Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : QBFAQR01.ZIP
Filename : QWKFMT.DOC

Output of file : QWKFMT.DOC contained in archive : QBFAQR01.ZIP
BBS: PC Connect
Date: 01-10-92 (01:57) Number: 9134
To: ALL Recvd: NO
Subj: QWK FORMAT 1-2398476 Conf: (11) R-QBasic
QWK mail format information
By Mark May - Mythical Kingdom Software
While writing a QWK utility, I found that there was no
one place where all the necessary info on the QWK format
was available. Thru messages in several network echo
conferences (Thanks to Tim Farley, Mark Goodwin, Randy
Blackmond, Mark Herring, Patrick Lee, Greg Hewgill, and
others), I gradually collected the information enclosed
in this archive.
To save others the time collecting this information, I've
put together this set of files by editing the information
from the various sources so that it is conveniently
Tim Farley is working on a more rigorous specification and
I'm sure all of us would appreciate any help you can give
him in this. If you find any errors or additional
information, I'd also appreciate hearing about it so that
I can further update this set of files.
You may contact me at:

Fido - 1:110/290
Normal Bbs 513-237-7737 (at 9600 HST/V32)

You may also contact me in the P/Net (programmers network)
Bbs/Utils developers conference.

v1.1 08/17/91 Added information on Door.Id
Added info on conferences above 255
Added info on message has tagline field
Corrected info on message status values
v1.0 05/28/91 Initial release
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Old style configuration commands

To: QMAIL (or whatever)

Subject contains one of the following commands:

ADD Add current conference
ADD -20 Add current conference and set lastread pointer
20 below the end
ADD 9876 Add current conference and set lastread pointer
to message number 9876
DROP Drop current conference
RESET Reset current conference lastread pointer to
the end
RESET -20 Reset current conference lastread pointer to
20 below the end
RESET 9876 Reset current conference lastread pointer to
message number 9876
BLTS ON Turn bulletins on
BLTS OFF Turn bulletins off
FILES ON Turn new files list on
FILES OFF Turn new files list off
WELCOME ON Turn welcome screen on
WELCOME OFF Turn welcome screen off
GOODBYE ON Turn goodbye screen on
GOODBYE OFF Turn goodbye screen off
If the subject is CONFIG, see the new format in COMMAND.TXT
for an explanation.
New (04/91) format for configuration messages

To: QMAIL (or whatever)
Subject: CONFIG
Text has one command per line with the following options:
ADD adds a conference
DROP drops a conference
RESET resets message pointer to value or
can use HIGH-xxx
CITY changes bbs user city
PASSWORD changes bbs user password
BPHONE changes bbs user business/data phone
HPHONE changes bbs user home/voice phone
PCBEXPERT [ON|OFF] turns bbs user expert mode on or off
PCBPROT sets bbs user protocol to char (A thru Z)
PCBCOMMENT sets bbs user comment
PAGELEN sets bbs use pagelength
PROTOCOL sets QWK door protocol to char (A thru Z)
EXPERT [ON|OFF] sets QWK door expert mode on or off
MAXSIZE sets maximum QWK size in bytes
MAXNUMBER sets maximum msgs per conference
AUTOSTART QWK door autostart

þ SLMR 2.1a þ !enif tsuj si gnihtyrevE

RBBS-UTI v2.0 : by Bob Snyder - (703)323-6423/1782 HST

PCRelay:GREYHAWK -> #837 RelayNet (tm)
4.10 DGS -Viper- (410)465-3891 / 461-9943 USR/DS's
BBS: PC Connect
Date: 01-10-92 (01:58) Number: 9135
To: ALL Recvd: NO
Subj: QWK FORMAT 2 -1289376 Conf: (11) R-QBasic
Format of Control.Dat file

Control.Dat is a normal CR/LF style text file with the
following lines in exactly the order shown.

BBS name
BBS City, BBS State
BBS phone number {AAA-EEE-NNNN}
Sysop name,Sysop {Sysop name in upper case followed
by the literal ',Sysop'}
Serial number ,BBS ID {Serial Number, UpperCase BBSID}
Date of mail packet, time of packet {MM-DD-YYYY,HH:MM:SS}
Caller's name {Uppercase}
Number of conferences (in additon to conference 0 which is main)
(ie use number of conferences minus one)
Conference number
Name of Conference (should be limited to maximum length of 12 characters)
Conference number
Name of Conference
name of BBS welcome file
name of NEWS file
name of BBS goodbye file

Other optional data may occur after the Goodbye file line, but the
trend is to omit this data. If included it is as follows:

0 {Unknown}
Screen Length
USER NAME {Upper case}
FirstName {Proper case}
CITY, ST {Upper case}
Data Phone {AAA EEE-NNNN}
Voice Phone {AAA EEE-NNNN}
Security Level
Expiration Date {MM-DD-YY}
Last On Date {MM-DD-YY}
Last On Time {HH:MM}
Number of calls
0 {Unknown}
DownLoaded Bytes
DownLoaded Count
Uploaded Bytes
Uploaded Count
Time Limit Per Day {Minutes}
Time Remaining {Minutes}
Time Used Today {Minutes}
DownLoad Limit/Day {Kilobytes}
DownLoad Bytes Remaining Today {Bytes}
DownLoaded Today {Bytes}
Current Time {HH:MM}
Current Date {MM-DD-YY}
System Tag Line

Many maildoors now produce (and readers use) a file called
Door.Id that was developed by Greg Hewgill. It is intended
to give the reader information on the capabilities of the
door that produced the packet (and presumably will process
the *.REP produced). It is a straight text file with the
following format. Each line is in the format ControlWord
space equals space value.

This is the name of the door that created the QWK
packet, eg. = Tomcat.

This is the version number of the door that created
the packet, eg. = 2.9.

This is the underlying BBS system type and version,
eg. = Wildcat 2.55.

This is the name to which the reader should send
control messages, eg. = TOMCAT.

This can be one of ADD, DROP, or REQUEST (or others).
ADD and DROP are pretty obvious (they work as in
Markmail), and REQUEST is for use with BBS systems
that support file attachments. Try out SLMR with
CONTROLTYPE = REQUEST and use the Q function.
þ SLMR 2.1a þ The best way to accelerate a Mac is at 9.8 m/sý

RBBS-UTI v2.0 : by Bob Snyder - (703)323-6423/1782 HST

PCRelay:GREYHAWK -> #837 RelayNet (tm)
4.10 DGS -Viper- (410)465-3891 / 461-9943 USR/DS's
BBS: PC Connect
Date: 01-10-92 (01:58) Number: 9136
To: ALL Recvd: NO
Subj: QWK FORMAT 3 - 2345786 Conf: (11) R-QBasic

This flag indicates that the door/BBS is capable of
return receipts when a message is received. If the
first three letters of the subject are RRR, then the
door should strip the RRR and set the 'return-receipt-
requested' flag on the corresponding message.

Filenames used by the *.QWK format

BBSID.QWK is an archive containing the files from the
message door being sent to the caller.

MESSAGES.DAT - a file containing the messages themselves
in 128 byte records.

CONTROL.DAT - a file with info on the system, caller, and
conference names and numbers.

999.NDX - one file for each selected conference that
contains pointers to the messages in MESSAGES.DAT
There are usually several *.NDX files in each
QWK file. (Right justified, padded with leading
zeros to make the 3 characters).

NEWFILES.DAT - an optional file that contains a list
of new files from the Bbs.

BLT-0.99 - optional files containing ascii or ansi
bulletins. The 99 extension is replaced by the
bulletin number (Left justified not padded).

DOOR.ID - an optional text file that contains info
on the capabilities of the door that produced the
QWK packet (so that the reader will only send
control messages that can be handled).

SESSION.TXT - an optional ascii/ansi file containing
info on the activity occuring in the mail door.

Optionally it may also contain ascii or ansi screens for
Welcome, News, and Goodbye as named in the CONTROL.DAT

BBSID.REP is an archive containing a single file of the
messages sent from the caller to the Bbs.

BBSID.MSG - a file containing the messages themselves
in 128 byte records. The format is similar to

Format of the exported messages in Messages.Dat

This file contains records with a length of 128 bytes. There
are 3 types of these records: (1) Packet Header, (2) Message
Header, and (3) Message Text. All unused fields in the
records are normally filled with spaces, although you will
sometimes find the final Message text record will be filled
with nulls (#0) after the last text.

Packet Header

Packet Header - is always the first record in the file and
only occurs once. It contains only normal ascii text
(limitted to at most 128 characters) and should always
start with "Produced by ". The remaining text normally
includes a product name and copyright message.

Message Header

þ SLMR 2.1a þ Death: to stop sinning suddenly.

RBBS-UTI v2.0 : by Bob Snyder - (703)323-6423/1782 HST

PCRelay:GREYHAWK -> #837 RelayNet (tm)
4.10 DGS -Viper- (410)465-3891 / 461-9943 USR/DS's
BBS: PC Connect
Date: 01-10-92 (01:58) Number: 9137
To: ALL Recvd: NO
Subj: QWK FORMAT 4- ALKDFJ Conf: (11) R-QBasic

A message header immediately preceeds zero or more message
text records. Each Message header has the following

Pos Length Description
------ ------ -----------------------------------------
1 1 Message status flag (see below)
2 7 Message number (ascii left justified)
9 8 Date (MM-DD-YY)
17 5 Time (HH:MM)
22 25 To (left justified space filled - uppercase)
(Be sure to check the to field to spot
configuration type messages)
47 25 From (left justified space filled - uppercase)
72 25 Subject (left justified space filled - uppercase)
(a subject starting "NE:" should not be
echoed into a network)
97 12 Password (not really used leave blank)
109 8 Message reference number (ascii left justified)
117 6 Number of blocks (ascii left justified - number
of 128 byte blocks including 1 for the message
123 1 Message active
(á or #225 = Active,
â or #226 = Inactive)
124 2 Conference number (Binary Word) (Lo in 124, Hi
in 125). Note that some older programs only
supported conferences 0 thru 255 and left byte
125 as a "blank" unused field. I recommend
checking the word value and if it is over 8191
to only use the lower (0 thru 255) part of it.
I've also seen notes that this field is really
a 4 byte LongInt field, although with the above
limitation (and 8000 conference seeming sufficient
for a while), I documented it this way.

128 1 Indicates whether the message has a Network
tagline or not. A value of "*" indicates that
a network tagline is present, a value of " "
indicates there isn't. Messages sent to readers
(non-net-status) generally leave this as always
blank since only net utils need this info.

Message Status Flag has the following possibilities:

'`' Comment to sysop, read '~' Comment to sysop, unread
'-' Public, read ' ' Public, unread
'*' Private, read '+' Private, unread
'^' Password protected, read '%' Password protected, unread
'#' Group password, read '!' Group password, unread
'$' Group password to all

Message Text Records

The message text records immediately follow the the message
header. They contain straight ascii text (lines are
normally limitted to 72 chars/line although you may see
longer lines). Each line is followed by a "
" or #227
character to mark the end of the line (in place of the normal
CR/LF that would exist in a straight text file). The text
continues consecutavly and text lines do continue across
block boundaries. Some systems or readers may have problems
with messages longer than 99 lines or 199 lines, although more
recently this no longer seems to be a limit. The last block
should be padded with blanks to fill the block, although on
input you may find it padded with nulls (#0).
Format of Index files
Index files are named XXX.NDX (where XXX is the conference
number padded with leading zeros to make it three characters
long. There is one *.NDX file for each conference chosen that
contains messages in the MESSAGES.DAT file.
The *.NDX file contain records five characters long that point
to each message in that conference.

NdxRecord = Record
MsgPointer: BasicReal
Conference: Byte;
The BasicReal is a four byte number in BASIC MKS$ format.

The following is a sample program unit for TurboPascal that
converts between BasicReal format and LongInt format.

þ SLMR 2.1a þ Prepositions are not a good thing to end a sentence with.

RBBS-UTI v2.0 : by Bob Snyder - (703)323-6423/1782 HST

PCRelay:GREYHAWK -> #837 RelayNet (tm)
4.10 DGS -Viper- (410)465-3891 / 461-9943 USR/DS's
BBS: PC Connect
Date: 01-10-92 (01:58) Number: 9138
To: ALL Recvd: NO
Subj: QWK FORMAT 5 -WEQUIY Conf: (11) R-QBasic

Unit BasicConvert;

Function BasicReal2Long(InValue: LongInt): LongInt;
{Convert Basic Short Reals to LongInts}

Function Long2BasicReal(InValue: LongInt): LongInt;
{Convert LongInts to Basic Short Reals}


Function BasicReal2Long(InValue: LongInt): LongInt;

Temp: LongInt;
Negative: Boolean;
Expon: Integer;

If InValue And $00800000 <> 0 Then
Negative := True
Negative := False;
Expon := InValue shr 24;
Expon := Expon and $ff;
Temp := InValue and $007FFFFF;
Temp := Temp or $00800000;
Expon := Expon - 152;
If Expon < 0 Then Temp := Temp shr Abs(Expon)
Else Temp := Temp shl Expon;
If Negative Then
BasicReal2Long := -Temp
BasicReal2Long := Temp;
If Expon = 0 Then
BasicReal2Long := 0;

Function Long2BasicReal(InValue: LongInt): LongInt;
Negative: Boolean;
Expon: LongInt;

If InValue = 0 Then
Long2BasicReal := 0
If InValue < 0 Then
Negative := True;
InValue := Abs(InValue);
Negative := False;
Expon := 152;
If InValue < $007FFFFF Then
While ((InValue and $00800000) = 0) Do
InValue := InValue shl 1;
While ((InValue And $FF000000) <> 0) Do
InValue := InValue shr 1;
InValue := InValue And $007FFFFF;
If Negative Then
InValue := InValue Or $00800000;
Long2BasicReal := InValue + (Expon shl 24);


þ SLMR 2.1a þ 76% of those polled felt polls asked trivial questions.

RBBS-UTI v2.0 : by Bob Snyder - (703)323-6423/1782 HST

PCRelay:GREYHAWK -> #837 RelayNet (tm)
4.10 DGS -Viper- (410)465-3891 / 461-9943 USR/DS's
BBS: PC Connect
Date: 01-10-92 (01:58) Number: 9139
To: ALL Recvd: NO
Subj: QWK FORMAT 6 -WIERYU Conf: (11) R-QBasic


A quick and dirty conversion (handles positive numbers only) is possible
with the following expression:

MKSToNum := ((x AND NOT $ff000000) OR $00800000)
SHR (24 - ((x SHR 24) AND $7f));


The number contained in the MsgPointer is the record number
(128 byte records - starting numbering from record 1 not 0)
of the message header. Note that since the 1st record contains
packet header, the lowest MsgPointer that can exist is 2.

Some message readers will reformat the *.NDX files so that the
MsgPointer becomes a LongInt fileseek position (using a record
size of 1). To determine which type of index you are reading
you should look at the size of the number. Any BasicReal will
appear as a huge number that would unlikely ever be a byte
seek positon.


Format of the BBSID.REP file for replies

The record format of the BBSID.MSG file in the BBSID.REP file
is exactly identical to the MESSAGES.DAT format except the
packet header which now is filled with blanks except that it
contains the BBSID as the first few characters.

On the Message Headers there is also one change. The ascii
field which normally contains the message number is now filled
(in ascii) with the conference number of the message. Note
that some readers which place the conference number here,
neglect to fill in the normal Message Header conference
number field.


<<<<< END THIS GROUP 6 OF 6 >>>>>
þ SLMR 2.1a þ Have you hugged an electric fence today?

RBBS-UTI v2.0 : by Bob Snyder - (703)323-6423/1782 HST

PCRelay:GREYHAWK -> #837 RelayNet (tm)
4.10 DGS -Viper- (410)465-3891 / 461-9943 USR/DS's

  3 Responses to “Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : QBFAQR01.ZIP
Filename : QWKFMT.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: