Dec 222017
Format QuickBASIC source code for printing.
File QBLIST30.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category BASIC Language
Format QuickBASIC source code for printing.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
QBLIST30.DOC 12756 3759 deflated
QBLIST30.EXE 77268 45468 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated

Download File QBLIST30.ZIP Here

Contents of the QBLIST30.DOC file

QBList v3.0

QuickBASIC 4.5 Program listing formatter

(C)1989 Craig L. Patterson

QBList was created by me to provide nicely formatted readable
listings of QuickBASIC source code. Version 3.0 is released as
'Freeware'. You may copy it freely and distribute it to friends
and coworkers. I only ask that you include this .doc file with
the .exe file. It is not finished, and may never be finished.
However, it is currently a very helpful and useful utility I use
on my own system as well as my system at work. I would appreciate
any comments regarding improvements you would like to see.

QBList was created using Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.5, BASIC Compiler
6.0, and Traveller Software's QuickBASIC Utility Set Release 4.
QB 4.5 and BC 6.0 are both well known and respected products, but
the QB Utility Set(QBUS) may be unknown to you. QBUS is a nice
simple subset of the many >$100 QB add-on libraries. It provides
DOS,BIOS,Video,BIT, and miscellaneous utilities. Both a .QLB and
.LIB are provided as well as nicely written soft documentation
(suitably formatted for laser printing as well as dot matrix).
This library provides enough functions to polish up any QB
program without spending hours digging through a commercial
libraries extensive documentation. It won't replace the full
commercial packages, but it is adequate for the average user. I
found my copy on GEnie as QBUTIL.ARC in the IBM software library.
For a $25 donation you can recieve full source code from the
author as well as the latest release. For more info write:

Daniel R. Berry
Traveller Software
14277 Redmond Way
Beale AFB, CA 95903

QBList is still in it's early stages. In fact, it may never be
completely finished. If there are features you would like to see
added please feel free to contact me. I can be reached by mail
* *
* Craig L. Patterson *
* 12007 W.78th Terrace *
* Apt. 16Q *
* Lenexa, KS 66216 *
* *
-or- ************************



The Powerboard BBS 816-358-3205
JCCC COIN BBS 913-469-4401

Using QBList:

There are 2 ways to use QBList, menu and command line. The menu
option is the default. To use the menu option just type in:


at the DOS prompt (xx is the current version number, in this case
30 for 3.0). Fig.1 shows the screen that should appear. Just
press any key to continue.

Figure 1

Version 3.0
QuickBASIC Source code
Listing formatter
(C)1989 Craig L. Patterson

QuickBASIC 4.5 (C)1988, Microsoft Corp.
All rights reserved.
QuickBASIC Utility Set (C)1987-1988,
Traveller Software

.........Press any key to begin.......

The first menu (Fig.2) to appear is the printer format menu. Using
the up and down cursor keys choose the printer you want the listing
formatted for. The HP LaserJet II choice uses HP printer commands
to format the listing for HP LaserJet II and compatibles. The
Epson FX-80 sends Epson type commands and will work with any
Epson compatible printer. When the light bar is on the printer
type of your choice press RETURN or ENTER.

Figure 2

QB List 3.0 QuickBASIC Source Listing Formatter
(C)1989 Craig L. Patterson

Choose Printer

Epson FX-80

Menu 2 (FIG.3) is the file choice menu. Using the cursor keys place the
light bar on the .BAS file use wish to list and format. Press
RETURN or ENTER to continue. If more .BAS files exist in the
directory than will fit in the display press the down cursor key
until an up arrow symbol appears the right hand slide bar. The
program will also beep if you try to go down any farther.

Figure 3

QB List 3.0 QuickBASIC Source Listing Formatter
(C)1989 Craig L. Patterson



Menu 3 (FIG.4) will give you the option of choosing a name for
the output file. If you press RETURN or ENTER without choosing a
name the output file will use the base name of the input file
with a .LST extension.

FIgure 4

QB List 3.0 QuickBASIC Source Listing Formatter
(C)1989 Craig L. Patterson


Input File Output File

If you choose an output file name that already exists you will
prompted (FIG.5) whether or not to overwrite the existing file.
If you answer 'Y' the existing file will be overwritten and lost.
If you answer 'N' you will prompted for a new output file name.
Processing will not continue until you enter a unique output file
name or choose to overwrite an existing file.

Figure 5

QB List 3.0 QuickBASIC Source Listing Formatter
(C)1989 Craig L. Patterson


Input File Output File

TEST.LST exists. Overwrite it? (Y/N) [ ]

Input name is default. LST extension will be added.

After entering the output file name (or accepting the default) a
status box (FIG.6) will appear and QBList will start processing the file.
The status box will show the current line number and page number
being written to the output file. When processing is complete a
moving message at the bottom of the screen will inform you that
the listing is finished. Press any key to exit.

Figure 6

QB List 3.0 QuickBASIC Source Listing Formatter
(C)1989 Craig L. Patterson


Input File Output File

Line# 38
Page# 2

Listing complete.... Hit any key...

To use the command line option type:

QBLIST30 aaaaaaaa n

where aaaaaaaa is the 8 character file base name (no extension)
of the BASIC file you wish to format. QBList assumes a .BAS
extension, so no extension is required here. n is either a 0 or
1, enter a 0 for Epson FX-80 format or a 1 for HP Laserjet II

If you enter:


the program will display a short help prompt (FIG.7).

Figure 7

C:\BASIC>qblist30 h
QBLIST30 filename prt
filename = Name of .BAS to format (do not include extension)
prt = 0 for Epson FX-80 formatted listing
= 1 for HP Laserjet II formatted listing
QBList 3.0 Copyright (C)1989, Craig L. Patterson
BASIC Compiler 6.0,QuickBASIC 4.5 Copyright (C)1988, Microsoft Corporation
QuickBASIC Utility Set Copyright, (C)1987-88, Traveller Software

FIG.8 shows the screen output when processing the file 'TEST.BAS'
with HP LaserJet II formatting. When QBList is finished
processing your file it will print 'Listing complete.' and a
copyright message and return to the DOS prompt.

Figure 8

C:\BASIC>qblist30 test 1
Listing complete.

QBList 3.0 Copyright (C)1989, Craig L. Patterson
BASIC Compiler 6.0,QuickBASIC 4.5 Copyright (C)1988, Microsoft Corporation
QuickBASIC Utility Set Copyright, (C)1987-88, Traveller Software

There is one 'hidden' feature of QBList: You can force a page
break by including the following command in the first column of a
blank line:


QBList will put a page break every 55 lines and whenever a SUB or
FUNCTION is encountered. This makes it easier for me to find a
specific subroutine and I find it more readable. This may not
appeal to everyone. This version does not give any other options,
however, I would be open to ANY suggestions.

The Usual Copyright and Distribution Stuff:

QBList 3.0 is Copyright (C), 1989 by Craig L. Patterson.
All Rights Reserved.

QBList 3.0 is released as 'Shareware'. QBList 3.0 is *NOT* Public

Not for commercial distribution without written permission by the
copyright holder (ME). Noncommercial copying of this software,
source code and this documentation is encouraged. Commercial
distribution is easily defined: if you distribute this software,
or the enclosed documentation or source code, for more than your
cost of such distribution, then you're a commercial distributor
and require my written permission. Not-for-profit organizations
and computer user groups, and bulletin board systems are
specifically *NOT* considered commercial distributors.

By your using this software, you agree to the terms herein.
Specifically, that you do not have the right to copy this
software except as outlined above, and that you are granted a
license to use this software only under these terms.

You also agree, and signify that agreement by using this
software, that Craig L. Patterson will not be held liable for any
reason for any cost you may incur, or any potential income you
might lose as a result of using this software. Finally, this
software is provided "AS IS", meaning that what you see is what
you get.

 December 22, 2017  Add comments

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