Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : REALFUN.ZIP
Filename : COMPTOP.TXT

Output of file : COMPTOP.TXT contained in archive : REALFUN.ZIP

RealFun: Real & Complex Math Libraries for QuickBASIC


All the functions and subprograms included in the compfun library, organized

by topic:

Minimum & Maximum (real only)

Usage Inputs Outputs Notes

z = amin(x, y) x, y; sp z, sp min of x, y

z# = dmin(x#, y#) x#, y#; dp z#, dp min of x#, y#

z = amax(x, y) x, y; sp z, sp max of x, y

z# = dmax(x#, y#) x#, y#; dp z#, dp max of x#, y#


Usage Inputs Outputs Notes

y = COS(x) x, sp y, sp x in radians

y# = COS(X#) x#, dp y#, dp x# in radians

y = cosd(x) x, sp y, sp x in degrees

y# = dcosd(x#) x#, dp y#, dp x# in degrees

call ccos(x, y, u, v) x, y; sp u, v; sp complex

call cdcos(x#, y#, u#, v#) x#, y#; dp u#, v#; dp complex


Usage Inputs Outputs Notes

y = SIN(x) x, sp y, sp x in radians

y# = SIN(X#) x#, dp y#, dp x# in radians

y = sind(x) x, sp y, sp x in degrees

y# = dsind(x#) x#, dp y#, dp x# in degrees

call csin(x, y, u, v) x, y; sp u, v; sp complex

call cdsin(x#, y#, u#, v#) x#, y#; dp u#, v#; dp complex


Usage Inputs Outputs Notes

y = TAN(x) x, sp y, sp x in radians

y# = TAN(X#) x#, dp y#, dp x# in radians

y = tand(x) x, sp y, sp x in degrees

y# = dtand(x#) x#, dp y#, dp x# in degrees

call ctan(x, y, u, v) x, y; sp u, v; sp complex

call cdtan(x#, y#, u#, v#) x#, y#; dp u#, v#; dp complex

Inverse Cosine

Usage Inputs Outputs Notes

y = acos(x) x, sp y, sp y in radians

y = acosd(x) x, sp y, sp y in degrees

y# = dacos(x#) x#, dp y#, dp y# in radians

y# = dacosd(x#) x#, dp y#, dp y# in degrees

call cacos(x, y, u, v) x, y; sp u, v; sp complex

call cdacos(x#, y#, u#, v#) x#, y#; dp u#, v#; dp complex

Inverse Sine

Usage Inputs Outputs Notes

y = asin(x) x, sp y, sp y in radians

y = asind(x) x, sp y, sp y in degrees

y# = dasin(x#) x#, dp y#, dp y# in radians

y# = dasind(x#) x#, dp y#, dp y# in degrees

call casin(x, y, u, v) x, y; sp u, v; sp complex

call cdasin(x#, y#, u#, v#) x#, y#; dp u#, v#; dp complex

Inverse Tangent

Usage Inputs Outputs Notes

y = ATN(x) x, sp y, sp y in radians

y = atnd(x) x, sp y, sp y in degrees

z = atan(y, x) x, y; sp z, sp z in radians

use to determine proper quadrant of z

z = atand(y, x) x, y; sp z, sp z in degrees

use to determine proper quadrant of z

y# = ATN(X#) x#, dp y#, dp y# in radians

y# = datnd(x#) x#, dp y#, dp y# in degrees

z# = datan#(y#, x#) x#, y#; dp z#, dp z in radians

use to determine proper quadrant of z#

z# = datand#(y#, x#) x#, y#; dp z#, dp z in degrees

use to determine proper quadrant of z#

call catan(x, y, u, v) x, y; sp u, v; sp complex

call cdatan(x#, y#, u#, v#) x#, y#; dp u#, v#; dp complex

Hyperbolic Cosine

Usage Inputs Outputs Notes

y = cosh(x) x, sp y, sp real

y# = dcosh(x#) x#, dp y#, dp real

call ccosh(x, y, u, v) x, y; sp u, v; sp complex

call cdcosh(x#, y#, u#, v#) x#, y#; dp u#, v#; dp complex

Hyperbolic Sine

Usage Inputs Outputs Notes

y = sinh(x) x, sp y, sp real

y# = dsinh(x#) x#, dp y#, dp real

call csinh(x, y, u, v) x, y; sp u, v; sp complex

call cdsinh(x#, y#, u#, v#) x#, y#; dp u#, v#; dp complex

Hyperbolic Tangent

Usage Inputs Outputs Notes

y = tanh(x) x, sp y, sp real

y# = dtanh(x#) x#, dp y#, dp real

call ctanh(x, y, u, v) x, y; sp u, v; sp complex

call cdtanh(x#, y#, u#, v#) x#, y#; dp u#, v#; dp complex

Inverse Hyperbolic Cosine

Usage Inputs Outputs Notes

y = acosh(x) x, sp y, sp real

y# = dacosh(x#) x#, dp y#, dp real

call cacosh(x, y, u, v) x, y; sp u, v; sp complex

call cdacosh(x#, y#, u#, v#) x#, y#; dp u#, v#; dp complex

Inverse Hyperbolic Sine

Usage Inputs Outputs Notes

y = asinh(x) x, sp y, sp real

y# = dasinh(x#) x#, dp y#, dp real

call casinh(x, y, u, v) x, y; sp u, v; sp complex

call cdasinh(x#, y#, u#, v#) x#, y#; dp u#, v#; dp complex

Inverse Hyperbolic Tangent

Usage Inputs Outputs Notes

y = atanh(x) x, sp y, sp real

y# = datanh(x#) x#, dp y#, dp real

call catanh(x, y, u, v) x, y; sp u, v; sp complex

call cdatanh(x#, y#, u#, v#) x#, y#; dp u#, v#; dp complex


Usage Inputs Outputs Notes

y = x MOD k% x, sp; k% int y, sp uses integer

base only

y = amod(x, k) x, k; sp y, sp uses any base

y# = x# MOD k% x, dp; k% int y, dp uses integer

base only

y# = dmod(x#, k#) x#, k#; dp y#, dp uses any base

call cmod(x, y, xk, yk, u, v) x, y, xk, u, v; sp complex base

yk; sp

call cdmod(x#, y#, xk#, yk#, x#, y#, xk#, u#, v#; dp complex base

u#, v#) yk#; dp

call nearint(x, y, u%, v%) x, y; sp u%, v%; int nearest integer

(u%, v%)

call dnearint(x#, y#, u&, v&) x#, y#; dp u&, v&; long nearest integer

(u&, v&)

Exponentiation & Logarithms

Usage Inputs Outputs Notes

y = EXP(x) x, sp y, sp real

y# = EXP(x#) x#, dp y#, dp real

call cexp(x, y, u, v) x, y; sp u, v; sp complex

call cdexp(x#, y#, u#, v#) x#, y#; dp u#, v#; dp complex

y = LOG(x) x, sp y, sp real

y# = LOG(x#) x#, dp y#, dp real

call clog(x, y, u, v) x, y; sp u, v; sp complex

call cdlog(x#, y#, u#, v#) x#, y#; dp u#, v#; dp complex

Multiply & Divide (complex only)

Usage Inputs Outputs Notes

call cmult(x1, y1, x2, y2, x1, y1, x2, u, v; dp (x1, y1) *

u, v) y2; sp (x2, y2)

call cdmult(x1#, y1#, x2#, x1#, y1#, x2#, u#, v#; dp (x1#, y1#) *

y2#, u#, v#) y2#; sp (x2#, y2#)

call cdiv(x1, y1, x2, y2, x1, y1, x2, u, v; dp (x1, y1) /

u, v) y2; sp (x2, y2)

call cddiv(x1#, y1#, x2#, x1#, y1#, x2#, u#, v#; dp (x1#, y1#) /

y2#, u#, v#) y2#; sp (x2#, y2#)

Powers (complex only)

Usage Inputs Outputs Notes

call rpower(x, y, p, u, v) x, y, p; sp u, v; sp (x, y) to real

power p

call cpower(x, y, px, py, x, y, px, u, v; sp complex power

u, v) py; sp (px, py)

call drpower(x#, y#, p#, x#, y#, p#; dp u#, v#; dp real power p#

u#, v#)

call cdpower(x#, y#, px#, x#, y#, px#, u#, v#; dp complex power

py#, u#, v#) py#; dp (px#, py#)

Coordinate Conversion (complex only)

Usage Inputs Outputs Notes

cabs(x, y, r) x, y; sp r; sp magnitude

cdabs(x#, y#, r#) x#, y#; dp r#; dp magnitude

cpolar(x, y, r, t) x, y; sp r, t; sp rect to polar,

t in radians

cpolard(x, y, r, t) x, y; sp r, t; sp rect to polar,

t in degrees

cdpolar(x#, y#, r#, t#) x#, y#; dp r#, t#; dp rect to polar,

t in radians

cdpolard(x#, y#, r#, t#) x#, y#; dp r#, t#; dp rect to polar,

t in degrees

ccart(r, t, x, y) r, t; sp x, y; sp polar to rect,

t in radians

ccartd(r, t, x, y) r, t; sp x, y; sp polar to rect,

t in degrees

cdcart(r#, t#,x#, y#) r#, t#; dp x#, y#; dp polar to rect,

t in radians

cdcartd(r#, t#, x#, y#) r#, t#; dp x#, y#; dp polar to rect,

t in degrees


- Functions listed in UPPER CASE are intrinsic to Quick BASIC, and are

included here for completeness.

- The abbreviation sp means single-precision, dp means double-precision.

- Complex numbers are expressed as (x, y) in rectangular coordinates, where

x = real part and y = imaginary part. In polar form, r is the

magnitude or radius, t = the angle (degrees or radians).

  3 Responses to “Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : REALFUN.ZIP
Filename : COMPTOP.TXT

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: