy 1000. The following is a description of each
parameter of the Sound function:

Frequency is a number 110 - 32767:
This is the tone to produce in Hertz. Certain frequencies correspond to
musical notes for example the following chart starts at middle C:

C - 523.25
D - 587.33
E - 659.26
F - 698.46
G - 783.99
A - 880.00
B - 987.77
C - 1045.50

To produce notes in the octave above middle C look up the notes frequency
in the above chart and multiply it by 2.

To produce notes in the octave below middle C follow the same procedure
only divide by 2 instead.

Duration is a number 0 - 65535:
This is the number of clock ticks the sound will last. Again, clock ticks
are tied to the BIOS timer interrupt that updates the BIOS time of day
clock 18.2 times a second. A value of 9 will make the sound last 1/2

There are 1092 clock ticks per minute. To find the number of clock ticks
for one beat, divide the beats per minute into 1092. The following chart
gives the number of clock ticks for some common tempos:

Beats Per Ticks
Tempo Minute Per Minute
----- -------- ----------
Largo 40- 60 27.3 -18.2
Larghetto 60- 66 18.2 -16.55
Adagio 66- 70 16.55-14.37
Andante 76-108 14.37-10.11
Moderato 108-120 10.11- 9.1
Allegro 120-168 9.1 - 6.5
Presto 168-208 6.5 - 5.25

Volume is a number 0 - 15:
0 is the quietest.
15 is the loudest.

Sound channel is a number 0 - 2:
This is the sound channel to use when producing the sound. You can set
each sound channel to a diffenent tone to make a 3-note chord.

As you can plainly see by the desciptions of each parameter, you can play music
using the Sound function. While 99 times out of 100 people are accustomed to
using the PLAY statement in BASIC for this purpose, the Sound function can do
EXACTLY the same thing. The difference being it is more mechanical in nature.
You have to figure out what frequency the note 'A' is, or the number of clock
ticks to use the Presto beat for example. A Play function in this program would
have added too much overhead in my mind to justify incorporating it. Languages
such as TURBO PASCAL only have a SOUND function to produce music, I figured this
program wouldn't be much different. Don't get angry now, remember this is a FREE
package, so have a little understanding on my part.

* * * E X T R A * * * * * * E X T R A * * *

The Noise and Sound functions have a little added bonus. I added buffering for
each function so you could make noises and sounds in background while your
program continues executing. Each buffer can hold up to 64 entries. There are 3
buffers for the Sound function with each sound channel having it's own buffer,
and 1 for the Noise function. Buffering is off by default. See the System
function on how to turn buffering off and on.



Entry values:
AX = EE83
BX = Duration (0-65535)
This is the number of clock ticks the delay will last


Delays a program the specified number of clock ticks.


This is a handy function to have to delay a program for a specific period of
time. The length of the delay is exactly the same as the duration for either the
Noise or Sound function. One last time, clock ticks are tied to the BIOS timer
interrupt that updates the BIOS time of day clock 18.2 times a second. A value
of 1 will delay a program 1/18 of a second, 91 will delay a program 5 seconds.
The reason this is so useful is that the delay is independent of the speed of
your computer. Most delay routines rely on a counting loop to pause for a
specific period of time. This is all fine and well except that there are varying
speeds between the different models in the Tandy 1000 family of computers. They
range from the 4.77Mhz 8088 original 1000/1000A, to the 8Mhz 80286 1000TX. The
TX runs about 6 to 7 times faster than the orginal 1000/1000A. This means the
delay routine using the counting loop method will pause a different amount of
time depending on the model of Tandy 1000 computer used. The BIOS timer
interrupt is a CONSTANT on all Tandy 1000 computers, so using this as the
measurement of time past ensures the delay will pause exactly the same amount of
time on ALL models of the Tandy 1000.


Some final thoughts:

GRAFIX takes up about 9.5K for the program itself plus another 16K to protect
the video memory. This is necessary due to the fact the Tandy 1000 uses up to
32K of the top portion of user memory as video memory. The top 16K is always
protected by the system BIOS because at least 16K is used in text screen mode.
The system BIOS never does anything to protect the 32K necessary in the 320 x
200 x 16 color graphics mode. This is VERY dangerous when using a programming
language such as QuickBASIC or TURBO BASIC which will almost surely over write
this area of memory. The result is a hung computer if the video memory was not
protected. Protection in some cases is not necessary. If you are programming in
C or TURBO PASCAL you have control over the stack and heap requirements of your
program, so the video memory area will never be over written. Another example is
if you own a Tandy 1000TX with the 128K video memory expansion option you are
also safe. Taking these things into consideration, I added a command line option
to skip the protection of video memory if you do not need this feature. Simply
type /N on the command line when loading the GRAFIX program. This will save you
the 16K of video memory normally protected. When the GRAFIX program is loaded it
tells in it's openning message whether protection of video memory was used or

One thing to keep in mind when writing programs using this package is that the
user has to load the GRAFIX program first and then the program you wrote. I know
this is a bit of an inconvenience, but making this program for use with any
language had to come at some cost. Look on the bright side, whether you're
programming in Assembly language, compiled BASIC, C, or PASCAL makes no
difference. You can use all the functions in the GRAFIX program from any of
these languages that you want!

This package contains a complete working interface for Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.0
with several demo programs to show you some of the things you can do with the
GRAFIX program. It should help you in setting up an interface for your favorite
programming language.

I would really like to hear from any of you out there as to what you think of
this package. It may not be the most professional in the world, but I think
after nearly 3 months of work in my spare time it really just isn't too bad of a
package after all. If you have any suggestions as to improvements or features
that you think should be included, please let me know. If there is enough
response, I will make EVERY effort to include them and provide an updated

  3 Responses to “Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : TANDY.ZIP
Filename : GRAFIX.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: